224 research outputs found


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    Ancaman COVID-19 masih harus diwaspadai agar tidak terjadi gelombang pandemi berikutnya. Pembelajaran jarak jauh sebuah alternatif yang pakai. Tujuan tulisan ini adalah untuk memberikan solusi pembelajaran jarak jauh (PJJ) di era pandemi COVID-19 berjalan lebih baik lagi. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan kajian pustaka dari berbagai literatur seperti buku, artikel ahsil penelitian  yang berkaitan dengan pembelajaran jarak jauh dan literatur pendukung lainnya. Kajian yang dibahas didukung teori yang mendukung penyelesaian masalah. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan Guru sebagai perencana sentral keberhasilan pembelajaran jarak jauh. Guru perlu melakukan kolaborasi dengan berbagai pihak termasuk orang tua, forum guru, pengembang teknologi pembelajarana, dan pihak terkait lainnya. Tahapan yang perlu dioptimalkan adalah analisis situasional, perencanaan pembelajaran, penentuan model dan media pembelajaran, dan ketepatan media evaluasi. Jika tahapan tersebut berjalan dengan baik, proses dan hasil pembelajaran jarak jauh akan semakin baik.. Kata kunci:Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh, Memaksimalkan Pembelajaran, Langkah Pembelajaran yang Tepa

    The Implementation of STEM-Based Lipid E-Book on Student Learning Outcomes

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    The purpose of the study  was to analyze the effect of using lipid e-books using the STEM approach on student learning outcomes. The method uses pre-experimental research with one group pretest posttest design. This research was conducted at one of the State Universities in Bengkulu with the subject consisting of 26 students who took the Organic Chemistry 2 course. The instrument used in this study was a multiple choice test with 4 meetings in the form of pretest and posttest questions. Data analysis techniques include the average value (mean), normality test, and hypothesis testing using a t-test using the SPPS for windows version 23 computer program. The results showed the average score of the learning outcomes before using the lipid organic chemistry e-book was 54.90, while after using the e-book the average value is 79.81. The learning outcomes data were normally distributed and the t-test value showed Significant (2-tailed) 0.00. These results indicate that the developed STEM-based teaching materials can improve student learning outcomes in particular and are able to improve the quality of learning for organic chemistry 2 courses in general

    Pelatihan Pembuatan Soal Berbasis Digital menggunakan Quizizz dan Google Form

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    Indonesia berada pada revolusi industri 4.0, dimana semua aktivitas bergerak dengan teknologi yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan manusia.Termasuk dunia pendidikan, yang menjadi salah satu tantangan terbesar pada revolusi industri 4.0. Kegiatan pengabdian ini dilakukan  secara daring bagi guru-guru SMAN 4Kabupaten Seluma yang berjumlah 20 orang. Kegiatan berupa  sosialisasi dan pembuatan soal berbasis digital  menggunakan aplikasi quiziz & google form. Metode pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pembekalan/workshop,praktek  terbimbing dan evaluasi.Kegiatan sosialisasi yang dilakukan via zoom dilanjutkan dengan praktek secara langsung oleh peserta. Kegiatan pembimbingan dan finalisasi produk dilakukan secara intensif melalui tatap muka secara langsung dan aplikasi WhatsApp. Peserta sangat tertarik terhadap kegiatan ini, karena termasuk baru bagi guru di SMAN 4 Seluma. Sebanyak 16 orang peserta telah berhasil membuat soal digital dalam bentuk quizizz maupun google form.Media yang dibuat oleh peserta ini sangat bermanfaat karena dapat digunakan di kelas dan sebagai upaya mendukung era industri 4.0, dimana guru dan siswa harus melek teknologi.Peserta berharap kegiatan sejenis dapat dilanjutkan dengan topik yang berbeda

    The Implementation of STEM-Based Lipid E-Book on Student Learning Outcomes

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    The purpose of the study  was to analyze the effect of using lipid e-books using the STEM approach on student learning outcomes. The method uses pre-experimental research with one group pretest posttest design. This research was conducted at one of the State Universities in Bengkulu with the subject consisting of 26 students who took the Organic Chemistry 2 course. The instrument used in this study was a multiple choice test with 4 meetings in the form of pretest and posttest questions. Data analysis techniques include the average value (mean), normality test, and hypothesis testing using a t-test using the SPPS for windows version 23 computer program. The results showed the average score of the learning outcomes before using the lipid organic chemistry e-book was 54.90, while after using the e-book the average value is 79.81. The learning outcomes data were normally distributed and the t-test value showed Significant (2-tailed) 0.00. These results indicate that the developed STEM-based teaching materials can improve student learning outcomes in particular and are able to improve the quality of learning for organic chemistry 2 courses in general

