563 research outputs found

    Ω-results for Beurling's zeta function and lower bounds for the generalised Dirichlet divisor problem

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    In this paper we study generalised prime systems for which the integer counting function NP(x) is asymptotically well behaved, in the sense that NP(x)=ρx+O(xÎČ), where ρ is a positive constant and . For such systems, the associated zeta function ζP(s) is holomorphic for . We prove that for , for any Δ>0, and also for Δ=0 for all such σ except possibly one value. The Dirichlet divisor problem for generalised integers concerns the size of the error term in NkP(x)−Ress=1(ζPk(s)xs/s), which is O(xΞ) for some Ξ<1. Letting αk denote the infimum of such Ξ, we show that

    An adelic causality problem related to abelian L-functions

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    I associate to a global field K a Lax-Phillips scattering which has the property of causality if and only if the Riemann Hypothesis holds for all the abelian L-functions of K. As a Hilbert space closure problem this provides an adelic variation on a theme initiated by Nyman and Beurling. The adelic aspects are related to previous work by Tate, Iwasawa and Connes.Comment: 18 pages, latex2e with amsfonts. Final version, accepted for publicatio

    Maximal smoothness of the anti-analytic part of a trigonometric null series

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    We proved recently math.CA/0510403 that the anti-analytic part of a trigonometric series, converging to zero almost everywhere, may be square integrable on the circle. Here we prove that it can even be infinitely differentiable, and we characterize precisely the possible degree of smoothness in terms of the rate of decrease of the Fourier coefficients. This sharp condition might be viewed as a "new quasi-analyticity".Comment: 6 pages. Announcement of math.CA/0406261 and sketch of the proof of one half of it. Should be identical to journal version except the French abstrac

    On uniform convergence of Fourier series

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    We consider the space U(T)U(\mathbb T) of all continuous functions on the circle T\mathbb T with uniformly convergent Fourier series. We show that if φ:T→T\varphi: \mathbb T\rightarrow\mathbb T is a continuous piecewise linear but not linear map, then ∄einφ∄U(T)≃log⁥n\|e^{in\varphi}\|_{U(\mathbb T)}\simeq\log n

    A Unique Continuation Result for Klein-Gordon Bisolutions on a 2-dimensional Cylinder

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    We prove a novel unique continuation result for weak bisolutions to the massive Klein-Gordon equation on a 2-dimensional cylinder M. Namely, if such a bisolution vanishes in a neighbourhood of a `sufficiently large' portion of a 2-dimensional surface lying parallel to the diagonal in the product manifold of M with itself, then it is (globally) translationally invariant. The proof makes use of methods drawn from Beurling's theory of interpolation. An application of our result to quantum field theory on 2-dimensional cylinder spacetimes will appear elsewhere.Comment: LaTeX2e, 9 page

    FrÄn emigrant- till immigrantland : Utvecklingen och inverkan av integrationsÄtgÀrder för invandrare i Helsingfors 1997-2004

