221 research outputs found

    Aplicando la metodología flipped-teaching en el Grado de Ingeniería Informática: una experiencia práctica

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    En el Grado de Ingeniería Informática de la Universitat Politècnica de València se llevó a cabo durante el curso 2014-15 una experiencia piloto de aplicación de la metodología Flipped-Teaching en todas las asigna-turas obligatorias de segundo curso del grado. La metodología Flipped-Teaching (o clase inversa) consiste en invertir el modelo tradicional de docencia, de modo que la lección magistral habitual de aula se sustituye por un conjunto de materiales en línea (vídeos, lecturas, etc.) que el alumno debe revisar previa a su asistencia a clase. Por su parte, las sesiones de aula se transforman en sesiones fundamental-mente prácticas, con actividades individuales o en grupo, pensadas principalmente para la resolución de ejercicios y problemas, la aclaración de dudas y la discusión sobre aspectos relevantes. En este trabajo se presenta la organización de la docencia, los métodos utilizados, así como la evaluación de la experiencia y los resultados obtenidos para una de las asignaturas del Grado de Ingeniería Informática en las que se aplicó esta metodología, en concreto "Concurrencia y Sistemas Distribuidos". La metodología Flipped-Teaching nos ha permitido aumentar la motivación y participación de los estudiantes así como mejorar su proceso de autoaprendizaje. La motivación de los alumnos ha sido enorme, reflejándose claramente tanto en su participación activa en la clase como por los buenos resultados de evaluación obtenidos

    Non-Neuronal Cells in the Hypothalamic Adaptation to Metabolic Signals

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    Although the brain is composed of numerous cell types, neurons have received the vast majority of attention in the attempt to understand how this organ functions. Neurons are indeed fundamental but, in order for them to function correctly, they rely on the surrounding “non-neuronal” cells. These different cell types, which include glia, epithelial cells, pericytes, and endothelia, supply essential substances to neurons, in addition to protecting them from dangerous substances and situations. Moreover, it is now clear that non-neuronal cells can also actively participate in determining neuronal signaling outcomes. Due to the increasing problem of obesity in industrialized countries, investigation of the central control of energy balance has greatly increased in attempts to identify new therapeutic targets. This has led to interesting advances in our understanding of how appetite and systemic metabolism are modulated by non-neuronal cells. For example, not only are nutrients and hormones transported into the brain by non-neuronal cells, but these cells can also metabolize these metabolic factors, thus modifying the signals reaching the neurons. The hypothalamus is the main integrating center of incoming metabolic and hormonal signals and interprets this information in order to control appetite and systemic metabolism. Hence, the factors transported and released from surrounding non-neuronal cells will undoubtedly influence metabolic homeostasis. This review focuses on what is known to date regarding the involvement of different cell types in the transport and metabolism of nutrients and hormones in the hypothalamus. The possible involvement of non-neuronal cells, in particular glial cells, in physiopathological outcomes of poor dietary habits and excess weight gain are also discussed.The authors are funded by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (BFU2014-51836-C2-2 to JAC and BFU2014-51836-C2-1 to LG-S), Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports (university training grant FPU13/00909 to AF-R), Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria (PI-1302195, PI-1600485, and CIBEROBN to JA and CIBERFES to LG-S) and Fondos FEDER.Peer reviewedPeer Reviewe

