244 research outputs found

    Anàlisi de l'empresa a partir de l'estat de fluxos d'efectiu

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    La finalitat bàsica d’aquesta tesi doctoral ha consistit en determinar d’una banda la rellevància de l’Estat de fluxos d’efectiu (EFE), dins de l’anàlisi d’estats comptables, demostrant que per poder realitzar una anàlisi complet de la situació patrimonial, econòmica i financera de l’empresa és imprescindible l’estudi i anàlisi de l’EFE i d’altra banda fer una proposta metodològica amb la finalitat de millorar l’actual estructura de l’EFE que ens presenta el Pla general de comptabilitat actual. Els objectius secundaris d’aquest treball d’investigació han estat determinar la importància de l’EFE en l’anàlisi de la situació financera a curt termini; demostrar la importància de l’activitat econòmica en l’estudi d’aquest document; i per últim demostrar la vàlua de la informació que aquest document aporta de forma individualitzada de les diferents activitats que l’empresa desenvolupa i sobre el grau d’interrelació existent entre elles.La finalidad básica de esta tesis doctoral ha consistido en determinar la relevancia del Estado de flujos de efectivo (EFE), dentro del análisis de estados contables, demostrando que para poder realizar un análisis completo de la situación patrimonial, económica y financiera de la empresa es imprescindible el estudio y análisis del EFE y por otro lado hacer una propuesta metodológica con el fin de mejorar la actual estructura del EFE que nos presenta el Plan general de contabilidad actual. Los objetivos secundarios de este trabajo de investigación han sido determinar la importancia del EFE en el análisis de la situación financiera a corto plazo; demostrar la importancia de la actividad económica en el estudio de este documento; y por último demostrar la importancia de la información que este documento aporta de forma individualizada de las diferentes actividades que la empresa desarrolla y sobre el grado de interrelación existente entre ellas

    Functional outcome and quality of life 5 and 12.5 years after aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage

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    Patients who recover from aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH) often remain disabled or have persisting symptoms with a reduced quality of life (QoL). We assessed functional outcome and QoL 5 and 12.5 years after SAH. In a consecutive series of 64 patients with mean age at SAH of 51 years, initial outcome assessments had been performed at 4 and 18 months after SAH. At the initial and current outcome assessments, functional outcome was measured with the modified Rankin Scale (mRS) and QoL with the SF-36 and a visual analogue scale (VAS). We studied the change in outcome measurements over time. We used the non-parametric Wilcoxon test to compare differences in mRS grades and calculated differences with corresponding 95% confidence intervals in the domain scores of the SF-36 and the VAS. After 5 years, seven patients had died and five patients had missing data. Compared with the 4-month follow-up, the mRS had improved in 29 of the 52 patients, remained similar in 19 patients. The overall QoL (SF-36 domains and VAS score) was better. At 12.5 years an additional six patients had died. Compared to the 4-month study, 25 of the 46 remaining patients had improved mRS, 12 had remained the same and in nine patients the mRS had worsened. Between the 5 and the 12.5 years follow-up, the improvement in mRS had decreased but patients reported overall a better QoL. Among long-time survivors, QoL may improve more than a decade after SAH

    Intraoperative Multispectral Fluorescence Imaging for the Detection of the Sentinel Lymph Node in Cervical Cancer: A Novel Concept

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    PURPOSE: Real-time intraoperative near-infrared fluorescence (NIRF) imaging is a promising technique for lymphatic mapping and sentinel lymph node (SLN) detection. The purpose of this technical feasibility pilot study was to evaluate the applicability of NIRF imaging with indocyanin green (ICG) for the detection of the SLN in cervical cancer. PROCEDURES: In ten patients with early stage cervical cancer, a mixture of patent blue and ICG was injected into the cervix uteri during surgery. Real-time color and fluorescence videos and images were acquired using a custom-made multispectral fluorescence camera system. RESULTS: Real-time fluorescence lymphatic mapping was observed in vivo in six patients; a total of nine SLNs were detected, of which one (11%) contained metastases. Ex vivo fluorescence imaging revealed the remaining fluorescent signal in 11 of 197 non-sentinel LNs (5%), of which one contained metastatic tumor tissue. None of the non-fluorescent LNs contained metastases. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that lymphatic mapping and detection of the SLN in cervical cancer using intraoperative NIRF imaging is technically feasible. However, the technique needs to be refined for full applicability in cervical cancer in terms of sensitivity and specificity