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    Only abstract. Paper copies of master’s theses are listed in the Helka database (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Electronic copies of master’s theses are either available as open access or only on thesis terminals in the Helsinki University Library.Vain tiivistelmĂ€. Sidottujen gradujen saatavuuden voit tarkistaa Helka-tietokannasta (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Digitaaliset gradut voivat olla luettavissa avoimesti verkossa tai rajoitetusti kirjaston opinnĂ€ytekioskeilla.Endast sammandrag. Inbundna avhandlingar kan sökas i Helka-databasen (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Elektroniska kopior av avhandlingar finns antingen öppet pĂ„ nĂ€tet eller endast tillgĂ€ngliga i bibliotekets avhandlingsterminaler.Syftet med undersökningen Ă€r att undersöka hurdana viktiga och betydande integrationsĂ„tgĂ€rder Helsingfors stad har implementerat för invandrare under tidsperioden 1997-2004. Jag undersöker ocksĂ„ inverkan av dessa integrationsĂ„tgĂ€rder pĂ„ utvecklingen av arbetslösheten bland invandrare i Helsingfors. Invandrarpolitiken i Helsingfors behandlar jag ocksĂ„ i korthet samt olika hinder som invandrare möter pĂ„ sin vĂ€g till integration. Som mĂ„tt för att mĂ€ta utvecklingen av invandrares integration anvĂ€nder jag utvecklingen av arbetslösheten bland invandrare. Som teori anvĂ€nder jag implementeringsteori och jag koncentrerar mig pĂ„ nĂ€tverksimplementeringen. Som ett viktigt antagande har jag att utfallen av olika integrationsĂ„tgĂ€rder bevisar om informella nĂ€tverken bland invandrare och myndigheter fungerar. Som kĂ€llor anvĂ€nder jag flera olika forskningar om mĂ€tning av integration. Lennart Lundqvists bok Implementation Steering samt Bo Rothsteins bok Politik som organisation Ă€r viktiga verk för att bygga den teoretiska referensramen i undersökningen. Helsingfors utlĂ€nningspolitik frĂ„n Ă„r 1995 och Helsingfors stads integrationsprogram Ă€r ocksĂ„ centrala kĂ€llor i denna undersökning. Arbetslösheten bland invandrare har avsevĂ€rt minskat och skillnaden mellan arbetslöshetsprocenten bland invandrare och bland sĂ„ kallade stamfolket Ă€r bara nĂ„gra procent. Detta betyder i alla fall inte att integrationen bland alla nationaliteter skulle ha skett med samma takt eller lika bra. I alla fall pĂ„ grund av detta faktum drar jag slutsatsen att invandrare har integrerar sig bĂ€ttre i slutet av forskningsperioden Ă€n i början av perioden I Nils Herttings normativa tes om nĂ€tverksstyrning ses lokala samverkansnĂ€tverk kring avgrĂ€nsande samhĂ€llsproblem som nödvĂ€ndiga instrument för att sĂ€kerstĂ€lla legitim och effektiv offentlig politik. Alla de nya samarbetsformerna i invandrarĂ€renden i Helsingfors som har kommit fram i denna undersökning hĂ€nvisar till att nĂ€tverksstyrningens normativa idĂ© gĂ€ller i Helsingfors invandrarpolitik. Enligt implementeringsteori som förutsĂ€tter att tillĂ€mparen skall kunna och vilja implementera beslutet samt förstĂ„ beslutet kan man sĂ€ga att de tillĂ€mpande myndigheterna i Helsingfors har uppfyllt dessa kriterier Ă„tminstone delvis. Detta bevisar utfallen av de betydande integrationsĂ„tgĂ€rder som jag presenterat i min undersökning

    Möten - Musik - MÄngfald: UtvÀrdering av ett integrationsprojekt i Malmö

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    This paper evaluates a project of integration that took place in the Spring of 2007 in Malmö, Sweden. In the project music was used as a tool in the process of integration. The project was named "Meetings – music – multitude" and behind it stood the organisation Spiritus Mundi which cooperated with four different parts of Malmö. The study evaluates the project focusing on the experiences of the teachers who participated and also on the experiences that Spiritus Mundi made. The study also evaluates what part music played in the project. The evaluation is made as an qualitative study where a web survey, an interview and e-mail correspondence has been used to collect data. The answers from the survey and the interview has been analysed according to the method of categorization. The results show that Spiritus Mundi in the project "Meeting – music – multitude" worked with integration on several levels where the organisation Spiritus Mundi made the biggest experiences and evolved most as a result of the project.En kvalitativ studie av ett integrationsprojekt i Malmö vĂ„ren 2007 dĂ€r musik anvĂ€ndes som medel i integrationsprocessen. Projektet kallades Möten – musik – mĂ„ngfald och genomfördes av organisationen Spiritus Mundi i samarbete med fyra olika stadsdelar i Malmö. Studien utvĂ€rderar projektet med fokus pĂ„ de inblandade pedagogernas och Spiritus Mundis erfarenheter av projektet samt musikens roll för projektet. UtvĂ€rderingen Ă€r en kvalitativ studie dĂ€r webbaserad enkĂ€t, intervju och e-postkorrespondens anvĂ€nts som datainsamlingsmetod. EnkĂ€tsvaren och intervjun har analyserats med hjĂ€lp av kategoriseringsmetoden. Resultaten visar att Spiritus Mundi i projektet Möten – musik – mĂ„ngfald arbetade med integration pĂ„ flera olika plan dĂ€r organisationen Spiritus Mundi har gjort de största erfarenheterna och utvecklats mest till följd av projektet

    A lower bound in an approximation problem involving the zeros of the Riemann zeta function

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    We slightly improve the lower bound of Baez-Duarte, Balazard, Landreau and Saias in the Nyman-Beurling formulation of the Riemann Hypothesis as an approximation problem. We construct Hilbert space vectors which could prove useful in the context of the so-called `Hilbert-Polya idea'.Comment: 17 pages, v2 adds two references. No mathematical change

    Symmetry of the Riemann Operator

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    Chaos quantization conditions, which relate the eigenvalues of a Hermitian operator (the Riemann operator) with the non-trivial zeros of the Riemann zeta function are considered, and their geometrical interpretation is discussed
