311 research outputs found

    The Evolution of Consanguineous Marriages in the Archbishopric of Granada, Spain (1900–1979)

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    In the twentieth century Spain maintained some of the highest rates of consanguineous marriage in Europe. In many regions these rates were still high in the 1950s and 1960s, but then decreased rapidly, and by the 1970s a generalized transformation in mating patterns was underway. In the following decades the marriage of persons closely related by birth became rare. Consanguinity and inbreeding have been much studied in Spain, but almost exclusively in the central and northern regions of the country. This is the first study of a whole large diocese in the southern region of Andalusia. This paper is based on the analysis of 15,440 records of consanguineous unions registered between 1900 and 1979 in the Archbishopric of Granada in Andalusia. In this period, the rate of consanguinity up to second cousins was 5.51%, and the mean coefficient of inbreeding, α, was 2.04 × 10−3. There is a high range of variability within the research area. Thus, the rate of consanguinity was more than three times higher in rural areas (6.74%; α = 2.44 × 10−3) than in the capital city (2.03%; α = 0.93 × 10−3). There was a high frequency of unions between first cousins and first cousins once removed. These amounted to 35.3% and 13% of all consanguineous marriages, respectively, and contributed to 70% of α values. Consanguinity here has been strongly related to local endogamy. Thus 76% of all consanguineous couples were born in the same locality, and 89% resided in the same locality at marriage. By the end of the 1960s premarital migration increased and local endogamy started to decrease. On the other hand, inbreeding is inversely related to spatial endogamy. The more inbred couples such as uncles-nieces (C12) or first cousins (C22) show significantly higher exogamy rates and than second cousins (C33) and third cousins (C44), and higher rates of premarital migration. Neither males nor females in intra-family unions seem to be significantly younger than those in non-consanguineous unions. Considering their temporal evolution, consanguinity rates increased in the first third of the century, reaching a maximum in the late 1920s, when over 7.4% of all marriages were consanguineous (8.3% for the rural areas), and the resulting α value was the highest of the century (α = 2.71 × 10−3 for the whole diocese; α = 3.00 × 10−3 for the rural areas). Rates of inbreeding remained high until the 1950s and decreased thereafter in a period of accelerated emigration to cities, urbanization, industrialization and social modernization. Overall, levels of inbreeding are similar and sometimes larger than those found in dioceses in the Northwest of Spain, although marriages between uncle and niece were less common. Some of the counties in the diocese had very high consanguinity levels, not only the isolated area of La Alpujarra, previously studied, but also other ecological and historical micro-regions (comarcas). These results indicate that the widely accepted North-South divisions of the Iberian Peninsula in terms of consanguinity and inbreeding patterns require considerable re- evaluation

    El papel de los medios sociales en la enseñanza superior

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    Principalmente el proyecto versará sobre la implantanción de los medios sociales en la enseñanza superior actual, teniendo en cuenta la gran revolución que ha supuesto su implantanción en todos los aspectos de la vida cotidiana, redefiniendo el concepto de comunicación personal. Se revisarán todos los modelos de intercomunicación entre instituciones, docentes y alumnos de los principales centros públicos y privados de nuestra geografía con el fin de evaluar la utilidad y efectividad real de los mismos. En ultima instancia se tratará de diseñar un modelo que englobe todos los aspectos requeridos para garantizar que la intercomunicación entre docentes y alumnos a través de este tipo de plataformas sea fiable, efectiva y satisfactoria , definiendo de esta manera un nuevo sistema de apoyo educativo que beneficie a todas las partes


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    Antes de cerrar el número #1 de la revista página considero necesario dedicar un espacio para dar las gracias por la fortuna de haber llegado hasta este punto. En primer lugar, y en nombre de todo el equipo de la revista, quiero agradecer tu mirada, tu tiempo, tu interés. Para quienes desarrollamos este proyecto es una satisfacción verlo en marcha, pero más aun percibir la buena acogida que ha suscitado en el sector de la musicoterapia. Esperamos gustosos vuestros comentarios y sugerencias para seguir aprendiendo y para hacer de este empeño divulgativo e investigador un mejor servicio a la comu-nidad de musicoterapeutas

    Proyecto MeCUCC: Atención plena para una educación integral

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    En sintonía con la renovada misión del Centro Universitario Cardenal Cisneros y derivada de la misma, inicia su andadura el Proyecto MeCUCC, dentro del marco del Proyecto QÉREB1. El objetivo primordial de esta propuesta, basada en la conciencia plena, es desarrollar el vínculo entre la observación interior y la comprensión exterior con el fin de optimizar la receptividad de los recursos educativos que se disponen y contribuir más eficazmente en la formación integral de los estudiantes. El CUCC sabe de la necesidad de preparar a personas que sean agentes activos de transformación social. Para ello entendemos necesario ir más allá de la mera transmisión de contenidos y destrezas. El camino propuesto para lograrlo transita el fomento de la consciencia y del pensamiento crítico, de la autoobservación, la comprensión holística y la empatía, así como de la capacidad colaborativa y la creatividad, recursos fundamentales que nos predisponen para implicarnos en la consecución de una sociedad eficiente para el siglo XXI, más justa, amable y solidaria


