186 research outputs found

    Meaningful outcomes for children and their caregivers attending a paediatric brain centre

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    Aim: To identify meaningful outcomes of children and their caregivers attending a paediatric brain centre. Method: We compiled a long list of outcomes of health and functioning of children with brain-related disorders such as cerebral palsy, spina bifida, (genetic) neurodevelopmental disorders, and acquired brain injury. We incorporated three perspectives: patients, health care professionals, and published outcome sets. An aggregated list was categorized using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health: Children and Youth version in a patient validation survey for children and parent-caregivers to prioritize outcomes. Outcomes were considered meaningful when ranked ‘very important’ by 70% or more of the participants. Results: We identified 104 outcomes from the three perspectives. After categorizing, 59 outcomes were included in the survey. Thirty-three surveys were completed by children (n = 4), caregivers (n = 24), and parent-caregivers together with their child (n = 5). Respondents prioritized 27 meaningful outcomes covering various aspects of health and functioning: emotional well-being, quality of life, mental and sensory functions, pain, physical health, and activities (communication, mobility, self-care, interpersonal relationships). Parent-caregiver concerns and environmental factors were newly identified outcomes. Interpretation: Children and parent-caregivers identified meaningful outcomes covering various aspects of health and functioning, including caregiver concerns and environmental factors. We propose including those in future outcome sets for children with neurodisability. What this paper adds: Outcomes that children with brain-related disorders and their parent-caregivers consider to be the most meaningful cover a wide range of aspects of functioning. Involving these children and their parent-caregivers resulted in the identification of important outcomes that were not covered by professionals and the literature. Parent-caregiver-related factors (coping, burden of care) and environmental factors (support, attitudes, and [health care] services) were identified as meaningful.</p

    Brain structure, IQ, and psychopathology in young offspring of patients with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder

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    BACKGROUND.: Studying offspring of schizophrenia (SZo) and bipolar disorder patients (BDo) provides important information on the putative neurodevelopmental trajectories underlying development toward severe mental illnesses. We compared intracranial volume (ICV), as a marker for neurodevelopment, and global and local brain measures between SZo or BDo and control offspring (Co) in relation to IQ and psychopathology. METHODS.: T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) brain scans were obtained from 146 participants (8-19 years; 40 SZo, 66 BDo, 40 Co). Linear mixed models were applied to compare ICV, global, and local brain measures between groups. To investigate the effect of ICV, IQ (four subtests Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children/Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-III) or presence of psychopathology these variables were each added to the model. RESULTS.: SZo and BDo had significantly lower IQ and more often met criteria for a lifetime psychiatric disorder than Co. ICV was significantly smaller in SZo than in BDo (d = -0.56) and Co (d = -0.59), which was largely independent of IQ (respectively, d = -0.54 and d = -0.35). After ICV correction, the cortex was significantly thinner in SZo than in BDo (d = -0.42) and Co (d = -0.75) and lateral ventricles were larger in BDo than in Co (d = 0.55). Correction for IQ or lifetime psychiatric diagnosis did not change these findings. CONCLUSIONS.: Despite sharing a lower IQ and a higher prevalence of psychiatric disorders, brain abnormalities in BDo appear less pronounced (but are not absent) than in SZo. Lower ICV in SZo implies that familial risk for schizophrenia has a stronger association with stunted early brain development than familial risk for bipolar disorder

    Modular-Level Functional Connectome Alterations in Individuals With Hallucinations Across the Psychosis Continuum

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    Functional connectome alterations, including modular network organization, have been related to the experience of hallucinations. It remains to be determined whether individuals with hallucinations across the psychosis continuum exhibit similar alterations in modular brain network organization. This study assessed functional connectivity matrices of 465 individuals with and without hallucinations, including patients with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, nonclinical individuals with hallucinations, and healthy controls. Modular brain network organization was examined at different scales of network resolution, including (1) global modularity measured as Qmax and Normalised Mutual Information (NMI) scores, and (2) within- and between-module connectivity. Global modular organization was not significantly altered across groups. However, alterations in within- and between-module connectivity were observed for higher-order cognitive (e.g., central-executive salience, memory, default mode), and sensory modules in patients with schizophrenia and nonclinical individuals with hallucinations relative to controls. Dissimilar patterns of altered within- and between-module connectivity were found bipolar disorder patients with hallucinations relative to controls, including the visual, default mode, and memory network, while connectivity patterns between visual, salience, and cognitive control modules were unaltered. Bipolar disorder patients without hallucinations did not show significant alterations relative to controls. This study provides evidence for alterations in the modular organization of the functional connectome in individuals prone to hallucinations, with schizophrenia patients and nonclinical individuals showing similar alterations in sensory and higher-order cognitive modules. Other higher-order cognitive modules were found to relate to hallucinations in bipolar disorder patients, suggesting differential neural mechanisms may underlie hallucinations across the psychosis continuum.publishedVersio