    Perfil fenólico de propóleos de diferentes orígenes geográficos

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    [ES] El propóleo es una sustancia resinosa producida por las abejas, con importantes propiedades farmacológicas, debidas en parte a su contenido en compuestos fenólicos. El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido la caracterización del perfil fenólico (por HPLC con detector UV) de 31 muestras de propóleo crudo procedentes de diferentes países (España, Rumania, China, Honduras, Lituania, Brasil y Ucrania). La práctica totalidad de los 15 compuestos fenólicos identificados (agrupados en 5 famílias: hydroxycinnamic acids, flavonols, isoflavone, flavones, flavonones) han mostrado diferencias significativas entre países. Los valores superiores de concentración de compuestos fenólicos los han presentado las muestras de España y Rumania y, los menores valores las muestras de Honduras. El estudio detallado de las muestras de España (de las que se conocían 9 procedencias geográficas distintas), mostró en algunas contenidos especialmente altos de pinocembrin y chrysin. Del estudio se puede concluir que la composición fenólica del propóleo depende fundamentalmente de la ubicación geográfica de la colmena y, por lo tanto, de características climáticas y botánicas.[EN] Propolis is a resinous substance produced by bees, with important pharmacological properties, due in part to their content in phenolic compounds. The aim of this work has been the characterization of the phenolic profile (by HPLC with UV detector) of 31 crude propolis samples from different countries (Spain, Romania, China, Honduras, Lithuania, Brazil and Ukraine). Practically all of the 15 phenolic compounds identified (grouped into 5 families: hydroxycinnamic acids, flavonols, isoflavone, flavones, flavonones) have shown significant differences between countries. The highest concentration values of phenolic compounds have been presented by the samples from Spain and Romania and the lowest values by the samples from Honduras. The detailed study of the samples from Spain (of which 9 different geographical origins were known), showed in some especially high contents of pinocembrin and chrysin. From the study can be concluded that the phenolic composition of propolis depends fundamentally on the geographical location of the hive and therefore, on climatic and botanical characteristics.García Argente, P. (2018). Perfil fenólico de propóleos de diferentes orígenes geográficos. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/11060

    Genetic factors of functional traits

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    [EN] Selection of functional traits is a challenge for researchers, but an increasingly necessary objective due to the growing concern regarding animal welfare and overcoming the problems of reducing antibiotic use in rabbit production without undermining the animals’ productivity. The aim of this review is to discuss the genetic control of resistance to diseases, longevity and variability of birth weight within a litter, or litter size variability at birth within doe, describing the selection programmes and the first results from a multi-omics analysis of resistance/susceptibility to diseases. The heritability is around 0.13 for longevity, 0.01 for uniformity in birth weight, 0.09 for litter size variability and around 0.11 for disease resistance. Genetic correlations between functional traits and production traits are mostly no different from zero, or are moderately favourable in some cases. Six selection programmes developed in three countries are reviewed. Line foundation with high pressure for selection or divergent selection experiments are different methodologies used, and favourable responses to selection have been achieved. Genomics studies have revealed associations in regions related to immune system functionality and stress in lines selected for litter size variability. Knowledge of the role of gut microbiota in the rabbit’s immune response is very limited. A multi-omics approach can help determine the microbial mechanisms in regulation immunity genes of the host.Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) with Projects AGL2017- 86083, C2-1-P and C2-2-P, and the Valencian Regional Government through Project AICO/2019/169García, ML.; Gunia, M.; Argente, MJ. (2021). Genetic factors of functional traits. World Rabbit Science. 29(4):207-220. https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.2021.13320OJS207220294Agea I., García M.L., Blasco A., Argente M.J. 2019. Litter survival differences between divergently selected lines for environmental sensitivity in rabbits. Animals, 9: 603. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani9090603Agea I., García M.L., Blasco A., Massányi P., Capcarová M., Argente M-J. 2020a. Correlated response to selection for litter size residual variability in rabbits' body condition. Animals. 10: 2447. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani10122447Agea I., Muelas R., García ML., Hernández P., Santacreu M.A., Armero E., Blasco A., Argente MJ. 2020b. Correlated response in plasma fatty acids profile in rabbits selected for environmental sensitivity. In Proc. 12th World Rabbit Congress, 1-3 July, 2020. Nantes, France.Argente M.J., Calle E.W., García M.L., Blasco A. 2017. Correlated response in litter size components in rabbits selected for litter size variability. J. Anim. Breed. Genet., 134: 505-511. https://doi.org/10.1111/jbg.12283Argente M.J., García M.L. Zbyňovská K., Petruška P., Capcarová M., Blasco A. 2019. Correlated response to selection for litter size environmental variability in rabbits' resilience. Animal, 13: 2348-2355. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1751731119000302Arrazuria R., Elguezabal N., Juste R. A., Derakhshani H., Khafipour E. 2016. Mycobacterium avium Subspecies paratuberculosis Infection Modifies Gut Microbiota under Different Dietary Conditions in a Rabbit Model. Front. Microbiol., 7: 446. https://doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2016.00446Arrazuria R., Pérez V., Molina E., Juste R.A., Khafipour E., Elguezabal N. 2018. Diet induced changes in the microbiota and cell composition of rabbit gut associated lymphoid tissue (GALT). Sci. Rep., 8: 141031. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-018-32484-1Baselga M., Deltoro J., Camacho J., Blasco A. 1988. Genetic analysis on lung injury in four strains of meat rabbit. In: Proc. 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October, 1988. Budapest, Hungary, Vol. 1, 120-127.Baselga M. 2004. Genetic improvement of meat rabbits. Programmes and diffusion. In Proc. 8th World Rabbit Congress, 7-10 September, 2004. Puebla, México, Vol. 1, 1-13.Bäuerl C., Collado M.C., Zúñiga M., Blas E., Pérez Martínez G. 2014. Changes in cecal microbiota and mucosal gene expression revealed new aspects of epizootic rabbit enteropathy. PloS one, 9: e105707. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0105707Beaumont M., Paës C., Mussard E., Knudsen C., Cauquil L., Aymard P., Barilly C., Gabinaud B., Zemb O., Fourre S., Gautier R., Lencina C., Eutamène H., Theodorou V., Canlet ., Combes S. 2020. Gut microbiota derived metabolites contribute to intestinal barrier maturation at the sucklingto-weaning transition. Gut Microbes.,11: 1268-1286. https://doi.org/10.1080/19490976.2020.1747335Beloumi D., Blasco A., Muelas R., Santacreu M.A., García M.L., Argente M.J. 2020. Inflammatory correlated response in two lines of rabbit selected divergently for litter size environmental variability. 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    (Nano)materials: sensors and liquid chromatography

