353 research outputs found

    On the negative spectrum of the Robin Laplacian in corner domains

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    For a bounded corner domain Ω\Omega, we consider the Robin Laplacian in Ω\Omega with large Robin parameter. Exploiting multiscale analysis and a recursive procedure, we have a precise description of the mechanism giving the ground state of the spectrum. It allows also the study of the bottom of the essential spectrum on the associated tangent structures given by cones. Then we obtain the asymptotic behavior of the principal eigenvalue for this singular limit in any dimension, with remainder estimates. The same method works for the Schr\"odinger operator in Rn\mathbb{R}^n with a strong attractive delta-interaction supported on ∂Ω\partial\Omega. Applications to some Erhling's type estimates and the analysis of the critical temperature of some superconductors are also provided

    Gradient-like parabolic semiflows on BUC(ℝN)

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    We prove that a class of weighted semilinear reaction diffusion equations on RN generates gradient-like semiflows on the Banach space of bounded uniformly continuous functions on RN. If N = 1 we show convergence to a single equilibrium. The key for getting the result is to show the exponential decay of the stationary solutions, which is obtained by means of a decay estimate of the kernel of the underlying semigrou

    On the lowest eigenvalue of Laplace operators with mixed boundary conditions

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    In this paper we consider a Robin-type Laplace operator on bounded domains. We study the dependence of its lowest eigenvalue on the boundary conditions and its asymptotic behavior in shrinking and expanding domains. For convex domains we establish two-sided estimates on the lowest eigenvalues in terms of the inradius and of the boundary conditions

    Some remarks on the isoperimetric problem for the higher eigenvalues of the Robin and Wentzell Laplacians

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    We consider the problem of minimising the kkth eigenvalue, k≄2k \geq 2, of the (pp-)Laplacian with Robin boundary conditions with respect to all domains in RN\mathbb{R}^N of given volume MM. When k=2k=2, we prove that the second eigenvalue of the pp-Laplacian is minimised by the domain consisting of the disjoint union of two balls of equal volume, and that this is the unique domain with this property. For p=2p=2 and k≄3k \geq 3, we prove that in many cases a minimiser cannot be independent of the value of the constant α\alpha in the boundary condition, or equivalently of the volume MM. We obtain similar results for the Laplacian with generalised Wentzell boundary conditions Δu+ÎČ∂u∂Μ+Îłu=0\Delta u + \beta \frac{\partial u}{\partial \nu} + \gamma u = 0.Comment: 16 page

    On the isoperimetric problem for the Laplacian with Robin and Wentzell boundary conditions

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    We consider the problem of minimising the eigenvalues of the Laplacian with Robin boundary conditions ∂u∂Μ+αu=0\frac{\partial u}{\partial \nu} + \alpha u = 0 and generalised Wentzell boundary conditions Δu+ÎČ∂u∂Μ+Îłu=0\Delta u + \beta \frac{\partial u}{\partial \nu} + \gamma u = 0 with respect to the domain Ω⊂RN\Omega \subset \mathbb R^N on which the problem is defined. For the Robin problem, when α>0\alpha > 0 we extend the Faber-Krahn inequality of Daners [Math. Ann. 335 (2006), 767--785], which states that the ball minimises the first eigenvalue, to prove that the minimiser is unique amongst domains of class C2C^2. The method of proof uses a functional of the level sets to estimate the first eigenvalue from below, together with a rearrangement of the ball's eigenfunction onto the domain Ω\Omega and the usual isoperimetric inequality. We then prove that the second eigenvalue attains its minimum only on the disjoint union of two equal balls, and set the proof up so it works for the Robin pp-Laplacian. For the higher eigenvalues, we show that it is in general impossible for a minimiser to exist independently of α>0\alpha > 0. When α0\alpha 0 establish a type of equivalence property between the Wentzell and Robin minimisers for all eigenvalues. This yields a minimiser of the second Wentzell eigenvalue. We also prove a Cheeger-type inequality for the first eigenvalue in this case
