16 research outputs found

    An Error Analysis in English Department Students’ Narrative Essay

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    This study reveals a common error in English department students writing in Indonesia, particularly in one of the private universities in Padang by extracting 25 narrative essays written by the students. The respondents are English department students of STBA Prayoga who are in the fourth semester. This research is conducted to identify the most common grammatical errors within 25 essays that were submitted as writing assignments. They were 16 women and 9 men students in the fourth semester in essay writing subject. The data were collected and identified the errors. The errors are classified into several categories and presented in frequency and percentage. The research results show that one of the most errors in students’ writing is errors in word usage and followed by errors in tense, 38%, and 28% respectively. Meanwhile, errors in using article, preposition, and conjunction are the same percentage, 8%. This research result has good potential for the students and lecturers in the future to identify and use another method in learning and teaching English.&nbsp

    The Effect of Training and Work Motivation on Operator Performance During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    This research was conducted on a quay container crane operator at KSO TPK Koja. The quantitative research method was collecting data on 28 questionnaires and using SPSS version 21 applications to analyze data. The study used the validity, reliability, normality and hypothesis test. This study aimed to identify the influence of training and work motivation on operator performance during the COVID-19 pandemic at KSO TPK Koja. The result of this study showed that training and work motivation have a positive influence on operator performance, but training had no significant effect on operator performance. In addition, work motivation had a significant influence on operator performance. Keywords: Training, Work Motivation, Operator Performance, COVID-1

    The Effectiveness of CO2 Absorption Between Phytoplankton and Seagrass Beds in The West Sekotong Intertidal Zone of Lombok Island

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    The increasing sea surface temperature could be approved CO2 levels on the coast. It has been assumed the primary productivity in the intertidal zone was to absorb CO2 from the water column for photosynthesis. In addition, the substrate floor has a potential source of CO2 from decomposers. Phytoplankton and seagrasses are the primary productivity in the intertidal zone. Both of them have chlorophyll, they maintain the CO2 as a carbon source to move the photosynthetic systems to develop the metabolism of the body's cells. The measurements were made of the leaves and rhizomes of all the seagrass species. The absorption process was clarified by measuring the growth rate, percent LOI, and percent carbon in the whole body of the Tetraselmis sp and Dunaliella sp, which were phytoplankton species isolated from seagrass ecosystems. Enhalus acoroides (Ea) had the highest carbon content.  On the other hand, Halophila ovalis and Halophila minor are the lowest carbon due to the distribution of Ea being the widest, they were found in all of the sampling areas. In addition, the factor that was supported was due to its high growth rate ability. Phytoplankton and seagrass on the coast of Sekotong Barat absorb CO2 in the water column and floor of the sediment (carbon sink). The presence of a different increase in carbon content between Tetrasemis sp and Dunaliella sp indicates, the species of phytoplankton respond differently to CO2 stress in the ocean


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    Tingginya penggunaan obat kimia yang selanjutnya berdampak pada masalah kesehatan yang lebih serius harus segera mendapatkan solusi. Kembali pada kebiasaan menggunakan obat yang berasal dari alam dapat menjadi salah satu alternatif solusinya. Terlebih didukung dengan slogan Kabupaten Sukoharjo sebagai Kota Jamu, kegiatan mengonsumsi obat herbal dapat menjadi salah satu kegiatan menjaga kearifan lokal. Dengan demikian, masyarakat perlu kembali diingatkan tentang banyaknya manfaat yang diperoleh ketika mengonsumsi obat herbal. Salah satu bentuk upaya mengingatkan kembali adalah dengan melaksanakan kegiatan proyek kepemimpinan yang berupa kegiatan edukasi tentang tanaman obat keluarga pada PKK Desa Sapen Kecamatan Mojolaban Kabupaten Sukoharjo. Pelaksanaan kegiatan edukasi memiliki tujuan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman dan pengetahuan anggota PKK Desa Sapen tentang jenis dan manfaat tanaman obat keluarga bagi kesehatan. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan dengan cara melakukan edukasi pada anggota PKK, baik secara teori maupun praktik, tentang tanaman obat keluarga. Hasil pelaksanaan kegiatan edukasi adalah pengetahuan dan pemahaman anggota PKK tentang jenis dan manfaat tanaman obat keluarga mengalami peningkatan. Manfaat tanaman obat untuk kesehatan diantaranya dapat berperan sebagai preventif, promotif, kuratif, dan rehabilitatif. Kegiatan ini juga untuk membantu anggota PKK dalam membudidayakan dan memanfaatkan tanaman obat keluarga untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari.      Kata kunci: edukasi, tanaman obat keluarga, pemberdayaan kesejahteraan keluarga ABSTRACT The high use of chemical drugs which in turn has an impact on more serious health problems must immediately get a solution. Returning to the habit of using drugs derived from nature can be an alternative solution. Moreover, supported by the slogan of Sukoharjo Regency as the City of Herbs, consuming herbal medicine can be one of the activities to maintain local wisdom. Thus, the community needs to be reminded of the many benefits obtained when consuming herbal medicines. One form of reminder is to carry out leadership project activities in the form of educational activities about family medicinal plants in the PKK Sapen Village, Mojolaban District, Sukoharjo Regency. The implementation of educational activities has the aim of increasing the understanding and knowledge of Sapen Village PKK members about the types and benefits of family medicinal plants for health. This activity is carried out by educating PKK members, both in theory and practice, about family medicinal plants. The results of the implementation of educational activities are the knowledge and understanding of PKK members about the types and benefits of family medicinal plants have increased. The benefits of medicinal plants for health can act as preventive, promotive, curative, and rehabilitative. This activity is also to help PKK members in cultivating and utilizing family medicinal plants to meet their daily needs.     Keywords: education, family medicinal plants, family welfare empowermen

