47 research outputs found

    Dampak Pemberian Levamisol Hidroklorida Terhadap Titer Antibodi Pasca Vaksinasi Virus Avian Influenza Pada Ayam Petelur

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    Levamisole has been reported can enhance immune response of animals against disease (immunomodulator).Giving levamisole before vaccination Avian Influenza (AI) virus is expected to increase antibody level (humoral immune response) against the disease. These experiments use an experimental method with a completely randomized design.A total of 105 laying chickens were divided into three groups: group one were AI vaccinated without given levamisole hydrochloride; group two were given levamisole hydrochloride 3 days respectively before AI vaccination and group three were given levamisole hydrochloride 7 days respectively before AI vaccination. Levamisole hydrochloride 1mg/50g given at a dose of body weight, orraly through drinking water. Blood sample to measure levels of antibodies that was repeated 3 times ie on day 21, 59, and 80 days. The results showed imunododulator levamisole hydrochloride giving 3 (three) or 7 (seven) days respectively pre Avian Influenza virus vaccination of laying hens did not increase antibody level (humoral immune response). (JIIPB 2010 Vol 20 No 1: 86-91)

    Helminthiasis Saluran Cerna Pada Sapi Perah

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    The purpose of this research was to find out prevalence and the rates of helminthsinfection and the kind of the helmints on dairy cows that was belonging KUBE MajuMapan Cooperative in Jabung, Malang. A total of 123 dairy cows on farms wasinvestigated for the possibility of a worm infection. Indications of worm infectionswas based on faecal worm egg discovery using floating method using saturated saltsolution for nematode and cestode worms and sedimentation methods for theexamination of worms trematodes. Examination of the number of worm\u27s eggs useWhit lock chambers tool. Stool examination was done in the Laboratory of AnimalHealth belong to the Department of Animal Husbandry East Java Province in thedistrict of Pakis Malang. The sample examination was done in 3 (three) timesrepetition.The results showed there are 2 (two) types of worm eggs, nematodetype Strongyloid sp and Trematodes type Fasciola sp. The prevalence ofStrongyloid infection in cattle is large enough that is equal to 33.33 percent (41of 123 dairy cows). While the prevalence of the infected cattle Fasciola sp only23.58 percent (29 of 123 dairy cows). The rate of infection or mean number ofeggs per gram of feces of Strongyloid and Fasciola sp are only 2.43 and 1.88 per head of cattle. The efforts for worm medication regularly conducted by theCooperative has been able to reduce the prevalence of the disease and the ratesof infectio


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    ABSTRAKTempat pembuangan akhir (TPA) di Desa Tlekung, Kota Batu, telah memberikan manfaat bagi para peternak bebek di Desa tersebut. Masyarakat setempat dapat memanfaatkan sampah organik sebagai pakan bebek. Akan tetapi penggunaan sampah tersebut untuk pakan bebek menimbulkan masalah, yaitu timbulnya cemaran bau yang berasal dari sampah yang belum terfermentasi dengan sempurna, dan rata-rata tingkat kematian bebek cukup tinggi. Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk melakukan transfer teknologi fermentasi sampah organik sebagai pakan bebek. Kegiatan ini dilakukan dalam beberapa tahap, yaitu (i) survei lapangan, (ii) penyampaian materi teori disampaikan secara klasikal , (iii) penyampaian materi keterampilan dalam bentuk praktik/ demonstrasi pembuatan pakan organik secara fermentasi dan (iv) pendampingan kepada para peternak serta (v) monitoring dan evaluasi kegiatan. Hasil yang diperoleh sangat menggembirakan dan memberikan kepuasan tersendiri bagi peternak. Feses bebek yang diberi pakan hasil proses fermentasi sudah tidak bebau seperti semula, bulu bebek dapat tumbuh dengan baik, dan bebek yang dihasilkan tampak lebih gemuk dan lebih sehat dan memiliki pertambahan berat badan lebih baik dibandingkan dengan yang diberi pakan yang tidak diferementasi. Disamping itu, penggunaan pakan fermentasi dari sampah organik diketahui dapat menghemat biaya pakan sampai sebesar 60%, sehingga keuntungan peternak menjadi meningkat. Kata kunci: tempat pembuangan akhir; sampah organik; pakan organik. ABSTRACTThe landfill in Tlekung Village, Batu City, has provided benefits for duck farmers in the village. Local people can use organic waste as duck feed. However, the use of organic waste as duck feed causes some problems, that is odor contaminant from unfinished fermentation, also high average rate duck mortality. This community service program is carried out to transferring organic waste fermentation technology knowledge in feed duck production. Program consist of (i) field survey, (ii) classical theory sharing, (iii) skill sharing by practice/ demonstration of organic duck fermented feed production, (iv)  assistance of duck farmers, and (v) monitoring and evaluation of program. The results obtained are very encouraging and give satisfaction to farmers. The duck feces which fed with fermentation organic production have no smell like before, duck feathers can grow well, also duck look healthier and have better weigh gain than duck which fed with unfermented fed. In addition, the use of fermented feed from organic waste is known to save feed cost up to 60%. So, it is increasing farmer’s profit. Keywords: organic waste; duck feed; fermented feed

