1,404 research outputs found

    Land der StĂ€dte, StĂ€dtestadt : Literatur ĂŒber das PhĂ€nomen Ruhrgebiet 1911-1961

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    Die Zeit von etwa 1911 bis 1961 ist zugleich von einer intensiven Auseinandersetzung darĂŒber begleitet gewesen, wie das Industriegebiet als Lebensraum zu definieren sei. VorschlĂ€ge dazu beschrĂ€nkten sich nicht auf literarische Texte oder heimatselige Gedichte, sondern fanden ihre Entsprechung auch in einer Vielzahl konkreter Versuche, planend und gestaltend in diese meist als unförmig empfundene Landschaft einzugreifen. Dennoch standen sich, so wird zu zeigen sein, literarische und konkret-politische Auseinandersetzungen mit dem Ruhrgebiet gerade dort besonders nah, wo letztere erfolglos blieben. Ob sich nun ein traditionsloses BĂŒrgertum in Ordnungsphantasien hineindachte, weil es realer politischer HandlungsfĂ€higkeit ermangelte, oder ob sich Arbeiter in ein sozialer orientiertes Milieu phantasierten - fast immer hat die Literatur des Ruhrgebiets etwas mit Kompensation zu tun. Fast immer auch mit ZustĂ€nden, die in anderen Gegenden Deutschlands entweder nicht so akut oder aber lĂ€ngst selbstverstĂ€ndlich waren. So sehr sich im Verlauf dieses halben Jahrhunderts die Frage nach der Zukunft des Ruhrgebiets immer wieder stellte - die rĂŒckbezogene Selbstbeschau sowie die Benennung einer spezifischen Umwelterfahrung des Reviers sind zu Leitmotiven dieser Literatur geworden

    Monstrous Gender Performances in Macbeth

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    In his essay “Monster Culture (Seven Theses),” Jeffrey J. Cohen defines and deconstructs textual monsters, his base assumption being that each monster helps understand the culture it is born into. Derived from the Latin monstrare, which means ‘to show,’ a monster indirectly points to the deeply rooted fears and anxieties of a society at a certain point in time.  The monstrous is a shapeshifter, depending on constant reinterpretation. Consequently, I aim at deconstructing monstrous physicality to reveal the cultural anxieties it embodies. While Shakespeare inflationarily uses various forms of the term ‘monster’ when referring to Caliban in The Tempest, it appears only twice in Macbeth. Nevertheless, the performance history of Lady Macbeth and the witches a strong association with monstrosity. This essay follows the proposition that “the body in play bears continuous meaning onstage, and always exceeds the play text it inhabits” (Rutter xiii), as well as Butler’s premise that gender is a performance. I will use Cohen’s theory to illustrate the sexualising and othering strategies that support misogynist representations of Lady Macbeth and the witches. This article covers two 2018 productions of Macbeth starting with the live recording of the performance from the Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC) directed by Polly Findlay. Then, I will discuss Kit Monkman’s “radical new adaptation,” which claims to “amplify[ ] the theatrical context of the original whilst creating truly innovative and thrilling cinematic vistas.

    Von Ludwig zu Liebig : die Gießener Hochschule im Umbruch des Jahres 1946

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    <p>Raport pokazuje wpƂyw zrĂłĆŒnicowanej struktury kapitaƂów na wartoƛć przedsiębiorstwa mierzoną wskaĆșnikiem EVA</p

    „Auf den Hochstraßen des Weltwirtschaftsverkehrs“.: Zur europĂ€ischen Ideologie der „Erschließung“ im ausgehenden 19. und frĂŒhen 20. Jahrhundert

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    Several generations of geopolitically influenced experts were overwhelmed by the infrastructural achievements of the late 19th century. The whole world appeared to be partitioned into spheres of influence by means of technology. The power of opening up and developing foreign territories seemed to demonstrate a superior historical position of the ‘white race’. The Europeans felt reconfirmed in assuming the prevailing position being entitled to the principles of efficiency. Consequently the indigenous people as antipodes were often described in terms of laziness or with the need to be awakened to productive labour. However, the ideology of ‘development’, understood as a ‘civilizing mission’ that was based in an almost religious belief in the supremacy of European technology, did not merely spark competition among the colonial countries, its advancement also contributed to the imagination of a possible European ‘decline’ in the future. This article seeks to assess the ‘technocratic approach’ within the history of globalisation and its interrelation to images of European ‘progressive technology’ as mirrored in the colonial ‘other’

    Dissidenz im Comic

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    The article analyses entanglements of political and generational experience in the German Democratic Republic of the 90s. Furthermore, the potential of images, especially comic book panels, for conceptualizing historical terminology is discussed with regard to “dissidence”


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    Paper Session II-B - Phase I Lessons for the New Era

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    The Shuttle-Mir Program, officially known as the Phase 1 Program, was the premier international human space flight program. It involved 9 docking flights of the Space Shuttle to the Russian Mir Space Station, 7 long duration stays by US crew on the Mir, almost 1000 days of US crew occupancy of the Mir, and numerous scientific and engineering research activities. Phase 1 was also the source of numerous lessons learned that are being applied to the International Space Station to improve its safety, efficiency, and productivity as a research facility. These include learning to work with an international partner, improvements to experiment design and planning, hardware design risk mitigation, and first hand experience handling many of the most critical safety and operational issues confronting a space station. This paper will briefly cover the major contributions of the Phase 1 Program to ISS and subsequent cooperative space ventures

    Genome composition of 'Elatior'-begonias hybrids analyzed by genomic in situ hybridisation

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    Interspecific hybridization of various tuberous Begonia species hybrids with Begonia socotrana results in so-called 'Elatior'-begonias hybrids (B. x hiemalis Fotsch). In our study, genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) has been employed to assess the genome composition in eleven 'Elatior'-begonias hybrids and their ancestor genotypes. Genomic DNA of tuberous Begonia was sonicated to 1-10-kb fragments, labelled by nick translation with digoxigenin-11-dUTP and used as a probe whereas B. socotrana DNA was autoclaved to 100 bp fragments and used as block. The genome of tuberous Begonia was clearly pronounced in 'Elatior'-begonias when the probe concentration was similar to 3.75 ng/mu l (150 ng/slide), with 30 times the excess of B. socotrana blocking DNA and stringency of post hybridization washings at 73% (0.1x SSC at 42A degrees C). In 'Elatior'-begonias hybrids GISH distinguished two groups comprising short (0.6-1.03 mu m in length) and relatively longer chromosomes (1.87-3.88 mu m) which represent B. socotrana and tuberous Begonia genomes, respectively. The number of chromosomes derived from tuberous Begonia ranged from 14 to 56 and for B. socotrana from 7 to 28 which suggest the presence of different ploidy levels in analyzed 'Elatior'-begonia hybrids. Intergenomic recombination has not been detected through GISH in hybrids analyzed. Genomic in situ hybridization turned out to be useful to identify the genome constitution of 'Elatior'-begonia hybrids and thus gain an insight into the origins of these cultivars. This knowledge on the ploidy level and genome composition is essential for further progress in breeding Begonias
