32 research outputs found

    Die Rolle von Fertigungsmitarbeitern im strategischen Human Resource Management

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    In der fertigungsspezifischen Literatur ist in jĂŒngerer Vergangenheit der Ruf laut geworden, einen Wandel im Produktionsmanagement weg von der Technozentrik hin zur Anthropozentrik zu vollziehen. Insbesondere das strategische Human Resource Management, das eine stĂ€rkere Ausrichtung der Personalpraktiken auf die strategischen und strukturellen Gegebenheiten eines Industriebetriebs postuliert, geht als Ansatz hervor, der immer mehr zur Notwendigkeit in der industriellen Praxis wird. Die zentrale Forschungsfrage dieser Arbeit lautet dementsprechend, ob diesem Postulat in der RealitĂ€t tatsĂ€chlich auch entsprochen wird oder ob, wie es in der Vergangenheit hĂ€ufig zu beobachten war, dem Personalmanagement nach wie vor ein zu starker FunktionserfĂŒllungscharakter anhaftet. Die verwendete Datenbasis basiert auf dem multinationalen Forschungsprojekt High Performance Manufacturing, welches Einblicke in die Triade-LĂ€nder (Japan, USA, Deutschland) zu den Betrachtungszeitpunkten 1997 und 2004 ermöglicht. Die empirischen Analysen zeigen, dass sich fĂŒr Industriebetriebe vermehrt das Erfor-dernis stellt, die operative Basis – wegen ihrer sehr profunden Kenntnis des Fertigungsbereichs – in Entscheidungen jedweder Art einzubeziehen. GrundsĂ€tzlich ist das Human Resource Management nicht als Pflichtenheft aufzufassen, sondern als Vehikel, sich durch sinnvollen Mix aus Strategie, Struktur und Personal im Wettbewerb von den Konkurrenten abzuheben. Entscheidendes Kriterium ist dabei ein funktionierendes Kommunikations- und Informationssystem, das eine hierarchieĂŒbergreifende Zusammenarbeit gewĂ€hrleistet. Nur so ist es möglich, dass Fertigungsmitarbeiter ihre Arbeitsaufgaben schneller, besser und mit weniger Fehlern vollziehen. Auch kann die QualitĂ€t operativer und strategischer Entscheidungen signifikant verbessert werden, da die EntscheidungstrĂ€ger ĂŒber ein valideres und realistischeres EinschĂ€tzungsvermögen bezĂŒglich der Situation im eigenen Industriebetrieb verfĂŒgen

