8 research outputs found

    Nuevos datos del género Parhelophilus Girschner, 1897 de España, incluidos los primeros registros de P. crococoronatus Reemer, 2000 (Diptera, Syrphidae)

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    The hoverfly Parhelophilus crococoronatus Reemer, 2000 (Syrphidae: Eristalinae) was recorded from France and Portugal. In this work, it is reported from Spain for the first time. In Murcia province, the species was caught at the hydro dam “Presa de la Risca”. The habitat consisted of newly flooded forested meadows with decaying shrubs and dead trees, where the aquatic larvae of Parhelophilus live. This habitat has most likely been lost by now, as most of the area has been flooded, and the current presence of P. crococoronatus needs to be confirmed. In Granada province, P. crococoronatus was collected in a Phragmites-rich natural wetland, while in Huelva it was collected in a marshland with trees and low vegetation. The findings show that, even if the habitat of P. crococoronatus in Murcia has disappeared, the species is more widespread and has viable populations in Spain. Additional records of Parhelophilus versicolor (Fabricius, 1794) and Parhelophilus frutetorum (Fabricius, 1775) are provided.El sírfido Parhelophilus crococoronatus Reemer, 2000 (Syrphidae: Eristalinae) estaba registrado de Francia y Portugal. En este trabajo, se documenta, por primera vez, de España. En la provincia de Murcia, el hábitat donde esta especie se ha capturado es el Embalse de la Risca, constituido por valles forestales arbolados recientemente inundados, con matorrales en descomposición y árboles muertos, donde viven las larvas acuáticas de Parhelophilus. Este hábitat ha desaparecido por inundación, por lo que la presencia actual en esta ubicación de P. crococoronatus requiere de confirmación. En la provincia de Granada, P. crococoronatus se recolectó en un humedal natural dominado por Phragmites, mientras que, en Huelva, fue recolectado en un área de marismas con árboles y vegetación baja. Los presentes hallazgos muestran que, aunque el hábitat de P. crococoronatus haya desaparecido en Murcia, la especie está más extendida en España. Se proporcionan registros adicionales de Parhelophilus versicolor (Fabricius, 1794) y Parhelophilus frutetorum (Fabricius, 1775).The work reported here was partly funded by the ‘Fauna Ibérica’ Project PGC2018-095851-A-C65 of the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. Antonio Ricarte’s position (Ref. UATALENTO17-08) at the University of Alicante is funded by the “Vicerrectorado de Investigación y Transferencia del Conocimiento”

    A multigene phylogeny of the eristaline flower flies (Diptera : Syrphidae), with emphasis on the subtribe Criorhinina

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    We present the first multigene phylogeny focused on Eristalinae (Diptera: Syrphidae) utilizing a dataset containing 120 flower fly species from across all four subfamilies and representing 13 out of 16 tribes. Eight genes were used in the construction of the phylogeny: mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I and the nuclear genes 28S ribosomal DNA, Alanylt RNA Synthetase, the carbamoyl phosphate synthase domain of CAD, Period, RNA-binding Protein 15 (RBP-15, 5'), Casein Kinase 1 and TULP for a total of similar to 6.7 kB of data. Eristalinae is recovered as paraphyletic with strong support for the elevation of Cerioidini, Merodontini and Volucellini to subfamilial status. Deineches, Flukea and Malometasternum render Criorhinina paraphyletic with respect to the type genus Criorhina. A clade with Criorhina, Matsumyia and Sphecomyia is strongly supported. The generic concept of Criorhina is paraphyletic, while Sphecomyia is monophyletic and Matsumyia is monophyletic but requires expansion. Evidence supports the resurrection of Romaleosyrphus and the creation of new genera. Criorhinina (stat. rev.) is restricted to contain Criorhina, Matsumyia, Romaleosyrphus and Sphecomyia. Thirteen changes to the higher classification of Syrphidae are proposed.Peer reviewe

    Systematics and evolution of predatory flower flies (Diptera Syrphidae) based on exon-capture sequencing

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    Flower flies (Diptera: Syrphidae) are one of the most species-rich dipteran families and provide important ecosystem services such as pollination, biological control of pests, recycling of organic matter and redistributions of essential nutrients. Flower fly adults generally feed on pollen and nectar, but their larval feeding habits are strikingly diverse. In the present study, high-throughput sequencing was used to capture and enrich phylogenetically and evolutionary informative exonic regions. With the help of the baitfisher software, we developed a new bait kit (SYRPHIDAE1.0) to target 1945 CDS regions belonging to 1312 orthologous genes. This new bait kit was successfully used to exon capture the targeted loci in 121 flower fly species across the different subfamilies of Syrphidae. We analysed different amino acid and nucleotide data sets (1302 loci and 154 loci) with maximum likelihood and multispecies coalescent models. Our analyses yielded highly supported similar topologies, although the degree of the SRH (global stationarity, reversibility and homogeneity) conditions varied greatly between amino acid and nucleotide data sets. The sisterhood of subfamilies Pipizinae and Syrphinae is supported in all our analyses, confirming a common origin of taxa feeding on soft-bodied arthropods. Based on our results, we define Syrphini stat.rev. to include the genera Toxomerus and Paragus. Our divergence estimate analyses with beast inferred the origin of the Syrphidae in the Lower Cretaceous (125.5-98.5 Ma) and the diversification of predatory flower flies around the K-Pg boundary (70.61-54.4 Ma), coinciding with the rise and diversification of their prey.Peer reviewe

