101 research outputs found

    Optimal Torque and Stiffness Control in Compliantly Actuated Robots

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    Abstract — Anthropomorphic robots that aim to approach human performance agility and efficiency are typically highly redundant not only in their kinematics but also in actuation. Variable-impedance actuators, used to drive many of these devices, are capable of modulating torque and passive impedance (stiffness and/or damping) simultaneously and independently. Here, we propose a framework for simultaneous optimisation of torque and impedance (stiffness) profiles in order to optimise task performance, tuned to the complex hardware and incorporating real-world constraints. Simulation and hardware experiments validate the viability of this approach to complex, state dependent constraints and demonstrate task performance benefits of optimal temporal impedance modulation. Index Terms — Variable-stiffness actuation, physical constraints, optimal control

    Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Dysplasia/Cardiomyopathy Diagnostic Task Force Criteria Impact of New Task Force Criteria

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    Background-Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Dysplasia/Cardiomyopathy (ARVD/C) Diagnostic Task Force Criteria (TFC) proposed in 1994 are highly specific but lack sensitivity. A new international task force modified criteria to improve diagnostic yield. A comparison of diagnosis by 1994 TFC versus newly proposed criteria in 3 patient groups was conducted. Methods and Results-In new TFC, scoring by major and minor criteria is maintained. Structural abnormalities are quantified and TFC highly specific for ARVD/C upgraded to major. Furthermore, new criteria are added: terminal activation duration of QRS ≥55 ms, ventricular tachycardia with left bundle-branch block morphology and superior axis, and genetic criteria. Three groups were studied: (1) 105 patients with proven ARVD/C according to 1994 TFC, (2) 89 of their family members, and (3) 39 patients with probable ARVD/C (ie, 3 points by 1994 TFC). All were screened for pathogenic mutations in desmosomal genes. Three ARVD/C patients did not meet the new sharpened criteria on structural abnormalities and thereby did not fulfill new TFC. In 62 of 105 patients with proven ARVD/C, mutations were found: 58 in the gene encoding Plakophilin2 (PKP2), 3 in Desmoglein2, 3 in Desmocollin2, and 1 in Desmoplakin. Three patients had bigenic involvement. Ten additional relatives (11%) fulfilled new TFC: 9 (90%) were female, and all carried PKP2 mutations. No rel

    New Mass Estimates for Massive Binary Systems: A Probabilistic Approach Using Polarimetric Radiative Transfer

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    Understanding the evolution of massive binary stars requires accurate estimates of their masses. This understanding is critically important because massive star evolution can potentially lead to gravitational-wave sources such as binary black holes or neutron stars. For Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars with optically thick stellar winds, their masses can only be determined with accurate inclination angle estimates from binary systems which have spectroscopic Msini measurements. Orbitally phased polarization signals can encode the inclination angle of binary systems, where the WR winds act as scattering regions. We investigated four Wolf-Rayet + O star binary systems, WR 42, WR 79, WR 127, and WR 153, with publicly available phased polarization data to estimate their masses. To avoid the biases present in analytic models of polarization while retaining computational expediency, we used a Monte Carlo radiative-transfer model accurately emulated by a neural network. We used the emulated model to investigate the posterior distribution of the parameters of our four systems. Our mass estimates calculated from the estimated inclination angles put strong constraints on existing mass estimates for three of the systems, and disagree with the existing mass estimates for WR 153. We recommend a concerted effort to obtain polarization observations that can be used to estimate the masses of WR binary systems and increase our understanding of their evolutionary paths

    The Netherlands Arrhythmogenic Cardiomyopathy Registry: design and status update

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    Background Clinical research on arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy (ACM) is typically limited by small patient numbers, retrospective study designs, and inconsistent definitions. Aim To create a large national ACM patient cohort with a vast amount of uniformly collected high-quality data that is readily available for future research. Methods This is a multicentre, longitudinal, observational cohort study that includes (1) patients with a definite ACM diagnosis, (2) at-risk relatives of ACM patients, and (3) ACM-associated mutation carriers. At baseline and every follow-up visit, a medical history as well information regarding (non-)invasive tests is collected (e. g. electrocardiograms, Holter recordings, imaging and electrophysiological studies, pathology reports, etc.). Outcome data include (non-)sustained ventricular and atrial arrhythmias, heart failure, and (cardiac) death. Data are collected on a research electronic data capture (REDCap) platform in which every participating centre has its own restricted data access group, thus empowering local studies while facilitating data sharing. Discussion The Netherlands ACM Registry is a national observational cohort study of ACM patients and relatives. Prospective and retrospective data are obtained at multiple time points, enabling both cross-sectional and longitudinal research in a hypothesis-generating approach that extends beyond one specific research question. In so doing, this registry aims to (1) increase the scientific knowledge base on disease mechanisms, genetics, and novel diagnostic and treatment strategies of ACM; and (2) provide education for physicians and patients concerning ACM, e. g. through our website (www.acmregistry.nl) and patient conferences

