473 research outputs found

    Gestión y Gobernanza en el Desarrollo Metropolitano de Toluca 2011-2018

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    La presente investigación tiene como objetivo analizar los componentes de gestión metropolitana que existen en México, destacando sus características y atributos principales, sus estructuras y la forma en la operan, ello con el propósito de identificar sus alcances y limitaciones en el marco de una gestión con un enfoque de gobernanza, misma que aporta elementos para el desarrollo de propuestas que apoyen las actividades de la estructura gubernamental existente. El referente de análisis es el sistema de gestión de la Zona Metropolitana de Toluca (ZMT), considerado uno de los esquemas representativos del país en la configuración e implementación de estrategias para este ámbito, identificando atributos en lo jurídico, organizacional y en la incorporación de instrumentos de planeación y financiamiento.En el marco del desarrollo metropolitano en México, el gobierno y la sociedad han planteado diversas estrategias para gestionar las zonas metropolitanas; principalmente, se observa el reforzamiento del marco jurídico dirigido a facilitar la coordinación metropolitana; la incorporación de organismos que promueven la asociación intermunicipal; y el diseño de instrumentos que complementan el financiamiento y planeación de estrategias a esta escala. Aún con estos atributos, se observa que las metrópolis enfrentan un estado de crisis, sobre todo se percibe, la carencia de sustentabilidad en el ambiente urbano, altos niveles de segregación, exclusión y pobreza, riesgos de baja productividad y el incremento de sus problemáticas urbanas. Si se busca alcanzar altos entandares de bienestar, progreso y desarrollo, se deben dirigir, e incluso reorientar, las estrategias de gestión implementadas, lo cual se ha identificado como un factor estratégico que fortalece e incrementa los beneficios que ofrecen estos espacios

    Intimidad sexual y depresión en pacientes con insuficiencia renal crónica en el distrito de Trujillo

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la relación entre la intimidad sexual y la depresión en pacientes con insuficiencia renal crónica en el distrito de Trujillo. Dicho estudio es no experimental, de tipo transversal correlacional. La muestra estuvo conformada por 133 pacientes mayores de 18 años que se encontraban sometidos al tratamiento de hemodiálisis, mantenían una relación conyugal y a su vez asistían con regularidad a las clínicas pertenecientes a una corporación privada en el distrito de Trujillo. Los instrumentos que se emplearon fueron: Escala de Intimidad en Parejas y el Inventario de Depresión de Beck (IDB – II). Se hallo correlación indirecta entre la intimidad sexual y la depresión, así mismo entre las dimensiones de intimidad sexual (contacto físico y confianza, auto divulgación y satisfacción sexual, ternura, deseo, expresión del amor, caricias, contacto emocional) y las dimensiones de depresión (área cognitiva, área afectiva, área motivacional, área física, área conductual)

    Determinación del factor de sobre resistencia en estructuras aporticadas de concreto armado con aisladores de base tipo LRB mediante un análisis estático no lineal (PUSHOVER), Trujillo

