304 research outputs found

    Factors of Risk Reduction in Agile and Lean Enabled Governance of IT Project Portfolios

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    The subject of this paper is project portfolio governance and its improvement based on agile and framework which improves the management of project portfolio processes’ execution and reduces the risks of portfolio components’ implementation. The existing project portfolio models and governance processes use traditional principles, regulation, planning, and control methods, which require enhancement to ensure the portfolio management processes are followed in successful project implementation. The agile and lean project portfolio governance is a relative new domain for which the awareness and practical results related to influence on governance processes, risks, and quality are missing. The contribution is foremost methodological in introduction of agile and lean portfolio governance methods and processes, followed by the agile and lean governance framework, and conclusively in revealing the factors of risk reduction in the agile and lean enabled project portfolio governance with the emphasis on implementation risks reduction

    What Now?: Students\u27 Reactions to the Attacks of September 11, 2001

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    September 11, 2001 started off as just another Tuesday. Men and women across America woke up and went about their business as they would on any work day. However, that all changed at 8:45a.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST). A jetliner carrying 92 people slammed into the north tower of the World Trade Center in New York City. Eighteen minutes later, a second jet carrying 65 people plowed into the south tower. A short time later, a third hijacked plane was guided into the Pentagon, and at 10:10a.m. a fourth jet crashed in a field outside Shanksville, Pennsylvania (http://www.cnn.com. Accessed 17 August 2002). It is because of this massive impact on the everyday lives of all Americans that we wanted to study the implication of the events of September Eleventh. We wanted to get a better idea of how people in our age and educational cohort reacted to the attacks and what they thought about the future of life in America. Although we realized that our study would be limited by time and budget constraints, we hoped to create a final product that at least provided a vignette of what students at Western Washington University experienced as a result of the attacks. Furthermore, we hope that our research would serve as a model for other researchers who have the resources to examine this compelling subject on a larger scale. In the end, we believed it was necessary to create something positive out of such a tremendous tragedy in order to facilitate the healing process. We hope our study contributes to this healing process in some small way

    Metodološki okvir za obogaćivanje upravljanja projektnih portfelja agilnim i lean metodama

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    Predmet istraživanja su metodike upravljanja projektnim portfeljem i mogućnost njihovog poboljšanja, na temelju obogaćivanja agilnim i lean (vitkim, okretnim) konceptima i metodama. Postojeći modeli i procesi upravljanja projektnim portfeljima koriste tradicionalne principe, procedure, planiranje i metode nadzora. Međutim, iako se radi o području intenzivnih istraživanja, agilno i lean upravljanje je relativno novo područje za koje još uvijek nedostaju odgovarajuće spoznaje i praktični rezultati vezani uz utjecaj agilnog pristupa i metodika na procese upravljanja, rizike i kvalitetu. Istraživanje je potvrdilo da predloženi konceptualni okvir upravljanja, koji proizlazi kao jedan od glavnih znanstvenih doprinosa ovog istraživanja, može poboljšati izvedbu menadžmenta procesa projektnih portfelja te smanjiti rizike izvedbe komponenata portfelja (projekata i programa).The subject of this research is project portfolio governance, and its improvement based on agile and lean methods and concepts. The existing project portfolio frameworks and governance processes use traditional principles, regulation, planning, and control methods. Whilst this is an area of intensive research, the agile and lean governance is a relative new domain, for which a certain cognizance and practical results related to influence of agile approach and methods on governance processes, risks, and quality are missing. This research confirms that the new proposed conceptual governance framework, emerging as one of the main scientific contributions from this research, improves the management of project portfolio processes’ execution and reduces the risks of portfolio components’ (projects and programs) implementation. The expected scientific contribution from this research is foremost methodological in introducing of agile and lean project portfolio governance concepts, methods, and processes, followed by creation of the referent agile process governance framework and its taxonomy, and finally in the evaluation of the possibility for the application of the agile governance framework, with the aim of the portfolio components’ implementation risks reduction

    Metodološki okvir za obogaćivanje upravljanja projektnih portfelja agilnim i lean metodama

