982 research outputs found


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     Effects of different deficit irrigation strategies on vine water status, canopy and cluster temperatures, fruit total phenolics, and the color of white table grapes (Vitis vinifera L., cv. Muscat of Alexandria) were compared to a well-irrigated control in 2004 from veraison to harvest at the Okayama University Experimental Vineyard, Japan. The treatments included: (1) well-irrigated control: re-irrigation when the soil moisture tension reached 15 kPa; (2) regulated deficit irrigation (RDI): re-irrigation 4 to 7 days after reaching a soil moisture tension of 15 kPa; (3) fixed partial root-zone wetting (FPRW): one part of the root system was re-irrigated when the soil moisture tension reached 15 kPa; and (4) alternate partial root-zone wetting (APRW): one part of the root system was re-irrigated when the soil moisture tension reached 15 kPa, and every week the irrigated part was switched. As the stress developed in RDI vines, leaf water potential and transpiration rate decreased and canopy and cluster temperatures increased as compared with the control. In contrast, both FPRW and APRW vines had similar leaf water potential and canopy and cluster temperatures, but less leaf transpiration rate as compared with the control. At harvest, fruits from all treatments had higher skin total phenolics and CIELAB a* values than the control. RDI fruit had higher total soluble solids (TSS), a similar acidity, and smaller size compared with the control. FPRW and APRW fruits had slightly higher TSS, lower acidity, and a similar size compared with the control.ベレゾーン期から収穫期までの潅水制限処理が‘マスカット・オブ・アレキサンドリア’ブドウ(Vitis vinifera L。)の水分条件,葉温,果実温,果実の全フェノール,果皮色に及ぼす影響を,十分に潅水した樹と比較した.実験は2004年に岡山大学農学部内の実験圃場で行った.処理区は,1) 土壌水分張力が15kPa に達したときに潅水する対照区,2) 土壌水分張力が15kPa に達してから4~7日後に潅水する制限潅水区,3) 土壌水分張力が15kPa に達したときに根域の半分に潅水する片側潅水区,4) 片側潅水する根域部分を1週間ごとに変更する交互潅水区とした.制限潅水区では水分ストレスが強まるにつれて葉の水ポテンシャルと蒸散速度が対照区よりも低下し,果実温が高くなった.しかし,片側潅水区と交互潅水区では,葉の水ポテンシャルと葉温,果実温は対照区と同程度で,蒸散速度が低下した.収穫期の果皮の全フェノールと CIELAB a* 値は,潅水を制限した各区では標準区より高かった.制限潅水区の果実は,標準区より糖度が高く,酸度は低く,果粒は小さかった.片側潅水区,交互潅水区では糖度がやや高く,酸度は低く,果粒の大きさは同程度であった

    NATCracker: NAT Combinations Matter

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    In this paper, we report our experience in working with Network Address Translators (NATs). Traditionally, there were only 4 types of NATs. For each type, the (im)possibility of traversal is well-known. Recently, the NAT community has provided a deeper dissection of NAT behaviors resulting into at least 27 types and documented the (im)possibility of traversal for some types. There are, however, two fundamental issues that were not previously tackled by the community. First, given the more elaborate set of behaviors, it is incorrect to reason about traversing a single NAT, instead combinations must be considered and we have not found any study that comprehensively states, for every possible combination, whether direct connectivity with no relay is feasible. Such a statement is the first outcome of the paper. Second, there is a serious need for some kind of formalism to reason about NATs which is a second outcome of this paper. The results were obtained using our own scheme which is an augmentation of currently-known traversal methods. The scheme is validated by reasoning using our formalism, simulation and implementation in a real P2P network

    Physics-inspired Performace Evaluation of a Structured Peer-to-Peer Overlay Network

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    In the majority of structured peer-to-peer overlay networks a graph with a desirable topology is constructed. In most cases, the graph is maintained by a periodic activity performed by each node in the graph to preserve the desirable structure in face of the continuous change of the set of nodes. The interaction of the autonomous periodic activities of the nodes renders the performance analysis of such systems complex and simulation of scales of interest can be prohibitive. Physicists, however, are accustomed to dealing with scale by characterizing a system using intensive variables, i.e. variables that are size independent. The approach has proved its usefulness when applied to satisfiability theory. This work is the first attempt to apply it in the area of distributed systems. The contribution of this paper is two-fold. First, we describe a methodology to be used for analyzing the performance of large scale distributed systems. Second, we show how we applied the methodology to find an intensive variable that describe the characteristic behavior of the Chord overlay network, namely, the ratio of the magnitude of perturbation of the network (joins/failures) to the magnitude of periodic stabilization of the network

    Australia – 2019

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    Designs and Analyses in Structured Peer-To-Peer Systems

