271 research outputs found


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    The concept of Islam relies on the source of his teachings, so what must be revealed in this study is how the Qur'an and the hadith of the Prophet speak about the economic development of the people, so that the concept of economic development can be formulated according to Islamic teachings. The concept of economic development of the ummah, refers to two sources of Islamic teachings, namely: al-Qur'a>n and the Hadith of the Holy Prophet, which gave birth to the principles and values of Islamic economics which were formulated through studies conducted on the two sources of Islamic teachings which were confronted with problems faced by the community or people that produce formulations that need to be developed as a concept that can realize the welfare of the community and people


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    This paper would like to descripte the characteristics of learning that focused on the learners, the benefits, the weaknesses and the steps of its use to achieve the goal of learning Arabic. Learning model is an important part which is understood by every Arabic teacher to be able to present the condition of learning that is always fun for learners. An effective model for learning in Arabic is the learning model that concentrated to student. The use of this learning model is believed to be able to improve the four competencies of Arabic learners, namely the ability to speak, write, read and hear. For this reason, an Arabic teacher must understand the various variants of an effective learning model which centered on the learning potential of students in order to present the materials in an enjoyable. Therefore, it is important for any Arabic teacher to change the teacher-centered paradigm which is conventional teaching towards a modern learning paradigm which centered to the creative ability of students during the Arab learning proccess. The use of learning models which focused to learners in Arabic learning should be supported by teacher innovation that can empower learners to be active during learning. In addition, the teacher seeks to construct the latest Arabic material by utilizing the technology media relevant to the progress of the global education world, especially in learning Arabic as the language of the Islamic world and religious language


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    Kemajuan Teknologi dan informasi menjadikan perguruan tinggi saat ini dituntut untuk memiliki standar kurikulum atau akreditasi yang menjanjikan untuk mencetak generasi yang optimal. Generasi yang memiliki kualitas sumber daya manusia (SDM) yang mampu bersaing di dunia kerja moderen saat ini. Maka dalam rangka meningkatkan kualitas SDM tersebut dibutuhkan sebuah rancangan bangun sistem yang dapat memudahkan proses akreditasi terhadap suatu institusi atau perguruan tinggi sehingga daam proses pelayanannya kepada mahasiswa dan pihak-pihak yang terkait dapat  ter-penuhi secara optimal. Penelitian ini membahas mengenai cara pengisian instrumen atau persyaratan E-Borang dalam memenuhi standar akreditasi yang memuaskan dari segi kemahasiswaan dan mutu pelayanan tenaga didik perguruan tinggi.Kesimpulan yang didapat dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa proses pengumpulan instrument atau persyara-tan akreditasi sudah berjalan dengan baik, namun belum maksimal. Hal ini terlihat dari terhambatnya sarana informasi dan pelayanan menyangkut pengumpulan berkas yang masih tersedia dalam bentuk hardcopy, dan dihawatirkan adanya kerawanan pada penyimpanan berkas yang dapat hilang atau rusak karna masih berupa bentuk fisik hardcopy

    TIME Budget Preasure and Turnover Intention with Dysfuctional Accountant Behavior

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    A public accountant as a profession that provides assurance services about historical financial report information to the public is required to have adequate accounting knowledge and accounting skills as well as personal qualities. Such personal qualities will be reflected in his professional behavior. Professional behavior of public accountant one of them embodied in the form of avoid dysfunctional behavior of accountant. dysfunctional behavior is related to time budget pressure and turnoer intention. A high level of time budget pressure will encourage auditors to perform dysfunctional behaviors. The desire to quit working is also judged to affect the irregularities of auditor behavior. There is a significant positive correlation between intention turnover and dysfunctional audit behavior due to decreased fears of possible sanctions if such behavior is detected

    It Loves Me... It Loves Me Not: Towards Implementing Artificial Love in Companion Robots

