414 research outputs found


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    During the 1960’s as conflict between Namibian rebels and South African forces increased and the South West African People’s Organisation (SWAPO) was founded, a kind of political-autobiographical literature appeared in Namibia. According to the writer and revolutionary Frantz Fanon, “this may be properly called a literature of combat, in the sense that calls on the whole people to fight for their existence as a nation” (155).  Key words: SWAPO, Namibia, Autobiography, John Ya-Ott

    Analysis and test of the central-blue-spot infall hallmark

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    The infall of material onto a protostar, in the case of optically thick line emission, produces an asymmetry in the blue- and red-wing line emission. For an angularly resolved emission, this translates in a blue central spot in the first-order moment (intensity weighted velocity) map. An analytical expression for the first-order moment intensity as a function of the projected distance was derived, for the cases of infinite and finite infall radius. The effect of a finite angular resolution, which requires the numerical convolution with the beam, was also studied. This method was applied to existing data of several star-forming regions, namely G31.41+0.31 HMC, B335, and LDN 1287, obtaining good fits to the first-order moment intensity maps, and deriving values of the central masses onto which the infall is taking place (G31.41+0.31 HMC: 70-120 MM_\odot; B335: 0.1 MM_\odot; Guitar Core of LDN 1287: 4.8 MM_\odot). The central-blue-spot infall hallmark appears to be a robust and reliable indicator of infall.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    Alkemio: association of chemicals with biomedical topics by text and data mining

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    The PubMed(R) database of biomedical citations allows the retrieval of scientific articles studying the function of chemicals in biology and medicine. Mining millions of available citations to search reported associations between chemicals and topics of interest would require substantial human time. We have implemented the Alkemio text mining web tool and SOAP web service to help in this task. The tool uses biomedical articles discussing chemicals (including drugs), predicts their relatedness to the query topic with a naïve Bayesian classifier and ranks all chemicals by P-values computed from random simulations. Benchmarks on seven human pathways showed good retrieval performance (areas under the receiver operating characteristic curves ranged from 73.6 to 94.5%). Comparison with existing tools to retrieve chemicals associated to eight diseases showed the higher precision and recall of Alkemio when considering the top 10 candidate chemicals. Alkemio is a high performing web tool ranking chemicals for any biomedical topics and it is free to non-commercial users. Availability: http://cbdm.mdc-berlin.de/∼medlineranker/cms/alkemio

    Els videojocs com a recurs educatiu musical

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    Treball Final de Grau en Mestre o Mestra d'Educació Primària. Codi: MP1040. Curs acadèmic: 2020/2021Actualment ens trobem en un temps on la tecnologia ha evolucionat de tal forma que s'ha introduït en les nostres vides, ja que en tot moment estem envoltats d'ella, quan veiem les últimes notícies, per fer exercici, comprar, escoltar música, veure documents importants als nostres telèfons intel·ligents… Aquests canvis que està "sofrint" la societat, es van incorporant i adaptant al nostre dia a dia, mentre que per als més petits no ocorre de la mateixa manera. Ells han nascut en un temps on no veuen la necessitat d'adquirir noves formes d'entreteniment, ja que aquestes es troben incloses en la seua vida. S'ha de tindre en compte que els videojocs estan relacionats amb els jocs més tradicionals, i que aquests jocs tradicionals es porten a terme avui en dia mitjançant una pantalla. Cal entendre el joc com una eina educativa que el docent pot utilitzar per portar a terme diferents tipus d'activitats d'ensenyament, així com desenvolupar aprenentatges significatius, en els quals es poden desenvolupar com a persones. Per tant, en aquesta intervenció es vol demostrar com el videojoc pot ser un recurs metodològic d'aprenentatge d'alguns continguts en concret, partint de les idees del joc i del fet de jugar. Per portar-ho a terme s'introduirà un videojoc, Rhythm Paradise, en l'aula, d'aquesta manera podrem treballar el concepte de ritme envers una metodologia més tradicional. Per concloure, es farà una anàlisi dels resultats obtinguts que demostren si s'han aconseguit els resultats proposats mitjançant l'ús del videojoc, i si aquests han sigut millors que utilitzant una metodologia tradicional.(...).En la actualidad nos encontramos en un tiempo donde la tecnología ha evolucionado de tal forma que se ha introducido en nuestras vidas, ya que en todo momento estamos envueltos en ella, cuando vemos las últimas noticias, para hacer ejercicio, comprar, escoltar música, ver documentos importantes en nuestros teléfonos inteligentes, etc… Estos cambios que está “sufriendo” la sociedad, se van incorporando y adaptando a nuestro día a día, mientras que para los más pequeños no ocurre de la misma manera. Ellos han nacido en un tiempo donde no ven la necesidad de adquirir nuevas formas de entretenimiento, ya que estas se encuentran incluidas en su vida. Se ha de tener en cuenta que los videojuegos están relacionados con los juegos más tradicionales, y que este juego tradicional se lleva a término hoy en día mediante una pantalla. Hay que entender el juego como una herramienta educativa que el docente puede utilizar para llevar a cabo diferentes tipos de actividades de enseñanza, así como desarrollar aprendizajes significativos, en los que se pueden desarrollar como personas. Por tanto, en esta intervención se quiere demostrar como el videojuego puede ser un recurso metodológico de aprendizaje de algunos contenidos en concreto, partiendo de las ideas del juego y del hecho de jugar. Para llevarlo a cabo se introducirá un videojuego, Rhythm Paradise, en el aula, de esta manera podremos trabajar el concepto de ritmo en verso una metodología más tradicional. Para finalizar, se hará un análisis de los resultados obtenidos que demuestran si se han conseguido los resultados propuestos mediante el uso del videojuego, y si estos han sido mejores que utilizando una metodología tradicional.Nowadays we are in a moment where technology has envolved in order to, introduce it in our lifes, because in it all the time we are wrapped, when we watch the news, to do exercice, buy, listen, to music, watch important documents in our smart phones… This changes, that the society is “suffering”, are incorporating and adapting at our diary daily routines of her wife, with the smallest don’t occur at the same way. They have been born in a time where don’t have the necessity get news entertainment ways, because these are included in their life. The video games are related with more traditional games, and these traditional games are carried out today through a screen. The game has to be understood as an educational tool that a teacher can use as different a type of teaching, as developing significant learning, in which they can be developed as people. Therefore, in this intervention it is shown how the video games can be a methodological learning resource to some contents in particular from the ideas of the games and the fact of playing. Carrying it out, a video game is introduced, Rhythm Paradise, in class. This way we can work the rhythm concept from a more traditional methodology. In conclusion, an analysis of the obtained results will be done that they show if the results proposed are obtained through the use of video games, and if there have been better than the use of traditional methodology

