17 research outputs found

    Correcting for outcome reporting bias in a meta-analysis:A meta-regression approach

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    Outcome reporting bias (ORB) refers to the biasing effect caused by researchers selectively reporting outcomes within a study based on their statistical significance. ORB leads to inflated effect size estimates in meta-analysis if only the outcome with the largest effect size is reported due to ORB. We propose a new method (CORB) to correct for ORB that includes an estimate of the variability of the outcomes’ effect size as a moderator in a meta-regression model. An estimate of the variability of the outcomes’ effect size can be computed by assuming a correlation among the outcomes. Results of a Monte-Carlo simulation study showed that the effect size in meta-analyses may be severely overestimated without correcting for ORB. Estimates of CORB are close to the true effect size when overestimation caused by ORB is the largest. Applying the method to a meta-analysis on the effect of playing violent video games on aggression showed that the effect size estimate decreased when correcting for ORB. We recommend to routinely apply methods to correct for ORB in any meta-analysis. We provide annotated R code and functions to help researchers apply the CORB method.</p

    Meta-analyzing the multiverse:A peek under the hood of selective reporting

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    Researcher degrees of freedom refer to arbitrary decisions in the execution and reporting of hypothesis-testing research that allow for many possible outcomes from a single study. Selective reporting of results ( p-hacking) from this “multiverse” of outcomes can inflate effect size estimates and false positive rates. We studied the effects of researcher degrees of freedom and selective reporting using empirical data from extensive multistudy projects in psychology (Registered Replication Reports) featuring 211 samples and 14 dependent variables.We used a counterfactual design to examine what biases could have emerged if the studies (and ensuing meta-analyses) had not been preregistered and could have been subjected to selective reporting based on the significance of the outcomes in the primary studies. Our results show the substantial variability in effect sizes that researcher degrees of freedom can create in relatively standard psychological studies, and how selective reporting of outcomes can alter conclusions and introduce bias in meta-analysis. Despite the typically thousands of outcomes appearing in the multiverses of the 294 included studies, only in about 30%of studies did significant effect sizes in the hypothesized direction emerge.We also observed that the effect of a particular researcher degree of freedom was inconsistent across replication studies using the same protocol, meaning multiverse analyses often fail to replicate across samples.We recommend hypothesis-testing researchers to preregister their preferred analysis and openly report multiverse analysis. We propose a descriptive index (underlying multiverse variability) that quantifies the robustness of results across alternative ways to analyze the data.</p

    Same Data, Different Conclusions: Radical Dispersion in Empirical Results When Independent Analysts Operationalize and Test the Same Hypothesis

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    In this crowdsourced initiative, independent analysts used the same dataset to test two hypotheses regarding the effects of scientists’ gender and professional status on verbosity during group meetings. Not only the analytic approach but also the operationalizations of key variables were left unconstrained and up to individual analysts. For instance, analysts could choose to operationalize status as job title, institutional ranking, citation counts, or some combination. To maximize transparency regarding the process by which analytic choices are made, the analysts used a platform we developed called DataExplained to justify both preferred and rejected analytic paths in real time. Analyses lacking sufficient detail, reproducible code, or with statistical errors were excluded, resulting in 29 analyses in the final sample. Researchers reported radically different analyses and dispersed empirical outcomes, in a number of cases obtaining significant effects in opposite directions for the same research question. A Boba multiverse analysis demonstrates that decisions about how to operationalize variables explain variability in outcomes above and beyond statistical choices (e.g., covariates). Subjective researcher decisions play a critical role in driving the reported empirical results, underscoring the need for open data, systematic robustness checks, and transparency regarding both analytic paths taken and not taken. Implications for organizations and leaders, whose decision making relies in part on scientific findings, consulting reports, and internal analyses by data scientists, are discussed

    Deciding what to replicate:A decision model for replication study selection under resource and knowledge constraints

