690 research outputs found

    Pressure-Induced Rotational Symmetry Breaking in URu2_2Si2_2

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    Phase transitions and symmetry are intimately linked. Melting of ice, for example, restores translation invariance. The mysterious hidden order (HO) phase of URu2_2Si2_2 has, despite relentless research efforts, kept its symmetry breaking element intangible. Here we present a high-resolution x-ray diffraction study of the URu2_2Si2_2 crystal structure as a function of hydrostatic pressure. Below a critical pressure threshold pc3p_c\approx3 kbar, no tetragonal lattice symmetry breaking is observed even below the HO transition THO=17.5T_{HO}=17.5 K. For p>pcp>p_c, however, a pressure-induced rotational symmetry breaking is identified with an onset temperatures TOR100T_{OR}\sim 100 K. The emergence of an orthorhombic phase is found and discussed in terms of an electronic nematic order that appears unrelated to the HO, but with possible relevance for the pressure-induced antiferromagnetic (AF) phase. Existing theories describe the HO and AF phases through an adiabatic continuity of a complex order parameter. Since none of these theories predicts a pressure-induced nematic order, our finding adds an additional symmetry breaking element to this long-standing problem.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures and supplemental material

    Endoscopic endodontic microsurgery: 2-year evaluation of healing and functionality.

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    This prospective clinical study aimed to evaluate the benefits of the endoscope as an aid to root-end management, and to assess the treatment outcome during 2 years following surgery. Forty-three endodontic surgical procedures in 30 patients were performed with the aid of an endoscope and followed for a period of 2 years. Radiographic criteria and clinical evaluation were used to assess the outcome. All cases were evaluated in terms of healing and functionality. 91.1% and 90.7% of the teeth evaluated after 1 and 2 years, respectively, were classified as successful. We found no statistically significant differences for both healing and functionality between the 1- and 2-year evaluations. No difference related to tooth type or tooth location was found at the 2-year follow-up. Fisher's exact test was used to statistically assess the difference between successful and unsuccessful cases for each of the variables considered. The endoscope can be an aid for endodontic surgical procedures in terms of both periapical healing and functionality up to 2 years follow-up

    Report and preliminary results of R/V POSEIDON cruise POS539, Varna (Bulgaria) - Varna (Bulgaria) November 6 - November 21, 2019

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    The R/V POSEIDON cruise POS539 took place in the northwestern basin of the Black Sea (42°30’N to 44°N and 29°E to 31°E). The overarching aim of the campaign was to obtain sediment and water samples, including suspended particle material, from the various redox zones of the Black Sea. The campaign lasted between November 6th and November 21st 2019 and the collected samples were taken in order to investigate the activity and physiology of microorganisms involved in the conversion of nitrogen compounds and degradation of organic carbon under various oxygen conditions. The main topics of the cruise were: (a) to quantify the contribution of archaeal nitrifiers to the nitrogen and carbon cycles, b) to measure the production and consumption of the powerful greenhouse gases CH4 and N2O, c) to record palaeoenvironmental changes in high resolution, and d) to describe the complexity and identity of biopolymers. For this, water and sediment samples were retrieved from 10 discrete shelf and slope stations. First, ‘deep water’ transect was conducted, which included three stations with water depths over 2000 m. The second perpendicular transect encompassed stations that gradually transitioned from the deep parts of the slope towards the shelf (ca. 80 m depth). Additionally, two stations were setup north and south of the shelf transect, respectively, for paleoceanographic studies. Throughout the cruise the weather conditions were overwhelmingly good, only towards the end of the campaign gusty winds of 7 Bft were recorded. The recorded oceanographic conditions were in agreement with the expected water properties at all stations. Station activities were completed on November 20th at 14:00 local board time. On November 21st at 10:30 local time, R/V POSEIDON reached the port of Varna, Bulgaria, thus concluding the POS539 expedition. Analyses and results from the samples and experiments will provide a basis for our understanding of the microbial control on the carbon and nitrogen cycle of the Black Sea.13032

    Resolving the Orbital Character of Low-energy Excitations in Mott Insulator with Intermediate Spin-orbit Coupling

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    Multi-band Mott insulators with moderate spin-orbit and Hund's coupling are key reference points for theoretical concept developments of correlated electron systems. The ruthenate Mott insulator Ca2_{2}RuO4_{4} has therefore been intensively studied by spectroscopic probes. However, it has been challenging to resolve the fundamental excitations emerging from the hierarchy of electronic energy scales. Here we apply state-of-the-art resonant inelastic x-ray scattering to probe deeper into the electronic excitations found in Ca2_{2}RuO4_{4}. In this fashion, we probe a series of spin-orbital excitations at low energies and resolve the level splitting of the intra-t2gt_{2g} structure due to spin-orbit coupling and crystal field splitting. Most importantly, the low-energy excitations exhibit strong orbital character. Such direct determination of relevant electronic energy scales is important, as it sharpens the target for theory developments of Mott insulators' orbital degree of freedom

