228 research outputs found


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    Suci Siti Nurfadillah, 2016. Pengaruh Anggaran Kas Sebagai Alat Perencanaan Dan Alat Pengendalian Terhadap Tingkat Likuiditas (Studi Kasus Pada Koperasi Bina Raharja Kuningan) Anggaran kas dapat membantu manajemen di dalam mengatasi perubahanperubahan yang dapat mempengaruhi posisi kas yang mungkin membahayakan kredit kas yang beredar. Oleh karena itu, penyusunan anggaran kas bagi perusahaan cukup penting guna menjaga tingkat proyeksi likuiditas perusahaan. Semakin besar jumlah kas dalam perusahaan artinya perusahaan tersebut semakin tinggi pula tingkat proyeksi likuiditasnya. Dengan anggaran kas pula maka akan dapat diketahui apabila terdapat perbedaan di dalam waktu dan volume dari aliran kas masuk (cash inflow) dan aliran kas keluar (cash outflow) yang dapat menimbulkan kesulitan, karena hal ini berpengaruh terhadap besarnya uang kas yang tertahan di dalam perusahaan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) Untuk mengetahui pengaruh anggaran kas sebagai alat perencanaan terhadap tingkat likuiditas pada koperasi Bina Raharja Kuningan; (2) Untuk mengetahui pengaruh anggaran kas sebagai alat pengendalian terhadap tingkat likuiditas pada koperasi Bina Raharja Kuningan; dan (3) Untuk mengetahui pengaruh anggaran kas sebagai alat perencanaan dan alat pengendalian terhadap tingkat likuiditas pada koperasi Bina Raharja Kuningan. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Dalam analisis data, metode kuantitatif memerlukan bantuan perhitungan statistik, baik statistik deskriptif maupun inferensial. Pada penelitian ini sampel yang diambil adalah berupa Laporan Arus Kas dari tahun 2010 sampai dengan 2015 (5 tahun), dan data Laporan Keuangan berupa neraca dari tahun 2010 sampai dengan tahun 2015 (5 tahun). Teknik analisis dalam penelitian ini menggunakan analisis regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) nilai thitung (-6,709) dengan sig. 0,022 sehingga sig. (0,022) < α (0,05), maka secara parsial hipotesis diterima. Artinya faktor anggaran kas sebagai alat perencanaan memberikan pengaruh secara signifikan dan negatif terhadap tingkat likuiditas; (2) nilai thitung (-0,450) dengan sig. 0,697 sehingga sig. (0,697) < α (0,05), maka secara parsial hipotesis ditolak. Artinya Faktor anggaran kas sebagai alat pengendalian memberikan pengaruh tetapi tidak signifikan dan negatif terhadap tingkat likuiditas; dan (3) nilai Fhitung (39,560) dengan sig. 0,025 sehingga sig. (0,025) < α (0,05), maka secara simultan hipotesis diterima. Artinya faktor anggaran kas sebagai alat perencanaan dan anggaran kas sebagai alat pengendalian secara bersama-sama memberikan pengaruh secara signifikan terhadap tingkat likuiditas. Kata Kunci : Anggaran Kas, Alat Perencanaan, Alat Pengendalian, Tingkat Likuiditas


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    The aim of this research is to analyze students’ scientific generic skill using Jigsaw modified by Q Card on senses system concept. The research was conducted in three meetings. The sample is first semester students who learned about Basic Concept of Biology for primary teacher class A, B, C and D. Descriptive analysis method with non-test data collecting technique is used in this research. Based on the research result and discussion gained from observation sheet and test item, it can be concluded that students have scientific generic skill from the lowest to the highest respectively as follow; building concept (61.025) sufficient category, logical inference (64.175) sufficient category, cause and effect (65.175) sufficient category, indirect observation (71.65) good category, symbolic language (77.475) good category and the highest is mathematic modeling (77.75) good category. Positive response is showed by some of the students on teaching learning process using Jigsaw modified by Q Card. The lowest response is 74% on the category of exercising


