76 research outputs found

    BRIDGES - designing a European Digital Education Hub (EDEH) to support networked digital learning as we transition from Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT) to effective post-digital education.

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the need for effective digital education across all education sectors, but perhaps especially within the HE context. Initially in 2020 the rush to continue to deliver teaching and learning to students who were no longer allowed on campus was characterised by a process of trying to emulate online what had previously been occurring offline. This included activities such as large and unwieldy online lectures and classes, often featuring the same powerpoint presentations as would be used in a face-to-face setting, and a general failure to adapt materials and pedagogies to take full advantage of the affordances presented by the digital context. This period has been coined Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT). During 2021 more co-ordinated and highly developed approaches have been explored by HE Institutions as it became clear that COVID-19 was not going away and that the long-term reality of HE teaching and learning lay in new approaches (e.g. blended learning) and new pedagogies (e.g. networked learning). This led to the rise of the post-digital education paradigm. However, across many institutions, regions and countries there remains a lack of support, resources and training for HE educators in post-digital education. The BRIDGES Erasmus+ project aims to work with European educators and learn from existing research in these areas to better understand these shortfalls and develop a digital platform - the European Digital Education Hub - to help address the gaps

    Humour reactions in crisis: a proximal analysis of Chinese posts on Sina Weibo in reaction to the salt panicof March 2011

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    This paper presents an analysis of humour use in Sina Weibo in reaction to the Chinese salt panic, which occurred as a result of the Fukushima disaster in March 2011. Basing the investigation on the humour Proximal Distancing Theory (PDT), and utilising a dataset from Sina Weibo in 2011, an examination of humour reactions is performed to identify the proximal spread of humourous Weibo posts in relation to the consequent salt panic in China. As a result of this method, we present a novel methodology for understanding humour reactions in social media, and provide recommendations on how such a method could be applied to a variety of other social media, crises, cultural and spatial settings

    Correlação entre 99mTc-TRODAT-1 SPECT e 18F-FDOPA PET em pacientes com doença de Parkinson: Um estudo piloto

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    Objective: To determine whether technetium-99m-labeled tropane derivative single-photon emission computed tomography (99mTc-TRODAT-1 SPECT) provides results comparable to those of the less widely available, less accessible tool fluorine-18-labeled fluorodopa positron-emission tomography (18F-FDOPA PET) in the setting of a movement disorders clinic. Materials and Methods: In this prospective pilot study, eight subjects with a clinical diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease were randomly selected from among patients under treatment at a movement disorders clinic and submitted to99mTc-TRODAT-1 SPECT and18F-FDOPA PET. The results were read by two experienced observers, and a semiquantitative analysis was performed. Results: The visual and semiquantitative analyses were concordant for all studies, showing that radiotracer uptake in the contralateral striatum on the most affected side was lower when99mTc-TRODAT-1 SPECT was employed. The semiquantitative analysis demonstrated a significant correlation between18F-FDOPA PET and99mTc-TRODAT-1 SPECT (r = 0.73; p < 0.01). Conclusion: It appears that99mTc-TRODAT-1 SPECT is a valid option for the study of dopaminergic function in a clinical setting.Objetivo: Determinar se a 99mTc-TRODAT-1 SPECT fornece resultados comparáveis aos da 18F-FDOPA PET, ferramenta menos acessível e menos amplamente disponível, no contexto de uma clínica de distúrbios do movimento. Materiais e Métodos: Neste estudo prospectivo, oito indivíduos com diagnóstico clínico de doença de Parkinson foram selecionados aleatoriamente entre pacientes em tratamento em uma clínica de distúrbios do movimento e submetidos a 99mTc-TRODAT-1 SPECT e 18F-FDOPA PET. Os resultados foram lidos por dois observadores experientes e uma análise semiquantitativa foi realizada. Resultados: As análises visual e semiquantitativa foram concordantes para todos os estudos, mostrando que a captação do radiotraçador no estriado contralateral do lado mais afetado foi menor quando a 99mTc-TRODAT-1 SPECT foi empregada. A análise semiquantitativa demonstrou uma correlação significativa entre 18F-FDOPA PET e 99mTc-TRODAT-1 SPECT (r = 0,73; p < 0,01). Conclusão: A 99mTc-TRODAT-1 SPECT parece ser uma opção válida para o estudo da função dopaminérgica em um ambiente clínico.Fil: Arena, Julieta E.. Fundación para la Lucha contra las Enfermedades Neurológicas de la Infancia; ArgentinaFil: Urrutia, Leandro. Fundación para la Lucha contra las Enfermedades Neurológicas de la Infancia; ArgentinaFil: Falasco, Germán Alfredo. Fundación para la Lucha contra las Enfermedades Neurológicas de la Infancia; ArgentinaFil: Ponce de Leon, Magdalena. Fundación para la Lucha contra las Enfermedades Neurológicas de la Infancia; ArgentinaFil: Vazquez, Silvia. Fundación para la Lucha contra las Enfermedades Neurológicas de la Infancia; ArgentinaFil: Rossi, Malco Damian. Fundación para la Lucha contra las Enfermedades Neurológicas de la Infancia; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Merello, Marcelo Jorge. Fundación para la Lucha contra las Enfermedades Neurológicas de la Infancia. Instituto de Neurociencias - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Neurociencias; Argentina. Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina "Santa María de los Buenos Aires"; Argentin

