114 research outputs found

    Levels of Fibrinogen Variants Are Altered in Severe COVID-19

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    Background  Fibrinogen variants as a result of alternative messenger RNA splicing or protein degradation can affect fibrin(ogen) functions. The levels of these variants might be altered during coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), potentially affecting disease severity or the thrombosis risk. Aim  To investigate the levels of fibrinogen variants in plasma of patients with COVID-19. Methods  In this case-control study, we measured levels of functional fibrinogen using the Clauss assay. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays were used to measure antigen levels of total, intact (nondegraded Aα chain), extended Aα chain (α E ), and γ' fibrinogen in healthy controls, patients with pneumococcal infection in the intensive care unit (ICU), ward patients with COVID-19, and ICU patients with COVID-19 (with and without thrombosis, two time points). Results  Healthy controls and ward patients with COVID-19 ( n  = 10) showed similar fibrinogen (variant) levels. ICU patients with COVID-19 who later did ( n  = 19) or did not develop thrombosis ( n  = 18) and ICU patients with pneumococcal infection ( n  = 6) had higher absolute levels of functional, total, intact, and α E fibrinogen than healthy controls ( n  = 7). The relative α E fibrinogen levels were higher in ICU patients with COVID-19 than in healthy controls, while relative γ' fibrinogen levels were lower. After diagnosis of thrombosis, only the functional fibrinogen levels were higher in ICU patients with COVID-19 and thrombosis than in those without, while no differences were observed in the other fibrinogen variants. Conclusion  Our results show that severe COVID-19 is associated with increased levels of α E fibrinogen and decreased relative levels of γ' fibrinogen, which may be a cause or consequence of severe disease, but this is not associated with the development of thrombosis.</p

    Levels of Fibrinogen Variants Are Altered in Severe COVID-19

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    Background  Fibrinogen variants as a result of alternative messenger RNA splicing or protein degradation can affect fibrin(ogen) functions. The levels of these variants might be altered during coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), potentially affecting disease severity or the thrombosis risk. Aim  To investigate the levels of fibrinogen variants in plasma of patients with COVID-19. Methods  In this case-control study, we measured levels of functional fibrinogen using the Clauss assay. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays were used to measure antigen levels of total, intact (nondegraded Aα chain), extended Aα chain (α E ), and γ' fibrinogen in healthy controls, patients with pneumococcal infection in the intensive care unit (ICU), ward patients with COVID-19, and ICU patients with COVID-19 (with and without thrombosis, two time points). Results  Healthy controls and ward patients with COVID-19 ( n  = 10) showed similar fibrinogen (variant) levels. ICU patients with COVID-19 who later did ( n  = 19) or did not develop thrombosis ( n  = 18) and ICU patients with pneumococcal infection ( n  = 6) had higher absolute levels of functional, total, intact, and α E fibrinogen than healthy controls ( n  = 7). The relative α E fibrinogen levels were higher in ICU patients with COVID-19 than in healthy controls, while relative γ' fibrinogen levels were lower. After diagnosis of thrombosis, only the functional fibrinogen levels were higher in ICU patients with COVID-19 and thrombosis than in those without, while no differences were observed in the other fibrinogen variants. Conclusion  Our results show that severe COVID-19 is associated with increased levels of α E fibrinogen and decreased relative levels of γ' fibrinogen, which may be a cause or consequence of severe disease, but this is not associated with the development of thrombosis.</p

    Endemic and Emerging Acute Virus Infections in Indonesia: An Overview of The Past Decade and Implications for The Future

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    Being the largest archipelago country in the world, with a tropical climate and a unique flora and fauna, Indonesia habitats one of the most diverse biome in the world. These characteristics make Indonesia a popular travel destination, with tourism numbers increasing yearly. These characteristics also facilitate the transmission of zoonosis and provide ideal living and breading circumstances for arthropods, known vectors for viral diseases. A review of the past 10 years of literature, reports of the Ministry of Health, Republic of Indonesia and ProMED-mail shows a significant increase in dengue infection incidence. Furthermore, chikungunya, Japanese encephalitis and rabies are proven to be endemic in Indonesia. The combination of cohort studies, governmental data and ProMED-mail reveals an integrated overview for those working in travel medicine and public health, focusing on both endemic and emerging acute virus infections. This review summarizes the epidemiology of acute virus infections in Indonesia, including outbreak reports, as well as public health response measurements and their potential or efficacy. Knowledge about human behaviour, animal reservoirs, climate factors, environment and their role in emerging virus infection are discussed. We aim to support public health authorities and health care policy makers in a One Health approach

    Plasma Levels of Inter-α Inhibitor Proteins in Children with Acute Dengue Virus Infection

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    Background: Inter-α inhibitor proteins (IaIp) belong to a family of protease inhibitors that are involved in the haemostatic and the vascular system. Dengue viruses (DENV) infections are characterized by coagulopathy and increased vascular permeability. In this study we measured the concentration of IaIp during DENV infections and evaluated its potential as a biomarker. Methods and Findings: Concentrations of IaIp were measured in patients with acute DENV infections using a quantitative, competitive enzyme linked immunoassay. Concentrations of IaIp measured in pediatric patients suffering from severe DENV infections were significantly lower than in healthy controls. Conclusions: This is the first report to demonstrate changes in concentration of IaIp during viral infections. The data also highlight the potential of IaIp as a biological marker for severity of DENV infections

