474 research outputs found

    Organisational design for an integrated oncological department

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    OBJECTIVE: The outcomes of a Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threat (SWOT) analysis of three Integrated Oncological Departments were compared with their present situation three years later to define factors that can influence a successful implementation and development of an Integrated Oncological Department in- and outside (i.e. home care) the hospital. RESEARCH DESIGN: Comparative Qualitative Case Study. METHODS: Auditing based on care-as-usual norms by an external, experienced auditing committee. RESEARCH SETTING: Integrated Oncological Departments of three hospitals. RESULTS: Successful multidisciplinary care in an integrated, oncological department needs broad support inside the hospital and a well-defined organisational plan

    Afgraving Hellekens en hermeandering Kleine Nete. Een landschappelijk en archeologisch booronderzoek en een proefsleuvenonderzoek

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    Facilitators and Barriers to Adaptive Implementation of the Meeting Centers Support Program (MCSP) in Three European Countries; the Process Evaluation Within the MEETINGDEM Study

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    Background: In the MEETINGDEM project, the Meeting Centers Support Program (MCSP) was adaptively implemented and evaluated in three European countries: Italy, Poland, and the United Kingdom. The aim of this study was to investigate overall and country-specific facilitators and barriers to the implementation of MCSP in these European countries. Methods: A qualitative multiple case study design was used. Based on the theoretical model of adaptive implementation, a checklist was composed of potential facilitators and barriers to the implementation of MCSP. This checklist was administered among stakeholders involved in the implementation of MCSP to trace the experienced facilitators and barriers. Twenty-eight checklists were completed. Results: Main similarities between countries were related to the presence of suitable staff, management, and a project manager, and the fact that the MCSP is attuned to needs and wishes of people with dementia and informal caregivers. Main differences between countries were related to: communication with potential referrers, setting up an inter-organizational collaboration network, receiving support of national organizations, having clear discharge criteria for the MCSP and continuous PR in the region. Conclusion: The results of this study provide insight into generic and country specific factors that can influence the implementation of MCSP in different European countries. This study informs further implementation and dissemination of MCSP in Europe and may also serve as an example for the dissemination and implementation of other effective psychosocial support interventions for people with dementia and their informal caregivers across and beyond Europe

    Dysregulation of synaptic pruning as a possible link between intestinal microbiota dysbiosis and neuropsychiatric disorders

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    The prenatal and early postnatal stages represent a critical time window for human brain development. Interestingly, this window partly overlaps with the maturation of the intestinal flora (microbiota) that play a critical role in the bidirectional communication between the central and the enteric nervous systems (microbiota-gut-brain axis). The microbial composition has important influences on general health and the development of several organ systems, such as the gastrointestinal tract, the immune system, and also the brain. Clinical studies have shown that microbiota alterations are associated with a wide range of neuropsychiatric disorders including autism spectrum disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder. In this review, we dissect the link between these neuropsychiatric disorders and the intestinal microbiota by focusing on their effect on synaptic pruning, a vital process in the maturation and establishing efficient functioning of the brain. We discuss in detail how synaptic pruning is dysregulated differently in the aforementioned neuropsychiatric disorders and how it can be influenced by dysbiosis and/or changes in the intestinal microbiota composition. We also review that the improvement in the intestinal microbiota composition by a change in diet, probiotics, prebiotics, or fecal microbiota transplantation may play a role in improving neuropsychiatric functioning, which can be at least partly explained via the optimization of synaptic pruning and neuronal connections. Altogether, the demonstration of the microbiota's influence on brain function via microglial-induced synaptic pruning addresses the possibility that the manipulation of microbiota-immune crosstalk represents a promising strategy for treating neuropsychiatric disorders

    Creating spatial synergies around food in cities

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    This paper focusses on the phenomenon of multifunctional urban food initiatives (MUFIs) and how, using food as a vehicle, they provide integrative solutions for a number of social, environmental and economic problems in European cities. Through an in-depth investigation of three MUFIs in the UK, Latvia and Belgium, the paper aims to increase understanding on how different activities are combined within MUFIs, leading to the creation and strengthening of synergies: both internal, between the different activities performed within MUFIs, and external synergies between the MUFI and the (peri-) urban environment in which it operates. The three cases illustrate that the dense and complex urban environment in which they are situated provides possibilities to create a wide, diverse network around food, leading to a high potential for synergies to occur. In this way, MUFIs can respond to specific urban needs, which are not addressed by the state, and therefore have an important signalling function. For the MUFIs themselves, although being multifunctional increases opportunities, it is also a challenge to find the right balance between the different functions and not to lose sight of the economic side of the business. Local governments can support MUFIs by providing space for them, room to experiment, adapting regulations to get MUFIs out of the “grey zones” of legislation, and by starting to strategically think about food in their city region

    Non-native hydrophobic interactions detected in unfolded apoflavodoxin by paramagnetic relaxation enhancement

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    Transient structures in unfolded proteins are important in elucidating the molecular details of initiation of protein folding. Recently, native and non-native secondary structure have been discovered in unfolded A. vinelandii flavodoxin. These structured elements transiently interact and subsequently form the ordered core of an off-pathway folding intermediate, which is extensively formed during folding of this α–ÎČ parallel protein. Here, site-directed spin-labelling and paramagnetic relaxation enhancement are used to investigate long-range interactions in unfolded apoflavodoxin. For this purpose, glutamine-48, which resides in a non-native α-helix of unfolded apoflavodoxin, is replaced by cysteine. This replacement enables covalent attachment of nitroxide spin-labels MTSL and CMTSL. Substitution of Gln-48 by Cys-48 destabilises native apoflavodoxin and reduces flexibility of the ordered regions in unfolded apoflavodoxin in 3.4 M GuHCl, because of increased hydrophobic interactions in the unfolded protein. Here, we report that in the study of the conformational and dynamic properties of unfolded proteins interpretation of spin-label data can be complicated. The covalently attached spin-label to Cys-48 (or Cys-69 of wild-type apoflavodoxin) perturbs the unfolded protein, because hydrophobic interactions occur between the label and hydrophobic patches of unfolded apoflavodoxin. Concomitant hydrophobic free energy changes of the unfolded protein (and possibly of the off-pathway intermediate) reduce the stability of native spin-labelled protein against unfolding. In addition, attachment of MTSL or CMTSL to Cys-48 induces the presence of distinct states in unfolded apoflavodoxin. Despite these difficulties, the spin-label data obtained here show that non-native contacts exist between transiently ordered structured elements in unfolded apoflavodoxin
