34 research outputs found

    Religiosity Versus Homosexuality in America (& Elsewhere)

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    This paper examines how adherence to religion impacts attitudes toward homosexuality, in particular same-sex marriage in the United States. The study considers previous, current and future legislation in the United States in the context of these attitudinal belief patterns

    Classification of soils derived from amphibolite parent material in south-western Nigeria

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    The social domains organization of mentalizing processes in adolescents: a contribution to the conceptualization of personality function and dysfunction in young people

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    Background: We propose and evaluate a contribution to the conceptualization and assessment of personality functioning based on social domains and mentalizing hypotheses. Social domains are distinct social contexts, such as with acquaintances and friends, with differentiated expectations regarding participants' behaviours and social attributions. The capacity to organize social participation according to these expectations requires the ability, we suggest, to modulate mentalizing processes domain by domain. Drawing on evidence that social domain organization is impaired in borderline personality disorder (BPD) and that hypermentalizing, a heightened interpretation of others' motives, thoughts or emotions, is elevated in adolescent BPD, we hypothesized that hypermentalizing levels in adolescents will vary by social domain and that elevated BPD features will be associated with impairment of this domain organization of hypermentalizing.// Methods: Measures including the borderline personality features scale for children (BPFSC) and the movie for the assessment of social cognition (MASC) were administered to 171 adolescents aged 12–17 recruited from public schools and community organizations in a large metropolitan area in southwestern United States. Mean hypermentalizing scores were computed for adolescent interpretations of sequences in the MASC focusing on the social domains of acquaintance, friends and romantic interactions.// Results: There was a progressive increase in hypermentalizing scores across the acquaintance, friends and romantic interactions (repeated measures ANOVA, p < .001, all pairwise comparisons, p ≤ .02), which was markedly reduced in the presence of elevated BPD features (interaction term, p = .007).// Conclusions: Hypermentalizing is organized according to social domain and this organization is impaired in the presence of elevated BPD features. The findings are consistent with the proposal that personality functioning entails a social domains organization of hypermentalizing, which is impaired in personality dysfunction. Identifying mentalizing processes domain by domain has the potential to create a personalized focus for the treatment of adolescents with personality difficulties

    Diseño de infraestructura vial urbana del pueblo tradicional Mocupe, Distrito Lagunas Mocupe, Lambayeque

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    La tesis tiene como objetivo realizar el óptimo diseño de infraestructura vial urbana del pueblo tradicional Mocupe, Distrito Lagunas Mocupe - Lambayeque, se realizó con el fin de realizar la Ingeniería Básica, la Ingeniería Vial, sus aspectos ambientales, los costos y presupuestos; todo rigiéndose a la norma vigente CE. 010 Pavimentos Urbanos. Para ello se realizó un tipo de investigación Descriptiva no Experimental; además se utilizaron softwares para realizar el diseño topográfico de planta y perfil y además se cumplió los parámetros establecidos en el Reglamento Nacional de Edificaciones – Norma CE. 010 Pavimentos Urbanos, obteniendo consigo los planos de planta y perfil, las secciones transversales, los metrados de movimiento de tierras, el presupuesto del proyecto, el tiempo del proyecto, etc

    Assessing drivers of maize storage losses in south west Benin using a Fractional Response Model: Poster