    Therapeutic vaccine in chronically Hiv-1-infected patients

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    Therapeutic vaccinations aim to re-educate human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1specific immune responses to achieve durable control of HIV-1 replication in virally suppressed infected individuals after antiretroviral therapy (ART) is interrupted. In a double blinded, placebocontrolled phase IIa multicenter study, we investigated the safety and immunogenicity of intranodal administration of the HIVACAT T cell Immunogen (HTI)-TriMix vaccine. It consists of naked mRNA based on cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) targets of subdominant and conserved HIV-1 regions (HTI), in combination with mRNAs encoding constitutively active TLR4, the ligand for CD40 and CD70 as adjuvants (TriMix). We recruited HIV-1-infected individuals under stable ART. Study-arms HTI-TriMix, TriMix or Water for Injection were assigned in an 8:3:3 ratio. Participants received three vaccinations at weeks 0, 2, and 4 in an inguinal lymph node. Two weeks after the last vaccination, immunogenicity was evaluated using ELISpot assay. ART was interrupted at week 6 to study the effect of the vaccine on viral rebound. The vaccine was considered safe and well tolerated. Eighteen percent (n = 37) of the AEs were considered definitely related to the study product (grade 1 or 2). Three SAEs occurred: two were unrelated to the study product, and one was possibly related to ART interruption (ATI). ELISpot assays to detect T cell responses using peptides covering the HTI sequence showed no significant differences in immunogenicity between groups. There were no significant differences in viral load rebound dynamics after ATI between groups. The vaccine was safe and well tolerated. We were not able to demonstrate immunogenic effects of the vaccine

    Alguns dados sobre a Fauna entomológica da ilha das Flores - Açores

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    IV Expedição Científica do Departamento de Biologia - Flores 1989Com este trabalho, realizado em Julho de 1989 nas Flores - a ilha mais ocidental do Arquipélago dos Açores -, acrescentaram-se onze espécies de Lepidópteros à lista referenciada para aquela ilha, pertencendo uma à família Lycaenidae (Lampides boeticus L.), oito a familia Noctuidae (Agrotis ipsilon HFN., Brotolomia meticulosa L., Chrysodeixis chalcites ESPER., Heliothis armigera HBN., Noctua atlantica WARREN, Noctua pronuba L., Peridroma saucia HBN., Sesamia nonagrioides LEF.), uma à família Nymphalidae (Vanessa atalanta L.) e uma a família Pyralidae (Glyphodes unionalis HBN.). Entre os demais insectos, foram identificadas cerca de duas dezenas e meia de espécies, distribuídas pelas Ordens Dermaptera, Orthoptera, Dictyoptera, Heteroptera, Homoptera, Coleoptera, Neuroptera, Diptera, Hymenoptera e Collembola. Salienta-se ainda a importância, do ponto de vista agronómico, das pragas Mythimna unipuncta (HAWORTH) e Xestia c-nigrun L. naquela ilha.RÉSUMÉ: Avec ce travail, réalisé en Juillet 1989 a Flores - l'île plus occidental de l'archipel des Açores, onze espèces de Lépidoptères ont été ajoutées à la liste des espèces connus pour cette île, dont une appartient a la famille Lycaenidae (Lampides boelicus L.), huit à la famille Noctuidae (Agrotis ipsilon HFN., Brotolomia meticulosa L. Chrysodeicis chalcites ESPER., Heliothis armigera HBN., Noctua atlantica WARREN, Noctua pronuba L., Peridroma saucia HBN., Sesamia nonagrioides LEF.), une à la famille Nymphalidae (Vanessa atalanta L.) et une à la famille Pyralidae (Glyphodes unionalis HBN.). Parmi les autres insects ont été identifiés environ deux dizaines et demie d'espèces, lesquelles sont réparties par les Ordres Dermaptera, Orthoptera, Dictyoptera, Heteroptera, Homoptera, Coleoptera, Neuroptera, Diptera, Hymenoptera et Collembola. On remarque I'importance, du point de vue agronomique, des ravageurs Mythimna unipuncra (HAWORTH) et Xestia c-nigrum L. dans cette île

    IHIVARNA phase IIa, a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blinded trial to evaluate the safety and immunogenicity of iHIVARNA-01 in chronically HIV-infected patients under stable combined antiretroviral therapy

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    Background: HIV therapeutic vaccination aims to improve the immune responses against HIV in order to control viral replication without the need for combined antiretroviral therapy (cART). iHIVARNA-01 is a novel vaccine combining mRNA delivery and T-cell immunogen (HTI) based on conserved targets of effective antiviral T-cell responses. In addition, it holds adequate stimuli required for activating antigen presenting cells (APC)s and co-activating specific T-cells (TriMix), including human CD40L, constitutively active TLR4 (caTLR4) and CD70. We propose that in-vivo targeting of dendritic cells (DCs) by direct administration of a HIV mRNA encoding these immune modulating proteins might be an attractive alternative to target DCs in vitro. Methods/design: This is a phase-IIa, randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled, multicenter study in chronically HIV-1 infected patients under stable cART. One of the three study arms is randomly allocated to subjects. Three vaccinations with either HIVACAT T-cell immunogen (HTI)-TriMix (iHIVARNA-01), TriMix or water for injection (WFI) (weeks 0, 2 and 4) are administered by intranodal injection in the inguinal region. Two weeks after the last immunization (week 6) cART is stopped for 12 weeks. The two primary endpoints are: (1) safety and tolerability of intranodal iHIVARNA-01 vaccination compared with TriMix or WFI and (2) induced immunogenicity, i.e., increase in the frequency of HIV-specific T-cell responses between baseline, week 6 and 12 weeks after treatment interruption in iHIVARNA-01-treated patients as compared to the control groups, immunized with TriMix
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