116 research outputs found

    Poètica de la ficció en l'obra èpica

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    Ricard Salvat, l'amic, el mestre

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    Jaume Fuster, la ficció sense fronteres

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    L’article valora l’aportació de l’escriptor Jaume Fuster al gènere policíac en llengua catalana, del qual és un dels precursors. Fuster col·labora a a assentar les bases del gènere negre des de la seva posició com a director editorial, com a escriptor i com a popularitzador als mitjans de comunicació. L’article analitza les fonts de la narrativa de l’autor, els seus referents i els seus procediments d’escriptura. Explica que Fuster inventa uns tipus i un llenguatge que han fet fortuna en el patrimoni literari català. Fa notar que la intertextualitat que practica es converteix en interdiscursivitat: proposa productes narratius que inclouen formes narratives mixtes i llenguatges diversos. Juga amb l’hipertext, amb les tecnologies de la informació, amb la participació del receptor. A la manera dels autors nord-americans del hard boiled crime fiction que admira, i als quals fa repetits homenatges en les seves obres, escriu relats que es publiquen en llibres, tenen forma de guions per a la ràdio o el cinema, o redacta capítols que es converteixen en sèries narratives per als periòdics, o concursos per a la televisió. Afirma que no hi ha distinció entre Literatura i Literatura de Gènere i defensa per damunt de tot el Gènere Negre de qualitat.The article acknowledges Jaume Fuster’s contribution to crime fiction in Catalan, of which he is one of the precursors. Fuster contributes to the establishment of the bases for crime fiction from his position as a publisher director, writer and populariser of the media. The article analyses the writer’s narrative sources, his mentors and his writing methods, and explains that Fuster invents some characters and a language that have enjoyed great success in the Catalan literary heritage. The intertextuality that he practises becomes interdiscursivity: his creations include mixed narrative methods and several languages. He plays with hypertext, with information technology, and with reader participation. Similar to the hard-boiled American crime fiction authors that he so admires, and to whom he repeatedly pays tribute in his work, Fuster also writes short stories for publication in books or in script form for radio or cinema, and he writes chapters that become narrative series for newspapers, or for TV contests. He states that there is no difference between literature and genre literature and above all defends quality detective fiction.Aquest article forma part de les activitats del Grup de Recerca Identitats en la Literatura Catalana (GRILC), reconegut i consolidat per la Generalitat de Catalunya (2014 SGR 755), i del grup de recerca Identitat Nacional i de Gènere a la Literatura Catalana, del Departament de Filologia Catalana de la Universitat Rovira i Virgili

    Utilidad de los Equipos de Trabajo para incrementar la participación, autogestión, interdependencia, satisfacción e integración de conductas cooperativas y competitivas

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    In this work, we analyse the participation, self-management, interdependence of objectives, work satisfaction and competitive and co-operative behaviours both with Work Teams and individual Work Teams. The objective of the investigation is to demonstrate that Work Teams increase the participation of workers and create their own culture. 232 workers from an automotion company took part in the study. Through the use of standarised instruments, the above mentioned dimensions are analised respecting the operative meetings of the Teams. The results demonstrate that the organisation of work through Self-managed Work Teams increases the levels of the variables analised. In the same way, the groups facilitate the integration of co-operative behaviours with competitive behaviours. Work Teams seem to be an effective tool to facilitate the an organisational transformation towards more effective and creative settings.Work Teams, participation, self-mamagement, interdependence, satisfaction, conflicts, culture.

    L'espai imaginari (Assaig de tipologia en la literatura catalana contemporània)

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    Penso que en la literatura contemporània parlar de l'espai imaginari és parlar una mica de tot. El terme espai imaginari hauria de fer referència a aquells indrets, llocs, itineraris, marcs o escenaris creats per la fantasia en què es desenvolupa una acció o un procés intel·lectual

    Jarduera fisikoaren eragina zoru pelbikoan haurdunaldi garaian

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    Zoru pelbikoa beheko zati abdominala eusten duen gihar taldea da, maskuria, ume-tokia eta heste zati bat eusten dituena. Enborraren oinarrian kokatzen da eta egitura anatomiko honek, ondo landuta eta indartuta ez badago, ez ditu bere funtzioak ondo betetzen. Ikerketa ezberdinek haurdunaldia eta erditzea identifikatzen dituzte zoru pelbikoaren giharduraren arrisku faktore nagusi gisa, intzidentzia gehien duen faktorea erditze baginala izanik. Honela bada, lan honen helburua zoru pelbikoa ezagutaraztea izango da, ondoren irakurlea haurdunaldian zehar ematen diren aldaketen inguruan jakinaren gainean jarriko delarik, haurdunaren egoera fisikorako kaltegarriak izan daitezkeela. Disfuntzio hauek prebenitzeko helburuarekin, haurdunaldia, erditzea eta erditze-ondoa interbentzio objektu izan beharko lirateke, prebentzio tresna gisa. Era honetan, zoru pelbikoaren indartzean oinarrituko da, lehenik jarduera fisikoak duen eragina azalduz eta ondoren interbentzioan zentratuz, bi metodo ezberdin proposatuko direlarik, Kegel-en metodoa eta gimnasia abdominal hipopresiboa hain zuzen. Lan honen beharra gihar talde honek emakumearen osasun eta bizi-kalitatean duen garrantzian oinarritzen da, jarduera fisikoak eragiten dituen onurak ezagutaraztearekin batera, profesionalki eremu honetan gure konpetentzia aldarrikatzea beharrezko ikusita. Metodologiari dagokionez, bilaketa sistematikoa

    The Positive Loop at Work: A Longitudinal Long-Term Study of Transformational Leadership, Group Passion, and Employee Results

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    [EN]Positive psychology and positive organizational behavior studies recognize that leadership is extremely important for generating positive well-being. Despite the frequently reported significant positive correlations, the causal long-term relationship between leadership, positive high intense affect, and employee results remains unclear. The main objective of this study was to analyze the long-term (longitudinal) relation of transformational leadership and positive high-intensity emotions with employee group satisfaction, commitment, and proactive behavior. We built a longitudinal structural equation model to test a mediation model with two time points; 2,480 workers from 166 work units completed questionnaires at both time points. Our results reveal that positive high-intensity emotions mediate the relation between transformational leadership and proactive behavior of workers, the bidirectional relations between the variables were also analyzed. The present study is, to our knowledge, the first analyzing the long-term effect of TFL and collective high-intensity emotions on worker's results longitudinally. Our findings reflect the great complexity of affect and affect-related results in organizations and highlight the need for more longitudinal research to clarify emotional processes at work.This work was supported by the University of the Basque Country (PIF2016/195) as well as by the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, Department of Economical Promotion, Tourism and Rural Context (Talent and Learning-Bateratzen-Trans 109/2020)