    The utility of bulk wood density for tree-ring research

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    Bulk wood density measurements are recognized for their utility in ecology, industry, and biomass estimations.. In tree-ring research, microdensitometric techniques are widely used, but their ability to determine the correct central tendency has been questioned. Though rarely used, it may be possible to use bulk wood density as a tool to check the accuracy of and even correct microdensitometric measurements. Since measuring bulk wood density in parallel with X-ray densitometry is quickly and easily done, we suspect that its omission is largely due to a lack of awareness of the procedure and/or its importance. In this study, we describe a simple protocol for measuring bulk wood density tailored for tree-ring researchers and demonstrate a few possible applications. To implement real-world examples of the applications, we used a sample of existing X-ray and Blue Intensity (BI) measurements from 127 living and dead Pinus sylvestris trees from northern Sweden to produce new measurements of bulk wood density. We can confirm that the central tendency in this sample material is offset using X-ray densitometry and that the diagnosis and correction of X-ray density is easily done using bulk wood density in linear transfer functions. However, this approach was not suitable for our BI measurements due to heavy discoloration. Nevertheless, we were able to use bulk wood density to diagnose and improve the use of deltaBI (latewood BI – earlywood BI) with regard to its overall trends and multi-centennial variability in a dendroclimatological application. Moreover, we experimented with percent of latewood width, scaled with bulk wood density, as a time- and cost-effective proxy for annual ring density. Although our reconstruction only explains about half of the variation in ring density, it is most likely superior to using fixed literature values of density in allometric equations aimed at biomass estimations. With this study, we hope to raise new awareness regarding the versatility and importance of bulk wood density for dendrochronology by demonstrating its simplicity, relevance, and applicability

    Validation and justification of the phylum name Cryptomycota phyl. nov.

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    The recently proposed new phylum name Cryptomycota phyl. nov. is validly published in order to facilitate its use in future discussions of the ecology, biology, and phylogenetic relationships of the constituent organisms. This name is preferred over the previously tentatively proposed “Rozellida” as new data suggest that the life-style and morphology of Rozella is not representative of the large radiation to which it and other Cryptomycota belong. Furthermore, taxa at higher ranks such as phylum are considered better not based on individual names of included genera, but rather on some special characteristics – in this case the cryptic nature of this group and that they were initially revealed by molecular methods rather than morphological discovery. If the group were later viewed as a member of a different kingdom, the name should be retained to indicate its fungal affinities, as is the practice for other fungal-like protist groups

    Machine learning outperforms clinical experts in classification of hip fractures

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    Hip fractures are a major cause of morbidity and mortality in the elderly, and incur high health and social care costs. Given projected population ageing, the number of incident hip fractures is predicted to increase globally. As fracture classification strongly determines the chosen surgical treatment, differences in fracture classification influence patient outcomes and treatment costs. We aimed to create a machine learning method for identifying and classifying hip fractures, and to compare its performance to experienced human observers. We used 3659 hip radiographs, classified by at least two expert clinicians. The machine learning method was able to classify hip fractures with 19% greater accuracy than humans, achieving overall accuracy of 92%

    Living near Main Streets and Respiratory Symptoms in Adults: The Swiss Cohort Study on Air Pollution and Lung Diseases in Adults

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    The Swiss Cohort Study on Air Pollution and Lung Diseases in Adults (SAPALDIA), conducted in 1991 (SAPALDIA 1) in eight areas among 9,651 randomly selected adults aged 18-60 years, reported associations among the prevalence of respiratory symptoms, nitrogen dioxide, and particles with an aerodynamic diameter of less than 10 μg/m3. Later, 8,047 subjects reenrolled in 2002 (SAPALDIA 2). The effects of individually assigned traffic exposures on reported respiratory symptoms were estimated, while controlling for socioeconomic and exposure- and health-related factors. The risk of attacks of breathlessness increased for all subjects by 13% (95% confidence interval: 3, 24) per 500-m increment in the length of main street segments within 200 m of the home and decreased in never smokers by 12% (95% confidence interval: 0, 22) per 100-m increment in distance from home to a main street. Living within 20 m of a main street increased the risks of regular phlegm by 15% (95% confidence interval: 0, 31) and wheezing with breathing problems by 34% (95% confidence interval: 0, 79) in never smokers. In 2002, the effects related to road distance were different from those in 1991, which could be due to changes in the traffic pollution mixture. These findings among a general population provide strong confirmation that living near busy streets leads to adverse respiratory health effect