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    Robust scientific knowledge is contingent upon replication of original findings. However,researchers who conduct replication studies face a dicult problem; there are many morestudies in need of replication than there are funds available for replicating. To select studies forreplication eciently, we need to understand which studies arethe mostin need of replication.In other words, we need to understand which replication eorts have the highest expected utility.In this article we propose a general rule for study selection in replication research based onthereplication valueof the claims considered for replication. Thereplication valueof a claimis defined as the maximum expected utility we could gain by conducting a replication of theclaim, and is a function of (1) the value of being certain about the claim, and (2) uncertaintyabout the claim based on current evidence. We formalize this definition in terms of a causaldecision model, utilizing concepts from decision theory and causal graph modeling. We discussthe validity of usingreplication valueas a measure of expected utility gain, and we suggestapproaches for deriving quantitative estimates ofreplication value

    Supplementary material hybrid_vanAert_vanAssen16

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    <p>R code of analytically approximating the performance of the methods included in van Aert and van Assen (2016)</p

    Supplementary material hybrid_vanAert_vanAssen16

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    <p>R code of analytically approximating the performance of the methods included in van Aert and van Assen (2016)</p


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    <p>This R code is used for analytically approximating the statistical properties of the snapshot Bayesian hybrid meta-analysis. </p

    The Effect of Publication Bias on the Q Test and Assessment of Heterogeneity

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    One of the main goals of meta-analysis is to test for and estimate the heterogeneity of effect sizes. We examined the effect of publication bias on the Q test and assessments of heterogeneity as a function of true heterogeneity, publication bias, true effect size, number of studies, and variation of sample sizes. The present study has two main contributions and is relevant to all researchers conducting meta-analysis. First, we show when and how publication bias affects the assessment of heterogeneity. The expected values of heterogeneity measures H2 and I2 were analytically derived, and the power and Type I error rate of the Q test were examined in a Monte Carlo simulation study. Our results show that the effect of publication bias on the Q test and assessment of heterogeneity is large, complex, and nonlinear. Publication bias can both dramatically decrease and increase heterogeneity in true effect size, particularly if the number of studies is large and population effect size is small. We therefore conclude that the Q test of homogeneity and heterogeneity measures H2 and I2 are generally not valid when publication bias is present. Our second contribution is that we introduce a web application, Q-sense, which can be used to determine the impact of publication bias on the assessment of heterogeneity within a certain meta-analysis and to assess the robustness of the meta-analytic estimate to publication bias. Furthermore, we apply Q-sense to 2 published meta-analyses, showing how publication bias can result in invalid estimates of effect size and heterogeneity

    Publication bias examined in meta-analyses from psychology and medicine : A meta-meta-analysis

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    Publication bias is a substantial problem for the credibility of research in general and of meta-analyses in particular, as it yields overestimated effects and may suggest the existence of non-existing effects. Although there is consensus that publication bias exists, how strongly it affects different scientific literatures is currently less well-known. We examined evidence of publication bias in a large-scale data set of primary studies that were included in 83 meta-analyses published in Psychological Bulletin (representing meta-analyses from psychology) and 499 systematic reviews from the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR; representing meta-analyses from medicine). Publication bias was assessed on all homogeneous subsets (3.8% of all subsets of meta-analyses published in Psychological Bulletin) of primary studies included in meta-analyses, because publication bias methods do not have good statistical properties if the true effect size is heterogeneous. Publication bias tests did not reveal evidence for bias in the homogeneous subsets. Overestimation was minimal but statistically significant, providing evidence of publication bias that appeared to be similar in both fields. However, a Monte-Carlo simulation study revealed that the creation of homogeneous subsets resulted in challenging conditions for publication bias methods since the number of effect sizes in a subset was rather small (median number of effect sizes equaled 6). Our findings are in line with, in its most extreme case, publication bias ranging from no bias until only 5% statistically nonsignificant effect sizes being published. These and other findings, in combination with the small percentages of statistically significant primary effect sizes (28.9% and 18.9% for subsets published in Psychological Bulletin and CDSR), led to the conclusion that evidence for publication bias in the studied homogeneous subsets is weak, but suggestive of mild publication bias in both psychology and medicine