777 research outputs found

    Influence of dissociative recombination on the LTE of argon high-frequency plasmas at atmospheric pressure

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    This work presents a few preliminary results from a collisional-radiative (CR) model intended to describe an argon microwave (2.45 GHz) plasma at atmospheric pressure. This model aims to investigate the influence of dissociative recombination products on the Saha-Boltzmann plasma equilibrium. The model is tested through comparison with experimental results obtained in an argon plasma column generated by a traveling electromagnetic surface-wave, which is suitable to perform a parametric investigation of the plasma. It is shown that dissociative recombination predominantly populates the 4s levels and the ground state. It is further observed that it strongly influences the population of the levels, specially those of lower energy. However, the higher levels (close to the ionization limit) appear to be in equilibrium whatever the plasma density. This allows assuming that the excitation temperature Texc determined from the upper levels in the atomic system in the Boltzmann-plot is equal to Te.Comment: 12th International Congress on Plasma Physics, 25-29 October 2004, Nice (France

    Fluxos migratórios na globalização: imigração senegalesa no extremo sul do Brasil

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    Entre os anos de 2013 e 2014, ocorreu no Brasil uma onda imigratória contemporânea, dessa vez proveniente do Haiti e do continente Africano. Percentualmente, nas duas últimas décadas, a população do continente africano foi a que mais imigrou para o Brasil. Sob essa perspectiva, por meio deste estudo será abordado o fenômeno social das migrações, mais precisamente a problematizar a imigração senegalesa no município de Rio Grande, no Rio Grande do Sul (RS). Diante disso, a questão central a ser trabalhada nesse artigo é: Qual a influência dos fluxos migratórios, no caso da senegalesa, nas reconfigurações das dinâmicas sociais no município de Rio Grande? O objetivo geral é analisar a reconfiguração de dinâmicas sociais locais junto aos fluxos imigratórios na atualidade, em especial a partir do ano de 2010. A pesquisa é qualitativa, e é realizada através de pesquisa exploratória, observação direta, depoimentos de imigrantes e analise de conteúdo em reportagens jornalísticas. Desse modo, o estudo reflete também sobre o fluxo migratório e as inter-relações entre os senegaleses e a população riograndina no mercado de trabalho e na organização política

    A redemocratização em contexto local: uma análise da atuação das oposições ao regime civil-militar em Rio Grande (RS)

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    O município de Rio Grande (RS) foi considerado “área de segurança nacional” durante o regime civil-militar (1964-1985), o que, entre outras implicações, fazia com que o prefeito fosse nomeado e só ocorressem eleições diretas para a Câmara de Vereadores. No período de redemocratização (1983-1985), PMDB e PDT, os partidos de oposição à ditadura e ao chefe do executivo municipal, tinham maioria das cadeiras e realizavam o enfrentamento ao PDS, legenda do prefeito e de apoio ao golpe de 1964. A pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar os embates ocorridos na Câmara de Vereadores de Rio Grande entre essas forças políticas, no contexto do término da ditadura. Utiliza como fontes a análise das atas da Câmara Municipal, nas quais foram encontrados elementos que resgatam a história do período e demonstram que a oposição denunciava as condições nas quais se encontrava o município e o país, além de alimentar um sentimento de união entre os partidos que lutavam pelo retorno da democracia no Brasil, enquanto os vereadores governistas evitavam ingressar nesse debate

    Adaptation of Applications to Compare Development Frameworks in Deep Learning for Decentralized Android Applications

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    Not all frameworks used in machine learning and deep learning integrate with Android, which requires some prerequisites. The primary objective of this paper is to present the results of the analysis and a comparison of deep learning development frameworks, which can be adapted into fully decentralized Android apps from a cloud server. As a work methodology, we develop and/or modify the test applications that these frameworks offer us a priori in such a way that it allows an equitable comparison of the analysed characteristics of interest. These parameters are related to attributes that a user would consider, such as (1) percentage of success; (2) battery consumption; and (3) power consumption of the processor. After analysing numerical results, the proposed framework that best behaves in relation to the analysed characteristics for the development of an Android application is TensorFlow, which obtained the best score against Caffe2 and Snapdragon NPE in the percentage of correct answers, battery consumption, and device CPU power consumption. Data consumption was not considered because we focus on decentralized cloud storage applications in this study

    Effect of positioning on the accuracy of decision making of association football top-class referees and assistant referees during competitive matches

