550 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kompetensi Sumber Daya Manusia Terhadap Tingkat Loyalitas Nasabah

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    This research aims to data This research aims to determine whether the influence of human resources competence on the level of customer loyalty in the BPRS Harta Insan Karimah branch Karawaci. This type of research is field research with a quantitative approach with 40 respondents. Data that is used is the result of the processing of answers respondents to the questionnaire that was shared by researchers to customers of PT. BPRS Harta Insan Karimah branch Karawaci. The results of this study concluded that the competency of human resources has a positive effect on the level of customer loyalty, as the test result obtained by t Account of 4.886 is greater than the This IE 2.024 (4.886 > 2.024). Based on the test T shows a significant result of 0.000 < 0.05 which means that human resource competence significantly affects the level of customer loyalty. Based on the results the correlation coefficient indicates a strong and positive relationship between the two variables and the result of the coefficient of determination can be known that independent variables describe the dependent variable by 38.6%.

    Aplikasi Transformasi Base 64 pada Kriptografi

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    Keamanan data merupakan hal yang sangat penting dalam menjaga kerahasiaan informasi, terutama yang berisi informasi sensitif yang hanya boleh diketahui isinya oleh pihak tertentu, sehingga perlu dilakukan penyandian data supaya beberapa pihak yang tidak memiliki kewenangan tidak akan dapat membuka informasi yang dikirim. Salah satu cara yang digunakan untuk pengamanan data adalah menggunakan sistem kriptografi yaitu dengan menyediakan isi informasi (plaintext) menjadi isi yang tidak dipahami melalui proses enkripsi (encipher), dan untuk memperoleh kembali informasi yang asli, dilakukan proses deskripsi (decipher), dengan menggunakan kunci yang benar. Cukup banyak algoritma pada kriptografi, salah satunya adalah algoritma Base64. Transformasi base64 digunakan untuk Encoding dan Decoding suatu data ke dalam format ASCII, yang didasarkan pada bilangan dasar 64 atau bisa dikatakan sebagai salah satu metoda yang digunakan untuk melakukan encoding terhadap data biner. Aplikasi ini akan menyajikan implementasi dari proses enkripsi dan dekripsi suatu data baik bersifat text maupun file dengan menggunakan Visual C#

    Tadpole system as new lumbar spinal instrumentation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>There have been reports of serious complications associated with pedicle screw fixation, including nerve root injuries caused by accidental screw insertion. We have developed a new system of lumbar spinal instrumentation that we call Tadpole system<sup>®</sup>. The purposes of this report were to show the results of a biomechanical study and the short-term outcome of a clinical study, as well as to determine the usefulness of this system.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The Tadpole system<sup>® </sup>lumbar spinal fusion is a hook-and-rod system according to which the spine is stabilized using 2 sets of 2 spinous processes each that are held in place by 4 hooks tandemly connected to a rod. The biomechanical study was done using 5 human lumbar cadaveric spines, and the range of motion (ROM) was examined in a non-treatment model, an injured model, a pedicle screw fixation model and a Tadpole system<sup>® </sup>model. For the short-term clinical study the Tadpole system<sup>® </sup>was used in 31 patients, and the factors analyzed were operation time, time required for spinal instrumentation, amount of intraoperative bleeding, postoperative improvement rate of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association (JOA) score for lumbar spinal disorders, instrumentation failure, spinous process fracture, spinal fluid leakage, nerve root injury, postoperative infection, and bone fusion 2 years after the operation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The ROM in the Tadpole system<sup>® </sup>model was slightly bigger than that in the pedicle screw fixation model, but smaller than that in the normal control model. These biomechanical data indicated that the Tadpole system<sup>® </sup>provided fairly good stability. The mean operation time was 79 min, the mean time required for spinal instrumentation was 8 min, and the mean amount of intraoperative bleeding was 340 mL. The mean postoperative improvement rate of JOA score was 70.9 ± 24.8%. Instrumentation failure (dislocation of a hook) occurred in one patient, and none of the patients developed spinous process fracture, spinal fluid leakage, nerve root injury, or postoperative infection. Two years after the operation, bone union was confirmed in 29 of the 31 patients (93.5%).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We conclude that this system is a useful, easy-to-use and safe spinal instrumentation technique for lumbar fusion surgery.</p