    Hydrogen Pipeline Infrastructure Design for Germany in 2045

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    Germany’s commitment to carbon neutrality by 2045 underscores the need for climate action, with hydrogen’s multiple uses in industry, transport, and energy offering a viable solution. Efficient retrofitting of the extensive natural gas pipeline network can enable hydrogen to be transported from supply to demand centers. The aim of this study is to develop a hydrogen pipeline network strategy for Germany in 2045 that is consistent with carbon neutrality goals while minimizing associated costs. Using a single-period deterministic Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) approach, the focus is on estimating peak-hour transport demand derived from the spatial distribution of demand and supply. This estimation is based on openly available data from the Germany Energy Agency (dena) pilot study on carbon neutrality. The methodology aims to allocate hydrogen energy flows along existing pipelines through a retrofitting approach. The base scenario is derived from the projected hydrogen demand and supply for a carbon-neutral Germany in 2045, as estimated in the dena pilot study. To explore different possibilities, a sensitivity analysis compares five different demand scenarios. Each scenario examines different hard-to-abate subsectors that have limited options for decarbonization. Evaluating the routes and utilization rates across the pipeline network provides insights into the feasibility, with certain routes, particularly those originating in the north, emerging as key. The majority of pipelines in the network have low utilization rates below 25% in peak hours, which may indicate economic infeasibility or the need for alternative transport strategies. In addition, a cost of avoided emissions analysis weighs scenario-specific emission reductions against network costs. Of particular note is the network connecting CHP plants and energy-intensive industries, which appears to strike an optimal balance in terms of costs of avoided emissions and utilization rate in peak hours. Nevertheless, the study does not consider physical flow calculations, so further validation is required in this respect. The potential of the methodology, however, liesin its ability to quickly assess different scenarios and provide valuable insights into economic, environmental, and social impacts.Tysklands Ă„tagande om koldioxidneutralitet senast 2045 understryker behovet av klimatĂ„tgĂ€rder, och vĂ€tgasens mĂ„nga anvĂ€ndningsomrĂ„den inom industri, transport och energi erbjuder en hĂ„llbar lösning. Effektiv eftermontering av det omfattande naturgasledningsnĂ€tet kan göra det möjligt att transportera vĂ€tgas frĂ„n utbuds- till efterfrĂ„gecentra. Syftet med denna studie Ă€r att utveckla en strategi för vĂ€tgasnĂ€tet i Tyskland 2045 som Ă€r förenlig med mĂ„len för koldioxidneutralitet och samtidigt minimerar de tillhörande kostnaderna. Med hjĂ€lp av en deterministisk MILP-metod (Mixed Integer Linear Programming) för en enda period ligger fokus pĂ„ att uppskatta efterfrĂ„gan pĂ„ transporter under maxtimmar utifrĂ„n den rumsliga fördelningen av efterfrĂ„gan och utbud. Denna uppskattning baseras pĂ„ öppet tillgĂ€ngliga data frĂ„n denas pilotstudie om koldioxidneutralitet. Metoden syftar till att fördela vĂ€tgasenergiflöden lĂ€ngs befintliga rörledningar genom en eftermonteringsstrategi. Det grundlĂ€ggande scenariot hĂ€rleds frĂ„n den berĂ€knade efterfrĂ„gan och tillgĂ„ngen pĂ„ vĂ€tgas för ett koldioxidneutralt Tyskland 2045, enligt uppskattningar i dena-pilotstudien. För att utforska olika möjligheter jĂ€mförs fem olika efterfrĂ„gescenarier i en kĂ€nslighetsanalys. Varje scenario undersöker olika delsektorer som Ă€r svĂ„ra att minska och som har begrĂ€nsade alternativ för utfasning av fossila brĂ€nslen. UtvĂ€rderingen av strĂ€ckningarna och utnyttjandegraden i rörledningsnĂ€tet ger insikter om genomförbarheten, dĂ€r vissa strĂ€ckningar, sĂ€rskilt de med ursprung i norr, framstĂ„r som viktiga. Majoriteten av rörledningarna i nĂ€tverkethar lĂ„ga nyttjandegrader under 25% under rusningstid, vilket kan indikera ekonomisk ogenomförbarhet eller behovet av alternativa transportstrategier. Dessutom vĂ€ger en kostnads-/nyttoanalys av utslĂ€pp scenariospecifika utslĂ€ppsminskningar mot nĂ€tverkskostnader. SĂ€rskilt vĂ€rt att notera Ă€r det nĂ€tverk som förbinder kraftvĂ€rmeverk och energiintensiva industrier, vilket verkar ge en optimal balans nĂ€r det gĂ€ller kostnader för utslĂ€pp och nyttjandegrad. Studien tar dock inte hĂ€nsyn till fysiska flödesberĂ€kningar, sĂ„ ytterligare validering krĂ€vs i detta avseende. Metodens potential ligger dock i dess förmĂ„ga att snabbt bedöma olika scenarier och ge vĂ€rdefulla insikter om ekonomiska, miljömĂ€ssiga och sociala effekter

