12,339 research outputs found

    Solution of Dynamic Optimization Problems Constrained by the Fraction Penalty Method

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    This article discusses the application of fractional penalty method to solve dynamic optimization problem with state constraints. The main theories supporting the use of the method are described in some theorem and corollary. The theorems give sufficient conditons for the application of the method. Therefore, if all conditions mentioned in the theorems are met then the resulted solution will converge to the analytic solution. In addition, there are some examples to support the theory. The numerical simulation shows that the accuracy of the method is quite good. Hence, this method can play a role as an alternative method for solving dynamic optimization problem with state constrints

    Tinjauan Kuat Tekan Dan Keruntuhan Balok Beton Bertulang Menggunakan Tras Jatiyoso Sebagai Pengganti Pasir

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    Beton mempunyai kuat tekan sangat tinggi, tetapi kuat tarik sangat rendah.maka kita beri dengan batang baja tulangan sehingga beton dapat menahan kuat tarik, Fungsi bahan pengganti yaitu sebagai bahan alternative atau untuk menghemat biaya Pemanfaatan Tras sebagai bahan tambah dalam campuran beton merupakan salah satu usaha untuk mengurangi pemakaian agregat halus guna mengurangi biaya karena tras dapat digunakan sebagai pengganti agregat halus.penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kuat tekan dan keruntuhan yang terjadi pada balok beton bertulang dengan Tras sebagai pengganti sebagian agregat halus dengan nilai fas 0,45 pada umur pengujian 28 hari, variasi pemakaian Tras : 0%, 20%, 40%, 60%, Benda uji berupa silinder beton diameter = 15 cm, h = 30 cm dan balok beton ukuran (10 x 15 x 100) cm3 dan tulangan diameter = 6 mm dan begel diameter = 4 mm Metode perancangan campuran adukan beton menggunakan metode American Concrete Institute, hasil pengujian kuat tekan silinder beton pada beton normal menghasilkan kuat tekan sebesar 25,394 MPa Penambahan tras rata-rata mengakibatkan kekuatan beton meningkat, peningkatan maksimal tercapai pada variasi penambahan tras 20% sebesar 26,172 MPa, dan setelah variasi tras 20% kekuatan beton cenderung mengalami penurunan Sehingga dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa kuat tekan maksimal beton terdapat pada variasi tras 20% atau mengalami peningkatan sebesar 3,05% dari beton normal, penambahan tras melebihi 20% terhadap pasir akan menyebabkan penurunan kuat tekan beton dari kuat tekan maksimal, dan hasil pengujian kuat lentur balok beton pada beton normal menghasilkan kuat lentur sebesar 4,687 kN Kekuatann maksimal tercapai pada variasi penambahan tras 20% sebesar 4,781 kN dan setelah variasi tras 20% kekuatan beton cenderung mengalami penurunan Sehingga dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa kuat lentur maksimal beton terdapat pada variasi tras 20% atau mengalami peningkatan sebesar 2,13% dari beton normal, momen lentur dari pengujian lebih besar disbanding momen lentur teoritis


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    Bidik misi merupakan program ditjen dikti yang dirancang untuk memutus rantai kemiskinandengan cara memberikan bantuan biaya pendidikan bagi mahasiswa miskin tapi berprestasi. Nilaibantuan relatif kecil, yaitu untuk uang kuliah tunggal ( UKT ) dan bantuan biaya hidup minimal, sehinggamahasiswa bidik misi harus mencari tambahan penghasilan guna mencukupi kebutuhan mereka. Menjadiwirausahawan adalah jalan keluar favorit. Sebagaimana mahasiswa pada umumnya, mahasiswa bidikmisi berkewajiban untuk memperoleh indek prestasi ( IPK ) yang tinggi . Sayangnya keterbatasan merekaserta aktiftas kewirausahaan mereka berpotensi menghambat upaya mencapai IPK tinggi.Riset ini menerapkan path analysis atau analisis jalur guna mengetahui dampak kondisiekonomi yang terbatas serta aktifitas kewirausahaan mereka terhadap prestasi akademis yang diraih.Responden penelitian sebanyak 60 orang diambil secara accidental random sampling dari mahasiswabidikmisi yang hadir mengikuti ekspo kewirausahaan di Institut Pertanian Bogor. Hasil analisismenunjukkan bahwa kondisi ekonomi memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap aktifitas kewirausahaan ,sedangkan kondisi ekonomi dan aktifitas kewirausahaan tidak memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadapprestasi akademis.Kata kunci : mahasiswa bidik misi, kondisi ekonomi, aktifitas kewirausahaan, prestasi akademis