    Miniature Pneumatic Curling Rubber Actuator Generating Bidirectional Motion with One Air-Supply Tube

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    Soft actuators driven by pneumatic pressure are promising actuators for mechanical systems in medical, biological, agriculture, welfare fields and so on, because they can ensure high safety for fragile objects from their low mechanical impedance. In this study, a new rubber pneumatic actuator made from silicone rubber was developed. Composed of one chamber and one air-supply tube, it can generate curling motion in two directions by using positive and negative pneumatic pressure. The rubber actuator, for generating bidirectional motion, was designed to achieve an efficient shape by nonlinear finite element method analysis, and was fabricated by a molding and rubber bonding process using excimer light. The fabricated actuator was able to generate curling motion in two directions successfully. The displacement and force characteristics of the actuator were measured by using a motion capture system and a load cell. As an example application of the actuator, a robotic soft hand with three actuators was constructed and its effectiveness was confirmed by experiments

    The necessity of drawing up the annual production plan and the importance of establishment crop structure for next agricultural year

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    Planning represents establishment and substantiate the objectives, accomplish tasks and necessary resources for appropriate period plan ( of perspective, annual, quarterly, monthly). Drawing up annual production plan into a ferm is required primarily for evolution or involution recorded by economical phenomenes, which directly determines the operation of the farm. After determining the annual production plan can establish structures and cultures for the next agricultural year using modeling and simulation methods. Following the application of modeling and simulation methods in a farm resulting optimal dimensions of business operations with profit maximization in terms of economic efficiency increased

    Reach and grasp by people with tetraplegia using a neurally controlled robotic arm

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    Paralysis following spinal cord injury (SCI), brainstem stroke, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and other disorders can disconnect the brain from the body, eliminating the ability to carry out volitional movements. A neural interface system (NIS)1–5 could restore mobility and independence for people with paralysis by translating neuronal activity directly into control signals for assistive devices. We have previously shown that people with longstanding tetraplegia can use an NIS to move and click a computer cursor and to control physical devices6–8. Able-bodied monkeys have used an NIS to control a robotic arm9, but it is unknown whether people with profound upper extremity paralysis or limb loss could use cortical neuronal ensemble signals to direct useful arm actions. Here, we demonstrate the ability of two people with long-standing tetraplegia to use NIS-based control of a robotic arm to perform three-dimensional reach and grasp movements. Participants controlled the arm over a broad space without explicit training, using signals decoded from a small, local population of motor cortex (MI) neurons recorded from a 96-channel microelectrode array. One of the study participants, implanted with the sensor five years earlier, also used a robotic arm to drink coffee from a bottle. While robotic reach and grasp actions were not as fast or accurate as those of an able-bodied person, our results demonstrate the feasibility for people with tetraplegia, years after CNS injury, to recreate useful multidimensional control of complex devices directly from a small sample of neural signals

    Adaptive Robotic Control Driven by a Versatile Spiking Cerebellar Network

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    The cerebellum is involved in a large number of different neural processes, especially in associative learning and in fine motor control. To develop a comprehensive theory of sensorimotor learning and control, it is crucial to determine the neural basis of coding and plasticity embedded into the cerebellar neural circuit and how they are translated into behavioral outcomes in learning paradigms. Learning has to be inferred from the interaction of an embodied system with its real environment, and the same cerebellar principles derived from cell physiology have to be able to drive a variety of tasks of different nature, calling for complex timing and movement patterns. We have coupled a realistic cerebellar spiking neural network (SNN) with a real robot and challenged it in multiple diverse sensorimotor tasks. Encoding and decoding strategies based on neuronal firing rates were applied. Adaptive motor control protocols with acquisition and extinction phases have been designed and tested, including an associative Pavlovian task (Eye blinking classical conditioning), a vestibulo-ocular task and a perturbed arm reaching task operating in closed-loop. The SNN processed in real-time mossy fiber inputs as arbitrary contextual signals, irrespective of whether they conveyed a tone, a vestibular stimulus or the position of a limb. A bidirectional long-term plasticity rule implemented at parallel fibers-Purkinje cell synapses modulated the output activity in the deep cerebellar nuclei. In all tasks, the neurorobot learned to adjust timing and gain of the motor responses by tuning its output discharge. It succeeded in reproducing how human biological systems acquire, extinguish and express knowledge of a noisy and changing world. By varying stimuli and perturbations patterns, real-time control robustness and generalizability were validated. The implicit spiking dynamics of the cerebellar model fulfill timing, prediction and learning functions.European Union (Human Brain Project) REALNET FP7-ICT270434 CEREBNET FP7-ITN238686 HBP-60410
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