    Foot orthoses for people with rheumatoid arthritis, involving quantitative and qualitative outcomes : protocol for a randomised controlled trial

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    Introduction: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) involves changes to foot structure and function, and there is an association between RA and foot pain. This pain affects those patient’s physical activity and experience of daily living. While there is clinical evidence for the value of foot orthoses (FO) on foot pain, there is a wide range of FO available and there is little evidence on the relative benefits of one orthoses type over another, especially in terms of their impact on physical activity and associated well-being. The aim of this study is to compare physical activity, general and foot health and foot health experiences in people with RA when wearing three different types of FO. Methods and analysis: A randomised controlled trial with three arms will compare the effects of (1) custom FO made using a direct adaptation technique, (2) custom FO made through a digital design and production process and (3) prefabricated orthoses. The primary outcome is physical activity measured using a GENEActiv bracelet. Secondary outcomes will be pain, function and disability and associated foot and general health evaluated using existing questionnaires. Semistructured interviews will identify patients’ experiences of the orthoses and living with RA. Ethics and dissemination: The study has been approved by the Portal de Ética de la Investigación Biomédica de Andalucía ethical committee (SPAR-001). The results will be disseminated regardless of the magnitude or direction of effect. Trial registration number: NCT03170947; Pre-results

    Variations in the Thickness of the Plantar Fascia After Training Based in Training Race. A Pilot Study

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    Plantar fascia (PF) is a connective tissue made up of mostly type 1 collagen that is subjected to constant loads. This study evaluated the effect of continuous running on tissue stress in the PF by measuring changes in the thickness of the PF using ultrasound scans. It was a cross-sectional study involving 24 runners from the University of Valencia, recruited as volunteers between December 2018 and February 2019. A variety of data was recorded: (age, body mass index, type of footwear, number of workouts per week, KM run per week, sports injuries in the last year, pre and postrace ultrasound PF measurements). There were significant differences in the 3 postrace measurements of the left foot (<0.001). PF thicknesses were measured before and after running, with a minimal average difference of 0.4 mm in the medial and central fascicles, and 0.3 mm in the lateral fascicle. We observed PF thicknesses above 4mm in asymptomatic patients with no signs of vascularisation, proving that increased PF thickness is not the only criterion for diagnosis of plantar fasciitis

    Imaging the Inner and Outer Gaps of the Pre-Transitional Disk of HD 169142 at 7 mm

