25 research outputs found


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    This research study about development of multimedia focusky–based comic learning media in natural science learning. This type of research is research and development (RnD). The development model in this study refers to Borg and Gall theory which consists of 10 stages. However, in this study, researcher uses 7 stages such as potential and problem, data collection, product design, design validation, design improvement, product testing, and product revision. Data collection methods consist of interviews, observations, and instrument to media experts, material experts, and students. The results of this study include firstly, based on the validation by material and media experts, it can be seen that the validation result by material experts is obtained score of 35 in the very decent category, and validation results from media experts is 38 by a very decent category. Secondly, in the trials conducted on students, it is obtained score of 36 by a very decent category. From the overall validation, it shows very good results so that the multimedia focusky–based comic learning media on natural science learning is decent to be used as a media so teachers are more creative in delivering material, and can support the learning process to be effective, efficient, and fun.Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang pengembangan media pembelajaran komik berbasis Multimedia Focusky pada mata pelajaran IPA. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian research and development (R&D). Model pengembangan dalam penelitian ini mengacu pada teori Borg and Gall yang terdiri dari 10 tahap, akan tetatapi dalam penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan 7 tahapan yaitu potensi dan masalah, pengumpulan data, desain produk, validasi desain, perbaikan desain, uji coba produk, revisi produk. Metode pengumpulan data terdiri dari wawancara, observasi, dan instrumen kepada ahli media, ahli materi, dan siswa. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu pertama, berdasarkan validasi oleh ahli materi dan media, dapat diketahui hasil validasi oleh ahli materi memperoleh hasil sebesar 35 dengan kategori sangat layak, dan hasil validasi ahli media sebesar 38 dengan kategori sangat layak. Kedua, hasil uji coba yang dilakukan kepada siswa memperoleh nilai sebesar 36 dengan kategori sangat layak. Dari keseluruhan validasi menunjukan hasil yang sangat baik, sehingga media  pembelajaran Komik Berbasis Multimedia Focusky Pada Mata Pelajaran IPA layak untuk digunakan sebagai media agar guru lebih kreatif dalam menyampaikan materi dan membantu proses pembelajaran menjadi efektif, efesien, dan menyenangkan

    Preventive Strategies for Radicalism Aspects of Religious Social Ideology through Child Religiosity in SD NU Metro Barat / Strategi Preventif Radikalisme Aspek Ideologi Sosial Beragama Melalui Religiusitas Anak di SD NU Metro Barat

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    This study aims to provide information to parents in order to understand how to instill a better and more precise understanding of ideology in children through strategies established by schools with various excellent programs. There are several deviations from religious principles that are often applied to children by giving sweet promises in the form of jihad fi sabilillah (jihad for the sake of God Almighty) with guaranteed rewards and going to heaven for sure, truth does not necessarily know the truth. Many parents want their generation to be pious or pious under the pretext of being filial. In this study, the prevention strategy of children's radicalization was analyzed by practicing the religious dimension of students at West Metro NU Elementary School (Aspects of Religion Ideology and Social).The type of research used is descriptive analysis with two approaches, namely religious and social ideology. The technique of collecting data by means of interviews, observation and documentation. While the validity of the data uses data triangulation. Based on research data analyzed in depth, it shows that there is a need for a preventive strategy for children's radicalism in students at West Metro NU Elementary School (through aspects of religious ideology and social) is very important as information on the importance of understanding religious ideology in students so that it can maximize efforts to prevent the occurrence of radicalism. West Metro NU Elementary School promotes a moderate Islamic ideological syste

    Application of Cublak-Cublak Suweng Traditional Game in Thematic Learning of Early Childhood Education

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    Along with the increasing sophistication of learning systems and learning facilities today, where learning can be done anytime and anywhere. This has a positive value for the presence of technology in the world of education. But besides that, there is a negative impact in that many children are not familiar with traditional games, which can be a means of learning for them and can even have a good effect on social-emotional and cognitive development. However, today's children will find it difficult to find models of traditional games independently if they are not started by the teacher or other people familiar with these classic games. This study uses a qualitative research method with an analytical descriptive approach. As for how to apply the cublak-cublak suweng game, teams or groups are played between 4-5 children. In the division of tasks, one child becomes a game table by bending over, and four become game actors. Children use small stones as tools circled between players by singing cublak-cublak suweng songs. In this game, there is a system of losing and winning. Those who fail are assigned to the game table, while those who win continue the game. The educational value of this game is that each child tries to coordinate with the other, understand and obey the game's rules, and think carefully in guessing questions. There is togetherness between the group or team. This game is straightforward and doesn't take long

    Development of Booklet Learning Media and Its Role on Learning Interest of Islamic Elementary School Student

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    This study aims to develop a Learning Media Booklet with the theme of Diversity of Professions and Their Roles, and to examine students' learning interest when using the booklet media. This research uses the Research and Development (R&D) Model developed by Brog & Gall, simplified into 7 stages, including (1) pre-survey, (2) initial planning, (3) development of initial product, (4) initial product expert testing, (5) revision of initial product, (6) main field trial, and (7) evaluation of final product. The instructional media trial was conducted at Ma'arif Bulusari Islamic Elementary School, Bumi Ratu Nuban Subdistrict, Central Lampung Regency, Lampung Province. The average ratings given by content experts, media experts, and language experts are 3.77, 3.66, and 3.85, respectively, which are categorized as very good, appropriate, and highly appropriate, in that order. The results of the student's learning interest test indicate a significant difference between using the instructional media booklet and not using the booklet, with an increase of 86.43% when using the instructional media booklet. Therefore, it can be concluded that the Diversity of Professions and Their Roles Learning Booklet meets the criteria for usability and can be tested in the third-grade class of Ma'arif Bulusari Islamic Elementary School


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    Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan pedekatan CTL dalam pembelajaran terhadap hasil belajar siswa kelas V pada matapelajaran Akidah Akhlak di MIMU Tulung Jaya Sukadana Lampung Timur. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas. Pengumpulan data menggunakan tehnik, observasi, tes, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam 2 siklus dengan setiap siklusnya 2 kali pertemuan. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas V MIMU Tulung Jaya dengan jumlah 23 siswa pada matapelajaran Akidah Akhlak. Hasil penelitian ini menujukan bahwa dalam pembelajaran dengan menerapkan pendekatan CTL hasil belajar siswa mengalami peningkatan hal ini terliahat Pada siklus I hasil belajar siswa mencapai ketuntasan 65,22 % dan pada siklus II mencapai 86,95%. siklus I ke siklus II mengalami peningkatan sebesar 21,73%. Sehingga dapat dianalisis bahawa bahwa penerapan pendekatan CTL dalam kegiatan pembelajaran dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa kelas V MIMU Tulung Jaya pada mata pelajaran akidah akhlak

    Analysis of the Difficulties Learning Speaking Skills at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Students Riyadlatul Ulum Batanghari East Lampung

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    There are several factors that are very influential in language, namely human cleverness in speaking skills, Maharah al-Kalam is the ability to express articulated sounds or words to express thoughts in the form of ideas, opinions, desires, or feelings to the interlocutor. In a broader sense, speaking is a system of signs that can be heard and seen which utilizes a number of muscles and muscle tissues of the human body to convey thoughts in order to fulfill their needs. In general, maharah al-kalam aims to be able to communicate properly and properly with the language they are learning. Moving on from the problem of learning disabilities that have a big impact on learning can certainly harm teachers and students in receiving the material. In learning Arabic, of course, you really need a lot of training to speak and memorize vocabulary so that there are no difficulties in learning Arabic. Students must also be active in learning. After that the student looked difficult when he spoke Arabic and spoke it and the accuracy of Arabic was not good, Apart from memorizing habitual vocabulary by the student, creating a supportive environment for practicing conversation. With a good language environment, speech can also be intertwined well. Regardless, there are many problems in learning to speak at MTs Riyadlatul ulum which make the lack of maximum learning in speaking skills, students' lack of speaking in speaking and speaking habits can also hinder the learning process to speak, unclear pronunciation and tarkibnya arrangement make the speaker and listener make it difficult. The population in this study were students of class VIII MTs Riyadlatul Ulum, using qualitative descriptive research. Data collection was carried out by means of interviews, observation and documentation. In the interview, to find out the problems that students have experienced and to get data about the factors that influence it, in the researchers' observations the researchers looked at the problems that appeared to students when in learning and documentation for evidence of research implementation

    Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Berbasis Screamble pada Mata Pelajaran Akidah Akhlak Pokok Bahasan Akhlak Terpuji Nabi dan Rasulkelas IV MI NU Purwosari Metro

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    Pendidikan merupakan suatu proses dalam rangka mempengaruhi peserta didik supaya mampu menyesuaikan diri sebaik mungkin dengan lingkungannya. Untuk itu dalam proses pembelajaran diperlukan suatu metode pembelajaran yang dapat membuat peserta didik itu memiliki rasa nyaman, aman dan senang dengan mata pelajaran yang digunakan. Maka metode pembelajaran yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode pembelajaran screamble. Screamble merupakan salah satu metode pembelajaran yang dapat meningkatkan konsentrasi dan kecepatan berpikir siswa. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian dan pengembangan (R & D). Peniliaian bahan ajar ini menggunakan angket, yang dinilai oleh ahli materi, ahli media. Pertanyaan untuk setiap angket memiliki jumlah butir soal yang berbeda sesuai dengan ahli masing-masing. Dalam uji coba itu ada dua tahapan yaitu uji coba terbatas dengan 6 orang siswa dan uji coba pemakaian dengan 27 siswa. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan revisi bahan ajar untuk masing-masing ahli sebanyak dua kali, yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas dari bahan ajar yang dikembangkan.Dari penelitian yang dilakukan diperoleh hasil validasi dari masing-masing ahli seperti ahli materi memperoleh skor sebesar 3,5, dan ahli media memperoleh skor sebesar 3,4, serta dalam uji coba terbatas dan uji coba pemakaian yang dilakukan oleh guru yang memperoleh skor 3,6 dan siswa mendapatkan skor sebesar 3.76 dengan kategori sangat baik. Sehingga bahan ajar berbasis screamble yang dikembangkan sangat layak digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran

    Internalisasi Etika Bermedia Sosial Nahdlatul Ulama dalam Pendekatan Saintifik

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    This study aims to develop ethics in utilizing social media in the style of Nahdlatul Ulama within Scientific Approach in the 2013 National Curriculum. Currently, hoax massively spreads in cyberspace, in which students become some parts of it. Hence, this research is important so that students are able to be more critical in responding to circulated information. This study employs of qualitative research with content analysis approach. Results show that internalization of tabayun principle encourages students not apological and always critical towards information. In addition, this encourages them to extract information which enhances their literacy. The principle of honesty and the usefulness of information also encourage students to be able to process information and communicate the investigation results objectively. In addition, ethics in verbal communication becomes the foundation for students to deliver information in a peaceful way.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan etika bermedia sosial ala Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) melalui pendekatan saintifik pada Kurikulum 2013. Dewasa ini, begitu banyak informasi hoaks yang tersebar di dunia maya, di mana salah siswa menjadi bagian darinya. Oleh sebab itu, penelitian ini penting dilakukan agar siswa dapat lebih kritis dalam menanggapi informasi yang beredar. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan analisis konten sebagai pendekatannya. Adapun temuan penelitian ini adalah internalisasi prinsip tabayun mendorong siswa untuk tidak bersikap apologis dan selalu kritis terhadap informasi yang didapatkan. Selain itu, hal ini mendorong mereka menggali informasi sebanyak-banyaknya sehingga muncul budaya literasi. Prinsip kejujuran dan kebermanfaatan informasi juga mendorong para siswa untuk dapat mengolah informasi dan mengkomunikasikan hasil investigasi secara obyektif. Selain itu, etika menjaga lisan menjadi pijakan bagi siswa untuk menyampaikan pendapat dan informasi yang diperoleh dengan cara yang damai