238 research outputs found

    Le Cam spacings theorem in dimension two

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    The definition of spacings associated to a sequence of random variables is extended to the case of random vectors in [0,1]^2. Beirlant & al. (1991) give an alternative proof of the Le Cam (1958) theorem concerning asymptotic normality of additive functions of uniform spacings in [0,1]. I adapt their technique to the two-dimensional case, leading the way to new directions in the domain of Complete Spatial Randomness (CSR) testing

    Céspedes y Meneses y la novela griega : la providencia en El Español Gerardo y en las Etiópicas

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    Por todos es conocida la amplia repercusión que obtuvo la aparición de la novela de Heliodoro Etiópicas en las Letras del Siglo de Oro. Este artículo se analiza la influencia de esta novela griega en El español Gerardo de Céspedes y Meneses. Del mismo modo, analiza el papel fundamental de la Providencia en la obra del novelista español, así como en la obra de Heliodoro.__________________________________ Everybody knows far-reaching that got the come out of Heliodoro´s romance Etiopicas in the Letters of the Golden Age. This study analyses the influence of this Greek romance in El español Gerardo of Céspedes y Meneses. In the same way, analyses the fundamental role of the Providence in the work of the Spanish writer, as well as in the Heliodoro´s work

    La discapacidad en la Prehistoria

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    XVIII Jornades de Foment de la Investigació de la Facultat de Ciències Humanes i Socials (Any 2013)Se analizan algunas malformaciones congénitas y enfermedades que se han documentado en ciertos individuos durante el largo proceso de la Prehistoria. Este estudio es relevante porque hasta la fecha son muy pocas las investigaciones que abordan de forma específica el análisis de la discapacidad en la Prehistoria

    Los salarios de tramitación

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    Treball de Final de Grau en Relacions Laborals i Recursos Humans. Codi: RL0947. Curs acadèmic 2015-201

    Energy efficiency and integration of urban electrical transport systems: EVS and metro-trains of two real European lines

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    Transport is a main source of pollutants in cities, where air quality is a major concern. New transport technologies, such as electric vehicles, and public transport modalities, such as urban railways, have arisen as solutions to this important problem. One of the main difficulties for the adoption of electric vehicles by consumers is the scarcity of a suitable charging infrastructure. The use of the railway power supplies to charge electric vehicle batteries could facilitate the deployment of charging infrastructure in cities. It would reduce the cost because of the use of an existing installation. Furthermore, electric vehicles can use braking energy from trains that was previously wasted in rheostats. This paper presents the results of a collaboration between research teams from University of Rome Sapienza and Comillas Pontifical University. In this work, two real European cases are studied: an Italian metro line and a Spanish metro line. The energy performance of these metro lines and their capacity to charge electric vehicles have been studied by means of detailed simulation tools. Their results have shown that the use of regenerated energy is 98% for short interval of trains in both cases. However, the use of regenerated energy decreases as the train intervals grow. In a daily operation, an important amount of regenerated energy is wasted in the Italian and Spanish case. Using this energy, a significant number of electric vehicles could be charged every day

    Assessment of the worthwhileness of efficient driving in railway systems with high-receptivity power supplies

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    Eco-driving is one of the most important strategies for significantly reducing the energy consumption of railways with low investments. It consists of designing a way of driving a train to fulfil a target running time, consuming the minimum amount of energy. Most eco-driving energy savings come from the substitution of some braking periods with coasting periods. Nowadays, modern trains can use regenerative braking to recover the kinetic energy during deceleration phases. Therefore, if the receptivity of the railway system to regenerate energy is high, a question arises: is it worth designing eco-driving speed profiles? This paper assesses the energy benefits that eco-driving can provide in different scenarios to answer this question. Eco-driving is obtained by means of a multi-objective particle swarm optimization algorithm, combined with a detailed train simulator, to obtain realistic results. Eco-driving speed profiles are compared with a standard driving that performs the same running time. Real data from Spanish high-speed lines have been used to analyze the results in two case studies. Stretches fed by 1 × 25 kV and 2 × 25 kV AC power supply systems have been considered, as they present high receptivity to regenerate energy. Furthermore, the variations of the two most important factors that affect the regenerative energy usage have been studied: train motors efficiency ratio and catenary resistance. Results indicate that the greater the catenary resistance, the more advantageous eco-driving is. Similarly, the lower the motor efficiency, the greater the energy savings provided by efficient driving. Despite the differences observed in energy savings, the main conclusion is that eco-driving always provides significant energy savings, even in the case of the most receptive power supply network. Therefore, this paper has demonstrated that efforts in improving regenerated energy usage must not neglect the role of eco-driving in railway efficiency

    Confessions textuals: de les cartes, els diaris i les memòries novel·lades al Whatsapp, Instagram i els fanfictions

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    Màster Universitari de Formació del Professorat de Secundària Obligatòria i Batxillerat, Facultat d'Educació, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2017-2018, Tutor: Joan Marc Ramos Sabaté[cat] En aquest TFM es presenta una proposta didàctica amb la qual es vol potenciar la lectoescriptura entre l’alumnat de Secundària a partir del treball amb tres gèneres textuals autobiogràfics –la carta, el diari i les memòries novel·lades– que són enllaçats amb tres gèneres propis de l’era digital –els missatges escrits amb serveis de missatgeria instantània, les publicacions a la xarxa social Instagram i els fanfictions–. L’objectiu d’aquesta proposta passa també per potenciar la reflexió metaliterària i metacognitiva per tal que l’alumnat prengui consciència de com totes aquestes confessions textuals contribueixen a modelar la seva subjectivitat. Aquesta proposta es desenvolupa mitjançat el disseny d’una unitat didàctica que té com a fil conductor els textos autobiogràfics assenyalats. A més, per poder desplegar-la amb èxit, es duu a terme un estudi detallat dels gèneres treballats, així com del perfil dels lectors i escriptors adolescents i de la metodologia de treball més adequada per garantir la seva correcta implementació.[eng] This master’s thesis considers how to encourage secondary school students to improve their reading and writing skills by working with the three autobiographical genres: letters, diaries and memoires. These are associated with three kinds of digital genres: text messages delivered by IM services, Instagram posts and fanfictions. The thesis also considers how students could be encouraged to use metaliterary and metacognitive reflection to understand the impact of these genres on their subjectivity. The thesis also presents a teaching unit based on texts taken from these autobiographical genres. In order to present the unit, detailed studies are carried out of the mentioned genres and of the profile of teenage readers and writers. A third study addresses work methodology to ascertain the most appropriate resources for implementing this teaching unit