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    PENGARUH SENTIMEN INVESTOR TERHADAP RETURNPADA VALUE DAN GROWTH STOCKS Thesis oleh: Suchi Gamella Putri Pembimbing: Prof. Dr. Tafdil Husni, SE, MBA dan Dr. Rida Rahim, SE, ME ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh sentimen investor terhadap return padavalue dan growth stocks. Variabel independen pada penelitian ini menggunakan indeks volatilitas VIX dan indeks sentimen sebagai indikator sentimen investor. Indeks sentimen dibentuk berdasarkan proksi teknikal (relative strength index, psychological line index, volume perdagangandanadjusted turnover rate) yang disederhanakan dengan analisis komponen utama. Variabel dependen penelitian adalah return saham portofolio value dan growth stocks yang dibentuk berdasarkan rasio book to market. Tiga faktor Fama-French dipakai sebagai variabel kontrol untuk mengisolasi dampak sentimen investor dari pengaruh faktor risiko sistematis dan faktor fundamental perusahaan. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah emiten yang terdaftar di Indeks Kompas 100 Indonesia periode Februari 2017-Januari 2023. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode purposive sampling sehingga didapatkan 45 emiten sampel. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis regresi linear berganda dengan pengolahan 1.385 data harian dibantu Microsoft Excel danStata versi 13. Hasil regresi menunjukkan bahwa indeks volatilitas VIX berpengaruh negatif signifikan terhadap returnvalue dan growth stocks. Variabel indeks sentimen berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap returnvalue stocks, namun tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap returngrowth stocks. Sentimen investor memiliki pengaruh signifikan lebih besar terhadap returnvalue stocks dibandingkan dengan growth stocks. Kata Kunci: Sentimen Investor, Return Saham, Indeks Volatilitas VIX, Indeks Sentimen THE IMPACT OF INVESTOR SENTIMENT ON VALUE AND GROWTH STOCKS RETURN Thesis by: Suchi Gamella Putri Advisors: Prof. Dr. Tafdil Husni, SE, MBA dan Dr. Rida Rahim, SE, ME ABSTRACT The aim of this research is to investigate the impact of investor sentiment on value and stocks return. Two investor sentiment indicators, volatility index VIX and sentiment index are used as independent variables. Technical proksies (relative strength index, psychological line index, trading volumesand adjusted turnover rate) are used to construct sentiment index using principal component analysis. The dependent variable is value and growth stocks return formed based on the book to market ratio. Three Fama-French factors are used as control variables to isolate the impact of investor sentiment from systematic risk and fundamental factors. We use companies listed on Kompas 100 index over the sample period February 2017-January 2023. The sampling technique was carried out by purposive sampling and obtained 45 companies as the research samples. The empirical analysis employs multiple regression analysis using 1.385 daily time series computed by Microsoft Excel and Stata 13. The regression results indicate that volatility index VIX has a negative significant effect on value and growth stocks return. Sentiment index has a positive and significant effect on value stocks return but does not have a significant effect on growth stocks return. Investor sentiment has a greater effect on value stocks than growth stocks. Keywords: Investor Sentiment, Stocks Return, Volatility Index VIX, Sentiment Inde

    The success of the mistakes: Contributions of cognitive neuroscience in the learning process

