13 research outputs found

    E-Learning Practical Teaching of Resonant AC Circuits

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    The paper presents hardware and softwareaspects regarding an E-learning approach of resonantac converters. Built on LabVIEW and accompanied bya switching board interface, the setup allows acomprehensive study by remote controlling andperforming real measurements on converters. Thestudy is offered in a gradually manner, with theoreticalaspects and simulation first, in the end the realexperiments being investigated

    Remote Experiments in Resistor Measurement

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    The paper describes blended learningapproach to teaching resistor measurement. It is basedon “Learning by Doing” paradigm: interacticesimulation, laboratory plants, real experimentsaccessed by Web Publishing Tools under LabVIEW.Studying and experimenting access is opened for 24hours a day, 7 days a week under Moodle bookingsystem

    DC Motor Drive with PFC Rectifier

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    The goal of this work is to study theperformances of a hybrid controller used to controlDC Motor drive with a single-phase power factorcorrection rectifier. This study is made usingcomputer simulation (Simulink). The first part isdevoted to the control system of the DC Motors. Inthe second part, the design of the hybrid controllerwill be presented. The third part is the design ofthe fast response single-phase boost power factorcorrection rectifier. The last parts are devoted tosimulation and experimental results

    A New Averaged Switch Model Including Conduction

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    Abstract – In this paper, following the averaged switch approach, an averaged model, including conduction losses for the switch network of the pulse width modulated (PWM) dc-to-dc converters operating at the boundary between continuous conduction mode (CCM) and discontinuous inductor current mode (DICM) is developed. The model is verified through PSpice and CASPOC simulation for the boost converter. The averaged model is general, and can be applied to different dc-to-dc converters, without deriving a different averaged switch network model for each converter configuration

    Peştera Coliboaia (Campani, Bihor) grotte ornée aurignacienne de Roumanie. État d‘avancement des études pluridisciplinaires (2009-2014)

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    International audienceThis synthetic paper is about the progress achieved in the studies begun in 2009 in that Aurignacian painted cave in Rumania.It particularly deals with the karstologia of the whole of the cave and of its painted gallery, with the paleontology of fossil bears,with a detailed inventory of the paintings in their archaeological context and with their 14C dating. Rumania thus possesses anew center for the diffusion of Aurignacian Palaeolithic art situated outside its classical areas in Western Europe.Cet article synthétique fait état de l‘avancement des études engagées depuis 2009 dans cette grotte ornée aurignacienne de Roumanie. Cela concerne en particulier la karstologie de l‘ensemble de la cavité et de la galerie ornée, la paléontologie des Ursidés fossiles, l‘inventaire détaillé des oeuvrespariétales dans leur contexte archéologique et leurs datations 14C. La Roumanie abrite donc un nouveau centre de diffusion de l‘artpaléolithique aurignacien situé à l‘écart des régions classiques d‘Europe occidentale