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    INTISARI Latar Belakang: Menurut survei Kesehatan Dasar Indonesia tahun 2013, kejadian ketidakteraturan siklus menstruasi pada wanita usia 10-29 tahun adalah 16,4%. Stres merupakan salah satu faktor risiko terhadap ketidakteraturan siklus menstruasi. Stres biasanya dapat dialami oleh mahasiswa yang biasa disebut sebagai stres akademik. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan stres dengan gangguan siklus menstruasi pada mahasiswi Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan di masa pandemi Covid-19 di Yogyakarta. Metode: Menggunakan jenis penelitian kuantitatif, rancangan observasional analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Sampel penelitian merupakan mahasiswi Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan angkatan 2019, 2020, dan 2021 yang berjumlah 94 mahasiswi diambil menggunakan teknik Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling, menggunakan data primer. Pengukuran tingkat stres dilakukan menggunakan kuesioner PSS-10 (Perceived Stress Scale) dengan 10 item pertanyaan dan pengukuran keteraturan siklus menstruasi menggunakan kuesioner siklus menstruasi. Analisis data menggunakan uji chi-square. Hasil: Sebanyak 37,2% responden berusia 19 tahun, dan mayoritas tinggal bersama tinggal bersama orangtua/keluarga karena pembelajaran daring, serta latar belakang pendidikan orang tua responden mayoritas lulusan SMA/Sederajat. Hasil chi-square menunjukkan nilai p-value 0,019 artinya ada hubungan antara stres dengan gangguan siklus menstruasi dengan nilai (OR = 3,222; 95% CI = 1,293-8,030) bahwa mahasiswi dengan stres berat memiliki peluang 3,222 kali lebih besar mengalami gangguan siklus menstruasi dibandingkan dengan mahasiswi dengan stres ringan. Kesimpulan: Ada hubungan antara stres dengan gangguan siklus menstruasi pada mahasiswi Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan di masa pandemi Covid-19 di Yogyakarta. Kata Kunci: Stres, Gangguan siklus menstruasi, remaja, Pandemi Covid-19 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; THE RELATIONSHIP OF STRESS AND MENSTRUAL CYCLE DISORDERS IN STUDENTS OF THE FACULTY OF PUBLIC HEALTH AHMAD DAHLAN UNIVERSITY DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC IN YOGYAKARTA Siti Fatimah, Suci Musvita Ayu Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta Jalan Prof. Dr. Soepomo, SH, Janturan, Warungboto, Yogyakarta 55164 Email: [email protected] &nbsp; ABSTRACT Background: According to the 2013 Indonesian Basic Health survey, the incidence of menstrual cycle irregularities in women aged 10-29 years is 16.4%. Stress is one of the risk factors for menstrual cycle irregularities. Stress can usually be experienced by students which is commonly referred to as academic stress. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between stress and menstrual cycle disorders in students of the Faculty of Public Health, Ahmad Dahlan University during the Covid-19 pandemic in Yogyakarta. Methods: Using quantitative research, observational analytic design with cross sectional approach. The research sample was students of the Faculty of Public Health, Ahmad Dahlan University batch 2019, 2020, and 2021 which were taken by 94 students taken using the Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling technique, using primary data. Measurement of stress levels was carried out using the PSS-10 questionnaire (Perceived Stress Scale) with 10 question items and the measurement of menstrual cycle regularity using a menstrual cycle questionnaire. Data analysis using chi-square test. Results: A total of 37.2% of respondents were 19 years old, and the majority lived together with their parents/family because of online learning, and the educational background of the respondents' parents was the majority of high school graduates/equivalent. The chi-square results show a p-value of 0.019, which means that there is a relationship between stress and menstrual cycle disorders with a value (OR = 3.222; 95% CI = 1.293-8.030) that female students with severe stress have a 3.222 times greater chance of experiencing menstrual cycle disorders than female students with severe stress. with female students with mild stress. Conclusion: There is a relationship between stress and menstrual cycle disorders in students of the Faculty of Public Health, Ahmad Dahlan University during the Covid-19 pandemic in Yogyakarta. Keywords: Stress, menstrual cycle disorders, adolescents, Covid-19 pandemi