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    RESUMEN La presente tesis tiene por objetivo determinar el factor de sobre resistencia en estructuras aporticadas de concreto armado con aisladores de base tipo LRB mediante un análisis estático no lineal (Pushover), con la finalidad de estipular un factor que se adapte a las solicitaciones sísmicas de nuestro país, debido a que en nuestra actual norma de diseño sismorresistente no se contempla dicho factor, que permite pasar de un espectro elástico a uno inelástico para diseñar adecuadamente. La tesis se divide en 5 capítulos, en el primer capítulo se presenta una descripción de los problemas que conllevan a realizar la tesis, como son la falta de normas propias de nuestro país, la presencia constante de sismos, y las nuevas tecnologías de protección sísmica; la justificación, que se basa en investigaciones desarrolladas por el Dr. Roberto Aguiar Falconí, en cuanto al procedimiento para encontrar el factor de sobre resistencia y Constantinou, M. & Kalpakidis, I, en cuanto al diseño de aisladores sísmicos; se presentan también las limitaciones que se tuvieron para el desarrollo de la tesis, como son las capacitaciones en cuanto al diseño de aisladores y por último el objetivo fundamental que será el factor de sobre resistencia. En el segundo capítulo se describen los antecedentes de trabajos realizados con la finalidad de demostrar que los procedimientos tienes fundamento valido y por ende la obtención de resultados confiables; para fundamentar más la tesis se presentan las bases teóricas con las cuales se realizaran todos los cálculos necesarios para hallar dicho factor, las bases teóricas se subdividen en el aislamiento sísmico, el concreto estructural, el análisis dinámico modal espectral, el análisis no lineal estático (Pushover), el factor de reducción de sobre resistencia y la modelación estructural mediante el programa educativo ETABS. En el tercer capítulo se describe la metodología de trabajo que se realizara en función de datos y procedimientos estadísticos. En el cuarto capítulo se presentan los resultados obtenidos del análisis, se inicia por los resultados completos de un modelo estructural, como son el diseño de sus aisladores, el diseño de sus elementos estructurales, y la obtención de la curva de capacidad; y la obtención de su factor de sobre resistencia, por último, se presentan los resultados de los factores de sobre resistencia de todos los modelos a analizar. En el quinto capítulo se mencionan las discusiones en cuanto a los resultados obtenidos, de los cuales se interpretan para tener una respuesta más clara de dichos resultados. Posteriormente se presentan las conclusiones, las recomendaciones, las referencias y los anexos.ABSTRACT The objective of this thesis is to determine the over strength factor in reinforced concrete structures with LRB type insulators using a non-linear static analysis (Pushover), in order to stipulate a factor that adapts to the seismic stresses of our country, due to the fact that in our current seismic design norm, this factor is not considered, which allows us to go from an elastic spectrum to an inelastic spectrum to design properly. The thesis is divided into 5 chapters, the first chapter presents a description of the problems that lead to the thesis, such as the lack of proper standards of our country, the constant presence of earthquakes, and new seismic protection technologies ; the justification, which is based on research developed by Dr. Roberto Aguiar Falconí, regarding the procedure to find the over-resistance factor and Constantinou, M. & Kalpakidis, I, regarding the design of seismic isolators; the limitations that were had for the development of the thesis are also presented, as are the trainings in terms of the design of insulators and finally the fundamental objective that will be the factor of over resistance. In the second chapter we describe the background of work done in order to demonstrate that the procedures have a valid basis and therefore obtain reliable results; to further substantiate the thesis the theoretical bases are presented with which all the necessary calculations will be made to find this factor, the theoretical bases are subdivided into seismic isolation, structural concrete, spectral modal dynamic analysis, static nonlinear analysis ( Pushover), the factor of over-strength reduction and structural modeling through the ETABS program. The third chapter describes the work methodology that will be carried out based on statistical data and procedures. In the fourth chapter, the results obtained from the analysis are presented, starting with the complete results of a structural model, such as the design of its insulators, the design of its structural elements, and the obtaining of the capacity curve; and the obtaining of its over-resistance factor, finally, the results of the over-resistance factors of all the models to be analyzed are presented. In the fifth chapter the discussions are mentioned regarding the results obtained, of which they are interpreted to have a clearer answer of said results. Subsequently, the conclusions, recommendations, references and annexes are presented

    A review of sensing technologies for gas nerve agents, through the use of agent mimics in the gas phase: future needs

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    The aim of the work presented in this review is to present a detailed summary of the current sensing technology available within the scientific literature for the detection of nerve agent simulants in the gas phase, focussing on the recognised sarin surrogate: dimethyl methylphonate (DMMP). The use of simulants for the development of sensing technology has been widely established for nerve agents to reduce the potential risk to personnel and to offer a realistic, simple molecule to try and test the technology. The present review compiles a comparison of different sensors and their respective sensing mechanisms. These sensing technologies are then compared to the U.S environmental protection agencies standard for concentration of Sarin at 15 ppb (known lethal dose). Only some work developed using semiconductor detectors present a reliable system able to detect DMMP with low LoD (0.05 ppb), fast response time (0.02 mins) and good recovery times (0.5 min)

    A smart chitosan-graphite molecular imprinted composite for the effective trapping and sensing of Dimethyl Methylphosphonate based on changes in resistance.