    Functional connectome differences in individuals with hallucinations across the psychosis continuum

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    Hallucinations may arise from an imbalance between sensory and higher cognitive brain regions, reflected by alterations in functional connectivity. It is unknown whether hallucinations across the psychosis continuum exhibit similar alterations in functional connectivity, suggesting a common neural mechanism, or whether different mechanisms link to hallucinations across phenotypes. We acquired resting-state functional MRI scans of 483 participants, including 40 non-clinical individuals with hallucinations, 99 schizophrenia patients with hallucinations, 74 bipolar-I disorder patients with hallucinations, 42 bipolar-I disorder patients without hallucinations, and 228 healthy controls. The weighted connectivity matrices were compared using network-based statistics. Non-clinical individuals with hallucinations and schizophrenia patients with hallucinations exhibited increased connectivity, mainly among fronto-temporal and fronto-insula/cingulate areas compared to controls (P < 0.001 adjusted). Differential effects were observed for bipolar-I disorder patients with hallucinations versus controls, mainly characterized by decreased connectivity between fronto-temporal and fronto-striatal areas (P = 0.012 adjusted). No connectivity alterations were found between bipolar-I disorder patients without hallucinations and controls. Our results support the notion that hallucinations in non-clinical individuals and schizophrenia patients are related to altered interactions between sensory and higher-order cognitive brain regions. However, a different dysconnectivity pattern was observed for bipolar-I disorder patients with hallucinations, which implies a different neural mechanism across the psychosis continuum.publishedVersio

    A framework for assessing neuropsychiatric phenotypes by using smartphone-based location data

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    The use of smartphone-based location data to quantify behavior longitudinally and passively is rapidly gaining traction in neuropsychiatric research. However, a standardized and validated preprocessing framework for deriving behavioral phenotypes from smartphone-based location data is currently lacking. Here, we present a preprocessing framework consisting of methods that are validated in the context of geospatial data. This framework aims to generate context-enriched location data by identifying stationary, non-stationary, and recurrent stationary states in movement patterns. Subsequently, this context-enriched data is used to derive a series of behavioral phenotypes that are related to movement. By using smartphone-based location data collected from 245 subjects, including patients with schizophrenia, we show that the proposed framework is effective and accurate in generating context-enriched location data. This data was subsequently used to derive behavioral readouts that were sensitive in detecting behavioral nuances related to schizophrenia and aging, such as the time spent at home and the number of unique places visited. Overall, our results indicate that the proposed framework reliably preprocesses raw smartphone-based location data in such a manner that relevant behavioral phenotypes of interest can be derived

    Polygenic risk score for schizophrenia was not associated with glycemic level (HbA1c) in patients with non-affective psychosis: Genetic Risk and Outcome of Psychosis (GROUP) cohort study