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    Predmet istraživanja su metodike upravljanja projektnim portfeljem i mogućnost njihovog poboljšanja, na temelju obogaćivanja agilnim i lean (vitkim, okretnim) konceptima i metodama. Postojeći modeli i procesi upravljanja projektnim portfeljima koriste tradicionalne principe, procedure, planiranje i metode nadzora. Međutim, iako se radi o području intenzivnih istraživanja, agilno i lean upravljanje je relativno novo područje za koje još uvijek nedostaju odgovarajuće spoznaje i praktični rezultati vezani uz utjecaj agilnog pristupa i metodika na procese upravljanja, rizike i kvalitetu. Istraživanje je potvrdilo da predloženi konceptualni okvir upravljanja, koji proizlazi kao jedan od glavnih znanstvenih doprinosa ovog istraživanja, može poboljšati izvedbu menadžmenta procesa projektnih portfelja te smanjiti rizike izvedbe komponenata portfelja (projekata i programa).The subject of this research is project portfolio governance, and its improvement based on agile and lean methods and concepts. The existing project portfolio frameworks and governance processes use traditional principles, regulation, planning, and control methods. Whilst this is an area of intensive research, the agile and lean governance is a relative new domain, for which a certain cognizance and practical results related to influence of agile approach and methods on governance processes, risks, and quality are missing. This research confirms that the new proposed conceptual governance framework, emerging as one of the main scientific contributions from this research, improves the management of project portfolio processes’ execution and reduces the risks of portfolio components’ (projects and programs) implementation. The expected scientific contribution from this research is foremost methodological in introducing of agile and lean project portfolio governance concepts, methods, and processes, followed by creation of the referent agile process governance framework and its taxonomy, and finally in the evaluation of the possibility for the application of the agile governance framework, with the aim of the portfolio components’ implementation risks reduction

    Prediction of User Throughput in the Mobile Network Along the Motorway and Trunk Road

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    The main goal of this research is to create a machine learning model for predicting user throughput in the mobile 4G network of the network provider M:tel Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The geographical area of the research is limited to the section of Motorway "9th January" (M9J) Banja Luka - Doboj, between the node Johovac and the town of Prnjavor (P-J section), and the area of the section of trunk road M17, between the node Johovac and the town of Doboj (J-D section). Based on the set of collected data, several models based on machine learning techniques were trained and tested together with the application of the Correlation-based Feature Selection (CFS) method to reduce the space of input variables. The test results showed that the models based on k-Nearest Neighbors (k-NN) have the lowest relative prediction error, for both sections, while the model created for the trunk road section has significantly better performance

    Variability and heredity of some qualitative and quantitative grapevine characteristics

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    Variability and mode of heredity of some important qualitative and quantitative grapevine characteristics in 45 seedlings of F-1 generation obtained from crossing combination Seedling 113 x Muscat Hamburg were investigated in this study. The seedlings of F-1 generation for the investigated characteristics were arranged in certain number of categories by the OIV method. As variability indexes, standard deviation (S) and coefficient of variation (V) were used. Evaluation of the mode of heredity was done by chi(2) test and t-test. Considering examined characteristics, the highest variability showed grape yield (V=58.9%), and the lowest sugar content in must (V=16.3%). Color of berry skin, cluster resistance to Botrytis cinerea and leaf resistance to Plasmopara viticola showed monogenic mode of heredity. Exception from the monogenic mode of heredity was determined for the flavor of berry. Grape yield, bunch weight and berry weight showed negative heterosis. For the sugar content in must, domination of the parent with low sugar content in must was determined

    Dvostruke komande za vozilo autoškole

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    U završnom radu modelirane su u CAD programskom paketu CATIA dvostruke nožne komande koje se koriste u vozilima autoškole koja služe osposobljavanju kandidata za vozače. Isto tako, analizirani su ECE-pravilnici koji se odnose na tu vrstu opreme, tj; općenito ne nožne komande, njihov raspored i smještaj u vozilu. ECE-pravilnici i EU direktive uspoređeni su sa propisima koji se odnose na takvu opremu u Republici Hrvatskoj. Analizirana je kinematika uređaja tj, kakva se gibanja vrše na tom uređaju . Također je napravljena analiza čvrstoće karakterističnih dijelova. Svrha ove provjere je da se vidi hoće li uređaj izdržati silu koja se prenosi preko pedale, tj. hoće li uslijed te sile doći do plastične deformacije na karakterističnim dijelovima. Analiza čvrstoće je provedena u CATIA-i, FEM analizom, a radi usporedbe rezultata neki od dijelova su još provjereni klasičnim proračunom nauke o čvrstoći

    Chapter Una slavista italiana dimenticata. Umberta Griffini, traduttrice, mediatrice e scrittrice

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    Umberta Griffini (1880-1956) may be considered one of the most important figures in Italian Serbo-Croatian Studies before these were formally established. Although she spent a decade, at the beginning of the 20th century, vigorously disseminating Serbian literature, in numerous writings, reviews and a large number of translations of Serbian authors, her work has received insufficient scholary attention. The aim of this article is to shed some light on an interesting woman who was atypical in the Italian cultural panorama of the first decade of the 20th century