    Focal Ligamentum Flavum Hypertrophy with Ochronotic Deposits: An Unusual Cause for Neurogenic Claudication in Alkaptonuria

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    Neurogenic claudication resulting from focal hypertrophy of the ligamentum flavum in the lumbar spine due to ochronotic deposits has not been reported till date. The authors discuss one such case highlighting the pathogenesis, histological and radiological features. Salient features of management are also emphasized upon

    Penerapan Metode Penjadwalan Berulang (Repetitive Scheduling Method) Pada Proyek Princeton Tower Educity Residence Surabaya

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    Makin maraknya pembangunan di Indonesia ini, menuntut para kontraktor untuk menyelesaikan proyek-proyek yang mereka tangani dengan cepat, tepat, dan hemat. Proyek multi unit sering kita jumpai akhir-akhir ini, seperti jalan tol dan apartemen misalnya. Disebut sebagai proyek dengan multi unit, dikarenakan banyaknya aktivitas-aktivitas berulang pada proyek tersebut, misalnya pada apartemen ada aktivitas pemasangan batu bata pada dinding. Aktivitas ini bersifat repetitive/berulang, karena ada pada setiap lantainya. Melihat latar belakang diatas, penerapan Repetitive Scheduling Method (RSM) dapat menjadi alternatif dalam menjadwalkan proyek-proyek yang multi unit tersebut. Dalam studi ini dilakukan pengintegrasian metode RSM kedalam model yang umum dan sedehana. Dengan menggunakan metode RSM ini, dapat menjamin penggunaaan sumber daya yang berkelanjutan tanpa adanya penundaan antar pekerjaan. Metode RSM mempunyai kelebihan-kelebihan, seperti penampakan diagramnya yang lebih sederhana serta mudah dibaca, karena merupakan diagram berskala waktu. Dalam studi ini, penerapan RSM dilakukan pada proyek Princeton Tower Educity Residence Surabaya, dan dilakukan dalam beberapa prosedur, yaitu ii pengumpulan data-data volume pekerjaan dan durasi proyek, perhitungan jumlah pekerja yang dibutuhkan, dan menentukan hubungan antar aktivitas. Lalu akan dilakukan perubahan penjadwalan proyek ke dalam diagram Repetitive Scheduling Method (RSM). Akan didapat durasi-durasi baru dari pengolahan data proyek yang kemudian diterapkan metode RSM kedalamnya. Penjadwalan aktual proyek berupa kurva S kemudian dirubah kedalam bentuk penjadwalan dengan Microsoft Project didapat durasi 301 hari. Pembuatan diagram RSM pertama, yaitu setelah menghilangkan jeda/lag antar aktivitas dari penjadwalan aktual didapat durasi 233 hari. Diagram RSM kedua, merubah garis produktivitas, yaitu mempercepat pekerjaan bekisting balok dan plat lantai dengan cara penambahan jumlah pekerja, didapat durasi 199 hari. Diagram RSM ketiga, merubah garis produktivitas pekerjaan pengecoran balok dan plat lantai dengan cara menambah jumlah jam kerja (lembur), didapat durasi 166 hari. ==================================================================================================================== There are a lot of construction projects in Indonesia, requires the contractor to complete the projects they are working with a fast, accurate, and economical method. Multi-unit projects can be seen a lot lately, such as toll roads and apartments for example. Referred to as the multi-unit project, because many repetitive activities on the project, for example, in an apartment there is activity on the installation of a brick wall. These activities are repetitive on each floor. Seeing the above background, the application of Repetitive scheduling method can be an alternative for project scheduling that are multi-unit In this study the method of integrating RSM into a common model. By using the RSM, can ensure sustainable use of resources without delay / slag between jobs. RSM has advantages, such as the appearance of the diagram that is simpler and easier to read, because it is a time-scale diagram In this study, RSM applied to Princeton Tower Educity Residence Project, and conducted in several procedures, the collection of the data volume of work and the duration of the project, the calculation of the number of workers needed, and determine the sequence between activities. There will be some results of data processing projects by using RSM. The actual scheduling of the project in the form of the iv S curve, converted into scheduling with Microsoft Project obtained duration of 301 days making the first RSM diagram, ie after eliminating the lag between the actual activity of the scheduling duration of 233 days. Second RSM diagram, change the lines of productivity, accelerate work ie beam and slab formwork by adding workers, obtained duration of 199 days. Third RSM diagram, change lines of productivity beam and slab casting by increasing the number of working hours (overtime), obtained duration of 166 days

