891 research outputs found

    Withdrawal of the raid on charges hearing legality of the search, as the jurisprudential rulings of the Criminal Cassation Chamber of the Supreme Court 2012-2015

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    La retractación del allanamiento a cargos se encuentra contemplada dentro del Proceso Penal, una vez se haya formulado la imputación; sin embargo la Sala de Casación Penal de la Corte Suprema de Justicia ha contemplado la posibilidad de que se haga inclusive al momento de adelantar la individualización de la pena y proferir sentencia, posición que no es unánime en la Corporación, comoquiera que existen dos sentencias proferidas en los años 2013 que difieren en cuanto a ese criterio. Por ello en el presente escrito se ha de efectuar un análisis de las normas que permiten la retractación del allanamiento a cargos y los pronunciamientos de mencionada Corporación a efectos de dilucidar si es procedente dicha actuación incluso en la audiencia de legalidad del allanamiento, para lo cual se revisaron las sentencias proferidas entre 2012 y 2015.The retraction of the raid on charges is provided in criminal proceedings , and after having made a complaint ; however the Criminal Cassation Chamber of the Supreme Court has considered the possibility of it done even when overtaking the individualization of punishment and uttering sentence position is not unanimous on the Corporation, however they are two uttered sentences in 2013 they differ in that view. Therefore in this paper was to conduct an analysis of the rules allowing retraction raid on positions and pronouncements mentioned Corporation in order to ascertain whether it is appropriate that action even hearing legality of the raid , for which the sentences handed down between 2012 and 2015 were reviewed

    La calidad del empleo en el municipio de Soacha

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    Trabajo de InvestigaciónEsta investigación se realiza en el Municipio de Soacha con el fin de analizar los factores tanto internos como externos y así poder calcular un Indice sintético que nos pueda comprobar si la calidad de empleo en este municipio según los fundamentos de Farné (2003), esta entre calidad baja, media o alta y así generar el primer estudio de calidad del empleo en este Municipio.INTRODUCCIÓN 1. REVISIÓN DE LITERATURA 2. METODOLOGÍA 3. CONCLUSIONES 4. RECOMENDACIONES REFERENCIAS BIBLIOGRÁFICASPregradoEconomist

    Estudio para implementar un asadero de pollos en un establecimiento de reclusión con capacidad mayor a mil internos

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    El presente trabajo consiste en el estudio de los costos, el análisis financiero y el beneficio de redención de pena, al implementar un asadero de pollos en un Establecimiento de Reclusión a nivel nacional con capacidad mayor a mil (1000) internos en Colombia. El propósito es presentar una solución viable para cumplir el tratamiento y desarrollo de los internos del INPEC, ya que contribuye a la redención de pena a través del trabajo, mejora los ingresos económicos del interno y contribuye al cumplimiento de la misión del INPEC. Esto señala a priori una importante oportunidad para implementar un plan piloto de asadero de pollos en un establecimiento de reclusión nivel nacional con capacidad mayor a mil (1000) internos y de esta forma lograr el aumento de ingresos propios en cada uno de los establecimientos de reclusión nivel nacionalThe present work is the study of the costs, financial analysis and the benefit of redemption penalty, to implement a roast chicken Takeaway/Restaurant in a detention facility nationwide of capacity of more than one thousand (1000) prisoners in Colombia. The purpose is to expose a viable solution for meet the treatment and development of internals INPEC, contributing to the redemption of grief through the work, improve internal economic income and help to fulfill the mission of INPEC. These signals a priori an important opportunity to implement as a pilot plan to implement a roast chicken in a detention facility nationwide of capacity of more than one thousand (1000) prisoners and thus achieve increased own income in each of the detention facilities level nationa

    Students emotions in the ELT classroom

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    During our practice and observations carried out in Colegio Técnico y Académico Celestin Freinet, we were able to identify the difficulties that the students encounter at the moment of presenting an oral production activity in front of the class, reducing the amount of speaking and the quality of it, making more difficult for the students and the teacher to share their ideas, increasing the frustration that the students might feel. This proposal emerged after the experience that one of the researchers had in a previous school in which some of the students from tenth grade felt overwhelmed by their emotions and were not able to complete their oral presentations in front of the class. The students let the teachers know that fear and shame were behind the way they felt and how the previously mentioned emotions and feelings prevented them from speaking in front of the class

    Optimisation of Overburden Blasts at Glencore Ulan Surface Coal Operations

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    This paper presents the outcomes of a joint project carried out by Glencore Ulan Surface Operations and Orica, to reduce total mine cost by optimising overburden blasts. Typical overburden blasts are 60 m wide and 1000 m long with the blasts designed to cast. Ulan Surface operations has a Marion 8050 dragline operating using the traditional Key-Low wall combinations, High Wall Chopping and Extended Bench according with spoil profile balance with a dragline production rate of 2000 bcm/hr.The objectives of the project were to: optimise post blast muckpile profile to improve dragline advance; improve cast percentage (%); reduce coal roof damage and edge loss; and control blast emissions and their impact on neighbours. The aim of these objectives is to reduce the total cost of mining. The use of Orica’s advanced blast modelling software, Distinct Motion Code (DMC), was essential in this as it allowed the analysis of alternative blast designs using the results from previous blasts in Strip 5 as the baseline. The results of the modelling indicated that there was scope to improve the cast % from a baseline of 23% to a range of 25-35% to final. In addition, the coal model was validated using touch coal and gamma logging data for each strip. From this information the blastholes were designed to stand-off from the coal seam and QA/QC approaches in the backfill and redrill tolerances were implemented. This paper also presents outcomes of this validation work

    Knowledge management: a strategy to generate competitive advantage in organizations

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    The trend towards a society differentiated by an economic and social structure whose wealth generation system is based on knowledge marks the break with the so-called industrial society. Organizations operate in an environment of change and uncertainty and are forced to discover new ways of doing administrative management. Therefore, this article analyzes the role of knowledge in organizations and its management as a strategy for achieving competitive advantage. This work has a reflective nature and was built from the literature review available in academia. The results show that efficient administration of knowledge involves the combination of four factors: human capital, communication, technology, and innovation, and generates high levels of organizational growth, continuous improvement, competitive advantage, and survival in the market.La tendencia hacia una sociedad diferenciada por una estructura económica y social cuyo sistema de generación de riqueza se basa en el conocimiento marca la ruptura con la denominada sociedad industrial. Las organizaciones operan en un entorno de cambio e incertidumbre y se ven obligadas a descubrir nuevas formas de hacer la gestión administrativa. Por ello, este artículo analiza el papel del conocimiento en las organizaciones y su gestión como estrategia para lograr una ventaja competitiva. Este trabajo tiene un carácter reflexivo y fue construido a partir de la revisión bibliográfica disponible en la academia. Los resultados muestran que la administración eficiente del conocimiento involucra la combinación de cuatro factores: capital humano, comunicación, tecnología e innovación, y genera altos niveles de crecimiento organizacional, mejora continua, ventaja competitiva y supervivencia en el mercado