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    Introduction: Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is a common comorbidity in patients with schizophrenia (SCZ). The underlying pathophysiologic mechanisms are yet to be fully elucidated, although it can be argued that shared genes, environmental factors or their interaction effect are involved. This study investigated the association between polygenic risk score of SCZ (PRSSCZ) and glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) while adjusting for polygenic risk score of T2D (PRST2D), and clinical and demographic covariables. Methods: Genotype, clinical and demographic data of 1129 patients with non-affective psychosis were extracted from Genetic Risk and Outcome of Psychosis (GROUP) cohort study. The glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) was the outcome. PRS was calculated using standard methods. Univariable and multivariable linear regression analyses were applied to estimate associations. Additionally, sensitivity analysis based on multiple imputation was done. After correction for multiple testing, a two-sided p-value ≤.003 was considered to discover evidence for an association. Results: Of 1129 patients, 75.8% were male with median age of 29 years. The mean (standard deviation) HbA1c level was 35.1 (5.9) mmol/mol. There was no evidence for an association between high HbA1c level and increased PRSSCZ (adjusted regression coefficient (aβ) = 0.69, standard error (SE) = 0.77, p-value =.37). On the other hand, there was evidence for an association between high HbA1c level and increased PRST2D (aβ = 0.93, SE = 0.32, p-value =.004), body mass index (aβ = 0.20, SE = 0.08, p-value =.01), diastolic blood pressure (aβ = 0.08, SE = 0.04, p-value =.03), late age of first psychosis onset (aβ = 0.19, SE = 0.05, p-value =.0004) and male gender (aβ = 1.58, SE = 0.81, p-value =.05). After multiple testing correction, there was evidence for an association between high HbA1c level and late age of first psychosis onset. Evidence for interaction effect between PRSscz and antipsychotics was not observed. The multiple imputation-based sensitivity analysis provided consistent results with complete case analysis. Conclusions: Glycemic dysregulation in patients with SCZ was not associated with PRSSCZ. This suggests that the mechanisms of hyperglycemia or diabetes are at least partly independent from genetic predisposition to SCZ. Our findings show that the change in HbA1c level can be caused by at least in part due to PRST2D, late age of illness onset, male gender, and increased body mass index and diastolic blood pressure

    Using machine learning and structural neuroimaging to detect first episode psychosis:reconsidering the evidence

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    Despite the high level of interest in the use of machine learning (ML) and neuroimaging to detect psychosis at the individual level, the reliability of the findings is unclear due to potential methodological issues that may have inflated the existing literature. This study aimed to elucidate the extent to which the application of ML to neuroanatomical data allows detection of first episode psychosis (FEP), while putting in place methodological precautions to avoid overoptimistic results. We tested both traditional ML and an emerging approach known as deep learning (DL) using 3 feature sets of interest: (1) surface-based regional volumes and cortical thickness, (2) voxel-based gray matter volume (GMV) and (3) voxel-based cortical thickness (VBCT). To assess the reliability of the findings, we repeated all analyses in 5 independent datasets, totaling 956 participants (514 FEP and 444 within-site matched controls). The performance was assessed via nested cross-validation (CV) and cross-site CV. Accuracies ranged from 50% to 70% for surfaced-based features; from 50% to 63% for GMV; and from 51% to 68% for VBCT. The best accuracies (70%) were achieved when DL was applied to surface-based features; however, these models generalized poorly to other sites. Findings from this study suggest that, when methodological precautions are adopted to avoid overoptimistic results, detection of individuals in the early stages of psychosis is more challenging than originally thought. In light of this, we argue that the current evidence for the diagnostic value of ML and structural neuroimaging should be reconsidered toward a more cautious interpretation

    What we learn about bipolar disorder from large-scale neuroimaging:Findings and future directions from the ENIGMA Bipolar Disorder Working Group

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    MRI-derived brain measures offer a link between genes, the environment and behavior and have been widely studied in bipolar disorder (BD). However, many neuroimaging studies of BD have been underpowered, leading to varied results and uncertainty regarding effects. The Enhancing Neuro Imaging Genetics through Meta-Analysis (ENIGMA) Bipolar Disorder Working Group was formed in 2012 to empower discoveries, generate consensus findings and inform future hypothesis-driven studies of BD. Through this effort, over 150 researchers from 20 countries and 55 institutions pool data and resources to produce the largest neuroimaging studies of BD ever conducted. The ENIGMA Bipolar Disorder Working Group applies standardized processing and analysis techniques to empower large-scale meta- and mega-analyses of multimodal brain MRI and improve the replicability of studies relating brain variation to clinical and genetic data. Initial BD Working Group studies reveal widespread patterns of lower cortical thickness, subcortical volume and disrupted white matter integrity associated with BD. Findings also include mapping brain alterations of common medications like lithium, symptom patterns and clinical risk profiles and have provided further insights into the pathophysiological mechanisms of BD. Here we discuss key findings from the BD working group, its ongoing projects and future directions for large-scale, collaborative studies of mental illness
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