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    A molecular imprinted polymer (MIP) fabricated from a chitosan doped with graphite to create a conductive composite (CG-MIC) with the ability to trap and detect dimethyl methylphosphonate (DMMP) through a change in resistance of the material has been successfully manufactured. The GC-MIC presented a maximum trapping capacity of 96 ppm (0.096 mg/g) of DMMP. A similar non-imprinted composite made of chitosan-graphite (CG-NIC) had a surface adsorption of 48 ppm (0.048 mg/g) of DMMP. The manufacturing process was tested for consistency and there were no significant differences in resistance between batches of CG-MIC before (around 450 Ω) and after (around 70 Ω) DMMP extraction, representing a homogeneous manufacturing process. Although Atomic Force Microscopy studies revealed that the graphite was not homogenously distributed throughout the chitosan matrix, the response was consistent. The changes in the concentration of DMMP within the self-sensing material, being proportional to those in gas concentration, could be followed by the changes in resistance. The inclusion of common interferences: Acetic acid, acetone, ethanol, ammonium hydroxide and 2-propanol, equivalent in concentration to the DMMP, caused a change in the resistance of the material but did not substantially affect the specific resistance response of the composite material. Based on this data, the CG-MIC could be used as a smart material with sensing capabilities to monitor trapping levels of DMMP

    Objective metrics for functional evaluation of upper limb during the ADL of drinking: application in SCI

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    Three-dimensional kinematic analysis provides quantitative assessment of upper limb motion and is used as an outcome measure to evaluate movement disorders. The aim of the present study is to present a set of kinematic metrics for quantifying characteristics of movement performance and the functional status of the subject during the execution of the activity of daily living (ADL) of drinking from a glass. Then, the objective is to apply these metrics in healthy people and a population with cervical spinal cord injury (SCI), and to analyze the metrics ability to discriminate between healthy and pathologic people. 19 people participated in the study: 7 subjects with metameric level C6 tetraplegia, 4 subjects with metameric level C7 tetraplegia and 8 healthy subjects. The movement was recorded with a photogrammetry system. The ADL of drinking was divided into a series of clearly identifiable phases to facilitate analysis. Metrics describing the time of the reaching phase, the range of motion of the joints analyzed, and characteristics of movement performance such as the efficiency, accuracy and smoothness of the distal segment and inter-joint coordination were obtained. The performance of the drinking task was more variable in people with SCI compared to the control group in relation to the metrics measured. Reaching time was longer in SCI groups. The proposed metrics showed capability to discriminate between healthy and pathologic people. Relative deficits in efficiency were larger in SCI people than in controls. These metrics can provide useful information in a clinical setting about the quality of the movement performed by healthy and SCI people during functional activities

    Electropolymerization of metallo-octaethylporphyrins: a study to explore their sensing capabilities

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    The electropolymerization of metallo-octaethylporphyrins (OEP) containing copper, zinc or nickel metal were performed using cyclic voltammetry at three different potential ranges. The electropolymerized porphyrins were characterized by UV-Vis and Raman spectroscopies and the Soret band (393–445 nm) and Raman bands were used to assess the degree of electropolymerization obtained. The application for an analytical use of the modified electrodes to determine phenobarbital in aqueous solution was evaluated. The electropolymerized CuOEP produced at potentials ranging from 0.0 to 2.2 V was the best performer with a limit of detection (LoD) of 10 mg L−1 (43.07 µM), a linear range of 10–150 mg L−1 (43.07 to 646 µM), an average precision of 4.3% (%RSD) and an average % recovery of 101.34%. These results indicate that the CuOEP-modified electrode is suitable for the analysis of phenobarbital in human samples, as the concentration range varies from 10 to 40 mg L−1 (43.07 to 172.27 µM), typically found in antiepileptic treatments, to those at the toxic level (172–258 µM) or lethal levels (345–650 µM)