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    This study aims to determine the ability of students to think critically and think creatively in mathematics on the material of squares and triangles. This research was conducted on 39 students at one junior high school in the city of North Cimahi. This study uses nine items. The research method uses qualitative analysis, namely a case study to determine the achievement of indicators in both abilities, on the results of solving the questions that students are doing. The data collection technique in this study was a test question. The data is then analyzed to find out how much completeness and accuracy the students answered. This shows that students have difficulty understanding the meaning shown by the questions, so that students are wrong in determining the right solution to solve the problems contained in the questions. So that it gives the conclusion that the abilities possessed by students are still in the low category

    Pengembangan Motif Batik Pring Sedapur di Kelompok Usaha Bersama Mukti Lestari Ds.Sidomukti, Plaosan, Magetan

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    Motif Pring Sedapur merupakan motif batik khas daerah kabupaten Magetan. Motif batik Pring Sedapur telah menjadi icon bahkan digunakan sebagai seragam diberbagai instansi di kabupaten Magetan hingga sebagian besar masyarakat menganggapnya sebagai batik seragam dan enggan untuk memakainya diberbagai acara lain. Sebagai motif khas kabupaten Magetan Seharusnya semua kalangan masyarakat kabupaten Magetan bangga untuk mengenakannya dan diharapkan eksistensi motif batik Magetan ini dapat bertahan sepanjang masa. Maka dari itu penulis memiliki motivasi untuk mengembangkan motif Pring Sedapur dengan pola dan tambahan motif baru. Penelitian ini dilakukan di KUBE Mukti Lestari di desa Sidomukti, Plaosan, Magetan. Rumusan masalah meliputi: 1) Bagaimana perwujudan motif Pring Sedapur di KUBE Mukti Lestari?; 2) Bagaimana proses pengembangan motif Pring Sedapur di KUBE Mukti Lestari?; 3) Bagaimana hasil pengembangan motif Pring Sedapur di KUBE Mukti Lestari? Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bentuk, proses pengembangan serta hasil pengembangan motif Pring Sedapur. Metode yang digunakan penulis adalah metode Research and Develpment (RnD) . Tahapan yang ditempuh penulis dalam proses penelitian dan pengembangan desain adalah melakukan observasi terhadap motif Pring Sedapur , pembuatan desain, revisi desain dan penyesuaian dengan karakter motif yang dikembangkan, validasi desain, dan proses perwujudan desain. Desain awal yang disiapkan berjumlah 12 buah kemudian dipilih empat buah desain untuk diwujudkan dalam bentuk batik. Peneliti mewujudkan empat desain dengan judul Jejeran Pring, Pring ing Galengan, Pring Jalak, dan Pring Gentong. Bahan yang digunakan adalah kain primisima, malam, dan pewarna remasol. Perwujudan desain menggunakan teknik tradisional yaitu batik tulis dan teknik pewarnaan colet yang kemudian warna dikunci dengan waterglass. Hasil perwujudan desain terpilih ada perbedaan antara hasil dan desain. Pada hasil perwujudan Jejeran Pring adanya perbedaan warna yang lebih pudar dari pada warna pada desain. Pada desain motif Pring Jalak isen daun pada backgroung terlalu besar dan bulat, warnanya juga terlalu kuno sehingga harus diganti dengan perwujudan yang sudah dianggap sesuai. Sementara untuk motif Pring ing Galengan dan Pring Gentong sudah cukup sesuai hanya ada sedikit bagian yang kurang sesuai, namun tidak menimbulkan dampak. Meskipun ada beberapa catatan validator telah menyatakan bahwa hasil perwujudan sudah baik dan layak diaplikasikan. Kata Kunci : Pring Sedapur, Batik, Mageta

    Holiday effect di Bursa Efek Indonesia, di Bursa Efek Amerika dan di Bursa Efek Jepang sebelum, sesaat dan sesudah pandemi covid-19

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    The phenomenon of traders entering the capital market is one of the causes of the stock market becoming unstable and experiencing market inefficiencies, which are often known as "market anomalies." The holiday effect is a market anomaly phenomenon that shows a tendency for the rate of return on a day before a holiday, but it can also be higher than the rate of return on other ordinary days. This study aims to find out how the holiday effect phenomenon is affecting the Indonesian, American, and Japanese stock exchanges during the 2019–2021 period. In addition to knowing whether there is a difference in stock returns between the day before the holiday and other days, you also need to know whether there is a difference in stock returns between the day before the holiday on the Indonesian, American, and Japanese stock exchanges during the study period. The data used is daily index data for the period January 2019 to December 2021 for each country. The research methods used are comparative methods and event studies. While the normality test, homogeneity test, ANOVA test, post hoc test, and independent sample t-test are used for technical analysis. The results showed that there was no holiday effect on the Indonesian, American, and Japanese stock exchanges because there was no significant difference in the average stock return between the day before the holiday and other days

