32 research outputs found

    Adult attachment and relationship satisfaction: The mediating role of gratitude toward the partner

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    Previous research indicated that insecure attachment, that is, higher levels of attachment avoidance and attachment anxiety, is negatively associated with relationship satisfaction. The present study investigated the mediating role of gratitude toward the partner in this association. In a cross-sectional design, 362 participants (84% female, age range 18–70 years) involved in a romantic relationship completed an online questionnaire assessing attachment avoidance and anxiety, gratitude toward the partner, and relationship satisfaction. Data were analyzed by means of regression and bootstrap analyses. The regression analysis revealed significant negative total and direct effects of both avoidance and anxiety on relationship satisfaction. The bootstrap analyses revealed a significant negative indirect effect of avoidance, but not anxiety, on relationship satisfaction via gratitude toward the partner. Specifically, higher levels of avoidant attachment were related to less gratitude toward the partner, which in turn was associated with lower relationship satisfaction. These findings suggest that it might be valuable applying gratitude interventions to clients high in attachment avoidance attending couples therapy

    Positive Body Image and Sexual Functioning in Dutch Female University Students: The Role of Adult Romantic Attachment

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    This study focused on links between romantic attachment, positive body image, and sexual functioning. Dutch female university students (N = 399) completed an online survey that included self-report items about body appreciation, sexual functioning, and romantic attachment. A proposed conceptual model was tested using structural equation modeling and a good fit to the data was found. Results revealed that attachment avoidance in a romantic context was negatively related to sexual arousal, vaginal lubrication, the ability to reach orgasm, and sexual satisfaction. Attachment anxiety was negatively related to body appreciation which, in turn, was positively related to sexual desire and arousal. Findings indicated that romantic attachment is meaningfully linked to body appreciation and sexual functioning. Therefore, the concept of adult attachment may be a useful tool for the treatment of sexual problems of young women

    Varying Viral Replication and Disease Profiles of H2N2 Influenza in Ferrets Is Associated with Virus Isolate and Inoculation Route

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    H2N2 influenza virus, the causative agent of the 1957 “Asian flu” pandemic, has disappeared from circulation. However, H2-influenza viruses are still circulating in avian reservoirs. Combined with the waning of H2N2-specific immunity in the human population, there is a risk of reintroduction of H2N2 influenza virus. Vaccines could help in preventing a future pandemic, but to assess their efficacy animal models are required. We therefore set out to expand the ferret model for H2N2 influenza disease by infecting ferrets intranasally or intratracheally with four different H2N2 viruses to investigate their influence on the severity of disease. The H2N2 viruses were collected either during the pandemic or near the end of H2N2 circulation and covered both clade I and clade II viruses. Infection of ferrets with the different viruses showed that viral replication, disease, and pathology differed markedly between virus isolates and infection routes. Intranasal inoculation induced a severe to mild rhinitis, depending on the virus isolate, and did not lead to lung infection or pathology. When administered intratracheally, isolates that successfully replicated in the lower respiratory tract (LRT) induced a nonlethal disease that resembles that of a moderate pneumonia in humans. Differences in viral replication and disease between viruses could be associated with their binding preference for a2,3- and a2,6-sialic acid. The model presented here could facilitate the development of a new generation of H2N2 influenza vaccines

    Whole Grain Wheat Consumption Affects Postprandial Inflammatory Response in a Randomized Controlled Trial in Overweight and Obese Adults with Mild Hypercholesterolemia in the Graandioos Study