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    La investigación sobre materiales y nuevas estrategias para mejorar el pretratamiento de muestras y / o las técnicas instrumentales ha atraído una gran atención en la Química Analítica actual. Esta Tesis presenta interesantes usos de (nano) materiales que permiten mejorar o desarrollar técnicas de detección, extracción y separación. Dado que unos de los principales objetivos de la Química Analítica es el desarrollo de metodologías ecológicas, se han llevado a cabo estrategias analíticas centradas en: (i) técnicas de pretratamiento de muestra y separación miniaturizadas y (ii) sensores in situ. Los materiales estudiados en esta Tesis se han organizado en función de su composión como materiales basados en silicio (PDMS, C18 y MCF), basados en carbono (MWCNT y SWCNT) y metálicos. (MOF y AgNP). Las versátiles propiedades y el bajo coste del polidimetilsiloxano (PDMS) han promovido su uso como fase de extracción en la microextracción en fase sólida (SPME) Concretamente, se ha estudiado el PDMS como fase de extracción en IT-SPME-Cap-LC para la estimación de compuestos de interés en campos tan diversos como el medioambiental, industrial y forense (DEHP, BAK y DPA). Además, se ha evaluado la potencial aplicación de los nanotubos de carbono como fase extractiva columnas capilares para IT-SPME. Debido a la mejora en la eficiencia de extracción y los perfiles cromatográficos, los CNT han demostrado ser una interesante alternativa a las fases convencionales poliméricas para estimar compuestos de tipo anfetamínico en fluidos orales. La combinación de la microextracción en fase sólida en tubo con cromatografía miniaturizada tipo capilar integra la extracción en línea, preconcentración y separación en un mismo paso, reduciendo así el tiempo de análisis y posible contaminación de la muestra. Otra importante aplicación del PDMS es su uso como soporte encapsulante de reactivos derivatizantes para el desarrollo de dispositivos de análisis in-situ. En este contexto, se han desarrollado en la presente Tesis sensores colorimétricos para la estimación de compuestos con grupos amino como la caseína, biocidas y sustancias tipo anfetamina y ketamina. Además, se ha desarrollado también un sensores plasmónico basado en nanopartículas de plata como kit clínico para la detección in-situ de compuestos volátiles sulfúricos, responsables del mal aliento. Así, se demuestra que las nanopartículas de plata presentan excelente sensibilidad para su aplicación como biosensores. Por otra parte, se ha llevado a cabo una nueva aplicación del material C-18 para dispersión de la matriz en fase sólida. Gracias a su elevada hidrofobicidad, se trata de un material con elevada capacidad de retención de compuestos anfetamínicos. Además, presenta la capacidad conjunta de disrupción, limpieza y derivatización de la muestra. Así, ste material resulta interesante para su aplicación como fase dispersante en el análisis de compuestos anfetamínicos en pelo. También se ha evaluado satisfactoriamente la potencial aplicación de la sílica mesoporosa mesocelular como capa sensible en el desarrollo de microcantilevers piezoeléctricos resonantes. Gracias a su elevada área superficial y estructura mesoporosa, presenta interesantes perspectivas de implantación en este tipo de sensores para la detección de compuestos orgánicos volátiles de interés medioambiental. En cuanto al proceso de fabricación de microcantilevers, también se ha propuesto un proceso de fabricación alternativo donde se sustituye la capa de sacrificio por un material polimérico que se elimina en el proceso de sinterización, simplificando por tanto el proceso de fabricado. En cuanto a los compuestos organometálicos, se ha propuesto un nuevo MOF basado en péptidos que es capaz de llevar a cabo una separación enantioselectiva de drogas polares siendo utilizado como fase quiral en extracción en fase sólida. Así, se ha llevado a cabo por primera vez una