    Hydrogen Pipeline Infrastructure Design for Germany in 2045

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    Germany’s commitment to carbon neutrality by 2045 underscores the need for climate action, with hydrogen’s multiple uses in industry, transport, and energy offering a viable solution. Efficient retrofitting of the extensive natural gas pipeline network can enable hydrogen to be transported from supply to demand centers. The aim of this study is to develop a hydrogen pipeline network strategy for Germany in 2045 that is consistent with carbon neutrality goals while minimizing associated costs. Using a single-period deterministic Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) approach, the focus is on estimating peak-hour transport demand derived from the spatial distribution of demand and supply. This estimation is based on openly available data from the Germany Energy Agency (dena) pilot study on carbon neutrality. The methodology aims to allocate hydrogen energy flows along existing pipelines through a retrofitting approach. The base scenario is derived from the projected hydrogen demand and supply for a carbon-neutral Germany in 2045, as estimated in the dena pilot study. To explore different possibilities, a sensitivity analysis compares five different demand scenarios. Each scenario examines different hard-to-abate subsectors that have limited options for decarbonization. Evaluating the routes and utilization rates across the pipeline network provides insights into the feasibility, with certain routes, particularly those originating in the north, emerging as key. The majority of pipelines in the network have low utilization rates below 25% in peak hours, which may indicate economic infeasibility or the need for alternative transport strategies. In addition, a cost of avoided emissions analysis weighs scenario-specific emission reductions against network costs. Of particular note is the network connecting CHP plants and energy-intensive industries, which appears to strike an optimal balance in terms of costs of avoided emissions and utilization rate in peak hours. Nevertheless, the study does not consider physical flow calculations, so further validation is required in this respect. The potential of the methodology, however, liesin its ability to quickly assess different scenarios and provide valuable insights into economic, environmental, and social impacts.Tysklands Ă„tagande om koldioxidneutralitet senast 2045 understryker behovet av klimatĂ„tgĂ€rder, och vĂ€tgasens mĂ„nga anvĂ€ndningsomrĂ„den inom industri, transport och energi erbjuder en hĂ„llbar lösning. Effektiv eftermontering av det omfattande naturgasledningsnĂ€tet kan göra det möjligt att transportera vĂ€tgas frĂ„n utbuds- till efterfrĂ„gecentra. Syftet med denna studie Ă€r att utveckla en strategi för vĂ€tgasnĂ€tet i Tyskland 2045 som Ă€r förenlig med mĂ„len för koldioxidneutralitet och samtidigt minimerar de tillhörande kostnaderna. Med hjĂ€lp av en deterministisk MILP-metod (Mixed Integer Linear Programming) för en enda period ligger fokus pĂ„ att uppskatta efterfrĂ„gan pĂ„ transporter under maxtimmar utifrĂ„n den rumsliga fördelningen av efterfrĂ„gan och utbud. Denna uppskattning baseras pĂ„ öppet tillgĂ€ngliga data frĂ„n denas pilotstudie om koldioxidneutralitet. Metoden syftar till att fördela vĂ€tgasenergiflöden lĂ€ngs befintliga rörledningar genom en eftermonteringsstrategi. Det grundlĂ€ggande scenariot hĂ€rleds frĂ„n den berĂ€knade efterfrĂ„gan och tillgĂ„ngen pĂ„ vĂ€tgas för ett koldioxidneutralt Tyskland 2045, enligt uppskattningar i dena-pilotstudien. För att utforska olika möjligheter jĂ€mförs fem olika efterfrĂ„gescenarier i en kĂ€nslighetsanalys. Varje scenario undersöker olika delsektorer som Ă€r svĂ„ra att minska och som har begrĂ€nsade alternativ för utfasning av fossila brĂ€nslen. UtvĂ€rderingen av strĂ€ckningarna och utnyttjandegraden i rörledningsnĂ€tet ger insikter om genomförbarheten, dĂ€r vissa strĂ€ckningar, sĂ€rskilt de med ursprung i norr, framstĂ„r som viktiga. Majoriteten av rörledningarna i nĂ€tverkethar lĂ„ga nyttjandegrader under 25% under rusningstid, vilket kan indikera ekonomisk ogenomförbarhet eller behovet av alternativa transportstrategier. Dessutom vĂ€ger en kostnads-/nyttoanalys av utslĂ€pp scenariospecifika utslĂ€ppsminskningar mot nĂ€tverkskostnader. SĂ€rskilt vĂ€rt att notera Ă€r det nĂ€tverk som förbinder kraftvĂ€rmeverk och energiintensiva industrier, vilket verkar ge en optimal balans nĂ€r det gĂ€ller kostnader för utslĂ€pp och nyttjandegrad. Studien tar dock inte hĂ€nsyn till fysiska flödesberĂ€kningar, sĂ„ ytterligare validering krĂ€vs i detta avseende. Metodens potential ligger dock i dess förmĂ„ga att snabbt bedöma olika scenarier och ge vĂ€rdefulla insikter om ekonomiska, miljömĂ€ssiga och sociala effekter

    Mucoid Carcinoma of the Female Urethra

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    Modelling the impact of the energy transition on gas distribution networks in Germany

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    The energy transition is leading to profound changes in all parts of the energy system, but the reduction of fossil fuels in the heating sector is a major challenge for the energy sector. The changing heatgenerating structure also affects its supply infrastructures. The impact on the existing electricity infrastructure is evident and subject to a lot of research, but gas distribution networks are not considered in most studies. The ongoing defossilization brings the need to assess the impact on gas distribution networks. The assumption of gas as a bridge technology might lead to potential lock-ins or sunk costs. The central question reads: how will gas distribution networks change by 2050 as we move toward a greenhouse gas neutral energy system? This question is answered by using a model network analysis called DINO to compute the infrastructure development and associated costs for existing greenhouse gas-neutral scenarios from present day until year 2050. The supply task and the necessary network elements with their physical parameters are included in the model, and the cost-optimal gas distribution network infrastructure is calculated for each county in Germany. In short, the infrastructure analysis shows a declining need for gas distribution networks for all given GHG-neutral scenarios. In all-electric scenarios, the network length of the required grid infrastructure decreases to zero by 2050. Even in moderate scenarios with high shares of synthetic gas in the heating system, less gas distribution infrastructure is needed. The results of the research presented in this paper can be used to support the necessary measures to ensure a development of gas distribution networks that support greenhouse gas neutrality.BMWi, 03MAP374, AIRE – Anforderungen an die Infrastrukturen im Rahmen der EnergiewendeBMWi, 03MAP392, LFS3 - Langfristszenarien fĂŒr die Transformation des Energiesystems in Deutschlan