612 research outputs found

    Boundary blow-up solutions in the unit ball : asymptotics, uniqueness and symmetry

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    We calculate the full asymptotic expansion of boundary blow-up so- lutions, for any nonlinearity f . Our approach enables us to state sharp qualitative results regarding uniqueness and ra- dial symmetry of solutions, as well as a characterization of nonlinearities for which the blow-up rate is universal. At last, we study in more detail the standard nonlinearities f (u) = u^p, p >

    On the fractional Lane-Emden equation

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    We classify solutions of finite Morse index of the fractional Lane- Emden equatio

    Online Appendix to "Technology shocks around the world"

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    This appendix presents several robustness experiments, carried on actual and simulated data.

    Uniqueness of large solutions

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    Given a nondecreasing nonlinearity ff, we prove uniqueness of large solutions in the following two cases: the domain is the ball or the domain has nonnegative mean curvature and the nonlinearity is asymptotically convex

    Regularity of radial extremal solutions for some non local semilinear equations

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    We investigate stable solutions of elliptic equations of the type \begin{equation*} \left \{ \begin{aligned} (-\Delta)^s u&=\lambda f(u) \qquad {\mbox{ in B1RnB_1 \subset \R^{n}}} \\ u&= 0 \qquad{\mbox{ on B1\partial B_1,}}\end{aligned}\right . \end{equation*} where n2n\ge2, s(0,1)s \in (0,1), λ0\lambda \geq 0 and ff is any smooth positive superlinear function. The operator (Δ)s(-\Delta)^s stands for the fractional Laplacian, a pseudo-differential operator of order 2s2s. According to the value of λ\lambda, we study the existence and regularity of weak solutions uu