231 research outputs found

    Lichtregulation der Genexpression und Entwicklung in Ustilago maydis

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    In dieser Arbeit wurde die weitgehend unbekannte Photobiologie des Basidiomyceten Ustilago maydis näher betrachtet. Über Transkriptomanalysen konnte gezeigt werden, dass dunkeladaptierte U. maydis Sporidien monochromatisches Blau-, Rot- und Dunkelrotlicht erkennen und daraufhin die Expression zahlreicher Gene regulieren. Im FB1 Wildtyp wurden insgesamt 404 Gene in einer oder mehreren Lichtbedingungen differentiell exprimiert, was ca. 5,9 % der Protein-kodierenden Gene in U. maydis entspricht. Als essentieller Photorezeptor für den blauen Spektralbereich konnte White collar 1 (Wco1) und als Photorezeptor für rotes und dunkelrotes Licht Phytochrom (Phy1) identifiziert werden. Daneben beeinflusste Wco1 die Genexpression im roten und dunkelroten Licht und Phy1 beeinflusste die Anzahl differentiell exprimierter Gene im Blaulicht. Beide Photorezeptoren wiesen außerdem eine Licht-unabhängige Funktion auf. Bei der funktionellen Analyse waren Gene für Oxidations-Reduktions-Prozesse im Blaulicht am deutlichsten betroffen, daneben waren in allen Lichtbedingungen vor allem Gene des Metabolismus beeinflusst. Im Dunkeln durch Wco1 reguliert war zudem die Expression von Genen für die Synthese von Ferrichromen. Lokalisationsstudien zeigten Wco1 und Wco2 hauptsächlich im Zellkern und in geringerer Konzentration im Cytoplasma, Phy1 dagegen wurde fast ausschließlich im Cytoplasma gefunden. Eine direkte Interaktion von Wco1, Wco2 und Phy1 konnte über Hefe-2-Hybrid-Studien jedoch nachgewiesen werden. Auch die Bedeutung von Licht allgemein und von Wco1 und Phy1 im Speziellen wurde für verschiedene Entwicklungsprozesse von U. maydis analysiert. Blaues und dunkelrotes Licht hatten einen geringen Einfluss auf die Ausbildung von Konjugationshyphen und diese Lichtabhängigkeit war in ∆wco1 bzw. ∆phy1 Deletionsmutanten aufgehoben. Auf die Fähigkeit von kompatiblen U. maydis Zellen, Filamente auszubilden, hatten weder verschiedene Lichtbedingungen noch die Deletion von Wco1 oder Phy1 eine Auswirkung. Für die Symptomausbildung infizierter Maispflanzen konnte eine geringe Bedeutung von Wco1 festgestellt werden. Auf die Entwicklung von U. maydis haben Licht und die Photorezeptoren Wco1 und Phy1, zumindest in den hier verwendeten experimentellen Bedingungen, somit nur einen geringen regulatorischen Effekt

    Use of symbolic reconstructions in open-air museums

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    The Russian-Ukrainian war, which took on a full-scale form in February 2022, became a tragedy and set the question of restoring lost monuments with new vigour. Therefore, the publication which aims to identify the specific features of symbolic reconstructions’ use for the representation of lost architectural monuments becomes especially relevant. Based on a comprehensive architectural-typological and comparative analysis of the renovation of architectural structures and non-existent objects, open-air exhibiting methods in Ukraine and the world (fixation, interpretation, revitalisation, reconstruction, and modelling), the study reflects on the possibilities to preserve the history of destroyed monuments. Open-air museums offer a wide range of activities allowing to include monuments that are not subject to further functional adaptation into the expositions. The study proposes to use symbolic reconstructions to reproduce and exhibit lost monuments. Graphic (the simplest and most universal, consist of the two-dimensional image demonstration), physical (larger-scale, permanent, three-dimensional stylised installations that carry information about the lost monument’s nature), virtual (the most flexible and the most promising, do not require the direct impact on the exhibit, include the use of augmented reality technologies), and performative (one-time or temporary activities, most often are used in the associative landscapes’ territories) symbolic reconstructions on the example of their use in museums and open-air exhibitions were examined in detail. The effectiveness of these measures in open-air museums was considered and recommendations for their use, which can become the basis for further implementation in practice in Ukrainian exhibition institutions, were formulate

    Struktura a vlastnosti biopolymeru PLA s nanokrystaly celulózy povrchově upravených ligninem a modifikátorem houževnatosti

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá hodnocením strukturních a užitných vlastností nanokompozitů na bázi biopolymeru PLA s nanokrystaly celulózy o obsahu (1 ÷ 3) hm. % povrchově upravených ligninem s a bez přídavku modifikátoru houževnatosti. Hodnocen je průběh krystalizace materiálu, výsledný obsah krystalického podílu (stupeň krystalinity), morfologie, mechanické charakteristiky při zatěžování v tahu a ohybu, ale také jeho dynamické a rázové vlastnosti.This diploma thesis deals with evaluation of structural and utility properties of nanocomposites based on PLA biopolymer with nanocrystalline cellulose content (1 ÷ 3) wt. % of surface-treated lignins with no added modifier of toughness. The course of crystallization of the material, the resulting content of crystalline content, morphology, mechanical properties during tensile and flexural loading, as well as its dynamic and impact properties are evaluated


