16 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Pemberian Ekstrak Metanol Herba Bandotan (Ageratum conyzoides L) Terhadap Gambaran Histologi Hati Mencit (Mus musculus)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Pengaruh Ekstrak Metanol Herba Bandotan (Ageratum conyzoides L) Terhadap Gambaran Histologi Hati Mencit (Mus musculus).Desain penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimental Laboratorium.Mencit yang digunakan sebanyak 12 ekor, di bagi menjadi 4 kelompok.Tiap kelompok terdiri dari 3 mencit. Tiga kelompok diberi suspense Ekstrak Metanol Daun Bandotan dengan dosis 12 mg/gBB, 24 mg/gBB, 48 mg/gBB, dan satu kelompok sebagai control diberi suspensi Na-CMC 1% b/v. Pemberian ekstrak bandotan dilakukan selama 14 hari dan hari 15 dilakukan pembedahan hewan uji mencit lalu di lihat hasil preparatnya. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian Pengaruh Ekstrak Metanol Herba Bandotan (Ageratum conyzoides L) Terhadap Gambaran Histologi Hati Mencit (Mus musculus) dapat simpulkan bahwa Ekstrak Metanol Herba Bandotan (Ageratum conyzoides L) kelompok perlakuan dengan dosis 12 mg/gBB dan 24 mg/gBB dan 48 mg/gBB menunjukkan adanya Nekrosis, Degenerasi lemak, dan Radang Sedangkan pada kontrol negatif (-) pada pemberian NaCMC mengalami kerusakan degenerasi lemak pada organ hati


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    Abstrak: Desa Telaga Langsat, Kecamatan Takisung kaya akan potensi hasil laut, salah satunya adalah udang. Kulit udang yang umumnya dianggap sebagai limbah, diketahui mengandung protein yang tinggi sehingga cocok digunakan sebagai bahan pada olahan makanan. Daerah ini juga banyak ditumbuhi tanaman kelor (Moringa oleifera). Beberapa penelitian menunjukkan bahwa daun kelor sangat kaya akan nutrisi, diantaranya kalsium, besi, protein, vitamin A, B dan C serta memiliki zat antioksidan. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi mengenai potensi limbah kulit udang dan daun kelor, serta memberikan pelatihan pembuatan nugget kaya nutrisi. Metode yang digunakan yaitu pemberian penyuluhan serta pelatihan pembuatan nugget berbahan kulit udang dan daun kelor. Kegiatan ini diikuti oleh 29 orang peserta yang terdiri dari kader PKK dan warga setempat. Terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan peserta sebesar 34,81% dari hasil pre dan post-test.Abstract: Telaga Langsat Village have a big potential in marine products and one of them is shrimp. Shrimp shells that generally considered as a food waste, is known as a high-protein ingredient so it is suitable to be used as food additive. Moringa plants (Moringa oleifera) can also easily found there. Several studies have shown that Moringa leaves contains a variety of nutrients as calcium, iron, protein, vitamin A, B and C and also some antioxidants. This program aims to provide knowledge about the potential of shrimp shell and moringa leaf as food additives, as well as provide direct training in making nuggets. The methods used in this program are providing a course and training in making nuggets with shrimp shells and Moringa leaves as additives. This program was attended by 27 participants consisting of PKK cadres and local residents. There was an increase in participants's knowledge by 34.81% from the pre and post test results

    Rancang Bangun Prototipe Mesin Cuci Mobil Otomatis Berbasis Arduino

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    Abstract In this research, author design a prototype of Arduino based automatic car washer. Car is one of transportation is very important thing for the car, such as car washing. By car washing, paint and the body will always be in good condition, and the corrossion can be prevented. Today, many people don’t have enough time to do that by themselves, so they will pay another people to do feel their nedd. Beside that about car wash need fast, efficient, and good quality service, but affordable price. The objective of this reserch is to design an automatic car wash prototype to faster the process but still in good quality wash. The design use conveyor that equipped by several infrared sensors and barrier to detect object. The mschine is controlled by Arduino and power by 12 Volt DC source.The first experiments with the data PWM 80 conveyor moves very slowly and slip on the wheels connected to the motor, to experiment with the data PWM 2 180, koveyor began to stabilize and does not slip as in the first experiment. Experiment to 5 with PWM data is 240, the conveyor moves faster than the first trial until the fifth trial. Last experiment with maximum PWM data is 255, the fastest conveyor speeds of various experiments conducted, thus making the car washing process into short. Keywords: Arduino, Infrared Sensors, Conveyo