    Prolonged Antibiotic Treatment does not Prevent Intra-Abdominal Abscesses in Perforated Appendicitis

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    Contains fulltext : 89619.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)BACKGROUND: Children with perforated appendicitis have a relatively high risk of intra-abdominal abscesses. There is no evidence that prolonged antibiotic treatment after surgery reduces intra-abdominal abscess formation. We compared two patient groups with perforated appendicitis with different postoperative antibiotic treatment protocols. METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed patients younger than age 18 years who underwent appendectomy for perforated appendicitis at two academic hospitals between January 1992 and December 2006. Perforation was diagnosed during surgery and confirmed during histopathological evaluation. Patients in hospital A received 5 days of antibiotics postoperatively, unless decided otherwise on clinical grounds. Patients in hospital B received antibiotics for 5 days, continued until serum C-reactive protein (CRP) was <20 mg/l. Univariate logistic regression analysis was performed on intention-to-treat basis. p < 0.05 was considered significant. RESULTS: A total of 149 children underwent appendectomy for perforated appendicitis: 68 in hospital A, and 81 in hospital B. As expected, the median (range) use of antibiotics was significantly different: 5 (range, 1-16) and 7 (range, 2-32) days, respectively (p < 0.0001). However, the incidence of postoperative intra-abdominal abscesses was similar (p = 0.95). Regression analysis demonstrated that sex (female) was a risk factor for abscess formation, whereas surgical technique and young age were not. CONCLUSIONS: Prolonged use of antibiotics after surgery for perforated appendicitis in children based on serum CRP does not reduce postoperative abscess formation.1 december 201

    Znf202 Affects High Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Levels and Promotes Hepatosteatosis in Hyperlipidemic Mice

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    Background: The zinc finger protein Znf202 is a transcriptional suppressor of lipid related genes and has been linked to hypoalphalipoproteinemia. A functional role of Znf202 in lipid metabolism in vivo still remains to be established. Methodology and Principal Findings: We generated mouse Znf202 expression vectors, the functionality of which was established in several in vitro systems. Next, effects of adenoviral znf202 overexpression in vivo were determined in normo- as well as hyperlipidemic mouse models. Znf202 overexpression in mouse hepatoma cells mhAT3F2 resulted in downregulation of members of the Apoe/c1/c2 and Apoa1/c3/a4 gene cluster. The repressive activity of Znf202 was firmly confirmed in an apoE reporter assay and Znf202 responsive elements within the ApoE promoter were identified. Adenoviral Znf202 transfer to Ldlr-/- mice resulted in downregulation of apoe, apoc1, apoa1, and apoc3 within 24 h after gene transfer. Interestingly, key genes in bile flux (abcg5/8 and bsep) and in bile acid synthesis (cyp7a1) were also downregulated. At 5 days post-infection, the expression of the aforementioned genes was normalized, but mice had developed severe hepatosteatosis accompanied by hypercholesterolemia and hypoalphalipoproteinemia. A much milder phenotype was observed in wildtype mice after 5 days of hepatic Znf202 overexpression. Interestingly and similar to Ldl-/- mice, HDL-cholesterol levels in wildtype mice were lowered after hepatic Znf202 overexpression. Conclusion/Significance: Znf202 overexpression in vivo reveals an important role of this transcriptional regulator in liver lipid homeostasis, while firmly establishing the proposed key role in the control of HDL levels

