187 research outputs found

    Target cell-dependent T cell-mediated lysis of vaccinia virus-infected cells

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    Vaccinia virus specific cytotoxicity against infected target cells was observed in vitro. Spleen lymphocytes from normal and immunized mice of the inbred strains C3H and DBA/2 were incubated with vaccinia virus-infected and non-infected 51Cr-labeled mastocytoma P-815-X2 cells and L-929 fibroblasts, which were used as targets. Cytotoxic lymphocytes could be isolated from the mice as early as 2 days after infection with vaccinia virus. The highest cytotoxic effect was obtained with lymphocytes taken 6 days after infection. The degree of lysi was correlated with the ratio of immune lymphocytes to target cells. Specific blocking of target cell lysis resulted after addition of anti-vaccinia antibody from different sources. The effector cells could be characterized as T cells by elimination of macrophages and B cells. Target cell killing was only possible in a syngeneic system; allogeneic infected target cells were not lysed significantly

    Measles Virus Infects Human Dendritic Cells and Blocks Their Allostimulatory Properties for CD4+ T Cells

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    Measles causes a profound immune suppression which is responsible for the high morbidity and mortality induced by secondary infections. Dendritic cells (DC) are professional antigen-presenting cells required for initiation of primary immune responses. To determine whether infection of DC by measles virus (MV) may play a role in virus-induced suppression of cell-mediated immunity, we examined the ability of CD1a+ DC derived from cord blood CD34+ progenitors and Langerhans cells isolated from human epidermis to support MV replication. Here we show that both cultured CD1a+ DC and epidermal Langerhans cells can be infected in vitro by both vaccine and wild type strains of MV. DC infection with MV resulted within 24–48 h in cell–cell fusion, cell surface expression of hemagglutinin, and virus budding associated with production of infectious virus. MV infection of DC completely abrogated the ability of the cells to stimulate the proliferation of naive allogeneic CD4+ T cell as early as day 2 of mixed leukocyte reaction (MLR) (i.e., on day 4 of DC infection). Mannose receptor–mediated endocytosis and viability studies indicated that the loss of DC stimulatory function could not be attributed to the death or apoptosis of DC. This total loss of DC stimulatory function required viral replication in the DC since ultraviolet (UV)-inactivated MV or UV-treated supernatant from MV-infected DC did not alter the allostimulatory capacity of DC. As few as 10 MV- infected DC could block the stimulatory function of 104 uninfected DC. More importantly, MV-infected DC, in which production of infectious virus was blocked by UV treatment or paraformaldehyde fixation, actively suppressed allogeneic MLR upon transfer to uninfected DC–T-cultures. Thus, the mechanisms which contribute to the loss of the allostimulatory function of DC include both virus release and active suppression mediated by MV-infected DC, independent of virus production. These data suggest that carriage of MV by DC may facilitate virus spreading to secondary lymphoid organs and that MV replication in DC may play a central role in the general immune suppression observed during measles

    IL-12Rβ1 Deficiency in Two of Fifty Children with Severe Tuberculosis from Iran, Morocco, and Turkey

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: In the last decade, autosomal recessive IL-12Rβ1 deficiency has been diagnosed in four children with severe tuberculosis from three unrelated families from Morocco, Spain, and Turkey, providing proof-of-principle that tuberculosis in otherwise healthy children may result from single-gene inborn errors of immunity. We aimed to estimate the fraction of children developing severe tuberculosis due to IL-12Rβ1 deficiency in areas endemic for tuberculosis and where parental consanguinity is common. METHODS AND PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We searched for IL12RB1 mutations in a series of 50 children from Iran, Morocco, and Turkey. All children had established severe pulmonary and/or disseminated tuberculosis requiring hospitalization and were otherwise normally resistant to weakly virulent BCG vaccines and environmental mycobacteria. In one child from Iran and another from Morocco, homozygosity for loss-of-function IL12RB1 alleles was documented, resulting in complete IL-12Rβ1 deficiency. Despite the small sample studied, our findings suggest that IL-12Rβ1 deficiency is not a very rare cause of pediatric tuberculosis in these countries, where it should be considered in selected children with severe disease. SIGNIFICANCE: This finding may have important medical implications, as recombinant IFN-γ is an effective treatment for mycobacterial infections in IL-12Rβ1-deficient patients. It also provides additional support for the view that severe tuberculosis in childhood may result from a collection of single-gene inborn errors of immunity

    Die Serumkrankheit

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    Layoutgetreues Digitalisat der Ausg.: Leipzig [u.a.] : Deuticke, 1905 Standort: Fachgebiet fĂĽr Geschichte der Medizin (192) Signatur: 791/IV Provenienz: Behring, Emil vo

    Klinische Studien ĂĽber Vakzination und vakzinale Allergie

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    Layoutgetreues Digitalisat der Ausg.: Leipzig [u.a.] : Deuticke, 1907 Standort: Fachgebiet fĂĽr Geschichte der Medizin (192) Signatur: 791/IV Provenienz: Behring, Emil vo
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