    Are Major Repeater Patients Addicted to Suicidal Behavior?

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    The literature provides support for the hypothesis that some major repeaters (individuals with \u3e=5 lifetime suicide attempts) are addicted to suicidal behavior (SB). This study explores whether major repeaters are addicted to SB or not using 7 criteria: tolerance (Criterion 1), withdrawal (Criterion 2), loss of control (Criterion 3), problems in quitting/cutting down (Criterion 4), much time spent using (Criterion 5), substantial reduction in activities (Criterion 6), and adverse physiological/physical consequences (Criterion 7). Total dependence on SB was indicated by the presence of 3 or more of the 7 criteria in the last 12 months. This cross-sectional study at Puerta de Hierro University Hospital (Madrid, Spain) recruited 118 suicide attempters including 8 major repeaters (7%, 8/118), who were all females. The association between each SB addiction criterion, physiological dependence and total dependence with major repeater status was tested for significance and for effect size with odds ratios (ORs) and their 95% confidence intervals. As hypothesized, major repeaters met significantly higher frequency of criteria for total dependence on SB, OR=62.9 (6.4-615). A backward stepwise logistic regression model was used to provide an OR between major repeater status and total dependence status corrected by confounding variables. Age, panic disorder without agoraphobia, borderline personality disorder, history of psychiatric inpatient admission, and total dependence on SB were introduced as independent variables with major repeater status as the dependent variable. The model selected total dependence and age as the remaining significant variables in the last step. Accordingly, major repeaters appear to be addicted to SB

    Literature review: an exploratory study

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    The increase in the number and quality of technologies has imposed on education in general new forms of learning, some with less relevance, but others with recognized results in the educational and scientific community. The Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC)are an example of one of these technologies with recognized results because that seems to contribute to the acquisition and mastery of digital competences in the context of the realization of the teaching-learning process supported by the networks. It is in these networks that all the participants in the educational process interact and collaborate with all, cultivate connections, debate the themes, present their criticisms, update their knowledge, acquire new skills, make decisions, but generically develop as members of a connectivist community. Based on these assumptions, in this research we intend to make a review of the literature to identify the aspects that, in detriment of regular education, to encourage the teachers to adopt the MOOC as technology for their professional development and to carry out the process of teaching and learning. Thus, through an exploratory research, characterized as documentary, we use the main sources of information, in this case scientific articles published on the subject to understand the relevance and contribution of the MOOC in an educational universe supported by technologies. In general, the results, although preliminary because of temporal limitations issues in accompanying the rapid evolution of the scientific production of knowledge, suggest that on the one hand the teachers opt for MOOC education for the ease of distance learning; on the other hand, adopt the MOOCs for the acquisition of digital skills oriented to the new challenges.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    EXOBAKAO: Chocolate al 70% de cacao con relleno de frutos exóticos de la Selva