    Analysis of finite-buffer state-dependent bulk queues

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    <p>In this paper, we consider a general state-dependent finite-buffer bulk queue in which the rates and batch sizes of arrivals and services are allowed to depend on the number of customers in queue and service batch sizes. Such queueing systems have rich applications in manufacturing, service operations, computer and telecommunication systems. Interesting examples include batch oven processes in the aircraft and semiconductor industry; serving of passengers by elevators, shuttle buses, and ferries; and congestion control mechanisms to regulate transmission rates in packet-switched communication networks. We develop a unifying method to study the performance of this general class of finite-buffer state-dependent bulk queueing systems. For this purpose, we use semi-regenerative analysis to develop a numerically stable method for calculating the limiting probability distribution of the queue length process. Based on the limiting probabilities, we present various performance measures for evaluating admission control and batch service policies, such as the loss probability for an arriving group of customers and for individual customers within a group. We demonstrate our method by means of numerical examples.</p>

    Prolonged conservative treatment or 'early' surgery in sciatica caused by a lumbar disc herniation: rationale and design of a randomized trial [ISRCT 26872154]

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    BACKGROUND: The design of a randomized multicenter trial is presented on the effectiveness of a prolonged conservative treatment strategy compared with surgery in patients with persisting intense sciatica (lumbosacral radicular syndrome). METHODS/DESIGN: Patients presenting themselves to their general practitioner with disabling sciatica lasting less than twelve weeks are referred to the neurology outpatient department of one of the participating hospitals. After confirmation of the diagnosis and surgical indication MRI scanning is performed. If a distinct disc herniation is discerned which in addition covers the clinically expected site the patient is eligible for randomization. Depending on the outcome of the randomization scheme the patient will either be submitted to prolonged conservative care or surgery. Surgery will be carried out according to the guidelines and between six and twelve weeks after onset of complaints. The experimental therapy consists of a prolonged conservative treatment under supervision of the general practitioner, which may be followed by surgical intervention in case of persisting or progressive disability. The main primary outcome measure is the disease specific disability of daily functioning. Other primary outcome measures are perceived recovery and intensity of legpain. Secondary outcome measures encompass severity of complaints, quality of life, medical consumption, absenteeism, costs and preference. The main research question will be answered at 12 months after randomization. The total follow-up period covers two years. DISCUSSION: Evidence is lacking concerning the optimal treatment of lumbar disc induced sciatica. This pragmatic randomized trial, focusses on the 'timing' of intervention, and will contribute to the decision of the general practictioner and neurologist, regarding referral of patients for surgery

    Whole body vibration improves cognition in healthy young adults

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    This study investigated the acute effects of passive whole body vibration (WBV) on executive functions in healthy young adults. Participants (112 females, 21 males; age: 20.5 +/- 2.2 years) underwent six passive WBV sessions (frequency 30 Hz, amplitude approximately 0.5 mm) and six non-vibration control sessions of two minutes each while sitting on a chair mounted on a vibrating platform. A passive WBV session was alternated with a control session. Directly after each session, performance on the Stroop Color-Block Test (CBT), Stroop Color-Word Interference Test (CWIT), Stroop Difference Score (SDS) and Digit Span Backward task (DSBT) was measured. In half of the passive WBV and control sessions the test order was CBT-CWIT-DSBT, and DSBT-CBT-CWIT in the other half. Passive WBV improved CWIT (p = 0.009; effect size r = 0.20) and SDS (p = 0.034; r = 0.16) performance, but only when the CBT and CWIT preceded the DSBT. CBT and DSBT performance did not change. This study shows that two minutes passive WBV has positive acute effects on attention and inhibition in young adults, notwithstanding their high cognitive functioning which could have hampered improvement. This finding indicates the potential of passive WBV as a cognition-enhancing therapy worth further evaluation, especially in persons unable to perform active forms of exercise