596 research outputs found

    Berges Maximum Theorem With Two Topologies On The Action Set (Now published in Economics Letters, vol.61 (1999), pp.285-291.)

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    We give variants on Berge's Maximum Theorem in which the lower and the upper semicontinuities of the preference relation are assumed for two different topologies on the action set, i.e., the set of actions availabe a priori to the decision-maker (e.g. a household with its consumption set). Two new uses are pointed to. One result, stated here without a detailed proof, is the norm-to-weak* continuity of consumer demand as a function of prices (a property pointed to in existing literature but without proof or precise formulation). This improves significantly upon an earlier demand continuity result which, with the extremally strong 'finite' topology on the price space, is of limited interest other than as a vehicle for an equilibrium existence proof. With the norm topology on the price space, our demand continuity result acquires an independent significance - particularly for practical implementations of the equilibrium solution. The second application referred to establishes the continuity of the optimal plan as a function of the decision-maker's information (represented by a field of events in a probability spcace of states).Berge’s Maximum Theorem, demand continuity

    Report on commercial air transportation activities in England, France, Germany and Holland

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    The following pages present a review of the air transportation activities of England, France, Germany and Holland, based on an inspection trip during the summer of 1924

    Latecoere Air Lines

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    This article presents the observations of the authors on an inspection trip of the Latecoere Air Lines routes from Southern France into North Africa

    Preliminary report on British commercial aeronautics

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    This report briefly recounts the history of British commercial aviation and then goes on to look at the equipment, governmental relations, operations, and air traffic

    European commercial aeronautics

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    During the months of June to September, 1924, I personally visited the principal airports of Europe and traveled as a passenger some 6500 air miles on English, French, Romanian, Polish, German and Dutch air lines in order to investigate the development of commercial aviation abroad. The results of the investigation are embodied in a series of reports, of which a summary of the general findings is given below

    Electron, ion and neutral temperatures at the magnetic equator

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    Electron density and electron, ion, and neutral temperature profiles at magnetic equato

    Enhanced, Fast-running Scaling Law Model of Thermal Blooming and Turbulence Effects on High Energy Laser Propagation

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    A new scaling law model is presented to rapidly simulate thermal blooming and turbulence effects on high energy laser propagation, producing results approaching the quality normally only available using wave-optics code, but at much faster speed. The model convolves irradiance patterns originating from two distinct scaling law models, one with a proficiency in thermal blooming effects and the other in turbulence. To underscore the power of the new model, results are verified for typical, realistic scenarios by direct comparison with wave optics simulation

    Array of micro-machined mass energy micro-filters for charged particles

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    An energy filter for charged particles includes a stack of micro-machined wafers including plural apertures passing through the stack of wafers, focusing electrodes bounding charged particle paths through the apertures, an entrance orifice to each of the plural apertures and an exit orifice from each of the plural apertures and apparatus for biasing the focusing electrodes with an electrostatic potential corresponding to an energy pass band of the filter

    This We Believe, This We Do: Performance-Based Assessment in Middle Level Teacher Education

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    To assist institutions in developing high quality middle level teacher preparation programs, five veteran members of the NCATE/NMSA Program Review Board have identified more than 75 performance-based assessments directly correlated with the seven NMSA Standards for Teacher Preparation. In this article, 14 of these assessments are described in detail along with a sampling of rubrics. In addition, authors reveal their own challenges writing program reports as well as gaining stakeholder’s buy-in to performance-based assessment systems at their own institutions
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