161 research outputs found

    A propósito del catecismo vasco de Ubillos

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    Los documentos transcritos en este artículo proceden de los materiales de trabajo del Prof. Michelena. Se trata, en primer lugar, de un comentario al Catecismo de Ubillos, resaltando la influencia de los autores vasco-franceses, sobre todo en cuanto a vocabulario y ortografía se refiere. En otro orden de cosas, comenta la evolución de las letras x, j, g, así como de s, x, en los dialectos meridionales del euskera, con ejemplos de Larramendi, Aguirre de Asteasu, Moguel y Fr. Bartolomé. Finalmente, se ofrece la transcripción original del artículo «Eraskin gisa», abundando en los conceptos que el autor dedica a Ubillos. FL V. se suma así a la conmemoración del bicentenario de Ubillos, al tiempo que dedica agradecido este recuerdo al propio L. Michelena

    Baskisch = Hispanisch oder = Gallisch?

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    Studia Palaeohispanica: actas del IV Coloquio sobre lenguas y Culturas Paleohispánicas (Vitoria-Gasteiz, 6-10 mayo 1985 / editadas por Joaquín Gorrochategui, José L. Melena y Juan Santo

    La experiencia de la soledad en hombres que teletrabajan: un análisis desde la fenomenología

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    Introduction: in modern societies people live more alone every day and work modalities such as teleworking cause social isolation and feelings of loneliness. Occupational risks in face-to-face tasks have been widely characterized, but the risks of remote work modalities are still under investigation. This qualitative research aimed to study how teleworkers experience loneliness and the aspects that determine this experience. Methods: Seven teleworkers were recruited to participate in face-to-face semi-structured interviews, which were analyzed using the interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) methodology. The participants described in detail their way of working and work relationships, information that was grouped into themes and categories from which the results were generated. Results: Full-time teleworking, such as the one that occurred during the pandemic, caused feelings of intense loneliness in workers, which worsened with the distance generated by inadequate virtual communication and the absence of interpersonal ties. Conclusion: The experience of the participants showed that teleworking causes loneliness in workers, but hybrid work and relationships between coworkers that occur in non-work settings decrease the perception of loneliness, so it is necessary for organizations with this modality of work have face-to-face workspaces and improve their communication strategies.Introducción: en las sociedades modernas las personas viven cada vez más solas y modalidades de trabajo como el teletrabajo causan aislamiento social y sentimientos de soledad. Los riesgos laborales en las tareas presenciales se han caracterizado ampliamente, pero los riesgos de las modalidades de trabajo a distancia siguen en investigación. Esta investigación cualitativa tuvo como objetivo estudiar cómo los teletrabajadores experimentan la soledad y los aspectos que determinan esa experiencia. Métodos: se reclutaron siete teletrabajadores para participar en entrevistas semiestructuradas presenciales que fueron analizadas con la metodología del análisis fenomenológico interpretativo (AFI). Los participantes describieron en detalle su forma de trabajar y las relaciones de trabajo, información que se agrupó en temas y categorías a partir de los cuales se generaron los resultados. Resultados: el teletrabajo a tiempo completo, como el que ocurrió durante la pandemia, causó en los trabajadores sentimientos de soledad intensa, que empeoraron con el distanciamiento generado por la inadecuada comunicación virtual y la ausencia de vínculos interpersonales. Conclusión: la experiencia de los participantes mostró que el teletrabajo causa soledad en los trabajadores, pero el trabajo híbrido y las relaciones entre los compañeros de trabajo que ocurren en ámbitos no laborales disminuyen la percepción de soledad, por lo que se hace necesario que las organizaciones con esta modalidad de trabajo tengan espacios de trabajo presenciales y mejoren sus estrategias de comunicación

    Efectos en la salud causados por el trabajo infantil. Una revisión desde la Medicina del Trabajo / Health effects caused by child labor. A review from Occupational Medicine

