541 research outputs found

    Principles of structural stability of SP-bonded systems

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    Imperial Users onl

    Patterns of recruitment and injury in a heterogeneous airway network model

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    In respiratory distress, lung airways become flooded with liquid and may collapse due to surface-tension forces acting on air-liquid interfaces, inhibiting gas exchange. This pa- per proposes a mathematical multiscale model for the mechanical ventilation of a network of occluded airways, where air is forced into the network at a fixed tidal volume, allowing investigation of optimal recruitment strategies. The temporal response is derived from mechanistic models of individual airway reopening, incorporating feedback on the airway pressure due to recruitment. The model accounts for stochastic variability in airway di- ameter and stiffness across and between generations. For weak heterogeneity, the network is completely ventilated via one or more avalanches of recruitment (with airways recruited in quick succession), each characterised by a transient decrease in the airway pressure; avalanches become more erratic for airways that are initially more flooded. However, the time taken for complete ventilation of the network increases significantly as the network becomes more heterogeneous, leading to increased stresses on airway walls. The model predicts that the most peripheral airways are most at risk of ventilation-induced damage. A positive-end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) reduces the total recruitment time but at the cost of larger stresses exerted on airway walls

    O Conceito De Práxis E A Crítica Da ética Normativa Segundo Gyorgy Lukács

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    Buscamos aqui revisitar a leitura de Gyorgy Lukács em História e Consciência de Classe sobre a questão da ação humana. Tendo a história como ponto culminante onde se resolve a relação sujeito-objeto, Lukács propõe uma epistemologia dialética em que o sujeito interfere no conteúdo do real. A problemática central consiste em teorizar a gênese, a geração do novo. A gênese tem sua determinação concreta na contradição da luta de classes. Isso resultará num novo conceito de sujeito. O indivíduo, isoladamente, é incapaz de realizar a gênese. O sujeito da práxis, destarte, não pode ser livre atuando sozinho, mas deve encontrar o fundamento da liberdade na classe social, real sujeito da gênese histórica.31p. 194-202FilosofiaÉticaPolíticaEpistemologi

    Pedagogia Jesuítica e alteridade: a demonização da alma indígena

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    eoi/doi Deposit-Electronic Object Identifierhttp://eoi.citefactor.org/10.11248/ehum.v5i2.874RESUMO: Este trabalho pretende discutir as dificuldades presentes no processo inicial de colonização da América portuguesa quando do processo de catequese / cristianização dos índios Tupinambá. Nesse sentido, demonstramos a relação entre estas dificuldades e a ação dos caraíbas nas aldeias, bem como a conseqüente demonização dos ritos e práticas indígenas. Logo, procuramos indicar os motivos pelos quais os padres da Companhia de Jesus passaram a condenar e demonizar os caraíbas e suas práticas e representações perante a sociedade Tupinambá quinhentista.PALAVRAS-CHAVE: América portuguesa; Companhia de Jesus; AlteridadeABSTRACT: This paper discusses the difficulties present in the initial process of colonization of Portuguese America when the process of catechesis / Christianization of the Tupinambá Indians. In this sense, we show the relationship between these problems and the action of the Caribbean in the villages, as well as the subsequent demonization of indigenous rites and practices. Therefore, the authors highlight the reasons why the Company's priests of Jesus began to condemn and demonize the Caribbean and its practices and representations before the sixteenth century Tupinambá society. KEYWORDS: Portuguese America; Society of Jesus; othernessRecebido: 30/06/2012       Aceito:19/10/201