enantioseparación de efedrina de más del cincuenta por cien a través de un MOF de Cu basado en tripéptido Gly-L-His-Gly. Las potenciales aplicaciones demostradas para los materiales estudiados han sido demostradas mediante las adecuadas determinaciones de diferentes compuestos en distintas matrices. Estas metodologías han demostrado notables mejoras en términos de coste, rapidez, simplicidad y mejora en figuras de mérito, destacando su respetuosidad con el medio ambiente.The research on materials and new strategies to improve sample pretreatment and/or instrumental techniques has attracted great attention in the current developments of Analytical Chemistry. This Thesis presents interesting uses of (nano)materials to improve or develop sensing, extraction and separation techniques. The recent goal in Analytical Chemistry is the development of ecofriendly methodologies. In order to achieve this aim, analytical strategies focused on green aspects have been carried out: (i) miniaturized sample pretreatment and separation techniques and (ii) in-situ sensors. The materials studied in this Thesis have been organized in silicon-based (PDMS, C18 and MCF), carbon-based (MWCNTs and SWCNTs) and metallic-based (MOF and AgNPs). The versatile properties and low cost of PDMS has promoted its use as extractive phase in SPME and support for sensing devices has grown in importance. PDMS has been studied as extractive phase in IT-SPME-Cap-LC for estimating DEHP, BAK and DPA at trace levels in several matrices of environmental, industrial and forensic interest. The potential use of CNTs as extractive phase has been widely reported. Thus, CNTs have been studied to functionalize capillary columns for IT-SPME. Due to the enhancement on extraction efficiency and chromatographic profiles, CNTs have proved to be a reliable alternative to conventional phases in IT-SPME for estimating amphetamines in oral fluids. The proposed IT-SPME approach coupled to CapLC integrates on-line extraction, preconcentration and separation, reducing the sample treatment steps. Another important application of PDMS is its use as embedding material of dyes for developing optical sensors for in-situ analysis. In this context, colorimetric sensors for on-site estimation of amino compounds such as casein, a biocide, amphetamine-like compounds and ketamine have been developed. Moreover, a sensor based on AgNPs has been also developed as clinical kit for the in-situ and real time detection of volatile sulfur compounds, which are related to oral malodour. AgNPs are highly sensitive materials for their application as plasmonic sensor. A new application of the material C18 has been carried out. Thanks to the retentive capacity for amphetamine compounds, and thus, the capacity of C18 to disrupt as well as to clean-up the sample, this material has been successfully evaluated as dispersant phase for MSPD. This approach integrates matrix disruption, clean-up and derivatization to simplify sample preparation for the determination of amphetamines in hair. A potential applicability of MCF silica as sensing layer for resonant piezoelectric microcantilevers has been tested. In addition, an alternative fabrication procedure by using a polymeric commercial material for the sacrificial layer has been developed. Thus, the fabrication procedure is simplified due to sacrificial layer is removed during the firing step. To our knowledge, the first example of a MOF capable of separating chiral polar drugs by using SPE has been studied in this Thesis. A chiral Cu(II) 3D MOF based on the tripeptide Gly-L-His-Gly has been used as extractive phase for the enantioselective separation of ephedrine. The potential applicability of the materials studied has been demonstrated by the determination of several target compounds in different matrices. The proposed methodologies have reported improvements in terms of cost, rapidity, simplicity and sensitivity, besides protecting the operator and the environment