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    Introduction: Farmers are a group of workers that uses pesticide evenly. The exposure of pesticide that contains cadmium (Cd) inside it in a long period of time will affect cognitive function. This research is aimed for knowing the effect of cadmium exposure on pesticide for cognitive function to the farmers at Cangar Village, Bulukerto, Bumiaji, Batu City.Method: This research uses observational analytical descriptive method with cross sectional design. it uses 47 human respondents with purposive sampling technique for sample choosing. The respondent is a male farmer that actively uses pesticide for spraying the plant. The data collection uses The Prospective Investigation of Pesticide Applicator’ Healt (PIPAH), Minimental State Examination (MMSE), and Montreal Cognitive Assessment Indonesian Version (MoCa INA) questionnaire.Result : The exposure variable gives negative effect and significant for MMSE variable with liniar regressive test significance is less than α (0.000<0.050). The determinant coefisien number is 0.0551 which shows that the exposure variable gives the negative effect and significant for MoCa-Ina variable with liniar regressive test significance is α (0.001<0.050). The determinant coefisien number is 0.212 which shows that the exposure variable gives effect for 21.2 % to MoCa-Ina variable Conclusion: The cadmium exposure in pesticide gives impact for kognitive function.Keywords: Cadmium, Pesticides, Cognitive fungtion, MMSE, MoCa-Ina, Farmer

    ANTIKOLESTEROL PADA AYAM BOILER (Gallus domesticus) DARI BUNGA TELANG (Clitoria ternatea L) MELALUI METODE BIOTEKNOLOGI FERMENTASI KOMBUCHA: Anticolesterol In Boiler Chicken (Gallus Domesticus) From Telang Flower (Clitoria Ternatea L) Through Kombucha Fermentation Biotechnology Method

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    Animal protein consumed in high amounts is one of the triggers for an increase in cholesterol levels. Cholesterol levels that tend to increase ideally can cause strokes, heart attacks, and death both at a young and old age. Telang flower produced through the biotechnology method of kombucha fermentation contains secondary metabolites both from alkaloids, flavonoids, and saponins as anticholesterol compounds. A broiler is one of the animal foods that have cholesterol. The purpose of this study was to produce broilers with low cholesterol. This study used 20 broilers at the age of 3 months and was treated with kombucha flower telang with different sugar concentrations. The design of this study was to use RAL (Completely Randomized Design) with 5 repetitions. The treatment consisted of T0 which is drinking water without a fermented kombucha solution of telang flower. T1 is drinking water which is added with a solution of 20% telang flower kombucha fermentation. T2 is drinking water that is added with a 30% telang flower kombucha fermentation solution. T3 is drinking water that is added to 40% telang flower kombucha fermentation solution. Cholesterol levels, body weight, and drinking water are the three test parameters carried out in this study. This study concludes that the concentration of white sugar by 40% in kombucha flower telang is the best substrate concentration lowering cholesterol levels in broilers


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    Objective: SARS-CoV-2 is a type of coronavirus that causes COVID-19 disease. Currently, the right and effective drug for the treatment of COVID-19 has not been found. Artocarpin in the breadfruit plant (Artocarpus altilis), which was tested, has been shown to have antiviral activity. However, artocarpin has a hydroxyl group that can undergo oxidation within a certain time, thereby reducing the stability of the compound and non-specific antiviral activity. Methods: In this study, the structural modification of artocarpin was carried out to obtain compounds with anticoronavirus activity with good physicochemical properties. This research was conducted in silico, including molecular docking simulation, bioavailability prediction, and preADMET. Results: The top 20 modified compounds were selected from each target's top 3 compounds, which had better bond energies compared to the positive control. These 3 compounds have the potential to inhibit ACE2 and Mpro receptors and 1 compound are better at inhibiting both. Conclusion: From the results of the research conducted, we conclude that the 3 best compounds can be potential candidates that can be developed as COVID-19 therapy

    Understanding the Impacts of Lockdown during COVID-19 Pandemic on Financial Threat and Psychological Response among Sarawak Adults

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    The Malaysian government announced the lockdown measures following the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak in mid-March 2020. This action unavoidably led to economic instability and negative psychological effects. The present study examines perceived financial threats and psychological impacts on Sarawak adults during lockdown for the COVID-19 pandemic. Data from 336 respondents were collected from all divisions in Sarawak using an online self-reported questionnaire that included sociodemographic, the Financial Threat Scale (FTS), and the Depression, Anxiety, Stress Scales 21 (DASS-21). Results showed that perceived financial threat was associated with the employment sector, the number of children, and the change in income during the lockdown period. Almost half (47.9%) of the respondents perceived moderate-to-severe financial threat, particularly self-employed persons and those who had reduced income during the lockdown. Negative psychological effects were found to be associated with the employment sector, marital status, number of children, and number of liabilities. In general, people who perceived severe financial threats were significantly associated with severe levels of depression, anxiety, and stress. The study provided some insights into the urgent need to build on strategic plans to mitigate the economic and psychological crisis for the affected communities