40 research outputs found

    ACTIVE HOUSE PROTOCOL APPLICATION IN MEDITERRANEAN CLIMATE : an energy-efficient kindergarden in Coppito

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    La U.E. intende raggiungere la neutralità climatica entro il 2050. Questo articolo mira a colmare il divario nella scelta di soluzioni migliorative delle condizioni di vita negli assetti territoriali (SDG n.11) per il raggiungimento delle prestazioni energetiche attese (SDG n.7) e diffondere l’adozione di nuovi approcci e misure per la progettazione sostenibile (SDG n.13). Tali obiettivi sono stati conseguiti mediante l’applicazione di un processo di reverse engineering all’asilo Ape Tau, L’Aquila, località Coppito, dopo il sisma del 2009. Le soluzioni progettuali impiegate nell’edificio sono state analizzate secondo livelli quantitativi suggeriti dall’approccio olistico del protocollo Active House, che fornisce la metodologia per verificare le prestazioni dell’edificio secondo criteri di comfort, energia e ambiente. I risultati evidenziano elevate prestazioni dell’edificio costruito con tecnologia stratificata a secco e l’efficacia del metodo basato su analisi process- oriented a utente, ambiente e territorio. L’articolo propone un paradigma innovativo per la riqualificazione degli edifici, replicabile in numerosi contesti e differenti condizioni climaticheThe E.U. aims to achieve climate neutrality by 2050. This article aims to fill the gap in the selection of solutions to improve living conditions in territorial assets (SDG n.11) to achieve the expected energy performance (SDG n.7) and disseminate the adoption of new approaches and measures for sustainable design (SDG n.13). These objectives were met through the application of a reverse engineering process to the Ape Tau kindergarten in L'Aquila, Coppito area, after the 2009 earthquake. The building's design solutions were investigated according to quantitative levels suggested by the holistic approach of the Active House protocol, which provides the methodology to verify the building's performance according to comfort, energy and environmental criteria. The results highlight the high performance of the building constructed with multilayer dry technology and the method's effectiveness based on process-oriented analysis to user, environment and territory. The article proposes an innovative paradigm for building requalification replicable in numerous contexts and different climatic conditions

    Lightweight extensive green roof for building renovation: Summer performance analysis and application in a living laboratory

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    Extensive green roofs are considered an effective energy conservation measure for increasing buildings’ energy efficiency and reducing the heat wave effect in dense build environments. In this context the present work has a two-fold objective: the first is to test and analyse a commercial extensive lightweight green roof sample through an experimental monitoring campaign carried out in a hot climate during the summer time; the second is to provide a practical case study application showing the architectural integration of the extensive green roof technology for existing buildings. The experimental monitoring campaign has been set for analyzing the temperature levels of an extensive green roof compared with a traditional horizontal roof finished with cement tile. The temperature levels have been analysed through a set of sensors positioned at different levels to characterise the green roof response to the climatic forces during summer. The results show that the air temperature in proximity to the green surface (15 cm above the greenery) is warmer than the undisturbed ambient air temperature during the day and lower during the night by 2–2.5 °C. The soil substrate and the vegetative layer contribute to increase ambient air humidity levels. As expected, the evapotranspiration of the green layer increases during a typical sunny day resulting in more water content in the air above the vegetative level of about 4–8 %. The surface temperature of the ground below the vegetation layer and the temperature of the ground layer (8 cm deep) shows beneficial attenuation and time shift properties with respectively 12–15 °C and 3–4 h. Compared to the traditional cement tiles the green roof shows lower intralayer temperature with differences ranging from 6 to 8 °C. Moreover, the renovation case study represents a practical example of green roof technology integration in a real environment. The study has high replicability, and it is meant to be an interesting example for researchers and professionals to boost the green roof technology application for higher-quality built environments. Keywords: Extensive green roof; Hygrothermal performance; Monitoring; Multi-layer dry construction; Mitigation Strategies; Building renovatio