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    BACKGROUND: Whole grain wheat (WGW) consumption is associated with health benefits in observational studies. However, WGW randomized controlled trial (RCT) studies show mixed effects. OBJECTIVES: The health impact of WGW consumption was investigated by quantification of the body's resilience, which was defined as the "ability to adapt to a standardized challenge." METHODS: A double-blind RCT was performed with overweight and obese (BMI: 25-35 kg/m2) men (n = 19) and postmenopausal women (n = 31) aged 45-70 y, with mildly elevated plasma total cholesterol (>5 mmol/L), who were randomly assigned to either 12-wk WGW (98 g/d) or refined wheat (RW). Before and after the intervention a standardized mixed-meal challenge was performed. Plasma samples were taken after overnight fasting and postprandially (30, 60, 120, and 240 min). Thirty-one biomarkers were quantified focusing on metabolism, liver, cardiovascular health, and inflammation. Linear mixed-models evaluated fasting compared with postprandial intervention effects. Health space models were used to evaluate intervention effects as composite markers representing resilience of inflammation, liver, and metabolism. RESULTS: Postprandial biomarker changes related to liver showed decreased alanine aminotransferase by WGW (P = 0.03) and increased β-hydroxybutyrate (P = 0.001) response in RW. Postprandial changes related to inflammation showed increased C-reactive protein (P = 0.001), IL-6 (P = 0.02), IL-8 (P = 0.007), and decreased IL-1B (P = 0.0002) in RW and decreased C-reactive protein (P < 0.0001), serum amyloid A (P < 0.0001), IL-8 (P = 0.02), and IL-10 (P < 0.0001) in WGW. Health space visualization demonstrated diminished inflammatory (P < 0.01) and liver resilience (P < 0.01) by RW, whereas liver resilience was rejuvenated by WGW (P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Twelve-week 98 g/d WGW consumption can promote liver and inflammatory resilience in overweight and obese subjects with mildly elevated plasma cholesterol. The health space approach appeared appropriate to evaluate intervention effects as composite markers. This trial was registered at www.clinicaltrials.gov as NCT02385149.</p

    Young women’s sexual satisfaction in danger: the significance of thin-ideal internalization, positive body image, and appearance-related self-consciousness during physical intimacy

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    Background: Previous research indicated that a positive body image is indirectly related to young adult women’s sexual satisfaction through protecting them from appearance-related self-consciousness during physical intimacy. The aim of the present study was to investigate thin-ideal internalization as a potential factor associated with positive body image, and subsequently appearance-related self-consciousness during physical intimacy and sexual satisfaction. Participants and procedure: Using a cross-sectional design, 250 young adult Dutch women (age: M = 22.98, SD = 2.98) filled in an online survey measuring the relevant variables. Results: A path analysis revealed that lower thin-ideal internalization was related to greater sexual satisfaction through a more positive body image and less appearance-related self-consciousness during physical intimacy, and also consecutively via both. Conclusions: These findings suggest that thin-ideal internalization may trigger processes that are detrimental to sexual satisfaction in women. Consequently, strengthening sociocultural pressure resistance skills in young adult women could facilitate the development and maintenance of positive sexual experiences

    Cardiovascular Risks of Simultaneous Use of Alcohol and Cocaine—A Systematic Review

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    Background: The simultaneous use of cocaine and alcohol is highly prevalent and is associated with high numbers of emergency department admissions, primarily due to cardiovascular complications. Aims: To answer the question of whether the co-use of cocaine and alcohol increases the cardiovascular risk compared to the use of cocaine alone. Method: A systematic review of human studies comparing the cardiovascular risk of co-used cocaine and alcohol with the use of cocaine alone. Results: Despite a higher myocardial workload induced by the co-use of cocaine and alcohol and the potentiation of cocaine’s cardiovascular effects by alcohol, the findings on the risk and severity of cardiovascular symptoms due to combined use are inconsistent. However, the co-use of cocaine and alcohol clearly leads to higher mortality. Interestingly, the presence of cocaethylene, a unique metabolite generated only via a pharmacokinetic interaction between alcohol and cocaine, carries an 18- to 25-fold increase over the absence of cocaethylene (cocaine-alone users) in the risk of sudden death and is associated with myocardial injury and cardiac arrest, probably due to the inhibition of cardiac ion channels by cocaethylene. Conclusion: Despite the inconsistency in some of the results, it is concluded that the co-use of cocaine and alcohol poses an additional risk of cardiovascular fatalities compared to the use of cocaine alone

    Eindrapportage Key2Teach-Speciaal: Onderzoek naar de effectiviteit en toepassing van een leerkrachtgericht coachingsprogramma bij de aanpak van gedragsvraagstukken bij leerlingen in het SBO/SO SO/SBO.