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    Las nuevas técnicas de neuroimagen nos están permitiendo explorar con gran precisión el comportamiento cerebral humano a nivel anatómico y electromagnético. Desde la creación del “Proyecto Brain” auspiciado por Obama (2001) la investigación neurocientífica en todo el mundo está aportando enfoques innovadores, que cuando son observados desde el prisma de la educación, adquieren si cabe, una relevancia mayor de cara a desarrollar metodologías de aprendizaje que operen a favor de la mecánica operacional de nuestro cerebro. De esto se deriva la necesidad de reacondicionar las estructuras educativas para facilitar el desarrollo de una pedagogía coherente con las evidencias científicas. Nuestro objetivo es analizar cuál es el modelo predominante en el sistema educativo ante la gestión de fallos para poder definir así un modelo de enseñanza más eficiente. Para ello comparamos dichas dinámicas con las aportaciones que la neurociencia cognitiva nos ofrece. Con ello establecemos la influencia que puede llegar a tener una visión negativa de los errores para las futuras experiencias de aprendizaje. Las conclusiones se construyen desde en el principio de que nuestro cerebro necesita errar para establecer de forma correcta el aprendizaje y que por tanto, evitarlos, entenderlos como algo negativo, dificulta la adquisición de esta capacidad y de la búsqueda de situaciones nuevas que requieran el manejo del binomio ensayo y error en todos los ámbitos de la vidaNew neuroimaging techniques are allowing the exploration of the human brain's behavior at the anatomical and electromagnetic level with great precision. Since the creation of the Brain Project sponsored by Obama (2001), neuroscientific research throughout the world is providing innovative approaches with significant contributions to education. From this rises the need to readjust educational structures in order to facilitate the development of a pedagogy consistent with the new scientific evidence. Our goal is to analyze what is the predominant model to deal with mistakes in the education system in order to delineate a more efficient teaching system. For this end, we incorporate into our analysis the findings of cognitive neuroscience. Through this evaluation we establish how our learning capacities are affected by having a negative perception of mistakes. The baseline assumption is that the brain needs mistakes in order to establish an improved path for the learning process. Avoiding mistakes because they are viewed as negative, hinders our learning capacity which is necessary for the trial and error process present in all aspects of our lif

    The appropriate response of Spanish Gitanos: short-run orientation beyond current socio-economic status

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    Humans differ greatly in their tendency to discount future events, but the reasons underlying such inter-individual differences remain poorly understood. Based on the evolutionary framework of Life History Theory, influential models predict that the extent to which individuals discount the future should be influenced by socio-ecological factors such as mortality risk, environmental predictability and resource scarcity. However, little empirical work has been conducted to compare the discounting behavior of human groups facing different socio-ecological conditions. In a lab-in-the-field economic experiment, we compared the delay discounting of a sample of Romani people from Southern Spain (Gitanos) with that of their non-Romani neighbors (i.e., the majority Spanish population). The Romani-Gitano population constitutes the main ethnic minority in all of Europe today and is characterized by lower socio-economic status (SES), lower life expectancy and poorer health than the majority, along with a historical experience of discrimination and persecution. According to those Life History Theory models, Gitanos will tend to adopt “faster” life history strategies (e.g., earlier marriage and reproduction) as an adaptation to such ecological conditions and, therefore, should discount the future more heavily than the majority. Our results support this prediction, even after controlling for the individuals’ current SES (income and education). Moreover, group-level differences explain a large share of the individual-level differences. Our data suggest that human inter-group discrimination might shape group members’ time preferences through its impact on the environmental harshness and unpredictability conditions they face

    Social exclusion and ethnic conflict in Andalusia. Analysis of a mobilization cycle and a collective action against Gypsies (1976-2000)

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    En este artículo presentamos los primeros resultados de una investigación que utiliza el método de análisis histórico de eventos para estudiar los conflictos centrados en la minoría gitana en Andalucía y en España desde la transición democrática hasta hoy (1976-2000), entendiendo que tales conflictos revelan los procesos de exclusión social más intensos, sostenidos y dramáticos en lo que metafóricamente podríamos llamar la parte más defendida y frágil de la frontera étnica. Hemos revisado más de 3000 noticias de prensa escrita referidas a la minoría y detectado 292 casos de acción y movilización colectiva que se centran en grupos de gitanos definidos étnicamente y que en muchos casos incluyeron numerosos episodios de protesta o de enfrentamiento.In this article, we present the first results of an investigation that uses the method of historical analysis of events in order to study the conflicts centring on the gypsy minority in Andalusia and in the rest of Spain, from the democratic transition until today (1976-2000). Such conflicts reveal the most intense, sustained, and dramatic processes of social exclusion, which we could call metaphorically the most protected and fragile part of the ethnic frontier. We reviewed more than 3000 news reports from the press, referring to the gipsy minority, and we have detected 292 cases of action and collective mobilization of gypsies' groups, ethnically defined. In many cases, they included protest and confrontation episodes.Grupo de Investigación Antropología y Filosofía (SEJ-126). Universidad de Granad


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    Parece que fue ayer cuando el equipo de musicoterapeutas que realizaba sesiones en la UCI de adultos del Hospital Universitario de La Paz de Madrid dejó de tener acceso a esta unidad. Era el 4 de febrero de 2020. La pandemia en España era aun un mero contenido televisivo que afectaba en el lejano Oriente. En los telenoticias y en las redes sociales se podía advertir esa tranquilidad de quien se sabe a salvo de los acontecimientos. El resto de la historia ya la conocen, incluso puede que hayan experimentado en primera persona las vicisitudes del bichito o haber atravesado el trance de tener que llorar inesperadas despedidas