    The Representation of Gender Roles in Indonesian National English Textbooks for Senior High Schools

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    Learners internalize some values behind the materials and instruction provided in their textbooks. The values have a pivotal role in changing learners’ beliefs, behaviors, and attitudes, however; numerous textbooks investigated embedded gender inequality values. This study explores gender representation in Senior High Schools textbooks published by the government of Indonesia. Three different textbooks for grades X, XI, and XII were used as a corpus in this study. A mixed content analysis was applied to analyze the data. Five categories namely visibility, firstness, social role, domestic roles, and masculine generic forms were counted, tabulated, and analyzed. The research results show that gender imbalance representation exists in the textbooks which showed by the males’ illustrations, names, and pronouns men’s representations have much more than women’s representations. Plenty of images, symbols, and signs were illustrated by males’ domination. Almost all pictures selected at the beginning of the chapter are men revealing men’s power and domination in everyday life. While, women were described in domestic roles to be child caring, house cleaning, and sexual service, men are portrayed as soldiers, hunters, and breadwinners leading to power. Thus, it is concluded that gender inequality still exists in the textbooks although written by women, and the senior high school English textbooks still perpetuate of the gender inequality values in Indonesia

    Promoting Gender Equality Values in a Fiction Written by A Lombok Female Writer

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    Plenty of media is used, such as newspapers, magazines, novels, and movies to share information and incorporate some life values, including gender equality values. The collection of short stories entitled NING was written by Irma Argiyanti. She is an active Lombok writer. This research aims to identify the writer's ideology through the artwork (the short story collection). This methodological framework was adopted from Fairclough’s concept of the three-dimensional model, explored gender representation in the short stories, and tried to identify the truth behind the texts' ideology. The results show that the stories represent implicitly and explicitly gender equality values. Therefore, the topics and the stories' flow provide patriarchy, women empowerment, and equality values in the family. Based on the data, there are about 33 words representing women’s names and 19 words of men. Consequently, the short stories pursue the readers to think, elaborate, and accept gender equality values, and it is expected to implement in daily life and change to be a better society


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    Angka kasus Covid-19 pada remaja dari Januari hingga Mei 2022  di Kecamatan Grogol Kabupaten Sukoharjo terdapat 36 kasus, sesuai dengan data Puskesmas Grogol pada tahun 2021. Jumlah kasus Covid-19 yang tinggi menyebabkan Pemerintah menerapkan Kebijakan Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar. Seiring longgarnya kebijakan tersebut, maka banyak kedai makanan cepat saji sudah mulai beroperasi hingga menyebabkan tingginya antusias pada remaja untuk datang. Banyaknya restoran cepat saji yang mempunyai spot foto yang menarik dan aesthetic, harga yang murah, serta variasi makanan yang beragam menyebabkan tingginya antusias dari remaja. Banyaknya remaja yang datang ke restoran cepat saji dan tidak menerapkan protokol kesehatan menyebabkan tingginya potensi penyebaran Covid-19. Tujuan umum dari penelitian yang dilakukan adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan perilaku pola konsumsi makanan cepat saji pada remaja terhadap potensi penyebaran Covid-19 di kalangan masyarakat. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah observasional analitik dengan pendekatan case control. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling.  Variabel bebas (perilaku konsumsi), variabel terikat (potensi penyebaran Covid-19). Terdapat hubungan antara perilaku makan makanan cepat saji denga risiko Covid 19 pada remaja. Remaja dengan perilaku makan makanan cepat saji yang tinggi memiliki risiko tertular Covid-19 sebesar 2.21 kali dibandingkan dengan remaja yang memiliki perilaku makan makanan cepat saji yang rendah dan secara statistik signifikan (OR= 2.21; 95%CI= 1.04 – 4.72; p=0.038)