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    Actualmente el mundo nos ha demostrado que se encuentra en constante cambios. Cambios a los que no hemos estado preparados y nos han enseñado a valorar mucho más nuestra vida y nuestro entorno. El Perú como muchos países no es ajeno a la tendencia de alimentos saludables para un mejor sistema inmunológico. El presente trabajo se basa en este último punto, ya que a raíz de la pandemia ha incrementado diversas enfermedades por falta de una buena alimentación. Según el Instituto Nacional de Salud – INS (2018), señala que casi el 90% de peruanos no consume 3 porciones de frutas recomendadas por la OMS como la naranja, camu camu, aguaje, entre otras. Siendo estos de suma importancia para obtener vitaminas, antioxidantes y fibras que mejoren la calidad de salud de las personas. En base a esta investigación surge la idea de emplear un alimento alto en propiedades nutritivas que fortalezcan el sistema inmunológico. Asimismo, se busca promover el consumo del chocolate de 70% de cacao y frutas exóticas de la selva. Con el objetivo de medir el impacto de esta propuesta se realizó el siguiente trabajo de investigación. Se realizaron encuestas, entrevistas, generación de página web y creación de contenido para redes sociales. Dichos resultados, permitieron obtener el tamaño del mercado, público objetivo, estrategias y tácticas a desarrollar para ingresar con un nuevo producto de chocolate de 70% de cacao relleno de frutas exóticas como aguaje, cocona, arándanos, camu camu con cereales como avena o quinoa llamado EXOBAKAO. Finalmente, nuestro proyecto es rentable y así lo demuestran nuestros indicadores financieros obteniendo un VANE de 115,307.33 soles y un TIRE de 76 %, descontado con WACC de 12.65%. Por el lado del accionista se obtiene un VANF de 66,459.45 soles y un TIRF de 93%, descontado con COK de 12%.Nowadays, life and world have shown us that they are constantly changing. Changes that we have not been prepared for and have taught us to appreciate in a better way our lives and surroundings. Peru, like many countries, is no stranger to the Healthy foods trend to boost immune system. This academic research is based on the latter issue, since the beginning of the Global Pandemic, various diseases have been increasing due to lack of a good diet. According to the National Institute of Health - INS (2018), indicates that almost 90% of Peruvians consume less than 3 servings of fruits recommended by the WHO such as orange, camu camu, aguaje, etc. These above are essential to obtain vitamins, antioxidants and fibers that improve the people's quality health. Based on this research, the idea of using a food with high nutritional content that strengthens the immune system arises. In addition, we seek to promote the consumption of 70% cocoa chocolate and Peruvian rainforest exotic fruits. To measure the impact of this proposal, the following academic research was developed. Surveys, interviews, website generation and content creation for social networks were planned and executed. These results allowed obtaining the market size, target audience, strategies and tactics that had to be developed in order to enter the industry with a new product, which is a Peruvian 70% cocoa chocolate, filled with exotic fruits such as blueberries, aguaje, cocona and camu camu and with cereals such as oats or quinoa, called EXOBAKAO. Finally, our project is profitable, and this is demonstrated by our financial indicators, obtaining an ENPV of S/. 115,307.33 (Peruvian currency) and an EIRR of 76%, discounted with a WACC of 12.65%. On the shareholder side, a FNPV of S/. 66,459.45 (Peruvian currency) and a FIRR of 93% are obtained, discounted with COK of 12%.Trabajo de investigació

    Cluster Transformation Coefficients for Structure and Dynamics Calculations in n-Particle Systems: Atoms, Nuclei, and Quarks

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    The structure and dynamics of an n-particle system are described with coupled nonlinear Heisenberg's commutator equations where the nonlinear terms are generated by the two-body interaction that excites the reference vacuum via particle-particle and particle-hole excitations. Nonperturbative solutions of the system are obtained with the use of dynamic linearization approximation and cluster transformation coefficients. The dynamic linearization approximation converts the commutator chain into an eigenvalue problem. The cluster coefficients factorize the matrix elements of the (n)-particles or particle-hole systems in terms of the matrix elements of the (n-1)-systems coupled to a particle-particle, particle-hole, and hole-hole boson. Group properties of the particle-particle, particle-hole, and hole-hole permutation groups simplify the calculation of these coefficients. The particle-particle vacuum-excitations generate superconductive diagrams in the dynamics of 3-quarks systems. Applications of the model to fermionic and bosonic systems are discussed.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, Wigner Proceedings for Conference Wigner Centenial Pecs, July 8-12, 200

    MOOCs: What motivates the producers and participants?

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    Within the current educational landscape, Massively Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have stimulated extensive interest and hype in a short time. It has been asserted that these open courses are no more than a prelude to the disruption that traditional Higher Education Institutions will experience from the growth of on-line education. Meanwhile, institutions are making increasingly significant investments to produce MOOCs, and learners are enthusiastically enrolling in large numbers, often in tens of thousands. The analysis presented identifies a spectrum of motivating factors for universities, and suggests likely areas for future attention and developments. It further identifies a range of mo-tivations for learner participation, which may not be identical across cultures and which MOOC providers might wish to take into account