    Emerging role of glial cells in the control of body weight

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    Glia are the most abundant cell type in the brain and are indispensible for the normal execution of neuronal actions. They protect neurons from noxious insults and modulate synaptic transmission through affectation of synaptic inputs, release of glial transmitters and uptake of neurotransmitters from the synaptic cleft. They also transport nutrients and other circulating factors into the brain thus controlling the energy sources and signals reaching neurons. Moreover, glia express receptors for metabolic hormones, such as leptin and insulin, and can be activated in response to increased weight gain and dietary challenges. However, chronic glial activation can be detrimental to neurons, with hypothalamic astrocyte activation or gliosis suggested to be involved in the perpetuation of obesity and the onset of secondary complications. It is now accepted that glia may be a very important participant in metabolic control and a possible therapeutical target. Here we briefly review this rapidly advancing fiel

    Correlated response in early embryonic development in rabbits selected for litter size variability

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    [EN] A divergent selection experiment for litter size variability was carried out in rabbits. The litter size variability was estimated as the phenotypic variance of litter size within female. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of selecting for litter size variability on early embryonic development and survival after 7 generations of divergent selection (high and low variability lines). A total of 30 non-lactating multiparous does per line were used. The ovulation rate and early embryonic development were analysed using Bayesian methodology. Ovulation rate was not affected by the selection process. At 28 h of gestation, embryonic development and survival were similar in both lines. At 48 h of gestation, the majority of embryos in the high line were in the early morulae stage. The high line had a higher proportion of early morulae (79.54 vs. 53.43%; P=0.94) and a lower proportion of compacted morulae (20.46 vs. 46.57%; P=0.93%) than the low line. At 72 h of gestation, the high line had 1.59 fewer embryos than the more homogeneous line (P=0.85), due to reduced embryonic survival (0.60 vs. 0.74; P=0.93). The high line continued to show a higher proportion of early morulae (21.01 vs. 3.69%; P=0.93) and a lower proportion of compacted morulae and blastocysts (78.99 vs. 96.31%; P=0.94) than the low line at 72 h of gestation, indicative of reduced embryonic development. In conclusion, selection for homogeneity in litter size had a positive impact on embryonic traits.This study was financed by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) (Grant no. AGL2011-29831-C03-02 and AGL2014-55921-C2-2-P). Eddy W. Calle was supported by a research grant within the Babel project from the Erasmus Mundus programme.Calle, EW.; García, ML.; Blasco, A.; Argente, M. (2017). Correlated response in early embryonic development in rabbits selected for litter size variability. World Rabbit Science. 25(4):323-327. https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.2017.6340SWORD32332725

    Relationship between Prenatal Characteristics and Body Condition and Endocrine Profile in Rabbits