    Safety and immunogenicity of sequential administration of PCV13 followed by PPSV23 in pneumococcal vaccine-naïve adults aged ≥ 65 years : Comparison of booster effects based on intervals of 0.5 and 1.0 year

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    Objective: An open-label study was conducted to compare the safety and immunogenicity of a sequential administration of 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV13) followed by 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPSV23) between an interval of 0.5 (0.5-y) and 1 year (1.0-y) in adults aged ≥ 65 years. Methods: Pneumococcal vaccine-naïve adults aged ≥ 65 years (n = 129) received a sequential administration with an interval of 0.5-y or 1.0-y or received a single administration of PPSV23 (single PPSV23). We evaluated the immunogenicity before and 1 month after each vaccination and at 0.5-y intervals for 2 years. The primary endpoint was the increase in geometric mean fold rises (GMFRs) of immunoglobulin G (IgG) or opsonophagocytic activity (OPA) for eight common serotypes one month after one dose of PPSV23. The secondary endpoint was the safety profile for one dose of PPSV23. Results: One month after administration of PPSV23, the GMFRs of IgG considerably increased for five of eight serotypes in the 1.0-y interval group, whereas the GMFRs of IgG considerably increased for two serotypes in the 0.5-y interval group. Furthermore, GMFRs of OPA markedly increased for all eight serotypes in the 1.0-y interval group, while GMFRs of OPA markedly increased for four serotypes in the 0.5-y interval group. At 2 years after initial vaccination, GMFRs of IgG or OPA were higher for all serotypes, except for serotype 3, than those in the single PPSV23 group irrespective of intervals. No significant difference was found in the frequencies of local reactions of all grades between the two intervals. Conclusions: The 1.0-y interval provided better booster effects induced by PPSV23 than those of the 0.5-y interval in a sequential administration in pneumococcal vaccine-naïve adults aged ≥ 65 years. No difference was found in the safety profile between both intervals

    Type VI secretion: a beginner's guide

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    Type VI secretion is a newly described mechanism for protein transport across the cell envelope of Gram-negative bacteria. Components that have been partially characterised include an IcmF homologue, the ATPase ClpV, a regulatory FHA domain protein and the secreted VgrG and Hcp proteins. Type VI secretion is clearly a key virulence factor for some important pathogenic bacteria and has been implicated in the translocation of a potential effector protein into eukaryotic cells by at least one organism (Vibrio cholerae). However, type VI secretion systems (T6SSs) are widespread in nature and not confined to known pathogens. In accordance with the general rule that the expression of protein secretion systems is tightly regulated, expression of type VI secretion is controlled at both transcriptional and post-transcriptional levels

    Alopecia Diffusa while Using Interleukin-17 Inhibitors against Psoriasis Vulgaris

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    We report two cases of alopecia diffusa during the treatment of psoriasis vulgaris with interleukin (IL)-17 inhibitors. Psoriasis is one of the most common immune-mediated chronic skin diseases, strongly associated with IL-17A. Clinically, the monoclonal antibodies to IL-17A or its receptor, IL-17R, show a dramatic effect against psoriasis. Alopecia is also an IL-17-mediated autoimmune disease, and IL-17 inhibitors have been expected to be the gold standard for the treatment of alopecia; therefore, the complication of alopecia while using IL-17 may be regarded as an unexpected “paradoxical reaction.” T helper (Th)17 cells are not cytotoxic enough by themselves to undermine the hair follicle under normal circumstances, they need the coexistence of CD8+ cytotoxic Th1 cells. Th17 cells may be the initiator of the damage of the hair follicle, but CD8 T cells or more powerful Th1 cells are required as followers. The Th17/Th1 axis might convert into a Th1-dominant immune status using IL-17 inhibitors, and the destruction of the hair follicle might result in alopecia. An accumulation of cases is to be expected