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    An assessment of drivers of maize storage losses was undertaken in south west Benin applying the Fractional Response Model on information collected from 400 smallholder maize farmers. Overall, respondents lose on average 10.3% of their harvest during the storage period. The average marginal effect obtained from the fractional response model of storage losses revealed that storage technologies, farmers’ post-harvest attitudes, insects damage, the weather conditions and infrastructures played a significant role in the level of storage losses surveyed farmers have experienced. Farmers using bags and plastic containers have respectively reduced their storage losses by 6.7 and 7.8% compared to farmers using cribs. Considering the use of storage protectant, the results indicated that using ash, neem leaves, pepper or lemon lead to an increase of 4.1% of losses relative to storing without any protectant. Drying after harvesting decreased by 1.9% the share of the quantity stored lost during storage. The percentage of maize lost increased by 5.1% for respondents who have reported insects as predators of their stored maize. Rain at harvest time increased the percentage of losses by 2.1%. A one-degree increase in temperature increased the percentage of maize loss by 4.4% and farmers who live at less than 26.5 km to the market have reduced by 0.17% of maize losses. Effective policies for a sustainable reduction of storage losses among maize farmers in the area should consider the need to discourage the use of cribs, ash, leaves, pepper and lemon as storage technologies. Farmers should avoid harvesting during times of rain, and should properly dry their produce after harvesting. Sustainable hermetic equipment should be promoted and farmers’ access to markets facilitated.An assessment of drivers of maize storage losses was undertaken in south west Benin applying the Fractional Response Model on information collected from 400 smallholder maize farmers. Overall, respondents lose on average 10.3% of their harvest during the storage period. The average marginal effect obtained from the fractional response model of storage losses revealed that storage technologies, farmers’ post-harvest attitudes, insects damage, the weather conditions and infrastructures played a significant role in the level of storage losses surveyed farmers have experienced. Farmers using bags and plastic containers have respectively reduced their storage losses by 6.7 and 7.8% compared to farmers using cribs. Considering the use of storage protectant, the results indicated that using ash, neem leaves, pepper or lemon lead to an increase of 4.1% of losses relative to storing without any protectant. Drying after harvesting decreased by 1.9% the share of the quantity stored lost during storage. The percentage of maize lost increased by 5.1% for respondents who have reported insects as predators of their stored maize. Rain at harvest time increased the percentage of losses by 2.1%. A one-degree increase in temperature increased the percentage of maize loss by 4.4% and farmers who live at less than 26.5 km to the market have reduced by 0.17% of maize losses. Effective policies for a sustainable reduction of storage losses among maize farmers in the area should consider the need to discourage the use of cribs, ash, leaves, pepper and lemon as storage technologies. Farmers should avoid harvesting during times of rain, and should properly dry their produce after harvesting. Sustainable hermetic equipment should be promoted and farmers’ access to markets facilitated


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    This thesis discusses technical terms translation in the video of “beginning tennis”. The objective of this study is to describe the translation strategies in translating those technical terms. This research used qualitative analysis. The data of this research were taken from “beginning tennis” video, and it is analyzed by using five steps: analyzing every utterance and its translation in the form of subtitles, finding the technical terms after analyzing the utterances and its translation, classifying the technical terms in form of table to make it easier to be described, describing the strategies used by the translator in translating the technical terms from the source language into the target language, and drawing conclusion. This thesis only focuses on the strategies used by the translator in translating the technical terms. Furthermore, it can be seen in the data that the translator used translation using a loan word at (88,29%), translation by omission at (9,46%), and translation by illustration at (2,25%). The dominant strategy used by the translator is translation by using loan word, because it is easier for the translator to borrow or rewrite the word rather than finding the equivalence in the target language. This strategy is tolerable since the message is well delivered in the target language. Keywords: Technical Terms, Translation, Translation Strategie

    Perancangan karya fotografi dokumenter akulturasi kristen dan adat Bali di Blimbingsari, kabupaten Jembrana, Bali

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    Blimbingsari adalah salah satu desa terletak di Bali bagian barat, tepatnya di Kecamatan Melaya, Kabupaten Jembrana. Penduduk Desa Blimbingsari seluruhnya beragama Kristen dan dikelilingi desa-desa yang mayoritas beragama hindu disekitarnya. Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dan religi masyarakatnya, desa ini mengadopsi adat Bali yang dijalankan secara seimbang dengan keyakinan mereka yaitu Kristen. Dalam perancangan Karya Fotografi Dokumenter Akulturasi Kristen dan Adat Bali di Blimbingsari menggambarkan sebagian dari kehidupan sebenarnya penduduk Blimbingsari dalam kehidupan religi dan bermasyarakat. Diharapkan melalui buku ini, pembaca dapat memahami dan belajar bagaimana hidup di dalam perbedaan yang ada di Indonesia

    Development of a stability indicating analytical approach for evaluation of lactoferrin