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    The E.U. aims to achieve climate neutrality by 2050. This article aims to fill the gap in the selection of solutions to improve living conditions in territorial assets (SDG n.11) to achieve the expected energy performance (SDG n.7) and disseminate the adoption of new approaches and measures for sustainable design (SDG n.13). These objectives were met through the application of a reverse engineering process to the Ape Tau kindergarten in L'Aquila, Coppito area, after the 2009 earthquake. The building's design solutions were investigated according to quantitative levels suggested by the holistic approach of the Active House protocol, which provides the methodology to verify the building's performance according to comfort, energy and environmental criteria. The results highlight the high performance of the building constructed with multilayer dry technology and the method's effectiveness based on process-oriented analysis to user, environment and territory. The article proposes an innovative paradigm for building requalification replicable in numerous contexts and different climatic conditions

    Implementation of a multifunctional Plug-and-Play façade using a set-based design approach

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    An immediate paradigm shift is needed to transform the deep renovation market for improved building performance and expanded energy efficiency horizons. The financial, social, and sustainability challenges of the EU targets suggest research towards reliable, inter-compatible, and interoperable solutions aiming at combining different energy conservation measures. This work proposes the implementation of a lightweight Plug-and-Play (PnP) building system for façade renovation using a set-based design approach. The PnP module, based on a main structure in the form of a Light Steel Frame (LSF) and a metal-faced sandwich panel, is combined with various market-ready components. The efficient integration of these third-party products is highlighted by defining and demonstrating the design process, implementing a solution driven by the reach of a highly industrialised solution, easy to assemble and install, customizable, scalable, and adaptable to the existing buildings. With the set-based design matrix, different integration scenarios are investigated through virtual prototypes. Moreover, to facilitate the shift from design to construction of the integrated PnP module, the study proposes three prototyping levels to demonstrate the efficiency of the design integration methodology and the technical feasibility of both the various module's configurations and the overall module, exploring them through the realisation of preliminary, full-scale façade and actual environment-applied prototypes

    Leveraging Artificial Intelligence to Fight (Cyber)Bullying for Human Well-being: The BullyBuster Project

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    Bullying and cyberbullying are phenomena which, due to their growing diffusion, have become a real social emergency. In this context, artificial intelligence can be a powerful weapon to identify episodes of violence and fight bullying both in the virtual and in the real world. Through machine learning, it is possible to detect the language patterns used by bullies and their victims and develop rules to detect cyberbullying content automatically. The BullyBuster project merges the know-how of four interdisciplinary research groups to develop a framework useful for maintaining psycho-physical well-being in educational contexts

    Hepatocellular carcinoma in chronic HBV-HCV co-infection is correlated to fibrosis and disease duration

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    Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a development of severe liver disease frequently due to HBV and/or HCV infection. The aim of this retrospective study was to evaluate the development of HCC in patients with HBV-HCV chronic infection compared with patients with single HBV or HCV infection and the viral and host factors correlated to HCC in co-infected patients. We studied 268 patients with histology proven chronic hepatitis: 56 had HBV-HCV co-infection (HBV-HCV group), 46 had HBV infection (HBV group) and 166 had HCV infection (HCV group). Patients were followed up for at least 3 years. Viral and host factors were studied. HCC was more frequent in HBV-HCV group (14%) compared with HBV (2%, p = 0.006) and HCV monoinfected (4%, p = 0.006). The Mantel-Haenszel test used to investigate the relationship between HBV-HCV co-infection and development of HCC indicated an association between development of HCC and HBV-HCV co-infection (p < 0.001). In the HBV-HCV group, patients with HCC were significantly older (p = 0.000), had longer disease duration (p = 0.001), higher blood glucose levels (p = 0.001), lower levels of steatosis (p = 0.02), higher levels of fibrosis (p = 0.000), higher HCV RNA (p = 0.01) than those without HCC. ALT, lipid profile, PNPLA3 variant distribution and HBV viral load did not differ among co-infected patients with or without HCC. In conclusion HCC was more frequent in our patients with HBV-HCV co-infection, than in those with HBV or HCV mono-infection; possible associated risk factors for HCC development seem a long duration of disease, high levels of fibrosis and carbohydrate intolerance

