46 research outputs found

    Use of polyethylene naphthalate as a self-vetoing structural material

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    The discovery of scintillation in the blue regime from polyethylene naphthalate (PEN), a commonly used high-performance industrial polyester plastic, has sparked considerable interest from the physics community as a new type of plastic scintillator material. This observation in addition to its good mechanical and radiopurity properties makes PEN an attractive candidate as an active structure scintillator for low-background physics experiments. This paper reports on investigations of its potential in terms of production tests of custom made tiles and various scintillation light output measurements. These investigations substantiate the high potential of usage of PEN in low-background experiments

    CD4(+)CD25(+) regulatory T lymphocytes in bone marrow transplantation.

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    Induction of immunological tolerance to alloantigens would be the treatment of choice to prevent graft-versus-host disease (GvHD) and allograft rejection in transplantation medicine. Organisms use a variety of mechanisms to avoid potentially deadly immunity to self-antigens. The most potent self-tolerance mechanism is probably dominant tolerance assured by regulatory and suppressor T lymphocytes. It appears therefore attractive to use the same mechanism to induce transplantation-tolerance. We here review and discuss recent advances in the use of one of the best-characterized regulatory T lymphocyte populations, CD4(+)CD25(+) T cells, to prevent graft-versus-host disease and bone marrow allograft rejection

    Molecular signature of recent thymic selection events on effector and regulatory CD4+ T lymphocytes.

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    International audienceNatural CD4+CD25+ regulatory T lymphocytes (Treg) are key protagonists in the induction and maintenance of peripheral T cell tolerance. Their thymic origin and biased repertoire continue to raise important questions about the signals that mediate their development. We validated analysis of MHC class II capture by developing thymocytes from thymic stroma as a tool to study quantitative and qualitative aspects of the cellular interactions involved in thymic T cell development and used it to analyze Treg differentiation in wild-type mice. Our data indicate that APCs of bone marrow origin, but, surprisingly and importantly, not thymic epithelial cells, induce significant negative selection among the very autoreactive Treg precursors. This fundamental difference between thymic development of regulatory and effector T lymphocytes leads to the development of a Treg repertoire enriched in cells specific for a selected subpopulation of self-Ags, i.e., those specifically expressed by thymic epithelial cells

    Agonist ligands expressed by thymic epithelium enhance positive selection of regulatory T lymphocytes from precursors with a normally diverse TCR repertoire.

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    International audienceCD4+CD25+ regulatory T lymphocytes play a crucial role in inhibition of autoimmune pathology. In accordance with this physiological role, it is now well established that the repertoire of these lymphocytes is strongly enriched in autospecific cells. However, despite extensive investigation, the thymic mechanisms involved in development of regulatory T cells remain incompletely defined. To address the issue of selection of regulatory T cell precursors in mice with a naturally diverse TCR repertoire, we have analyzed development of superantigen-specific regulatory T cells in hemopoietic chimeras in which endogenous super-antigens are exclusively presented by thymic epithelial cells. Our results demonstrate that recognition of agonist ligands expressed by thymic epithelium does not lead to deletion but substantially enhances development of mature regulatory T cells. Interestingly, also development of a small subpopulation of CD25-expressing T cells lacking expression of the transcription factor Foxp3, thought to be autospecific, is enhanced by expression of the agonist ligand on thymic epithelium. Based on quantitative arguments, we propose that commitment to the regulatory T cell lineage is not dictated by the specificity of precursors, but that recognition of the agonist ligand expressed by thymic epithelium substantially enhances their positive selection

    An MHC-linked locus modulates thymic differentiation of CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ regulatory T lymphocytes.

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    International audienceCD4+CD25+Foxp3+ regulatory T lymphocytes are crucial for maintenance of immunological tolerance to self and innocuous non-self, are known to modulate immunity to tumors and infectious agents and can induce transplantation tolerance. Surprisingly, only a single genetic polymorphism is known to modulate regulatory T cell (Treg) development in the thymus, leading to a lethal autoimmune disorder. Here, we show that considerably different levels of Tregs are found in the thymi of distinct common laboratory mouse strains. We demonstrate that distinct levels of phenotypically and functionally identical Tregs develop with similar kinetics in the studied mice, that the responsible locus acts in a thymocyte-intrinsic manner and that levels of thymic Foxp3+ Tregs correlate to those found in the periphery. Using several congenic mouse strains, we mapped one of the at least two genetic loci capable of quantitatively modulating thymic Treg development to