2,655 research outputs found

    Beam Energy Considerations for Gold Nano-Particle Enhanced Radiation Treatment

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    Purpose: A novel approach using nano technology enhanced radiation modalities is investigated. The proposed methodology uses antibodies labeled with organically inert metals with a high atomic number. Irradiation using photons with energies in the kilo--electron volt (keV) range show an increase in dose due to a combination of an increase in photo-electric interactions and a pronounced generation of Auger and/or Coster-Kronig (A-CK) electrons. Methods: The dependency of the dose deposition on various factors is investigated using Monte Carlo simulation models. The factors investigated include: agent concentration, spectral dependency looking at mono--energetic sources as well as classical bremsstrahlung sources. The optimization of the energy spectrum is performed in terms of physical dose enhancement as well as the dose deposited by Auger and/or Coster-Kronig electrons and their biological effectiveness. Results: A quasi-linear dependency on concentration and an exponential decrease within the target medium is observed. The maximal dose enhancement is dependent on the position of the target in the beam. Apart from irradiation with low photon energies (10 - 20 keV) there is no added benefit from the increase in generation of Auger electrons. Interestingly, a regular 110kVp bremsstrahlung spectrum shows a comparable enhancement in comparison with the optimized mono--energetic sources. Conclusions: In conclusion we find that the use of nano-particle enhanced shows promise to be implemented quite easily in regular clinic on a physical level due to the advantageous properties in classical beams.Comment: Preprint submitted to Phys Med Bio

    On the origin of the difference between the runaway velocities of the OB-supergiant X-ray Binaries and the Be/X-ray Binaries

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    The recent finding by Chevalier & Ilovaisky (1998) that OB-supergiant X-ray binaries have relatively large runaway velocities whereas Be/X-ray binaries have low runaway velocities, provides confirmation of the current models for the formation of these two types of systems. These predict a difference in runaway velocity of an order of magnitude. This difference basically results from the variation of the fractional helium core mass as a function of stellar mass, in combination with the conservation of orbital angular momentum during the mass transfer phase that preceded the formation of the compact object in the system. This combination results into: (i) Systematically narrower pre-supernova orbits in the OB-supergiant systems than in the Be-systems, and (ii) A larger fractional amount of mass ejected in the supernovae in high-mass systems relative to systems of lower mass. Regardless of possible kick velocities imparted to neutron stars at birth, this combination leads to a considerable difference in average runaway velocity between these two groups. The observed low runaway velocities of the Be/X-ray binaries confirm that in most cases not more than 1 to 2Msun was ejected in the supernovae that produced their neutron stars. This, in combination with the --on average-- large orbital eccentricities of these systems, indicates that their neutron stars must have received a velocity kick in the range 60 - 250 km/s at birth.Comment: reduced abstract, 13 pages, accepted by A&

    Forming short-period Wolf-Rayet X-ray binaries and double black holes through stable mass transfer

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    We show that black-hole High-Mass X-ray Binaries (HMXBs) with O- or B-type donor stars and relatively short orbital periods, of order one week to several months may survive spiral in, to then form Wolf-Rayet (WR) X-ray binaries with orbital periods of order a day to a few days; while in systems where the compact star is a neutron star, HMXBs with these orbital periods never survive spiral-in. We therefore predict that WR X-ray binaries can only harbor black holes. The reason why black-hole HMXBs with these orbital periods may survive spiral in is: the combination of a radiative envelope of the donor star, and a high mass of the compact star. In this case, when the donor begins to overflow its Roche lobe, the systems are able to spiral in slowly with stable Roche-lobe overflow, as is shown by the system SS433. In this case the transferred mass is ejected from the vicinity of the compact star (so-called "isotropic re-emission" mass loss mode, or "SS433-like mass loss"), leading to gradual spiral-in. If the mass ratio of donor and black hole is >3.5>3.5, these systems will go into CE evolution and are less likely to survive. If they survive, they produce WR X-ray binaries with orbital periods of a few hours to one day. Several of the well-known WR+O binaries in our Galaxy and the Magellanic Clouds, with orbital periods in the range between a week and several months, are expected to evolve into close WR-Black-Hole binaries,which may later produce close double black holes. The galactic formation rate of double black holes resulting from such systems is still uncertain, as it depends on several poorly known factors in this evolutionary picture. It might possibly be as high as 105\sim 10^{-5} per year.Comment: MNRAS in pres

    Probing Electron-Capture Supernovae: X-Ray Binaries in Starbursts

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    Presenting population models of high-mass X-ray binaries (HMXBs) formed after bursts of star formation, we investigate the effect of electron-capture supernovae (ECS) of massive ONeMg white dwarfs and the hypothesis that ECS events are associated with typically low supernova kicks imparted to the nascent neutron stars. We identify an interesting ECS bump in the time evolution of HMXB numbers; this bump is caused by significantly increased production of wind-fed HMXBs 20-60 Myr post starburst. The amplitude and age extent of the ECS bump depend on the strength of ECS kicks and the mass range of ECS progenitors. We also find that ECS-HMXBs form through a specific evolutionary channel that is expected to lead to binaries with Be donors in wide orbits. These characteristics, along with their sensitivity to ECS properties, provide us with an intriguing opportunity to probe ECS physics and progenitors through studies of starbursts of different ages. Specifically, the case of the Small Magellanic Cloud, with a significant observed population of Be HMXBs and starburst activity 30-60 Myr ago, arises as a promising laboratory for understanding the role of electron-capture supernovae in neutron star formation.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, Published by ApJ in 07/0