    Forest hoverfly community collapse: Abundance and species richness drop over four decades

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    To study insect decline, an important threat to biodiversity, long-term datasets are needed. Here we present a study of hoverfly (Diptera: Syrphidae) abundance and diversity in a Dutch forest, surrounded by other forests, and analyse the variation in insect numbers over four decades. Between 1982 and 2021, abundance decreased by 80%. Until 1990, abundance showed a strong decrease of 10.9% per year, mainly in nationally rare species with carnivorous larvae exposed to air. From 1990, abundance stabilised, whereas from 2000, a second period of strong decline of 9.0% per year occurred, mainly in very common species. Species richness also declined strongly between 1979 and 2021: the total number of species observed in five monitoring days dropped by 44% over those 43 years. The characteristic set of dry-forest hoverfly species disappeared over four decades. The number of nationally rare species observed at the study site declined from 19 to 9 early on, in a period (1979–1984) that coincided with intense nitrogen input and acidification caused by agriculture in the same region. The more recent decline is likely also caused by factors from outside the forest, as forest management and conditions remained constant. Continued influx of nutrients and pesticides at a regional level, as well as climate change are possible causes of the decline. Research is needed to quantify their relative effects

    Three new hoverfly species from Greece (Diptera: Syrphidae)

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    An ongoing investigation on the Greek hoverfly fauna using adult morphology has revealed new species within three genera. In this study, the knowledge of the Mediterranean hoverfly fauna has been enhanced by describing the following species: Cheilosia candida Vujić et Radenković sp. n. (Pindos Mountains), Paragus thracusi Radenković, Likov et Vujić sp. n. (Rhodope Mountains) and Psilota aegeae Vujić, Ståhls et Smit sp. n. (Lesvos island). Diagnosis of new species, as well as identification keys to the Mediterranean species of the subgenus Convocheila Barkalov of Cheilosia Meigen and the European species of the genus Psilota Meigen have been provided. Additionally, mtDNA COI barcodes for the members of the Psilota atra group (except Psilota nana Smit et Vujić) have been given. In addition, the taxonomic status of Psilota anthracina Meigen has been discussed.This research was co-financed by the European Union (European Social Fund—ESF) and Greek national funds through the Operational Program “Education and Lifelong Learning” of the National Strategic Reference Framework THALES: POL-AEGIS (MIS 376737). Partial support was also provided by the Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development (grant no. 451–03–68/2020–14/200358 and 451–03–68/2020–14/200125)

    Faunistical overview of the European species of the genera Brachyopa Meigen, 1822 and Hammerschmidtia Schummel, 1834 (Diptera: Syrphidae)

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    The European fauna of the genera Brachyopa Meigen, 1822 and Hammerschmidtia Schummel, 1834 is reviewed. The distribution and phenology based on extensive literature and database research are provided. The biology of adults as well as larval habitats are treated. An illustrated key is presented for easy identification of the adults, including three species known from adjacent Mediterranean countries. A key to the larvae, based on the available literature, is also provided. The data originate from a study of available literature, from several databases and from the private collections of the authors. The data are compiled into one large dataset in which all the available information is gathered together with the source of the data. Based on the biology and trend analysis for each species it is indicated whether they show stable, fluctuating or extremely fluctuating populations. The habitat preferences of the adults and larvae are used to discuss possible threats to each of the species for future survival. Finally, the main habitat of all species is discussed from a conservation point of vie

    National records of 3000 European bee and hoverfly species: A contribution to pollinator conservation

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    Pollinators play a crucial role in ecosystems globally, ensuring the seed production of most flowering plants. They are threatened by global changes and knowledge of their distribution at the national and continental levels is needed to implement efficient conservation actions, but this knowledge is still fragmented and/or difficult to access. As a step forward, we provide an updated list of around 3000 European bee and hoverfly species, reflecting their current distributional status at the national level (in the form of present, absent, regionally extinct, possibly extinct or non-native). This work was attainable by incorporating both published and unpublished data, as well as knowledge from a large set of taxonomists and ecologists in both groups. After providing the first National species lists for bees and hoverflies for many countries, we examine the current distributional patterns of these species and designate the countries with highest levels of species richness. We also show that many species are recorded in a single European country, highlighting the importance of articulating European and national conservation strategies. Finally, we discuss how the data provided here can be combined with future trait and Red List data to implement research that will further advance pollinator conservation