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    We describe our prototype implementation of Chapman’s theory about the five love languages into a humanoid robot. This implementation has the objective of fostering a relationship that nurtures love, and that could lead to the human feeling loved by the robot. This special bond could potentially serve as a non-pharmacological intervention to aid in patients’ treatment or wellbeing during prolonged hospitalizations. At the same time, the robot could monitor the patient in case abnormal behaviour is detected such as anxiety or depression

    Peran Kepala Desa sebagai Administrasi Pembangunan di Desa Mattirowalie Kacamatan Maniangpajo Kabupaten Wajo

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    Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran kepala desa sebagai administrator pembangunan di desa Mattirowalie Kecamatan Maniangpajo Kabupaten Wajo. Adapun jumlah informan dalam penelitian ini adalah 3 orang dan penelitian ini terdapat tiga deskripsi focus yaitu (1) Motivator (2) Fasilitator dan (3) Mobilisator. Teknik analisis data adalah kondensasi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan serta pengujian kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjudkan bahwa, Peran Kepala Desa sebagai Administrator Pembangunan di Desa Matirowalie Kecamatan Maniangpajo Kabupaten Wajo berada dalam kategori baik, selaku pemerintah desa sudah menjalankan peranya sebagai motivator, fasilitator, dan mobilisator sesuai dengan tugas, wewenang dan fungsinya sebagai Administrator pembangunan Desa

    Aires naturelles protégées et peuples autochtones. Enjeux et défis pour une alliance gagnante.

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    International audienc


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui takaran dan timbangan yang dipergunakan penjual terigu sesuai dengan konsep ekonomi Islam di pasar sentral Maros dan untuk mengetahui apakah cara penggunaan takaran dan timbangan bagi pedagang terigu di pasar sentral Maros. Metode analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu analisis kualitatif pendekatan fenomologi dengan cara mendeskripsikan atau menggambarkan realitas pada objek penelitian sesuai dengan fakta di lapangan. Data penelitian ini diperoleh dari data primer berupa kata-kata dan sikap, data sekunder berupa literatur-literatur yang relevan serta mendukung pembahasan penelitian, dokumentasi. Teknik pengumpulan data berupa observasi, dokumentasi, wawancara (Interview) langsung dengan pihak-pihak terkait.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa masih banyaknya kecurangan yang dilakukan para pedagang terigu di Pasar Sentral Maros. Hal ini juga di dukung karena kurangnya perhatian dari pemerintah atau lembaga keagamaan yang menyinggung atau mengangkat etika bisnis Islam menjadi sebuah sistem yang akan berdampak positif pada usaha yang mereka jalankan.Dengan melihat fenomena banyaknya kecurangan di setiap transaksi bisnis, diharapkan agar pemerintah dalam hal ini Dinas terkait bersatu padu dengan para ulama atau akademisi dalam rangka merumuskan suatu rancangan tentang takaran dan timbagan Islam untuk diterapkan kepada para pelaku bisnis terutama para pedagang terigu di  pasar Sentral Maros


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    PT. Sriwijaya Air Branch Samarinda is one of the representative office of Sriwijaya Air Group in East Kalimantan which is the company's private airline. Sales made online with payment method cash. The study was conducted to investigate the implementation of the elements of the system of internal controls over the accounting system of cash receipts from ticket sales PT. Sriwijaya Air Branch Samarinda. Methods of data collection using observation, interview, documentation, and literature research. The technique of data analysis consisted of descriptive technique, a flowchart, the methods of observation, comparison of theory with practice, and calculation of the amount of the acquisition of the score from the results of these observations using a likert scale. The results of calculations using the likert scale showed scores of numbers 53,84% with the description of the assessment criteria, namely the category of less adequate so that the results of these studies concluded that the hypothesis which reads “the implementation of the elements of the system of internal controls over the accounting system of cash receipts from ticket sales PT. Sriwijaya Air Branch Was not adequate” proven and accepted
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