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    Introducción: El trabajo infantil es un problema mundial en el que intervienen factores sociales, culturales y económicos. Los niños trabajan en todos los sectores económicos, mayoritariamente en la agricultura, y se exponen a riesgos ocupacionales que pueden afectar su salud y dejar secuelas para la vida adulta. Objetivo: Determinar los efectos que tiene el trabajo en la salud de los niños, niñas y adolescentes. Métodos: Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica en los motores de búsqueda PubMed y Embase con el tesauro “child labor” y se incluyeron investigaciones publicadas entre 2017 y 2022. Resultados: Se identificaron consecuencias para la salud por exposición a riesgo químico, biomecánico, psicosocial y de seguridad. Dentro de las sustancias químicas, los metales y los pesticidas fueron las sustancias de mayor impacto, por afectaciones endocrina, renal y gastrointestinal, mientras que los factores de riesgo biomecánico como los movimientos repetitivos y las posturas inadecuadas causan trastornos dolorosos en la columna vertebral y las extremidades de los niños que trabajan. La exposición a peligros de seguridad se asocia con accidentes de trabajo mortales, especialmente en el sector de la agricultura. Adicionalmente, los niños que trabajan pueden desarrollar ansiedad, depresión y trastorno de estrés postraumático, afectando la salud mental en la infancia y la adolescencia, y dejando secuelas para la vida adulta. Conclusiones: Existe relación entre el trabajo infantil y los efectos negativos en la salud de los niños, esto debe motivar la toma de decisiones para lograr la erradicación del trabajo infantil en todas las actividades económicas a nivel mundial. Introduction: Child labor is a global problem in which social, cultural, and economic factors intervene. Children work in all economic sectors, mainly in agriculture, and are exposed to occupational risks that can affect their health and leave consequences for adult life. Objective: To determine the effects that work has on the health of children and adolescents. Methods: A bibliographic review was carried out in the Pubmed and Embase search engines with the "child labor" thesaurus and research published between 2017 and 2022 was included. Results: Consequences for health due to exposure to chemical, biomechanical, psychosocial, and safety risks were identified. Within the chemical substances, metals and pesticides were the substances with the greatest impact, due to endocrine, renal, and gastrointestinal effects, while biomechanical risk factors such as repetitive movements and inadequate postures cause painful disorders in the spine and extremities of working children. Exposure to safety hazards is associated with fatal workplace accidents, especially in the agriculture sector. Additionally, working children can develop anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder, affecting mental health in childhood and adolescence, and leaving consequences for adult life. Conclusions: There is a relationship between child labor and negative effects on children's health, this should motivate decision-making to achieve the eradication of child labor in all economic activities worldwide. ; ; ; ; ;

    Detection of DoS Attacks in an IoT Environment with MQTT Protocol Based on Intelligent Binary Classifiers

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    [Abstract] The present work deals with the problem of detecting Denial of Service attacks in an IoT environment. To achieve this goal, a dataset registered in an MQTT protocol network is used, applying dimension reduction techniques combined with classification algorithms. The final classifiers presents successful results.Xunta de Galicia; ED431G 2019/0

    A novel method for anomaly detection using beta hebbian learning and principal component analysis

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    In this research work a novel two-step system for anomaly detection is presented and tested over several real datasets. In the first step the novel Exploratory Projection Pursuit, Beta Hebbian Learning algorithm, is applied over each dataset, either to reduce the dimensionality of the original dataset or to face nonlinear datasets by generating a new subspace of the original dataset with lower, or even higher, dimensionality selecting the right activation function. Finally, in the second step Principal Component Analysis anomaly detection is applied to the new subspace to detect the anomalies and improve its classification capabilities. This new approach has been tested over several different real datasets, in terms of number of variables, number of samples and number of anomalies. In almost all cases, the novel approach obtained better results in terms of area under the curve with similar standard deviation values. In case of computational cost, this improvement is only remarkable when complexity of the dataset in terms of number of variables is high.CITIC, as a Research Center of the University System of Galicia, is funded by Consellería de Educación, Universidade e Formación Profesional of the Xunta de Galicia through the European Regional Development Fund and the Secretaría Xeral de Universidades (ref. ED431G 2019/01).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Estimating wheat grain yield using Sentinel-2 imagery and exploring topographic features and rainfall effects on wheat performance in Navarre, Spain