    Tratamientos innovadores utilizados en el manejo de las heridas crónicas

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    RESUMENIntroducción: Del tipo de tratamiento y la eficacia del mismo depende la evolución y la mejora en la calidad de vida del paciente con heridas crónicas; existen diversos tratamientos para las heridas crónicas de acuerdo con el tipo de lesión, la duración del tratamiento y los factores individuales del paciente. Los diversos tratamientos innovadores demuestran resultados favorables en cuanto a la reducción del tiempo y el tamaño de las heridas crónicas. Este artículo tiene como objetivo describir los tratamientos innovadores utilizados en el manejo de las heridas crónicas, de uso poco frecuente en las clínicas de heridas. Metodología: revisión de la literatura estructurada en tres fases: recolección de artículos en bases de datos como Scopus, Pubmed, Dialnet, Ebscohots, y Elsevier; uso de palabras clave como pie diabético, herida crónica y úlcera por presión; revisión y clasificación de 50 artículos en idioma español, inglés y portugués. Resultados: se registraron 12 tratamientos innovadores para el manejo de las heridas cónicas, cada uno con evidencia científica de su utilidad en los distintos tipos de heridas crónicas. Conclusión: conocer nuevos tratamientos ayuda al enfermero a ampliar las opciones de intervención, presentar alternativas de tratamiento de menor costo, o más rápida dependiendo del tipo de herida y la condición del paciente.PALABRAS CLAVE: Úlcera de la Pierna, pie diabético, úlcera por presión.INNOVATIVE TREATMENTS USED IN THE HANDLING OF CHRONIC WOUNDSABSTRACTIntroduction: The type of treatment and its efficacy depends on the evolution and the improvement of the quality of life of the patient with chronic wounds; diverse treatments exist for chronic wounds according to the type of injury, duration of the treatment, and the individual factors of the patient. The diverse innovative treatments demonstrate favorable results in terms of reduction of time and size of chronic wounds. This article has as its objective to describe the innovative treatments used in the handling of chronic wounds, of infrequent use in wound care centers. Methodology: review of the structured literature in three phases: recollection of articles in databases such as Scopus, Pubmed, Dialnet, Ebscohots, and Elsevier; use of keywords such as diabetic foot, chronic wound, and pressure ulcer; review and classification of 50 articles in Spanish, English, and Portuguese. Results: 12 innovative treatments were registered for the handling of chronic wounds, each one with scientific evidence of their utility in the different types of chronic wounds. Conclusion: determine new treatments helps the nurse to extent the intervention options, and present treatment alternatives of lower cost or faster treatment depending on the type of wound and the condition of the patient.KEYWORDS: Leg ulcer, diabetic foot, pressure ulcerTRATAMENTOS INOVADORES UTILIZADOS NO MANEJO DAS FERIDAS CRÓNICASRESUMO Introdução: Do tipo de tratamento e da eficácia do mesmo depende a evolução e a melhora na qualidade de vida do paciente com feridas crónicas; existem   diversos tratamentos para as feridas crónicas de acordo ao tipo de lesão, à duração do tratamento, e aos fatores individuais do paciente. Os diversos tratamentos inovadores demostram resultados favoráveis em quanto à redução do tempo e o tamanho das feridas crónicas. Este artigo tem como objetivo descrever os tratamentos inovadores utilizados no manejo das feridas crónicas, de uso pouco frequente nas clínicas de feridas. Metodologia: revisão da literatura estruturada em três fases: recolecção de artigos em bases de dados como Scopus, Pubmed, Dialnet, Ebscohots e Elsevier; uso de palavras chave como pé diabético, ferida crónica e úlcera por pressão; revisão e classificação de 50 artigos em idioma Espanhol, Inglês e Português. Resultados: registraram-se 12 tratamentos inovadores para o manejo das feridas cónicas, cada um com evidencia científica de sua utilidade nos diferentes tipos de feridas crónicas. Conclusão: o conhecimento de novos tratamentos ajuda ao enfermeiro a ampliar as opções de intervenção, apresentando alternativas de tratamento mais rápidas ou de menor custo, dependendo do tipo de ferida e da condição do paciente.Palavras-chave: Pé diabético, Úlcera da Perna, Úlcera por pressão