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    The aim of this study was to examine the effect of positioning on the correctness of decision making of top-class referees and assistant referees during international games. Match analyses were carried out during the Fe´de´ration Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) Confederations Cup 2009 and 380 foul play incidents and 165 offside situations were examined. The error percentage for the referees when indicating the incidents averaged 14%. The lowest error percentage occurred in the central area of the field, where the collaboration of the assistant referee is limited, and was achieved when indicating the incidents from a distance of 11–15 m, whereas this percentage peaked (23%) in the last 15-min match period. The error rate for the assistant referees was 13%. Distance of the assistant referee to the offside line did not have an impact on the quality of the offside decision. The risk of making incorrect decisions was reduced when the assistant referees viewed the offside situations from an angle between 46 and 608. Incorrect offside decisions occurred twice as often in the second as in the first half of the games. Perceptual-cognitive training sessions specific to the requirements of the game should be implemented in the weekly schedule of football officials to reduce the overall error rate

    Physical Demands of Top-class Soccer Assistant Refereeing During High-standard Matches

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    This study examined the physical demands experienced by top-class assistant referees during high-standard football matches. Computerized match analyses and heart rate recordings were performed on 18 international assistant referees during the FIFA Confederations Cup 2005. Total distance covered averaged 5752+/-554 m, of which 34% was covered at a high-intensity (>13 km.h (-1)). Sidewards movements represented 30% of total match distance. Both total distance (r=0.67; P<0.01) and high-intensity activities (r=0.52; P<0.05) were related to the displacements of the ball in the same match. The distance covered by high-speed running in this tournament was 255% greater (P<0.001) than that covered during the under-17 World Championship 2003. Mean heart rate during the game was 140+/-11 b.min (-1) (78+/-4% HR (max)). Mean heart rate during a 5-min interval of the match was related in part (r=0.31; P<0.001) to the amount of high-intensity activities performed within the same match-period. The results of this study show that the physical demands imposed on assistant referees are influenced by the movements of the ball and the standard of the competition

    O que as páginas dos partidos dizem sobre eles? Análise de redes das páginas oficiais dos partidos políticos brasileiros no facebook

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    Our research seeks to understand the patterns of connection of key Brazilian parties on Facebook. The data was collected through Netvizz and the option “page like network” with two degrees of depth and examined the connection network of PSOL, PT, MDB, SDD, PSL e PL, parties with the most representation, in the Chambers of Deputies. We used social network analysis to examine these networks through modularity and indegree. Our results show the existence of neighborhood patterns between pages of political parties. There are parties connected to institutions, political actors, social movements and militancy networks, as well, as those with no connections to institutions in their network.Nuestra investigación busca comprender los patrones de conexión de los principales partidos brasileños en Facebook. Los datos se recopilaron a través de Netvizz y la opción "página como red" con dos grados de profundidad y se examinó la red de conexión de PSOL, PT, MDB, SDD, PSL e PL, los partidos con mayor representación en las Cámaras de Diputados. Utilizamos el análisis de redes sociales para examinar estas redes a través de la modularidad y el grado de aprobación. Nuestros resultados muestran la existencia de patrones de vecindad entre páginas de partidos políticos. Hay partidos conectados a instituciones, actores políticos, movimientos sociales y redes de militancia, así como aquellos que no tienen conexiones con instituciones en su red.O objetivo desta pesquisa é compreender os padrões de conexões existentes nas páginas dos partidos políticos brasileiros no Facebook. A partir de uma coleta de dados realizada pelo Netvizz e da opção “page like network”, analisamos as redes com dois graus de profundidade, observando as conexões das páginas do PSOL, PT, MDB, SDD, PSL e PL, partidos com maior representação na Câmara dos Deputados em 2019, de acordo com a classificação ideológica adotada. A partir disso, utilizando o método de Análise de Redes Sociais, analisamos as métricas do grau de entrada e da modularidade. Como principais resultados, observamos a existência de padrões de conexão entre as páginas dos partidos políticos. Nota-se que existem partidos fortemente conectados a atores políticos, instituições, movimentos sociais e redes de militância, assim como partidos políticos que não possuem conexões com as instituições em sua rede

    Use of Native Grassland in Small-Scale Dairy Systems in the Highlands of Central Mexico. A Case Study

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    Small-scale dairy systems in Mexico comprise 78% of specialized dairy farms and provide 37% of national production. They are small farms with herds 3-35 cows plus replacements, and rely on family labour (Posadas-Domínguez et al., 2014). In the highlands, many farms have native grasslands, grazed during the rainy season, and supplemented with other feeds as maize straw, maize grain and maize ears. Native grasslands have not been studied in this context. This is a case study on the use of native grassland in a small-scale dairy farm. The objective was to determine how native grasslands are integrated in feeding milking dairy cows, and the feeding costs involved