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    [EN] Litter size is an essential trait in rabbit production, and it depends on ovulation rate and embryonic and foetal survival. The period between 8 and 18 d of gestation is critical for foetal survival, as the placenta controls foetal nutrition during this period. Ovulation rate and foetal survival at 12 d of gestation are affected by body condition and metabolic and hormonal profile. Higher foetal survival is related to a higher number of vessels arriving at the implantation site, and may be due to higher available space for the foetus. This study evaluated the relationship between prenatal characteristics and body condition and endocrine profile. A total of 25 non-lactating multiparous females were used. Body condition, measured as body weight and perirenal fat thickness, non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), leptin, progesterone and 17 beta-estradiol were recorded at mating and 12 d of gestation. Ovulation rate, number of foetuses, ovary and foetal weight, length and weight of uterine horn, available space per foetus and maternal and foetal placental morphometry were recorded at 12 d of gestation. Ovulation rate showed a positive linear relationship with number of foetuses, ovary weight and NEFA. A negative linear relationship between ovulation rate and perirenal fat thickness and leptin was obtained. Ovulation rate was maximum when body weight and 17 beta-estradiol were 4.4 kg and 22.7 pg/mL, respectively. Foetal weight showed a positive relationship with perirenal fat thickness and a negative relationship with leptin. An increase in progesterone and NEFA concentration was related to a positive linear increase in number of foetuses and in uterine horn weight. Space available per foetus was affected both by the number of vessels that reach the implantation site and by position of the foetus in the uterine horn. In conclusion, body condition during mating and early gestation should be maintained within an optimal range to ensure the best prenatal characteristics. While 17 beta-estradiol, NEFA and leptin affected the ovulation rate, progesterone and NEFA affected foetal development. The number of vessels that reach the implantation site determines early foetal survival.This research was funded by Generalitat Valenciana, grant number GVPRE/2008/145.García, M.; Muelas, R.; Argente, M.; Peiró Barber, RM. (2021). Relationship between Prenatal Characteristics and Body Condition and Endocrine Profile in Rabbits. Animals. 11(1):1-13. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani11010095S11311

    Normative Emotional Agents: a viewpoint paper

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    [EN] Human social relationships imply conforming to the norms, behaviors and cultural values of the society, but also socialization of emotions, to learn how to interpret and show them. In multiagent systems, much progress has been made in the analysis and interpretation of both emotions and norms. Nonetheless, the relationship between emotions and norms has hardly been considered and most normative agents do not consider emotions, or vice-versa. In this article, we provide an overview of relevant aspects within the area of normative agents and emotional agents. First we focus on the concept of norm, the different types of norms, its life cycle and a review of multiagent normative systems. Secondly, we present the most relevant theories of emotions, the life cycle of an agent¿s emotions, and how emotions have been included through computational models in multiagent systems. Next, we present an analysis of proposals that integrate emotions and norms in multiagent systems. From this analysis, four relationships are detected between norms and emotions, which we analyze in detail and discuss how these relationships have been tackled in the reviewed proposals. Finally, we present a proposal for an abstract architecture of a Normative Emotional Agent that covers these four norm-emotion relationships.This work was supported by the Spanish Government project TIN2017-89156- R, the Generalitat Valenciana project PROMETEO/2018/002 and the Spanish Goverment PhD Grant PRE2018-084940.Argente, E.; Del Val, E.; Pérez-García, D.; Botti Navarro, VJ. (2022). Normative Emotional Agents: a viewpoint paper. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing. 13(3):1254-1273. https://doi.org/10.1109/TAFFC.2020.3028512S1254127313

    The Genetic Improvement in Meat Rabbits

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    Rabbits are raised for many different purposes, such as breeding stock for meat, wool and fur, as an educational and experimental animal model, and as pets and show animals. However, this species is main used for meat production. France, Italy and Spain have an important role in the increase of world rabbit meat production through the development of selection programs in this species. Genetic improvement programs have based on development of maternal lines to improve prolificacy and paternal lines to improve growth rate, but the alternative development of multi-purpose lines for litter size and growth traits will be discussed. In this chapter, the variance components of these traits, the response to selection and the main commercial available lines will be reviewed. Universities and public research centers have played a leading role in the development of these lines and in the diffusion of this genetic material through a pyramid scheme from selection nuclei to farmers. Recently, others functional traits are emerging successfully as selection criteria in breeding programs such as ovulation rate, prenatal survival, longevity, feed efficiency, meat quality, uniformity in production, and resistance to digestive disorders