    The conditioning of medical gases with hot water humidifiers

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    During invasive mechanical ventilation due to the dryness of medical gases is necessary to provide an adequate level of conditioning. The hot water humidifiers (HWH) heat the water, thus allowing the water vapor to heat and humidify the medical gases. In the common HWH there is a contact between the medical gases and the sterile water, thus increasing the risk of patient’s colonization and infection. Recently to avoid the condensation in the inspiratory limb of the ventilator circuit, new heated ventilator circuits have been developed. In this in vitro study we evaluated the efficiency (absolute/relative humidity) of three HWH: (1) a common HWH without a heated ventilator circuit (MR 730, Fisher&Paykel, New Zeland), (2) the same HWH with a heated ventilator circuit (Mallinckrodt Dar, Italy) and (3) a new HWH (DAR HC 2000, Mallinkckrodt Dar, Italy) with a heated ventilator circuit in which the water vapor reaches the medical gases through a gorotex membrane, avoiding any direct contact between the water and gases. At a temperature of 35°C and 37°C the HWH and heated tube were evaluated. The absolute humidity (AH) and relative humidity (RH) were measured by a psychometric method. The minute ventilation, tidal volume respiratory rate and oxygen fraction were: 5.8 ± 0.1 l/min, 740 ± 258 ml, 7.5 ± 2.6 bpm and 100%, respectively. Ventilator P2 Use of a bougie during percutaneous tracheostom

    Nursing undergraduate students' view on listening to patients during care delivery

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a percepção de graduandos de Enfermagem quanto ao ato de ouvir e sua importância na assistência de enfermagem. Trata-se de um estudo exploratório, com metodologia qualitativa e referencial teórico no Pensamento Complexo de Morin. A investigação foi feita com 12 alunos de enfermagem do último ano, da Faculdade de Medicina do ABC, Santo André-SP. Os dados foram coletados por meio da Técnica de Entrevista Individual em Profundidade, e analisados por meio da Técnica de Análise de Conteúdo. As categorias resultantes foram: O ato de ouvir um desafio para o mundo; As influências do Modelo Biomédico em relação ao ato de ouvir; Pondo de lado ideias pré-concebidas: aprendendo a ouvir; Preparando o graduando de enfermagem para o ato de ouvir. Os resultados demonstram que os discentes consideram que ser um bom ouvinte é algo difícil, pois é preciso estar predisposto a escutar o outro e aprender a suspender ideias pré-concebidas, para não bloquear o que o paciente deseja verbalizar.El objetivo de este estudio fue investigar la percepción de estudiantes de Enfermería respecto del acto de oír y su importancia en la asistencia de enfermería. Se trata de un estudio exploratorio, con metodología cualitativa y referencial teórico en el Pensamiento Complejo de Morin. La investigación fue realizada con doce alumnos de Enfermería cursando su último año en la Faculdade de Medicina do ABC, Santo André, São Paulo, Brasil. Los datos fueron recopilados por medio de la Técnica de la Entrevista Individual en Profundidad, y analizados por medio de la Técnica de Análisis de Contenido. Las categorías resultantes fueron las siguientes: El acto de oír, un desafío para el mundo, Las influencias del Modelo Biomédico en relación al acto de oír, Preparando al estudiante de Enfermería para el acto de oír. Los resultados demostraron que los dicentes consideran que ser un buen oyente es algo difícil, pues es preciso estar predispuesto a escuchar al otro y aprender a no hacer caso de ideas preconcebidas, para no bloquear lo que el paciente desea verbalizar.The objective of this study was to investigate the views of nursing undergraduate students regarding listening to patients and the importance of listening to nursing care delivery. This investigation is an exploratory study using qualitative methodology and Complex Thinking by Morin as the theoretical reference. It enrolled 12 final-term undergraduate nursing students at Faculdade de Medicina do ABC, Santo André-SP. Study data were collected through individual in-depth interviews and analyzed using the content analysis technique. The resulting categories were: 1) listening: a challenge to the world; 2) the influence of the current biomedical paradigm on nurse's ability to listen to the patient; 3) putting aside preconceived ideas: learning to listen to the patient; and 4) preparing the undergraduate student to listen to patients. The study findings show that the undergraduate participants regard being a good listener as a difficult task because it requires being willing to listen to others and learning how to put aside preconceived ideas in order to not hinder patients from verbally expressing their feelings and needs