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    Purpose: to investigate and analyze the resources and key performance indicators of the inpatient sector of traumatological service of the health care system in Transcarpathian region. Materials and Methods. During the study statistical and structural-logical analysis methods were used. The sectoral statistical reporting in Transcarpathian region for 2014–2018 constituted the basis for the study. Results.  In 2018, 112.25 positions of orthopedic traumatologists were introduced in the region, of which 16.0 were positions of pediatric orthopedic traumatologists. Out of the total number of positions in outpatient departments, 37 positions of orthopedic traumatologists were introduced, including 9.0 positions of pediatric orthopedic traumatologists, which is 32.9 % and 56.3 % of their total number, respectively. The staffing level of orthopedic traumatologists in 2018 was 93.1 %, including in outpatient departments – 89.9 %. There is a tendency to increase the number of hospital beds in the region, the number of which in 2018 was 399 traumatological and 32 orthopedic beds, which amounted to 3.18 and 0.25 per 10 thousand population, respectively. The reduction of the average occupancy of specialized hospital beds was established. The occupancy of traumatological beds decreased by 1.55 days and amounted to 320.75 days per year, and the occupancy of orthopedic beds decreased by 10.8 days per year and amounted to 302.06 days per year. During the study period, the average duration of treatment of patients in the hospital tended to increase, which in 2018 were 11.63 and 9.66 days, respectively. For the entire study period, mortality did not exceed 1 %. Conclusions. The study found that the resource base of traumatological service is able to provide the population with inpatient traumatological and orthopedic care.Мета: дослідити та проаналізувати ресурси та основні показники діяльності стаціонарного сектору травмато­логічної служби системи охорони здоров’я Закарпатської області. Матеріали і методи. У ході виконання дослідження використано статистичний метод та метод структурно-логічного аналізу. Матеріалами дослідження слугували дані галузевої статистичної звітності по Закарпатській області за 2014–2018 рр. Результати. У 2018 р. в області введено 112,25 посад лікарів ортопедів-травматологів, із яких 16,0 – посади дитячих лікарів ортопедів-травматологів. Із загальної кількості посад в амбулаторно-поліклінічних підрозділах введено 37 посад лікарів ортопедів-травматологів, у тому числі 9,0 посад дитячих лікарів ортопедів-травматологів, що, відповідно, становить 32,9 та 56,3 % від їх загальної кількості. Рівень укомплектованості штатних посад лікарів ортопедів-травматологів у 2018 р. становив 93,1 %, у тому числі в амбулаторно-поліклінічних підрозділах – 89,9 %. В області зареєстрована тенденція до збільшення госпітальних ліжок, кількість яких у 2018 р. становила 399 травматологічних і 32 ортопедичних ліжок, що, відповідно, склало 3,18 та 0,25 на 10 тис. населення. Встановлено скорочення середньої зайнятості спеціалізованих госпітальних ліжок. Зайнятість травматологічних ліжок скоротилася на 1,55 днів і склала 320,75 днів на рік, а зайнятість ортопедичних ліжок – на 10,8 днів на рік і склала 302,06 днів на рік. За період дослідження мали тенденцію до збільшення середні терміни лікування пацієн­тів у стаціонарі, які в 2018 р., відповідно, становили 11,63 та 9,66 днів. За весь період дослідження летальність не перевищувала 1 %. Висновки. У ході дослідження встановлено, що ресурсна база травматологічної служби може забезпечити населення стаціонарною травматологічною і ортопедичною допомогою

    Management Model of Energy Enterprises Innovative Development Within Physiological Working Conditions

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    This paper takes into account scientific approaches to mathematical modeling usage of interval data analysis to develop and improve the innovation management system due to effective innovative solutions related to the sale of energy resources and services including physiological working conditions of employees. The research outlines the tools for implementing the strategy of energy companies’ innovative development based on dynamic interval management models of enterprises innovative development, which substantiate management decisions and correlates physiological working conditions of employees. As a result, all these factors make it possible to predict the impact of a system of innovative development factors on the enterprise financial condition. Construction methods of an integrated indicator level combined with workers physiological conditions of energy enterprises innovative development have been used and provided on the optimization of the factor space that creates the company's innovation policy and takes into account its causal links, human factor, physical level of readiness. The article results allowed its usage for modeling the impact of innovation level on the financial performance of energy companies as well as a study of the state of innovative development of energy enterprises in the region. The mathematical modeling has been used to build such a tool for managing the innovative development of energy market enterprises. One of the most effective approaches to modeling the dynamics of economic processes is the set-theoretic approach accompanied with physical level of employee. Within this approach, the models contain parameters and variables represented as sets of guaranteed or acceptable values, or as fuzzy sets with known matching functions.  The paper determines that the advantage of this approach is that it does not require large samples of data (time series) to obtain adequate models, and preliminary study of statistical characteristics of data, such as the law of data distribution and others. The interval models, which describe indicators of economic processes in intervals of possible values or functional corridors, have been chosen as one type of models. It has been proposed to choose gross income as an indicator of the financial condition of energy market enterprises, because the activities of energy companies are essentially the sale of energy resources and services. Accordingly, innovative solutions aimed at improving sales should receive a response to gross sales revenue.  The management mathematical dynamic models proposed in the work scientifically substantiate the decisions made and allow predicting the influence of the system of innovative development factors and physiological working conditions of employees on the financial condition of the enterprise