    Analisis Keterampilan Generik Mahasiswa Melalui Metode Demonstrasi pada Mata Kuliah Pendidikan Lingkungan Hidup

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    The research is aimed at describing human generic skill through demonstration method in the subject of living environment. It was conducted to 80 students from 2 classes of Primary School Teacher Training Department at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Educational Sciences at Pakuan University. The students generic skill was gained through an instrument which was an observational sheet when they did a group activity and was also gained through an individual written test. The research result shows that the students generic skill is adequate. It can be seen from the mean score of the students generic skills both in group and also individually (73.06 % and 71.13%). The generic skill which was directly observed in group and individually can be categorized as good†(78.90% and 74.20%), students skill in logical frame both in group and individually was adequate†(67.23% and 68.56%), students skill in knowing cause and effect of a problem in group activity was adequate†(70.45%) while individually was good†(77.11%), students skill in modeling in group activity was good†(75,70%) while individually was adequate†(56.90%), and inference skill of the students in both group and individually was adequate†(73.06% and 71.13%). Students response through the learning activity using demonstration method was positive. The learning using demonstration method is advantageous for the students since it can help them learn living environment. Therefore, it is recommended to apply the method in living environmental education class

    Pengaruh Pencahayaan dan Pemeliharaan Bangunan Terhadap Kenyamanan Pengunjung (Studi Kasus: Kafe Arabasta Medan)

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    In order for a cafe to attract visitors, the cafe needs a comfortable interior and atmosphere. In addition, the concept, layout, lighting and maintenance of the cafe are also important factors that must be considered so that visitors feel comfortable and want to come back. Lighting as a source of lighting can be declared good if the lighting is not too bright and not too dim. It is also necessary to select and adjust to the concept of the building, and the area of the building. A room or building that has insufficient lighting makes visitors feel uncomfortable, a dark place makes the food served not very attractive besides that, the number of mosquitoes is also the cause of the lack of lighting. Every building requires regular maintenance and renovations to keep the building looking comfortable and lively. A building that lacks maintenance makes the building seem shabby and reduces the sense of comfort for visitors. The research method used is descriptive quantitative analysis method, using sampling and measurement methods. In the context of this research in the form of lighting and maintenance at Cafe Arabasta Marelan. The purpose of the study was to find out how lighting and maintenance affect the comfort level of visitors to the Arabasta Marelan cafe

    Carbon Ink Characterization from Banana and Cassava Peels by Carbonization Method

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    Banana and cassava plants are the most growing plants in the world. The use of both plant's peel is usually for animal feed. This research is intended to utilize banana and cassava peel as a raw material of whiteboard ink markers by varying concentration of the carbons to see its effect on the characteristics of the ink.  The carbon concentration variations are 25 g, 30 g, 35 g, 40 g, and 45 g, which is dissolved in 100 ml of the solution. The steps of this research include the carbonization of banana or cassava peel, and then its carbon powder is sifted by 200 mesh. The powder will be dissolved in 50 ml of Arabic gum 10%, 15 ml of PEG-7, and 35 ml of alcohol 70%, then the solution stirred until homogeneous. The result showed that the addition of the Banana or cassava peels carbon concentration effect on the value of density, viscosity, pH, and pigment ink. The characteristic whiteboard ink markers from the banana peel that accordance with the commercial ink. It is consists of 30% Banana peel carbon concentration with a density value of 1.0077 g/cm3, viscosity value of 6.2049 cP, pH value of 10.55, and the ink pigment are close enough with the commercial refill ink. While the characteristic from cassava consists of 35% cassava peel carbon concentration with a density value of 1.0893 g/cm3, viscosity value of 15,2427 cP, pH value of 8,75, and the ink pigment are close enough with the commercial in
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