6,849 research outputs found

    Large deviations for ideal quantum systems

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    We consider a general d-dimensional quantum system of non-interacting particles, with suitable statistics, in a very large (formally infinite) container. We prove that, in equilibrium, the fluctuations in the density of particles in a subdomain of the container are described by a large deviation function related to the pressure of the system. That is, untypical densities occur with a probability exponentially small in the volume of the subdomain, with the coefficient in the exponent given by the appropriate thermodynamic potential. Furthermore, small fluctuations satisfy the central limit theorem.Comment: 28 pages, LaTeX 2

    Stochastic User Equilibrium Traffic Assignment with Price-sensitive Demand: Do Methods matter (much)?

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    We compare three stochastic user equilibrium traffic assignment models multinomial probit, nested logit, and generalized nested logit), using a congestible transport network. We test the models in two situations: one in which they have theoretically equivalent coefficients, and one in which they are calibrated to have similar traffic flows. In each case, we examine the differences in traffic flows between the SUE models, and use them to evaluate policy decisions, such as profit-maximizing tolling or second-best socially optimal tolling. We then investigate how the optimal tolls, and their performance, depend on the model choice, and hence, how important the differences between models are. We show that the differences between models are small, as a result of the congestibility of the network, and that a better calibration does not always lead to better traffic flow predictions. As the outcomes are so similar, it may be better to use computationally more efficient logit models instead of probit models, in at least some applications, even if the latter is preferable from a conceptual viewpoint

    Delegation of GP-home visits to qualified practice assistants: assessment of economic effects in an ambulatory healthcare centre

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Against the background of a decreasing number of general practitioners (GPs) in rural regions in Germany, the AGnES-concept (AGnES = GP-supporting, community-based, e-health-assisted, systemic intervention) supports the delegation of regular GP-home visits to qualified practice assistants. The concept was implemented and evaluated in different model projects in Germany.</p> <p>To explore the economic effects of this concept, the development of the number of home visits in an ambulatory healthcare centre was analysed and compared with the number of home visits in the surrounding county.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Information about GP-home visits was derived from reimbursement data of the ambulatory healthcare centre and a statutory health insurance. Information about home visits conducted by AGnES-practice assistants was collected from the project documentation over a time period of 12 consecutive quarter years, four quarter years before the beginning of the project and 8 quarter years while the project was implemented, considering background temporal trends on the population level in the study region.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Within the ambulatory healthcare centre, the home visits by the GPs significantly decreased, especially the number of medically urgent home visits. However, the overall rate of home visits (conducted by the GPs and the AGnES-practice assistants together) did not change significantly after implementation of the AGnES-concept. In the surrounding county, the home visit rates of the GPs were continuous; the temporal patterns were approximately equal for both usual and urgent home visits.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The results of the analyses show that the support by AGnES-practice assistants led to a decrease of GP-home visits rather than an induction of additional home visits by the AGnES-practice assistants. The most extended effect is related to the medically urgent home visits rather than to the usual home visits.</p

    Захист від недобросовісної конкуренції у медичній сфері: проблеми правововго регулювання

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    Кожна людина має право на здорові умови життя, але напевно ще жодному не вдавалось уникнути звернень до лікарень, аптек, та інших організацій медичної сфери. Метою даної статті є дослідження захисту від недобросовісної конкуренції у медичній сфері в Україні та інших країнах та розроблення наукових рекомендацій щодо вдосконалення українського законодавства щодо врегулювання відносин щодо здійснення господарювання в медичній сфері

    Oceanographic environment of the Sodwana Bay coelacanths (Latimeria chalumnae)