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    We present Very Large Array observations at 7 mm that trace the thermal emission of large dust grains in the HD 169142 protoplanetary disk. Our images show a ring of enhanced emission of radius ~25-30 AU, whose inner region is devoid of detectable 7 mm emission. We interpret this ring as tracing the rim of an inner cavity or gap, possibly created by a planet or a substellar companion. The ring appears asymmetric, with the western part significantly brighter than the eastern one. This azimuthal asymmetry is reminiscent of the lopsided structures that are expected to be produced as a consequence of trapping of large dust grains. Our observations also reveal an outer annular gap at radii from ~40 to ~70 AU. Unlike other sources, the radii of the inner cavity, the ring, and the outer gap observed in the 7 mm images, which trace preferentially the distribution of large (mm/cm sized) dust grains, coincide with those obtained from a previous near-infrared polarimetric image, which traces scattered light from small (micron- sized) dust grains. We model the broad-band spectral energy distribution and the 7 mm images to constrain the disk physical structure. From this modeling we infer the presence of a small (radius ~0.6 AU) residual disk inside the central cavity, indicating that the HD 169142 disk is a pre-transitional disk. The distribution of dust in three annuli with gaps in between them suggests that the disk in HD 169142 is being disrupted by at least two planets or substellar objects.Comment: Accepted by ApJ Letters, 16 pages, 3 figures, ApJ Letters 201

    A Genomic Perspective Across Earth's Microbiomes Reveals That Genome Size in Archaea and Bacteria Is Linked to Ecosystem Type and Trophic Strategy

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    Our view of genome size in Archaea and Bacteria has remained skewed as the data has been dominated by genomes of microorganisms that have been cultivated under laboratory settings. However, the continuous effort to catalog Earth's microbiomes, specifically propelled by recent extensive work on uncultivated microorganisms, provides an opportunity to revise our perspective on genome size distribution. We present a meta-analysis that includes 26,101 representative genomes from 3 published genomic databases; metagenomic assembled genomes (MAGs) from GEMs and stratfreshDB, and isolates from GTDB. Aquatic and host-associated microbial genomes present on average the smallest estimated genome sizes (3.1 and 3.0 Mbp, respectively). These are followed by terrestrial microbial genomes (average 3.7 Mbp), and genomes from isolated microorganisms (average 4.3 Mbp). On the one hand, aquatic and host-associated ecosystems present smaller genomes sizes in genera of phyla with genome sizes above 3 Mbp. On the other hand, estimated genome size in phyla with genomes under 3 Mbp showed no difference between ecosystems. Moreover, we observed that when using 95% average nucleotide identity (ANI) as an estimator for genetic units, only 3% of MAGs cluster together with genomes from isolated microorganisms. Although there are potential methodological limitations when assembling and binning MAGs, we found that in genome clusters containing both environmental MAGs and isolate genomes, MAGs were estimated only an average 3.7% smaller than isolate genomes. Even when assembly and binning methods introduce biases, estimated genome size of MAGs and isolates are very similar. Finally, to better understand the ecological drivers of genome size, we discuss on the known and the overlooked factors that influence genome size in different ecosystems, phylogenetic groups, and trophic strategies

    Risk factors and associated factors for calcaneal apophysitis (Sever’s disease) a systematic review

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    Objectives The aim of this review was to identify the potential intrinsic and extrinsic risk factors (RFs), associated factors (AFs) and consequences of developing calcaneal apophysitis (CA). Design Systematic review. Data sources Cochrane Library, Embase, Medline Ovid, PubMed, Web of Science and Evidence, searched from inception to April 2021. Eligibility criteria We included cohort, case–control and cross-sectional studies that were conducted in patients younger than 18 years who were exposed to RFs or who presented with factors associated with developing CA. Studies in languages other than English or Spanish were excluded. Data extraction and synthesis Two reviewers worked independently to evaluate the risk of bias of included studies. The Newcastle–Ottawa Scale (adapted version) was used. Results A total of 736 studies were identified and 11 observational studies fully met the inclusion criteria, including 1265 participants with a mean age of 10.72 years. Four studies identified extrinsic factors, 10 identified intrinsic factors and three identified both. The extrinsic and intrinsic RFs, AFs and consequences of CA include limitation of ankle dorsiflexion, foot alignment, stiffness and mobility of the midfoot, plantar pressures and ground reaction force, body mass index, age, gender, presence of other osteochondroses and practice of sport. The risk of bias varied, being either moderate or low. Conclusions Regarding the factors and consequences associated with CA (Sever’s disease), ankle dorsiflexion limitation is the most frequent intrinsic factor studied, followed by peak plantar pressures and foot malalignment. However, disagreements between the investigators of the included studies were found; in some cases, there is a lack of unanimity between different studies as to which factors are considered to be RFs, AFs and consequences. PROSPERO registration number CRD42021246366