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    Leerlingen die leskrijgen in scholen voor speciaal basisonderwijs (SBO) en speciaal onderwijs 4 (SO4) laten een grote diversiteit aan gedrag zien, wat voor leerkrachten die lesgeven op deze typen scholen een uitdaging kan zijn. Uitval en uitputting komen dan ook veel voor onder deze leerkrachten. Dit is lastig, want juist voor deze kwetsbare leerlingen is het belangrijk dat leerkrachten goed af kunnen stemmen op wat deze leerlingen nodig hebben. Het verbeteren van de leerkracht-leerling-relatie (LLR) kan een belangrijke rol spelen in de ondersteuning van deze leerkrachten in de omgang met moeilijk gedrag van hun leerlingen. De kwaliteit van deze relatie speelt namelijk een belangrijke rol bij het beroepsmatig welzijn van leerkrachten, maar ook bij het functioneren van leerlingen. Omdat het voor leerkrachten lastig kan zijn om een goede relatie aan te gaan met leerlingen die moeilijk gedrag vertonen, is het belangrijk hen hier op effectieve wijze bij te begeleiden. Key2Teach is een gepersonaliseerde en leerkrachtgerichte coachingsmethodiek die tot doel heeft het inzicht van leerkrachten in hun relatie met gedragsmoeilijke leerlingen te vergroten en hun interactievaardigheden te versterken. Key2Teach is opgebouwd uit twee fasen en vier bouwstenen, waarmee een leerkracht inzicht verkrijgt in de eigen relatie en interactie met een leerling die moeilijk gedrag vertoont, maar ook zelf tot een werkvraag komt om in de klas mee te oefenen. In het regulier basisonderwijs is Key2Teach effectief gebleken om de LLR, het beroepsmatig welzijn van leerkrachten, en gedrag van leerlingen te verbeteren. Door het gepersonaliseerde karakter van deze interventie is Key2Teach mogelijk ook geschikt om leerkrachten in het SO/SO4 te ondersteunen. Het eerste doel van deze studie betrof het systematisch onderzoeken van de specifieke behoeften van leerkrachten en de (gedrags)kenmerken van leerlingen die leskrijgen in basisscholen voor SBO/SO4. Het tweede doel van deze studie betrof het aanpassen van de Key2Teach-methodiek voor het SBO/SO4 (K2T-S). Het derde doel van deze studie betrof het onderzoeken of K2T-S effect heeft op verschillende aspecten van de leerkracht-leerling-relatie, op moeilijk gedrag van leerlingen en op aspecten van het beroepsmatig welzijn van leerkrachten. Deze studie werd gefinancierd door NRO, projectnummer 40.5.18540.190

    Adult attachment and relationship satisfaction : The mediating role of gratitude toward the partner

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    Previous research indicated that insecure attachment, that is, higher levels of attachment avoidance and attachment anxiety, is negatively associated with relationship satisfaction. The present study investigated the mediating role of gratitude toward the partner in this association. In a cross-sectional design, 362 participants (84% female, age range 18–70 years) involved in a romantic relationship completed an online questionnaire assessing attachment avoidance and anxiety, gratitude toward the partner, and relationship satisfaction. Data were analyzed by means of regression and bootstrap analyses. The regression analysis revealed significant negative total and direct effects of both avoidance and anxiety on relationship satisfaction. The bootstrap analyses revealed a significant negative indirect effect of avoidance, but not anxiety, on relationship satisfaction via gratitude toward the partner. Specifically, higher levels of avoidant attachment were related to less gratitude toward the partner, which in turn was associated with lower relationship satisfaction. These findings suggest that it might be valuable applying gratitude interventions to clients high in attachment avoidance attending couples therapy

    Next Generation Health Claims Based on Resilience: The Example of Whole-Grain Wheat

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    Health claims on foods are a way of informing consumers about the health benefits of a food product. Traditionally, these claims are based on scientific evaluation of markers originating from a pharmacological view on health. About a decade ago, the definition of health has been rephrased to &lsquo;the ability to adapt&rsquo; that opened up the possibility for a next generation of health claims based on a new way of quantifying health by evaluating resilience. Here, we would like to introduce an opportunity for future scientific substantiation of health claims on food products by using whole-grain wheat as an example. Characterization of the individual whole wheat grain food product or whole wheat flour would probably be considered as sufficiently characterized by the European Food Safety Authority, while the food category whole grain is not specific enough. Meta-analysis provides the scientific evidence that long-term whole-grain wheat consumption is beneficial for health, although results from single &lsquo;gold standard&rsquo; efficacy studies are not always straight forward based on classic measurement methods. Future studies may want to underpin the scientific argumentation that long-term whole grain wheat consumption improves resilience, by evaluating the disruption and rate of a selected panel of blood markers in response to a standardized oral protein glucose lipid tolerance test and aggregated into biomarkers with substantiated physiological benefits, to make a next-generation health claim for whole-grain wheat achievable in the near future