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    Laktoferin je glavni glikoprotein, ki veže železo v človeškem mleku. Deluje protimikrobno, protivnetno, imunomodulatorno, protirakavo in ima še številne druge fiziološke vloge. Laktoferin in drugi proteini so kompleksne molekule, zato za njihovo vrednotenje potrebujemo kombinacije primernih analiznih metod. Primarni namen magistrske naloge je bil razviti stabilnostno indikativno analizno metodologijo, ki omogoča vrednotenje stabilnosti laktoferina v predformulaciji in v končnih izdelkih. Osredotočili smo se na reverznofazno in izključitveno kromatografijo, ki sta komplementarni metodi. Preizkusili smo štiri različne reverznofazne in dve izključitveni kromatografski koloni. Metode smo optimizirali s spreminjanjem posameznih kromatografskih pogojev. Z analizo stresnih vzorcev laktoferina smo med razvitimi metodami izbrali najprimernejšo z vidika ločbe in oblike kromatografskega vrha za laktoferin. Izbrane kromatografske metode smo uspešno validirali v skladu s smernicami ICH, potrdili smo stabilnostno indikativnost teh metod in ovrednotili njihovo vlogo pri testiranju stabilnosti laktoferina. Kromatografske metode smo nato primerjali z UV spektroskopijo in fluorescenco. Za kvalitativno in kvantitativno določanje laktoferina so primernejše kromatografske metode, ki jih lahko glede na namen analize dopolnjujemo s spektroskopskimi, saj jih odlikuje hitrost analize in cenovna dostopnost. Pri analizi realnih vzorcev smo ugotovili, da topilo za pripravo vzorca vpliva na določanje laktoferina. Za kvantifikacijo je primernejša reverznofazna kromatografija, ki je boljša od izključitvene kromatografije z vidika validacijskih parametrov in manjšega vpliva topila vzorca na odziv laktoferina. Zato smo z njo preverili vsebnost laktoferina v treh komercialnih izdelkih in šestih polizdelkih ter tudi potrdili ustreznost metode za predviden namen uporabe. V okviru stresnih testov smo ugotovili, da je laktoferin najbolj občutljiv na bazični medij ter povišano temperaturo, najmanj pa na izpostavitev svetlobi. Potrdili smo veljavnost Arrheniusove enačbe za laktoferin med 60 in 80 °C. Ugotovili smo, da obstaja razlika v stabilnosti laktoferina v končnem izdelku v primerjavi s čistim laktoferinom. Vpeljan stabilnostno indikativni analizni pristop omogoča vrednotenje stabilnosti laktoferina vključno s sposobnostjo zaznave razlik v mehanizmu pretvorbe laktoferina.Lactoferrin is the main iron-binding glycoprotein in human milk. It has anti microbial, anti inflammatory, immunomodulatory, anticancer and many other physiological activities. Lactoferrin and other proteins are complex moleculestherefore a combination of appropriate analytical methods for their evaluation is needed. The main purpose of our work was to develop a stability indicating analytical methodology that would serve for stability evaluation of lactoferrin in preformulation studies as well as in final products. We were focused on two complementary methods: reversed-phase and size-exclusion chromatography. Methods were optimized on four different reversed-phase and two size exclusion columns by modifying individual chromatographic conditions. The final methods were selected in a forced degradation study based on the resolution ability and the chromatographic peak shape of lactoferrin. The selected methods were successfully validated according to ICH guidelines, also confirming their stability indicating nature. Chromatographic methods were then compared to UV-spectroscopy and fluorescence and they proved to be more appropriate for qualitative and quantitative evaluation of lactoferrin. However, the complementary information from simpler, faster and more accessible spectroscopic techniques may be valuable in some cases. During the real sample analyses it was observed that the sample media affect lactoferrin quantification. The reversed-phase chromatography was shown to be a more suitable option for quantitative analysis of lactoferrin compared to the size-exclusion chromatography because of its better validation performance and lesser sample media influence on the chromatographic response. The established reversed-phase method was afterwards applied for determination of lactoferrin in three commercially available products and six intermediate products confirming the method’s suitability for the intended purpose. In stress testing, it was shown that lactoferrin is most prone to degradation under thermal and alkaline conditions and is the least affected by exposure to light. It was proved that the Arrhenius equation describes lactoferrin’s degradation kinetic between 60 °C and 80 °C. A difference in stability of a final product containing lactoferrin compared to pure lactoferrin was also noticed. The presented stability indicating analytical approach allows the stability evaluation of lactoferrin, including the ability to detect differences in its degradation mechanisms

    Stability-Indicating Analytical Approach for Stability Evaluation of Lactoferrin

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    Lactoferrin is a multifunctional iron-binding glycoprotein in milk. Due to its potential for the treatment of various diseases, interest in products containing lactoferrin is increasing. However, as a protein, it is prone to degradation, which critically affects the quality of products. Therefore, the main purpose of our work was to develop a stability-indicating analytical approach for stability evaluation of lactoferrin. We were focused on two complementary methods: reversed-phase and size-exclusion chromatography. The stability-indicating nature of the selected methods was confirmed. They were successfully validated by following the ICH guidelines and applied to preliminary lactoferrin stability studies. Up to three degradation products, as well as aggregates and fragments of lactoferrin, were detected in various samples using complementary reversed-phase and size-exclusion chromatographic methods. The analytical approach was additionally extended with three spectroscopic techniques (absorbance, intrinsic fluorescence, and bicinchoninic acid method), which may provide valuable complementary information in some cases. The presented analytical approach allows the stability evaluation of lactoferrin in various samples, including the ability to detect differences in its degradation mechanisms. Furthermore, it has the potential to be used for the quality control of products containing lactoferrin