    Applications of control theory

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    Applications of control theory are considered in the areas of decoupling and wake steering control of submersibles, a method of electrohydraulic conversion with no moving parts, and socio-economic system modelling

    Virtual Practicum Guideline Development Based on 5E Learning Cycle

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    The research purpose was to develop chemistry practicum guidelines based on the 5 E (Engagement, Exploration, Explanation, Elaboration, Evaluation) learning cycle and determine the student's responses. This development research adapted from Borg and Gall model. Data were obtained from interviews, validation questionnaires from content and media experts, readability questionnaires, and student's responses after used the product. Results validation of the chemistry practicum guidelines shows that the content expert validation scores 4.42 while media expert validation scores 4.65 with a range> 4.2, classified as very good. The average readability test showed a score of 4.28. A product trial to determine the student's response toward developed guidelines had an average of 4.28, which was included in an exciting classification. There was an increase in student learning outcomes with average pretest scores of 50, average posttest scores of 85, and the N-gain value data obtained was 0,7 in the high category. Thus, the study concluded that the chemistry learning guidelines with salt hydrolysis topic based on the 5E learning cycle using the virtual program developed in this study were feasible to be applied in the learning process

    Stress och stresshantering inom mentalvården : En interpretativ fenomenologisk analys

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    Trots att stress är ett välforskat problem inom sjukvården, har stressforskning inom mentalvården fått mindre uppmärksamhet. Mentalvården och den generella sjukvården har mycket gemensamt, men det finns även olikheter. Patienter inom mentalvården kan till exempel vara aggressiva, lida av depression eller bära med sig traumatiska händelser, vilket kan vara tungt för sjukvårdare att ta del av. Denna avhandlings syfte är att granska kvinnliga sjukvårdares upplevelser av stress och stresshantering på arbetsplatsen inom mentalvården. Som material används åtta semi-strukturerade intervjuer som gjorts vid en mentalvårdsavdelning i Finland bland vårdare. Materialet analyseras med hjälp av en interpretativ fenomenologisk analys (IPA). IPA är intresserad av att studera och tolka den mänskliga upplevelsen och fokuserar på små sampel. Analysen identifierar bland annat dåligt ledarskap, bristande resurser, omorganisering på arbetsplatsen, samarbetsförhandlingar, hög arbetsbelastning, skiftesarbete, våldsamma patienter, svåra människoöden och stress utanför arbetet som orsaker till upplevelser av stress hos vårdarna. Vårdarna hanterade stressen bland annat genom att ta stöd från sina kollegor, använda sig av organisationen resurser, separera arbetslivet och privatlivet och ta tid för eget välmående hemma samt fokusera på arbetets positiva sidor, självutveckling, och patienternas utveckling

    Analysis of the Implementation of Distance Learning in the COVID-19 Pandemic New Normal Era

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    This research was conducted to see the implementation of distance learning during the New Habitual Adaptation (NHA) period of the COVID 19 pandemic. The indicators that will be seen are planning, implementation, problems, and solutions of distance learning. The method used in this research is a qualitative analysis method. The results of this study are(1) Learning planning for NHA mass education units in Kepahiang Regency has prepared related regulations, and an education unit ordinance has been issued related to its implementation. The infrastructure to prevent COVID 19 in the Kepahiang District education unit is also excellent. Therefore, the lesson plan that has been prepared has also been adjusted to the NHA period. (2) The implementation of AKB learning in Kepahiang Regency was actively followed by more than 80% of students, the most widely used learning method was offline distance, and the most widely used media was WhatsApp. (3) Obstacles faced in the learning process of the NHA period in the Kepahiang Regency are the facilities, networks, competencies, and complexity of the student's brain. (4) Solution options offered and carried out are offline distance learning. This research is essential because there are instruments whose indicators are determined according to the objectives achieved