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    Peer-to-Peer (P2P) computing is a recent hot topic in the areas of networking and distributed systems. Work on P2P computing was triggered by a number of ad-hoc systems that made the concept popular. Later, academic research efforts started to investigate P2P computing issues based on scientific principles. Some of that research produced a number of structured P2P systems that were collectively referred to by the term "Distributed Hash Tables" (DHTs). However, the research occurred in a diversified way leading to the appearance of similar concepts yet lacking a common perspective and not heavily analyzed. In this thesis we present a number of papers representing our research results in the area of structured P2P systems grouped as two sets labeled respectively "Designs" and "Analyses". The contribution of the first set of papers is as follows. First, we present the princi- ple of distributed k-ary search and argue that it serves as a framework for most of the recent P2P systems known as DHTs. That is, given this framework, understanding existing DHT systems is done simply by seeing how they are instances of that frame- work. We argue that by perceiving systems as instances of that framework, one can optimize some of them. We illustrate that by applying the framework to the Chord system, one of the most established DHT systems. Second, we show how the frame- work helps in the design of P2P algorithms by two examples: (a) The DKS(n; k; f) system which is a system designed from the beginning on the principles of distributed k-ary search. (b) Two broadcast algorithms that take advantage of the distributed k-ary search tree. The contribution of the second set of papers is as follows. We account for two approaches that we used to evaluate the performance of a particular class of DHTs, namely the one adopting periodic stabilization for topology maintenance. The first approach was of an intrinsic empirical nature. In this approach, we tried to perceive a DHT as a physical system and account for its properties in a size-independent manner. The second approach was of a more analytical nature. In this approach, we applied the technique of Master Equations, which is a widely used technique in the analysis of natural systems. The application of the technique lead to a highly accurate description of the behavior of structured overlays. Additionally, the thesis contains a primer on structured P2P systems that tries to capture the main ideas prevailing in the field

    Mesmerizer: A Effective Tool for a Complete Peer-to-Peer Software Development Life-cycle

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    In this paper we present what are, in our experience, the best practices in Peer-To-Peer(P2P) application development and how we combined them in a middleware platform called Mesmerizer. We explain how simulation is an integral part of the development process and not just an assessment tool. We then present our component-based event-driven framework for P2P application development, which can be used to execute multiple instances of the same application in a strictly controlled manner over an emulated network layer for simulation/testing, or a single application in a concurrent environment for deployment purpose. We highlight modeling aspects that are of critical importance for designing and testing P2P applications, e.g. the emulation of Network Address Translation and bandwidth dynamics. We show how our simulator scales when emulating low-level bandwidth characteristics of thousands of concurrent peers while preserving a good degree of accuracy compared to a packet-level simulator

    A GPU-enabled solver for time-constrained linear sum assignment problems

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    This paper deals with solving large instances of the Linear Sum Assignment Problems (LSAPs) under realtime constraints, using Graphical Processing Units (GPUs). The motivating scenario is an industrial application for P2P live streaming that is moderated by a central tracker that is periodically solving LSAP instances to optimize the connectivity of thousands of peers. However, our findings are generic enough to be applied in other contexts. Our main contribution is a parallel version of a heuristic algorithm called Deep Greedy Switching (DGS) on GPUs using the CUDA programming language. DGS sacrifices absolute optimality in favor of a substantial speedup in comparison to classical LSAP solvers like the Hungarian and auctioning methods. We show the modifications needed to parallelize the DGS algorithm and the performance gains of our approach compared to a sequential CPU-based implementation of DGS and a mixed CPU/GPU-based implementation of it

    Comparing Maintenance Strategies for Overlays

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    In this paper, we present an analytical tool for understanding the performance of structured overlay networks under churn based on the master-equation approach of physics. We motivate and derive an equation for the average number of hops taken by lookups during churn, for the Chord network. We analyse this equation in detail to understand the behaviour with and without churn. We then use this understanding to predict how lookups will scale for varying peer population as well as varying the sizes of the routing tables. We then consider a change in the maintenance algorithm of the overlay, from periodic stabilisation to a reactive one which corrects fingers only when a change is detected. We generalise our earlier analysis to underdstand how the reactive strategy compares with the periodic one.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    An Analytical Study of a Structured Overlay in the presence of Dynamic Membership

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    In this paper, we present a complete analytical study of dynamic membership (aka churn) in structured peer-to-peer networks. We use a master-equation-based approach, which is used traditionally in non-equilibrium statistical mechanics to describe steady-state or transient phenomena. We demonstrate that this methodology is in fact also well suited to describing structured overlay networks by an application to the Chord system. For any rate of churn and stabilization rates, and any system size, we accurately account for the functional form of: the distribution of inter-node distances, the probability of network disconnection, the fraction of failed or incorrect successor and finger pointers and show how we can use these quantities to predict both the performance and consistency of lookups under churn. Additionally, we also discuss how churn may actually be of different 'types' and the implications this will have for structured overlays in general. All theoretical predictions match simulation results to a high extent. The analysis includes details that are applicable to a generic structured overlay deploying a ring as well as Chord-specific details that can act as guidelines for analyzing other systems