    Advokasi terhadap Pelacuran Anak di Lokalisasi Dolly Surabaya

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    This article discusses about advocacy against child prostitution in Dolly-Surabaya. Child prostitution is an act that violates the fundamental rights of the children from any kind of exploitation activities. The people who cause prostitution are to be punished in accordance with the applied regulations. Advocacy on child prostitution in Dolly is where the act of prostitution is not getting any penalties or sanctions because the child only has an obligatory capability and not an act capability. The parties that led to the child victims of prostitution should be punished by the assumption that they have done fraud and coercion. Moreover, child prostitution is a form of human trafficking. The advocacy dedicated to child as the victim of prostitution is: first, litigation advocacy with the target of those children’s fundamental rights which have been violated by others can be restored; second, budgetary advocacy with the goal of keeping the budget managed by the government can be allocated appropriately to children who become the victim of prostitution; and third, policy advocacy with the aim of protecting the fundamental rights and improving the welfare of the children who become the victim of prostitution, both of morally and materially

    Kajian Capaian Program Mahasiswa Wirausaha

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    Student Entrepreneur Program ( PMW Program ) conducted since 2009 need to be evaluated it’s achievement so that the improvement can be arranged. The aspect evaluation is stressed on changed of attiude, paradigm, and committment of student in entrepreneur profession. The population of this research is student participated PMW program from all of politechnic , university, and high school arroud Indonesia. Respondent was elected by purposive random sampling i.e that assumed the best because of being delegation of their politechnic in KMI expo on 2016 that held by Brawijaya Unversity Malang.The data was collected by questionaire that designed for explore and identify the tendency student being serious and commit on entrepreneur profession. Data processing result that 99% respondent believe in prospective entrepreneur profession so that better to start business since study in campus ( 81% ) althought they faced dilemma of academic obligation ( 64% ). They still believed that the main factor of entrepreneur is money as capital ( 76% ) , however this statement was supported by the fact that 92% respondent confession that their participation on PMW program because of start up fund. The committment on entrepreneur become nonsense because majority of partipant would seek a job when finished their study and would start business if do not getting job yet


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    In the history of civilization, libraries are organizations that grow and develop organisms that are able to adapt to the times. A number of factors related to library development in the digital ecosystem are the issue of the industrial revolution of era 4.0 marked by the Internet of think, artificial intelligence, big data, and the community of era 5.0 based on the era of humanity-based society. The transformation of libraries in the new era has shifted the role of digital libraries in developing digital libraries in socially inclusive digital ecosystems. In a digital ecosystem, a digital library has various advantages that will support the tasks of digital library professionals including the ability to provide information, organize, store, manage information, and disseminate information while preserving information. However, the demands of the era should not affect the management of the digital library itself. Then in universally, all types of digital libraries carry functions as an educational center, repository center, research center, information center, and cultural center. Then each type of digital library has social inclusion to perform the five functions. The role of digital libraries in developing social inclusion with a multicultural perspective in Indonesia, can play the following roles: (a) understanding cultural diversity in digital libraries; (b) appreciates the collection of digital libraries to meet the diverse information needs of users; (c) develop human resources professionally; (d) interact with information technology fluently; and (e) building critical awareness of the regulation of digital library access policies


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    The resurrection people of prophet Muhammad Saw is a God mercy to all nature. Therefore, the treatiseis considered as a resurrection to humanity. With the treatise of humanity, people rose from ignoranceto a civilized life


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    Marketing services is very important for a service company in order to market a product company into the market in accordance with the target so that the product is known in the community and consumed by the community. Therefore, this study aims to examine various factors that can influence the decisions of customer service users of PT JNE Mojokerto City. Object in this research is 100 customer, using multiple linear regression technique proved that hypothesis which sounded suspected product, price and service quality influence on customer service user decision acceptable by using F count equal to 3,213. From the calculation of the above three variables turns out that product variables have the strongest influence (dominant) supported with the result r = 0.224 then the service quality variable r = 0.199 and then the variable Price r = -0,033. Through this research, the suggestion that can be submitted is PT JNE Kota Mojokerto need to give big portion of attention related to imaging product image and no less important for price sector and service quality need to be considered
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