    Potency of fibraurea tinctora lour. extract as anti-bacterial agents towards pathogenic bacteria

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    This research aimed to explore antibacterial activity of Fibraurea tinctora Lour. extracted by ethanol and hot water. The treatments of study consisted of six levels of F. tinctora plant extract (0 %, 0.625 %, 1.25 %, 2.50 %, 5.00 % and 10.0 %, respectively) either using ethanol or hot water, resulting in 12 experimental treatments according to 6 × 2 factorial arrangement in a completely randomized design. Each of the treatment was replicated three times. Results of this research showed that either ethanol or hot water F. tinctora extract have potency to control farm pathogenic bacteria. In the lowest concentration (0.625 %) both extract significantly inhibited bacteria growth (Minimum Inhibition Concentration). The highest antibacterial activity was in group that had the highest concentration (10 %) of extract in both of the bacteria. Staphylococcus aureus were more susceptible to the F. tinctora extract than Escherichia coli. Result from spectrophotometry UV-vis assessments showed that the total composition of tannin, alkaloid, and saponin from ethanol extract of F. tinctoria is higher than its water based extract. Meanwhile, phenol composition of water-based extract from F. tinctoria is higher than from ethanol extract. Keywords: Antibacterial, bioactive compounds, herbal medicine, natural yellow roo

    Profil Peternak Sapi Perah di Wilayah Desa Kemiri Kecamatan Jabung Kabupaten Malang

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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilakuan di Desa Kemiri Kecamatan Jabung Kabupaten Malang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat profil atapun latar belakang dari peternakan di Desa Kemiri dalam peningkatan usaha Peternakan. Responden yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah peternak yang ada didesa Kemiri dengan metode survey. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa usaha peternakan sapi perah masih dapat menarik minat masyarakat, upaya peningkatan kuantitas dan kualitas produksi susu masih perlu dibantu dalam hal sarana dan prasarana, yang diikuti dengan peningkatan pemahaman dan kesadaran untuk memperbaiki manajemen pengelolaan usaha, pemasaran susu yang dilakukan oleh koperasi, masih memerlukan bantuan proteksi dari pemerintah untuk meningkatkan mutu Desa dalam produksi peternakan susu sapi perah. Kata kunci : peternakan; kemiri; jabung; sapi ABSTRACT This research was conducted in Kemiri Village, Jabung District, Malang Regency. This study aims to look at the profile and background of the farm in Kemiri Village in improving the Livestock business. Respondents used in this study were farmers in Kemiri village with survey methods. From the results of the study it can be concluded that the dairy farming business can still attract public interest, efforts to increase the quantity and quality of milk production still need to be assisted in terms of facilities and infrastructure, which is followed by an increase in understanding and awareness to improve business management, milk marketing carried out by cooperative, still need protection assistance from the government to improve the quality of the Village in the production of dairy cattle dairy farms

    Bird Diversity, Abundance, and Evenness Rates in Ecotone Area of Sutan Syarif Hasyim Forest Park, Riau, Indonesia

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    Ecotone – an area where two environments of different composition and structure meet due to land conversion – is prone to habitat loss and biodiversity devaluation as a result of fragmentation. Responsive to change, birds represent one of the common animals of all habitat types since their diversity and abundance are able to reflect ecological tendencies in different biodiversity. This study was aimed to analyze the diversity, abundance, and evenness of birds as well as determine their density and frequency in the ecotone area of Sutan Syarif Hasyim Forest Park, Riau, Indonesia. Six sections of the study area (natural forest-and-shrubbery, natural forest-and-palm oil plantation, natural forest-and-lake, shrubbery-and-palm oil plantation, shrubbery-and-lake, and palm oil plantation-and-lake) were observed by employing Line Intercept Transect. 1 182 individuals of 59 bird species were reported, with Pycnonotusaurigaster (Vieillot, 1818) as the dominant one. The total diversity index of 3.75, abundance 8.2 and evenness 0.92 were evident to high density and frequency of birds in the area

    Stability of the Broiler Antibody Under Heat Stress Using Dry Rice

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    This study examines the impact of using dry rice, characterized by low calories and high resistant starch content, on broiler performance under heat stress conditions in Indonesia. Broilers face challenges related to stress, particularly heat stress, which can compromise their immunity. The research investigates the potential of resistant starch in dry rice to enhance broiler digestion performance and immunity. The experiment, conducted at Zakiyah Farm and the Laboratory of the Wates Veterinary Center, Yogyakarta, involved three treatments (T1, T2, and T3) with five replications each. Observed variables included water consumption, carcass weight, Packed Cell Volume (PCV), bursa fabricius weight, and Hi-Test Nd antibody levels. Results showed no significant impact on water consumption, carcass weight, and PCV across all treatments. However, a decrease in bursa weight in T1 and T3 indicated an increased level of stress. The lowest seropositive Hi-Test Nd values in T1 and T3 suggested that the use of dry rice through the sowing method might alleviate heat stress on broilers. In conclusion, this research emphasizes the potential of dry rice to maintain the stability of broiler antibodies under heat stress conditions, emphasizing the need for further exploration of alternative dietary components