503 research outputs found

    Detection of Supernova Neutrinos

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    Matter effects on neutrino oscillations in both, a supernova and the Earth, change the observed supernova neutrino spectra. We calculate the expected number of supernova neutrino interactions for ICARUS, SK and SNO detectors as a function of the distance which they traveled in the Earth. Calculations are performed for supernova type II at 10kpc from the Earth, using standard supernova neutrino fluxes described by thermal Fermi--Dirac distributions and the PREM I Earth matter density profile.Comment: Postscript file: 7 pages, 2 figures; tar-compressed file: tex source code, eps figures. To appear in Acta. Phys. Pol. B. Talk given at the XXVIII Mazurian Lakes School of Physics, Krzyze, Poland, August 31 - September 7, 200

    The Effect of FoMO (Fear of Missing Out) on Purchasing Behavior in Public Relations Practices

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    Technology has been developing rapidly for a very long time, and this development creates new dynamics in all areas of life. Now, there is almost no area independent from the phenomenon of technology and technological tools. In this context, public relations practices also try to influence people’s purchasing behavior through different tools and applications. Since public relations cannot be considered only as a promotional and image activity, the relationship of the issue with purchasing practices is established in this study. On the other hand, people’s buying behavior is influenced by certain methods. The aim of this article is to examine the effect of fear of missing out (FoMO) on developments, which is a new concept in public relations practices, on individuals’ purchasing behavior through the example of Trendyol. In this study, the extent to which the consumer's FoMO on the activities and life experiences of others affects their purchasing behavior is discussed. At the same time, how demographic structure affects purchasing behavior is also examined. The method of the study is structural equation modeling from a statistical point of view. The results of the study show that the increase in the fear of missing out affects purchasing behavior. It has been observed that this does not differ according to gender but differs according to education level and income source.Keywords: Public Relations, Fear of Missing Out (FoMO), Purchasing Behavio

    Evde Destek Programının Okul Öncesi Çocuklarda Uzun Dönemdeki Etkileri

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    Mevcut potansiyelinin en üst düzeyine kadar gelişmek her çocuğun hakkıdır. Bu hakkın uluslararası boyutta kabul edilmesi erken çocukluk gelişimi ve eğitim programlarının mantığının oluşturulmasında önemli bir destekleyici unsur sağlamaktadır. Ancak, harekete geçirilecek bu hakkın gerekleri yerine getirilmelidir. Çocuklar, haklarının gerçekleştirilmesi için yetişkinlere muhtaçtır (Myers, 1996). Bu da çocukların gelişimini ve eğitimini amaçlayan programların yetişkinler tarafından planlanması ve uygulanmasını- gerektirmektedir. Son yıllarda yapılan araştırmalar, çocukların yaşamlarının çok erken dönemlerinde başlayan, ebeveynleri ile çevrelerini desteklemeye yönelik ve çocuğun tüm gelişimini amaçlayan programların geliştirilmesini önermektedir. Buradaki esas amaç çocuğa ve çevresine eşit şekilde önem verilmesidir. Erken gelişim programlarında ailenin önem kazanması kuşkusuz Sameroff (1975) ile Bronfenbrenner'in (1979) etkileşimsel modellerinden kaynaklanmaktadır. Bu modeller gelişimi büyüyen bir insanla bu insanın içinde yaşadığı en yakın çevrenin doğasındaki değişme arasında süregelen karşılıklı bir uzlaşma olarak tanımlarlar

    Dynamic-arc respiratory-gated stereotactic radiotherapy — technique presentation

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    Main advancements in radiation treatment in recent years have included the introduction of dynamic techniques and 4D radiotherapy. The treatment of movable tumors relies on two important techniques: gating and tracking. The limitation of the former is the relatively short duration of the respiratory phase during which the radiation can be delivered and the need to teach the patient to breathe in accordance with the correct pattern. At the same time, certain clinical situations require the use of dynamic techniques. Intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT), combined with gantry rotation, forms the basis for the VMAT technique. The procedure usually takes a shorter time to complete than other dynamic techniques, which considerably improves patient comfort. The recently introduced True BeamTM accelerator employs all the latest innovations in terms of dose-rate modeling and respiratory gating

    HoneyTree: Making Honeywords Sweeter

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    Cyber deception is an area of cybersecurity based on building detection systems and verification models using decoys or controlled misinformation to confuse or misdirect the adversaries into revealing their presence and/or intentions. In the era of online services where our data is usually protected on the cloud relying on a secret key, even the most secure cyber systems can get compromised, losing highly confidential data to the attackers, including hashed passwords that can be cracked offline. Prior work has been done in carefully placing traps in the systems to detect intrusion activities. The Honeywords project by Juels and Rivest is the most straightforward and successful technique in detecting and deterring offline-password brute force by placing multiple plausible decoy passwords together along with the real password. In this paper, we enhance this approach and combine it with the concept of Merkle tree to build a new model called HoneyTree. Our model achieves twice the level of security as the Honeywords project at the same storage cost. We perform a detailed comparison of our approach to the original Honeywords project and analyze its pros and cons

    Might synthetic cannabinoids influence neural differentiation?

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    Abstract in proceedings of the Fourth International Congress of CiiEM: Health, Well-Being and Ageing in the 21st Century, held at Egas Moniz’ University Campus in Monte de Caparica, Almada, from 3–5 June 2019.This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio