188 research outputs found
Eutropelia y Mercadillo en el patio de Mnipodio. Honesto y provechoso entretenimiento en/con la malla prologica de la Novelas Ejemplares Rivista di fascia A per Ispanistica
Se analizan en este trabajo las relaciones entre el prólogo y los demás textos preliminares de las Novelas ejemplares, evidenciando cómo este sistema de textos breves había llegado a ser el escenario en el que se realizaba el difícil equilibrio entre poder, autor, obra, libreros y público: un sistema que hay que entender como aparato mediador del acceso de los textos a la publicación y al espacio público. A través de ellos se descubre un entramado de intereses económicos que amparándose en la moral sirven en realidad para controlar con medios espurios un mercado que es, más bien, también mercadillo de cambalache para descorazonar la competencia y preservar privilegios no siempre legítimamente adquiridos. En este panorama, la reacción que Cervantes explica entre líneas en su prólogo a las ejemplares se puede descifrar como la búsqueda de una ruta para navegar, de forma honesta y honestamente entretenida, entre otia y negotia, guardando las distancias, en la medida de lo posible, de los varios poderes fácticos o jurídicos, económicos y políticos, que podían acechar tal empeño
Aires libres y escenarios apantallados : las transiciones difíciles del cineteatro hispanófono contemporáneo
La representación en la pantalla de la vida teatral española y latinoamericana
y la influencia de las técnicas de rodaje propias del cine en el
montaje de varias producciones teatrales contemporáneas tanto en España
como en América Latina han reflejado, a nivel de narración y el cuento, las
luchas de libertad, democracia y derecho a la memoria que muchos países
hispanófonos han conocido en las décadas finales del siglo XX. Una y otra dimensión
pueden considerarse como partes complementarias del enfoque y de
la perspectiva del presente ensayo, que propone una revisión crítica de una
serie significativa de casos recientes. Se pretende subrayar básicamente lo siguiente:
a) unos formatos de hibridismo de lenguajes y b) unos tópicos relacionados
con la escenificación de la ambigua y controvertida memoria de la
violencia política y de las fases transicionales desde etapas de dictadura
(como el Franquismo, el Proceso argentino, el Pinochetismo de Chile, etc.) a
instituciones democráticas representativas
Una(s) palabra(s) en castellano: los hitos musicales internacionales y la lengua de Cervantes
A partir del análisis de grandes éxitos musicales interpretados por Elton John, Abba y Bob Dylan que evocan explícitamente la lengua española y sus hablantes y que también cuentan con covers en castellano, el artículo desentraña los temas y tópicos que más a menudo tratan estas canciones. Amores y guerras originan despedidas que alimentan peregrinaciones, embrujos y nostalgias imposibles de remediar. Las letras en español y en las demás lenguas románicas, aparentemente suaves y ligeras, hablan en efecto de desencanto, dolor, pérdida y sufrimiento.A partire dall'analisi di grandi successi musicali interpretati da Elton John, Abba e Bob Dylan, nei quali si evocano esplicitamente la lingua spagnola e i suoi parlanti e dei quali esistono cover in castigliano, il contributo esplora i tempi e i cliché di cui trattano questi brani. Amori e guerre danno luogo ad addii che alimentano peregrinazioni, incantesimi e nostalgie senza rimedio. Le parole in spagnolo e nelle altre lingue romanze, apparentemente dolci e leggere, parlano in effetti di disincanto, dolore, perdita e sofferenza
Coherent electronic and nuclear dynamics in a rhodamine heterodimer-DNA supramolecular complex
Elucidating the role of quantum coherences in energy migration within biological and artificial multichromophoric antenna systems is the subject of an intense debate. It is also a practical matter because of the decisive implications for understanding the biological processes and engineering artificial materials for solar energy harvesting. A supramolecular rhodamine heterodimer on a DNA scaffold was suitably engineered to mimic the basic donor-acceptor unit of light-harvesting antennas. Ultrafast 2D electronic spectroscopic measurements allowed identifying clear features attributable to a coherent superposition of dimer electronic and vibrational states contributing to the coherent electronic charge beating between the donor and the acceptor. The frequency of electronic charge beating is found to be 970 cm-1 (34 fs) and can be observed for 150 fs. Through the support of high level ab initio TD-DFT computations of the entire dimer, we established that the vibrational modes preferentially optically accessed do not drive subsequent coupling between the electronic states on the 600 fs of the experiment. It was thereby possible to characterize the time scales of the early time femtosecond dynamics of the electronic coherence built by the optical excitation in a large rigid supramolecular system at a room temperature in solution. © 2017 the Owner Societies.Multi valued and parallel molecular logi
GADA titer-related risk for organ-specific autoimmunity in LADA subjects subdivided according to gender (NIRAD study 6).
CONTEXT: Latent autoimmune diabetes in adults (LADA) includes a heterogeneous population wherein, based on glutamic acid decarboxylase antibody (GADA) titer, different subgroups of subjects can be identified.
OBJECTIVE: The aim of the present study was to evaluate GADA titer-related risk for β-cell and other organ-specific autoimmunity in LADA subjects.
METHODS: Adult-onset autoimmune diabetes subjects (n=236) and type 2 diabetes (T2DM) subjects (n=450) were characterized for protein tyrosine phosphatase (IA-2IC and IA-2(256-760)), zinc transporter 8 (ZnT8), thyroid peroxidase, (TPO), steroid 21-hydroxylase (21-OH), tissue transglutaminase (tTG), and antiparietal cell (APC) antibodies.
RESULTS: High GADA titer compared to low GADA titer showed a significantly higher prevalence of IA-2IC, IA-2(256-760), ZnT8, TPO, and APC antibodies (P≤0.04 for all comparison). 21-OH antibodies were detected in 3.4% of high GADA titer. A significant decreasing trend was observed from high GADA to low GADA and to T2DM subjects for IA-2(256-760), ZnT8, TPO, tTG, and APC antibodies (P for trend≤0.001). TPO was the only antibody showing a different prevalence between gender; low GADA titer and T2DM female patients had a higher frequency of TPO antibody compared to males (P=0.0004 and P=0.0006, respectively), where the presence of high GADA titer conferred an odds ratio of 8.6 for TPO compared to low GADA titer. After subdividing high and low GADA titer subjects according to the number of antibodies, we observed that 73.3% of high GADA titer subjects were positive for at least one or more antibodies, compared to 38.3% of low GADA titer (P<0.0001).
CONCLUSIONS: In LADA subjects, high GADA titer was associated with a profile of more severe autoimmunity and, in male gender, specifically predisposed to thyroid autoimmunity. A regular screening for other antibodies is recommended in LADA patients according to GADA titer and gender
Immunohistochemical evaluation of aquaporin-4 and its correlation with CD68, IBA-1, HIF-1α, GFAP, and CD15 expressions in fatal traumatic brain injury
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is one of the leading causes of death and disability worldwide. Our understanding of its pathobiology has substantially increased. Following TBI, the following occur, edema formation, brain swelling, increased intracranial pressure, changes in cerebral blood flow, hypoxia, neuroinflammation, oxidative stress, excitotoxicity, and apoptosis. Experimental animal models have been developed. However, the difficulty in mimicking human TBI explains why few neuroprotective strategies, drawn up on the basis of experimental studies, have translated into improved therapeutic strategies for TBI patients. In this study, we retrospectively examined brain samples in 145 cases of death after different survival times following TBI, to investigate aquaporin-4 (AQP4) expression and correlation with hypoxia, and neuroinflammation in human TBI. Antibodies anti-glial fibrillary acid protein (GFAP), aquaporin-4 (AQP4), hypoxia induced factor-1α (HIF-1α), macrophage/phagocytic activation (CD68), ionized calcium-binding adapter molecule-1 (IBA-1), and neutrophils (CD15) were used. AQP4 showed a significant, progressive increase between the control group and groups 2 (one-day survival) and 3 (three-day survival). There were further increases in AQP4 immunopositivity in groups 4 (seven-day survival), 5 (14-dayssurvival), and 6 (30-day survival), suggesting an upregulation of AQP4 at 7 to 30 days compared to group 1. GFAP showed its highest expression in non-acute cases at the astrocytic level compared with the acute TBI group. Data emerging from the HIF-1α reaction showed a progressive, significant increase. Immunohistochemistry with IBA-1 revealed activated microglia starting three days after trauma and progressively increasing in the next 15 to 20 days after the initial trauma. CD68 expression demonstrated basal macrophage and phagocytic activation mostly around blood vessels. Starting from one to three days of survival after TBI, an increase in the number of CD68 cells was progressively observed; at 15 and 30 days of survival, CD68 showed the most abundant immunopositivity inside or around the areas of necrosis. These findings need to be developed further to gain insight into the mechanisms through which brain AQP4 is upregulated. This could be of the utmost clinicopathological importance
The SEE-GeoForm WebGIS: a tool for seismic data and hazard analysis
The SEE-GeoForm project (Site Effects Evaluation - Geological Form) is born to share and make easily accessible via Internet seismic hazard data for Italy at different scales and for different administrative units (regions, provinces, municipalities), from existing database or new dataset carried out in this project. Using a WebGIS (http://www.seegeoform.it) a tool to archive, display and elaborate information has been developed. In particular, the website allows the user to query the basic and local seismic hazard values for single municipalities or to calculate those for any single point only by clicking on the maps.
In order to make the WebGIS more flexible, the system has been fully implemented using open source technologies, based on the guidelines expressed by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC); in this way, it has been possible to develop some thematic modules for data elaborations and queries as integrated web services such as WMS, following all of the internationally-acknowledged best-practices in this field.
The WebGIS has three frames: the data panel, the display area, the map layers directories. The data panel has several modules concerning respectively: basic and local hazard data for all Italian municipalities calculated by National Institute of Geophisics and Volcanology (INGV) or from other studies, such as horizontal peak ground acceleration values for different return periods (considering the exceedance probability in 50 years), and soil classes with the corresponding lithostratigraphic amplification factors according to the EuroCode8; a regular grid of 16.810 points, with a step equal to 0.05°, used by INGV for the seismic hazard elaborations (http://zonesismiche.mi.ingv.it/): values that are necessary to draw the site-dependent response spectra, according to the Italian seismic code, are linked to each point; the calculation on user demand of basic seismic hazard parameters for a site selected by clicking on geographical layers; composite seismogenic sources from DISS (Database of Individual Seismogenic Sources, vers. 3.1.1.: http://diss.rm.ingv.it/diss/), with their relative parameters (maximum moment magnitude, strike, dip, etc.). Finally, there are two modules regarding litoseismic classes and subsoil categories: the first one is linked to a map obtained by reclassifying the 46 litothypes of the Lithological Map of Italy at 100000-scale by Geological Survey of Italy (National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research - ISPRA) into 12 litoseismic classes, considered homogeneous regarding to their seismic behavior; while the second one permits to know the subsoil category, according with Italian seismic provisions (Norme Tecniche per le Costruzioni – NTC 2008), for a single point by clicking on the map. This has been possible by elaborating a subsoil categories map at 100000-scale derived from the litoseismic map at the same scale, by blending different litoseismic classes into 5 categories.
Datasets have been built starting from 2007 within the ReLUIS Project (http://www.reluis.it) and are being improved within the 2009-2012 EUCENTRE project (http://www.eucentre.it), that partially financed the WebGIS development, as a result of the strong collaboration between researchers from INGV and ISPRA.
The SEE-GeoForm web-tool aims to become the focal point to display in a simple way many databases containing information on seismic hazard of Italian territory, allowing user-friendly elaborations for researchers and professionals
Il Progetto SEE-GeoForm: uno strumento per la consultazione di dati geologici e di pericolosità sismica riferiti all’intero territorio nazionale
Il progetto SEE-GeoForm (Site Effects Evaluation - Geological Form: http://www.seegeoform.it) nasce con
l’obiettivo di realizzare uno strumento semplice, potente e completo per la consultazione e la rappresentazione,
tramite un WebGIS, di dati geologici, geomorfologici, geotecnici e geofisici relativi all’intero territorio italiano. In
questo modo, si vogliono concentrare in un sistema flessibile e intuitivo, dotato di un’unica modalità di accesso e
consultazione, una serie di informazioni che attualmente sono disperse in numerosi database mono-tematici
consultabili via Internet. Attualmente il WebGIS contiene dati georeferenziati e carte tematiche relative alla
pericolosità sismica a differenti scale territoriali e per diverse unità amministrative (regioni, province e comuni). Le
informazioni provengono sia da banche dati esistenti che da elaborazioni effettuate “ad hoc” nell’ambito di questo
progetto (carte tematiche in scala 1:100.000 del territorio italiano). Per rendere il sistema più flessibile ed
aggiornabile è stata sviluppata una piattaforma che utilizza esclusivamente tecnologie “open source”, basate sulle
linee guida dell’Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC); in questo modo è stato possibile realizzare alcuni moduli
tematici che sono totalmente compatibili con il protocollo standard denominato WMS (Web Map Services) per la
consultazione e la visualizzazione spaziale dei dati tramite Internet
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