    Efficacy and long-term follow-up of positional therapy by vibrotactile neck-based device in the management of positional OSA

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    Study Objectives: Different therapeutic strategies have been investigated for the treatment of positional obstructive sleep apnea, but more evidence is needed about efficacy and compliance. The objective of this study was to describe the efficacy of vibrotactile neck-based treatment in patients with positional obstructive sleep apnea with different degrees of obstructive sleep apnea severity who were followed for 6 months.Methods: This is a retrospective study including 162 patients with positional obstructive sleep apnea undergoing vibrotactile neck-based positional therapy. We compared polysomnographic data obtained at baseline and during positional therapy after 1 month. We performed a subgroup analysis based on obstructive sleep apnea severity. Furthermore, we analyzed follow-up data in 84/162 (51.8%) patients with particular focus on discontinuation and complications related to the device.Results: We observed a significant difference between mean baseline obstructive apnea-hypopnea index (OAHI; 21.9 +/- 9.9 events/h) and during positional therapy (12 +/- 9.2 events/h; P&lt; .01). Moreover, 87/162 (54.9%) patients showed a reduced baseline OAHI of at least 50% and 38/162 (23.4%) achieved complete disease control (OAHI &lt; 5 events/h). At subgroup analysis, at least 50% reduction from baseline OAHI was observed in 56.8% of patients with mild, 55% with moderate, and 47.4% with severe OAHI, whereas complete control of disease was achieved in 50% of patients with mild, 22.5% with moderate, and 7.9% with severe OAHI. At a 6-month follow-up, only 35/84 patients (41.6%) were regularly using the device, with a mean of 5.9 +/- 1.2 days per week. Conclusions: Our results on the efficacy and long-term adherence to vibrotactile neck-based positional therapy showed that positional therapy can be an efficient first-line treatment option for mild positional obstructive sleep apnea and in selected cases of moderate disease. Long-term compliance is limited because of complications and low satisfaction in some patients.Conclusions: Our results on the efficacy and long-term adherence to vibrotactile neck-based positional therapy showed that positional therapy can be an efficient first-line treatment option for mild positional obstructive sleep apnea and in selected cases of moderate disease. Long-term compliance is limited because of complications and low satisfaction in some patients

    Spectrum of sleep‐disordered breathing and quality of sleep in adolescent and adult patients with spinal muscular atrophy

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    Sleep-disordered breathing is common among children with spinal muscular atrophy, but has been hardly studied among adult subjects. Little is known about sleep quality in spinal muscular atrophy. The aims of this study were to evaluate occurrence and characteristics of sleep-disordered breathing and subjective sleep quality among adolescent and adult patients with spinal muscular atrophy type 2 or 3. Twenty patients aged 33.9 +/- 15.2 years were studied. They underwent nocturnal cardiorespiratory monitoring, lung and muscular function evaluation, and were administered the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index questionnaire. Nineteen patients showed sleep-disordered breathing, with obstructive events in seven subjects and non-obstructive events in the remaining 12. In the latter group, 10 patients showed pseudo-obstructive hypopneas. Patients with non-obstructive sleep-disordered breathing were younger (p = 0.042), had a lower body mass index (p = 0.0001), were more often affected by spinal muscular atrophy type 2 (p = 0.001), and showed worse impairment of respiratory function than patients with obstructive sleep-disordered breathing. Ten patients were classified as poor sleepers and 10 patients good sleepers. In the whole sample, sniff nasal inspiratory pressure proved to be the only independent predictor of sleep quality (p = 0.009). In conclusion, sleep-disordered breathing is common even among adult patients with spinal muscular atrophy type 2 and 3, and may show either obstructive or different types on non-obstructive features. A worse respiratory muscle function is associated to non-obstructive sleep-disordered breathing and poorer sleep quality. Sleep quality should receive greater attention especially in patients with spinal muscular atrophy type 2, who have a poorer respiratory muscle function, as it could affect their quality of life