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    Trimix scuba divers discovered coelacanths in Jesser Canyon at a depth of 104 m on the northern KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) coast (Sodwana Bay) in October 2000. The existence of these animals at such a shallow depth and in the swift and powerful Agulhas Current led to a suggestion that this might be an isolated group swept well away from the main population in the Comoros, where they live at depths of 200-350 m with little current. Subsequent observations from three manned submersible surveys and one remotely operated vehicle expedition together with recreational diver observations indicate that the South African population of coelacanths has at least 26 individuals, mostly occupying the depth range of 104-140 m in canyons. Seventeen CTD sections collected during four cruises in 2002 and 2003 indicate the temperature range in this habitat to be similar to that found in the Comoros Islands (that is, 15-22oC cf. 15-19oC in the Comoros). However, a 2.5-month-long time series of hourly data collected by a thermistor array deployed near a known coelacanth cave in Wright Canyon indicated greater variation than anticipated, with temperature changes between 16oC and 24oC occurring in a day. Dissolved oxygen levels in this depth zone were found to range between 3.0 ml l&lt;sup&gt;-1&lt;/sup&gt; and 4.8 ml l&lt;sup&gt;-1&lt;/sup&gt; compared to 3.5 ml l&lt;sup&gt;-1&lt;/sup&gt; in the Comoros. The low oxygen values along this coast are a result of the shallow oxygen minimum, which becomes shallower in the southwest Indian Ocean, particularly in the Agulhas Current, than in tropical latitudes. Current velocities measured using a ship-borne ADCP in the depth range 100-140 m at Sodwana were considerably higher than those measured in the Comoros habitat (20-60 cm s&lt;sup&gt;-1&lt;/sup&gt; cf. 3-4 cm s-1) and may be an important factor explaining the coelacanths' occupation of the canyons found along the northern KZN shelf-break

    Structural Studies of Lanthanide Double Perovskites

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    This project focuses on the examination of the structures of lanthanide containing double perovskites of the type Ba2LnB'O6-d (Ln = lanthanide or Y3+ and B' = Nb5+, Ta5+, Sb5+ and/or Sn4+) using synchrotron X-ray and neutron powder diffraction. The first part of this project examined the relative stability of R3 rhombohedral and I4/m tetragonal structures as the intermediate phase adopted by the series Ba2LnB'O6 (Ln = lanthanide (III) or Y3+ and B' = Nb5+, Ta5+ or Sb5+). It was found that I4/m tetragonal symmetry was favoured when B' was a transition metal with a small number of d electrons, such as Nb5+ or Ta5+. This is due to the presence of p-bonding in these compounds. In the Ba2LnNbO6 and Ba2LnTaO6 series R3 rhombohedral symmetry was, however, favoured over I4/m tetragonal symmetry when Ln = La3+ or Pr3+ due to the larger ionic radius of these cations. The incompatibility of the d0 and d10 B'-site cations in this family of compounds was indicated by significant regions of phase segregation in the two series Ba2Eu1-xPrxNb1-xSbxO6 and Ba2NdNb1-xSbxO6. In the second part of this project the compounds in the series Ba2LnSnxB'1-xO6-d (Ln = Pr, Nd or Tb and B' = Nb5+ or Sb5+) were examined to understand the relative stability of oxygen vacancies in these materials compared to the oxidation of the lanthanide cations and to determine if any oxygen vacancy ordering occurred. It was found, using a combination of structural characterisation, X ray Absorption Near Edge Structure and Ultra-Violet, Visible and Near Infrared spectroscopies, that with Ln = Pr or Tb increased Sn4+ doping results in a change in the oxidation state of the Ln3+ cations to Ln4+. This leads to those series containing little or no oxygen vacancies. A loss of B site cation ordering was found to accompany this oxidation state change and phase segregation was found to occur in the Ba2PrSnxSb1-xO6-d series most likely due to the Pr3+ and Pr4+ cations segregating into different phases. The Nd3+ cations in the series Ba2NdSnxSb1-xO6-d, however, can not oxidise to the tetravalent state so the number of oxygen vacancies rises with increasing x. It was found that oxygen vacancies concentrate onto the axial site of the compounds with x = 0.6 and 0.8 at ambient temperature. In Ba2Sn0.6Sb0.4O5.7 the oxygen vacancies were found to change to concentrating on the equatorial site at higher temperatures and it is suggested that this oxygen vacancy ordering plays a role in the adoption of I2/m monoclinic symmetry