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    Reliable methods for estimating wheat grain yield before harvest could help improve farm management and, if applied on a regional level, also help identify spatial factors that influence yield. Regional grain yield can be estimated using conventional methods, but the typical process is complex and labor-intensive. Here we describe the development of a streamlined approach using publicly accessible agricultural data, field-level yield, and remote sensing data from Sentinel-2 satellite to estimate regional wheat grain yield. We validated our method on wheat croplands in Navarre in northern Spain, which features heterogeneous topography and rainfall. First, this study developed stepwise multilinear equations to estimate grain yield based on various vegetation indices, which were measured at various phenological stages in order to determine the optimal timings. Second, the most suitable model was used to estimate grain yield in wheat parcels mapped from Sentinel-2 satellite images. We used a supervised pixel-based random forest classification and the estimates were compared to government-published post-harvest yield statistics. When tested, the model achieved an R2 of 0.83 in predicting grain yield at field level. The wheat parcels were mapped with an accuracy close to 86% for both overall accuracy and compared to offcial statistics. Third, the validated model was used to explore potential relationships of the mapped per-parcel grain yield estimation with topographic features and rainfall by using geographically weighted regressions. Topographic features and rainfall together accounted for an average for 11 to 20% of the observed spatial variation in grain yield in Navarre. These results highlight the ability of our method for estimating wheat grain yield before harvest and determining spatial factors that influence yield at the regional scale

    Rhizodeposition of organic carbon by plants with contrasting traits for resource acquisition: responses to different fertility regimes

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    Background and aims Rhizodeposition plays an important role in mediating soil nutrient availability in ecosystems. However, owing to methodological difficulties (i.e., narrow zone of soil around roots, rapid assimilation by soil microbes) fertility-induced changes in rhizodeposition remain mostly unknown. Methods We developed a novel long-term continuous 13C labelling method to address the effects of two levels of nitrogen (N) fertilization on rhizodeposited carbon (C) by species with different nutrient acquisition strategies. Results Fertility-induced changes in rhizodeposition were modulated by root responses to N availability rather than by changes in soil microbial biomass. Differences among species were mostly related to plant biomass: species with higher total leaf and root biomass also had higher total rhizodeposited C, whereas species with lower root biomass had higher specific rhizodeposited C (per gram root mass). Experimental controls demonstrated that most of the biases commonly associated with this type of experiment (i.e., long-term steady-state labelling) were avoided using our methodological approach. Conclusions These results suggest that the amount of rhizodeposited C from plants grown under different levels of N were driven mainly by plant biomass and root morphology rather than microbial biomass. They also underline the importance of plant characteristics (i.e., biomass allocation) as opposed to traits associated with plant resource acquisition strategies in predicting total C rhizodeposition

    A distributed topology for identifying anomalies in an industrial environment

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    The devastating consequences of climate change have resulted in the promotion of clean energies, being the wind energy the one with greater potential. This technology has been developed in recent years following different strategic plans, playing special attention to wind generation. In this sense, the use of bicomponent materials in wind generator blades and housings is a widely spread procedure. However, the great complexity of the process followed to obtain this kind of materials hinders the problem of detecting anomalous situations in the plant, due to sensors or actuators malfunctions. This has a direct impact on the features of the final product, with the corresponding influence in the durability and wind generator performance. In this context, the present work proposes the use of a distributed anomaly detection system to identify the source of the wrong operation. With this aim, five different one-class techniques are considered to detect deviations in three plant components located in a bicomponent mixing machine installation: the flow meter, the pressure sensor and the pump speed.CITIC, as a Research Center of the university System of Galicia, is funded by Conselleria de Education, Universidade e Formacion Profesional of the Xunta de Galicia through the European regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Secretaria Xeral de Universidades (Ref. ED431G 2019/01)