591 research outputs found

    A training course for psychologists:Learning to assess (alleged) sexual abuse among victims and perpetrators who have intellectual disabilities

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    People with intellectual disabilities (ID) are at greater risk of being a victim of sexual abuse and may also be more predisposed to perpetrating sexual abuse. Although the prevalence of sexual abuse among people with ID is difficult to determine, it is clear that there are serious consequences for both victims and perpetrators, and professional support is needed. Psychologists play an important role in the assessment of sexual abuse in both victims and perpetrators and require specific knowledge and skills to execute the assessments. We therefore developed a training course for psychologists aimed at increasing their (applied) knowledge of sexual abuse and the related assessment process in people with ID. In a five-day training course, sessions focusing on theories about diagnostic models were combined with sessions focusing on the assessment of sexual abuse of victims and perpetrators. The effectiveness of the training course was determined in terms of (applied) knowledge via the administration of a study-specific questionnaire including a hypothetical case vignette before, immediately after, and six months after completion of the course. The results show that the knowledge of the psychologists related to sexual abuse and the assessment process for sexual abuse increased significantly, and remained above pre-test level at six-month follow-up. These results are promising, but more research is needed to see if the increased (applied) knowledge in turn leads to application in practice and better care for both victims and perpetrators

    Product lifecycle optimization using dynamic degradation models

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    History of the software industry: the challenge

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    Martin Campbell-Kelly opened a new field in the history of computing in his groundbreaking From airline reservation to Sonic the Hedgehog; a history of the software industry. The book is discussed by Adrienne van den Bogaard and Frank Veraart and by Gerard Alberts, followed by a reply by the author. Van den Bogaard and Veraart join great appreciation for the three-sector division Campbell-Kelly developed to describe the history of the software industry, to a slight criticism of his ad hoc-argumentation in explaining why in each sector some enterprises survive and others do not. Lacking, in their view, is a discussion of the dynamics of software itself in the context of emerging practices and businesses. Alberts overcomes his prima facie unease with th

    Некоторые особенности структурной динамики межсекторальных ресурсных потоков в научной системе Украины

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    Представлен анализ динамики финансирования научно-технической деятельности в аспекте основных источников средств и исполнителей за весь период независимости Украины. Изложен авторский подход к оцениванию роли государства и других экономических субъектов, который адаптирует требования международных учетных стандартов к реалиям отечественной экономики.Представлено аналіз динаміки фінансування науково-технічної діяльності в аспекті головних джерел коштів та виконавців за весь період незалежності України. Викладено авторський підхід до оцінювання ролі держави та інших економічних суб’єктів, що адаптує вимоги міжнародних облікових стандартів до реалій вітчизняної економіки.An analysis of the R&D funding dynamics in terms of main funding sources and performers over the period of the Ukrainian independence is given. The author’s approach to evaluating the role of the government and other economic entities, which adapts the requirements of international accounting standards to the realities of the national economy, is shown

    A thematic analysis into the experiences of people with a mild intellectual disability during the COVID-19 lockdown period

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    Background. The COVID-19 pandemic is expected to have a substantial impact on people with an intellectual disability. The goal of the current study was to explore the experiences and needs of people with a mild intellectual disability during the COVID-19 lockdown period in the Netherlands. Method. A descriptive qualitative methodology was conducted, using semi-structured individual interviews with six people with a mild intellectual disability. Data were analysed thematically. Results. Three overarching themes were found: (i) Missing social contact and having people close; (ii) Being housebound has changed my daily life; and (iii) Hard to understand the preventive measures. Conclusions. Important insights into the experiences and needs of people with a mild intellectual disability during the COVID-19 lockdown period were gained. These insights are valuable with respect to a potential second COVID-19 wave or a future infection-outbreak

    Learning Analytics in het onderwijs:Een onderwijskundig perspectief

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    https://www.surf.nl/kennisbank/2016/rapport-learning-analytics-in-het-onderwijs-een-onderwijskundig-perspectief.htmlLearning analytics in de onderwijspraktijk Meer inzicht in het onderwijsproces, gerichte feedback aan studenten en uiteindelijk verbetering van het onderwijs: dat is de gedachte achter learning analytics. De mogelijkheden van learning analytics zijn groot, maar hoe past een opleiding of instelling ze succesvol toe? Dat valt of staat met de manier waarop learning analytics wordt toegepast in de onderwijspraktijk. Ontwerpen van online onderwijs Learning analytics werkt pas echt als we erin slagen de juiste vragen aan de data te stellen. Dat begint al bij het ontwerpen van online onderwijs. Voor het rapport 'Learning analytics in het onderwijs: een onderwijskundig perspectief' hebben we samen met vertegenwoordigers uit het hoger onderwijs onderzocht hoe je in een onderwijsontwerp effectief gebruik kunt maken van learning analytics. In een aantal cases laten we bovendien zien hoe dat in de onderwijspraktijk kan werken. Ondersteuning en inspiratie voor docenten en onderwijsontwikkelaars Het rapport ondersteunt en inspireert docenten en onderwijsontwikkelaars bij het toepassen van learning analytics in online onderwijs. Zo kunnen ze data verzamelen over hoe studenten door een online omgeving klikken, welke video’s ze bekijken, en welke andere digitale voetsporen ze achterlaten, en wat dat zegt over hun leergedrag.SUR