    Management Model of Energy Enterprises Innovative Development Within Physiological Working Conditions

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    This paper takes into account scientific approaches to mathematical modeling usage of interval data analysis to develop and improve the innovation management system due to effective innovative solutions related to the sale of energy resources and services including physiological working conditions of employees. The research outlines the tools for implementing the strategy of energy companies’ innovative development based on dynamic interval management models of enterprises innovative development, which substantiate management decisions and correlates physiological working conditions of employees. As a result, all these factors make it possible to predict the impact of a system of innovative development factors on the enterprise financial condition. Construction methods of an integrated indicator level combined with workers physiological conditions of energy enterprises innovative development have been used and provided on the optimization of the factor space that creates the company's innovation policy and takes into account its causal links, human factor, physical level of readiness. The article results allowed its usage for modeling the impact of innovation level on the financial performance of energy companies as well as a study of the state of innovative development of energy enterprises in the region. The mathematical modeling has been used to build such a tool for managing the innovative development of energy market enterprises. One of the most effective approaches to modeling the dynamics of economic processes is the set-theoretic approach accompanied with physical level of employee. Within this approach, the models contain parameters and variables represented as sets of guaranteed or acceptable values, or as fuzzy sets with known matching functions.  The paper determines that the advantage of this approach is that it does not require large samples of data (time series) to obtain adequate models, and preliminary study of statistical characteristics of data, such as the law of data distribution and others. The interval models, which describe indicators of economic processes in intervals of possible values or functional corridors, have been chosen as one type of models. It has been proposed to choose gross income as an indicator of the financial condition of energy market enterprises, because the activities of energy companies are essentially the sale of energy resources and services. Accordingly, innovative solutions aimed at improving sales should receive a response to gross sales revenue.  The management mathematical dynamic models proposed in the work scientifically substantiate the decisions made and allow predicting the influence of the system of innovative development factors and physiological working conditions of employees on the financial condition of the enterprise


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    Approach is developed to forming regional projects portfolio in improvement of vital activity safety. Stages and sub stages of regional projects portfolios construction, and also complex of | models and algorithms of automation of selection of projects are resulted in a regional projects portfolios by computer facilities. It is set that the model of regional brief-case of projects of improvement of safety of vital functions (SVF) is formed on the base of a few stages and pidetapiv, which takes into account priority ofprojects in the hierarchies of their selection, strength security, authentication of projects, estimation of the state of destructions from extraordinary situations, probabilities of origin of threats from potentially dangerous objects in accordance with description of region.Розроблено підхід до формування регіональних портфелів проектів удосконалення безпеки життєдіяльності. Наведено етапи і підетапи формування регіональних портфелів проектів, а також комплекс взаємопов'язаних моделей та алгоритмів автоматизації відбору проектів у регіональний портфель засобами ЕОМ. Встановлено, що модель регіонального портфеля проектів удосконалення безпеки життєдіяльності (БЖД) сформована на базі декількох етапів та підетапів, які враховують пріоритетність проектів у ієрархії їх відбору, рівень безпеки, ідентифікацію проектів, оцінку стану руйнувань від надзвичайних ситуацій, ймовірності виникнення загроз від потенційно-небезпечних об'єктів відповідно до характеристики регіону

    The Innovative Approaches in the Staff Management of Enterprises

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    The article is aimed at studying and systematizing the basic modern theoretical approaches to innovative staff management. The most important innovative approaches in staff management of enterprises presented in the scientific-methodological researches of contemporary scholars are considered and defined. The necessity of scientific substantiation of introduction of innovations in the sphere of staff management by definition of key principles of innovative development of this sphere is identified. The authors also consider the main traditional (administrative, economic, social-psychological) and the innovative methods (innovative selection of staff, providing the use of the newest technologies of search for employees; innovative methods of assessment of activities used at the stage of recruitment and management of personnel to determine the level of conformity of both professional and personal characteristics of staff with both official and internal requirements; innovative career management methods; innovative methods of stimulation and motivation) in the system of modern staff management of enterprises, the most priority aspects of their introduction and implementation are allocated