    Evolution of Neutron-Star, Carbon-Oxygen White-Dwarf Binaries

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    At least one, but more likely two or more, eccentric neutron-star, carbon-oxygen white-dwarf binaries with an unrecycled pulsar have been observed. According to the standard scenario for evolving neutron stars which are recycled in common envelope evolution we expect to observe \gsim 50 such circular neutron star-carbon oxygen white dwarf binaries, since their formation rate is roughly equal to that of the eccentric binaries and the time over which they can be observed is two orders of magnitude longer, as we shall outline. We observe at most one or two such circular binaries and from that we conclude that the standard scenario must be revised. Introducing hypercritical accretion into common envelope evolution removes the discrepancy by converting the neutron star into a black hole which does not emit radio waves, and therefore would not be observed.Comment: 25 pages, 1 figure, accepted in Ap

    Moving toward a framework to compose intelligent web services

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    A framework for contract-based support to establish virtual collaboration is proposed using loosely coupled and heterogeneous intelligent Web services. A business process redesign scenario is also discussed for integrating shared business process between a PC manufacturer and a semiconductor manufacturer. Contracts encapsulate the control information for intelligent Web services (IWS) engaged in e-business transactions. IWS show promise as a means of supporting cross-organizational business transactions

    Tackling ageing continence through theory, tools & technology (TACT3)

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    This is the author's accepted manuscript. The final published article is available from the link below. Copyright @ 2012 Common Ground.After dementia, nothing is more feared by older people than the loss of continence. It is often the reason many people enter care facilities and can contribute to the breakdown of caring relationships. This paper reports on a three-year research project funded by the UK New Dynamics of Aging programme, which has explored three key issues in the predicament of maintaining continence from the “user’s” perspective. Firstly, understanding how continence services operated by the UK National Health Service can be improved to offer cost effective benefits that encourage people to report this sometimes embarrassing condition with confidence. Secondly, working directly with the US Simon Foundation, the project has developed user-requested, assistive devices that target the most embarrassing aspects of the condition, namely issues of personal odor control and urine leakage from continence pads. Lastly, understanding the challenges of managing continence in daily living outside of the home, with particular reference to accessing publicly accessible toilet facilities. The paper will highlight the research that has provided the basis for innovative design solutions.ESRC, EPSRC, BBSRC, MRC, and AHRC

    XMM-Newton discovery of 217 s pulsations in the brightest persistent supersoft X-ray source in M31

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    We report on the discovery of a periodic modulation in the bright supersoft X-ray source XMMU J004252.5+411540 detected in the 2000-2004 XMM-Newton observations of M31. The source exhibits X-ray pulsations with a period P~217.7 s and a quasi-sinusoidal pulse shape and pulsed fraction ~7-11%. We did not detect statistically significant changes in the pulsation period on the time scale of 4 years. The X-ray spectra of XMMU J004252.5+411540 are extremely soft and can be approximated with an absorbed blackbody of temperature 62-77 eV and a weak power law tail of photon index ~1.7-3.1 in the 0.2-3.0 keV energy band. The X-ray properties of the source and the absence of an optical/UV counterpart brighter than 19 mag suggest that it belongs to M31. The estimated bolometric luminosity of the source varies between ~2e38 and ~8e38 ergs/s at 760 kpc, depending on the choice of spectral model. The X-ray pulsations and supersoft spectrum of XMMU J004252.5+411540 imply that it is almost certainly an accreting white dwarf, steadily burning hydrogen-rich material on its surface. We interpret X-ray pulsations as a signature of the strong magnetic field of the rotating white dwarf. Assuming that the X-ray source is powered by disk accretion, we estimate its surface field strength to be in the range 4e5 G <B_{0}<8e6 G. XMMU J004252.5+411540 is the second supersoft X-ray source in M31 showing coherent pulsations, after the transient supersoft source XMMU J004319.4+411758 with 865.5 s pulsation period.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, uses emulateapj style. Submitted to Ap

    Neutron Star Masses and Radii as Inferred from kilo-Hertz QPOs

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    Kilo-Hertz (kHz) Quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) have been discovered in the X-ray fluxes of 8 low-mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs) with the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE). The characteristics of these QPOs are remarkably similar from one source to another. In particular, the highest observed QPO frequencies for 6 of the 8 sources fall in a very narrow range: 1,066 to 1,171 Hz. This is the more remarkable when one considers that these sources are thought to have very different luminosities and magnetic fields, and produce very different count rates in the RXTE detectors. Therefore it is highly unlikely that this near constancy of the highest observed frequencies is due to some unknown selection effect or instrumental bias. In this letter we propose that the highest observed QPO frequency can be taken as the orbital frequency of the marginally stable orbit. This leads to the conclusions that the neutron stars in these LMXBs are inside their marginally stable orbits and have masses in the vicinity of 2.0 solar masses. This mass is consistent with the hypothesis that these neutron stars were born with about 1.4 solar masses and have been accreting matter at a fraction of the Eddington limit for 100 million years.Comment: 7 pages, uses aas2pp4.sty, Accepted by ApJ