    Kesiapan BCC (Banyuwangi Children Center) dalam Upaya Mencegah Kekerasan Seksual pada Anak di Banyuwangi: Readiness of BCC (Banyuwangi Children Center) in Efforts to Prevent Sexual Violence among Children in Banyuwangi

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    Latar belakang: Salah satu permasalahan anak di Banyuwangi adalah kekerasan seksual pada anak. Kekerasan seksual pada anak merupakan masalah yang vital karena dapat mengganggu perkembangan anak khususnya psikis anak. Banyuwangi Children Center (BCC) didirikan pada Mei 2016 bertugas untuk merespon dan menangani berbagai kasus kekerasan pada anak melalui tim terpadu. Tujuan: Untuk menganalisis kesiapan Banyuwangi Children Center dalam upaya menurunkan kekerasan seksual pada anak di Banyuwangi. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif melalui wawancara mendalam pada 7 informan. Hasil: Kesiapan BCC dalam mencegah kekerasan seksual pada anak meliputi tiga aspek yaitu organizational factor, program yang dijalankan, dan sumber daya manusia (SDM). Kendala yang dihadapi BCC adalah banyaknya undang-undang yang diambil dalam visi organisasi sehingga tidak ada monitoring dan evaluasi yang jelas. Keterbatasan SDM dan program yang dijalankan menyebabkan masyarakat Banyuwangi kurang mengetahui tentang peran BCC. Kesimpulan: Kesiapan BCC dalam mencegah kekerasan seksual pada anak masih memiliki kendala dan keterbatasan. Oleh karena itu perlu adanya rencana strategis program berkelanjutan BCC dari stakeholder yang melibatkan masyarakat secara terstruktur agar dapat mencegah kekerasan seksual pada anak secara efektif

    Analisis Stakeholder untuk Mendukung Peran Banyuwangi Children Center dalam Upaya Menurunkan Kekerasan Seksual pada Anak

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    Banyuwangi Children Center (BCC) is one of city mayor’s effort to prevent children’s sexual abuse. However, the community felt the role of BCC in preventing children’s sexual abuse was not optimal since 2016. Stakeholder’s engagement may play an important aspect to support BCC in preventing children’s sexual abuse. The objective of this study was to analyze the role of stakeholders in supporting BCC in the prevention of children sexual abuse. This study used a qualitative design with in-depth interview to all related to the prevention of children sexual abuse (Police department, women and children protection bureau, women empowerment and family planning bureau, and BCC. The results showed the role of the BCC was supported by the existence of policies on child-friendly areas from the local government, positive responses from active community involvement in reporting incidents of sexual violence against children, and good coordination by cross-sector in the socialization and handling of cases of sexual violence against children in Banyuwangi. Therefore, it can be concluded that stakeholders provide positive support in the role of the BCC but still need attention from local governments to provide facilities for cross-sectoral so that all cases of sexual violence against children in Banyuwangi can be handled properly. Keywords: stakeholder, Banyuwangi Children Center, child protection, sexual assault Abstrak Banyuwangi Children Center (BCC) merupakan salah satu upaya walikota Banyuwangi untuk meminimalisir kekerasan seksual pada anak. BCC terbentuk sejak 2016 namun perannya masih kurang dirasakan oleh masyarakat di Banyuwangi. Stakeholder merupakan pihak yang berperan penting untuk mendukung peran BCC di Banyuwangi. Tujuan penelitian adalah menganalisis peran stakeholder untuk mendukung peran BCC dalam upaya menurunkan kekerasan seksual pada anak di Banyuwangi. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan desain cross-sectional. Data penelitian ini diperoleh dengan wawancara mendalam pada tujuh informan yang memiliki kapasitas dalam memberikan informasi tentang perannya dalam mendukung BCC yaitu Kepolisian Resort Banyuwangi, Pusat Pelayanan Terpadu Perlindungan Perempuan dan Anak (P2TP2A) Kabupaten Banyuwangi, Badan Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Keluarga Berencana (BPPKB) dan Banyuwangi Children Center. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan peran BCC mendapat dukungan dengan adanya kebijakan tentang kawasan ramah anak dari pemerintah daerah, respon positif keterlibatan aktif masyarakat dalam melaporkan kejadian kekerasan seksual pada anak, dan koordinasi yang baik oleh lintas sektor dalam sosialisasi dan penanganan kasus kekerasan seksual pada anak di Banyuwangi. Oleh karena itu, dapat disimpulkan bahwa stakeholder memberikan dukungan yang positif dalam peran BCC namun masih perlu perhatian dari pemerintah daerah untuk menyediakan fasilitas bagi lintas sektor dan meningkatkan sosialisasi bagi masyarakat Banyuwangi agar seluruh kasus kekerasan seksual pada anak di Banyuwangi dapat tertangani dengan baik. Kata kunci: stakeholder, Banyuwangi Children Center, perlindungan anak, kekerasan seksual, good health and wellbein