3,039 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Pengawasan terhadap Kinerja Pegawai pada Bidang Pendidikan Madrasah di Kantor Kementerian Agama Provinsi Jawa Barat

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    Peraturan Menteri Agama Republik Indonesia Nomor 13 Tahun 2012 tentang Organisasi dan Tata kerja instansi vertikal Kementrian Agama dalam Bab 1 Pasal 4 salah satunya mempunyai fungsi Pengkoordinasian perencanaan, pengendalian, pengawasan, dan evaluasi program kerja. Akan tetapi pada kenyataannya Ketua Bidang Pendidikan Madrasah belum maksimal dalam melaksanakan pengawasan karena seringkali dinas keluar. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui besaran pengaruh pengawasan langsung dan tidak langsung terhadap peningkatan kinerja pegawai pada Bidang Pendidikan Madrasah di Kantor Kementerian Agama provinsi jawa Barat Untuk pengawasan, peneliti menggunakan teori dari Sondang P. Siagian (2014:15) “Pengawasan adalah memantau segala aktivitas pekerjaan karyawan untuk menjaga perusahaan agar berjalan kearah pencapaian tujuan dan membuat koreksi jika di perlukan”. Sedangkan “kinerja atau prestasi kerja adalah suatu hasil kerja yang dicapai oleh seseorang dalam melaksanakan tugas-tugas yang dibebankan”. Jhon miner dalam buku Sudarmanto (2009:11-12). Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode assosiatif atau hubungan fungsional dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Alasan penggunaan metode ini dikarenakan permasalahan yang diteliti merupakan pengaruh yang ditimbulkan oleh salah satu variabel terhadap variabel lain yang dianalisis secara terstruktur, faktual dan akurat mengenai fakta-fakta dan dokumen-dokumen. Teknik pengambilan sampel yaitu dengan menggunakan sampel jenuh dari 30 populasi diambil 29 orang, teknik pengumpulan dan anlisis datanya dengan angket kuesioner dan studi pustaka. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan maka didapatkan hasil bahwa dengan realitas kriteria penilaian pengawasan mempunyai rata-rata penilaian sebesar 87,45 artinya penilaian pengawasan sangat baik dan realitas kriteria penilaian kinerja mempunyai rata-rata penilaian sebesar 85,81 artinya penilaian kinerja sangat baik. Besaran pengaruh antara pengawasan terhadap kinerja pegawai yaitu fhitung sebesar 5.195 nilai fhitung > ftabel (5.195>3.521) yang lebih besar dari nilai ftabel, dengan demikian Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima, artinya secara bersama-sama (simultan) ada pengaruh signifikan antara pengawasan terhadap kinerja pegawai pada Bidang Pendidikan Madrasah di Kantor Kementerian Agama provinsi jawa Barat


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    Consumer is an important aspect in a company. So, a company will effort to make a loyal consumer to their product. To make a loyal consumer is not easy because consumers come from a different culture. Cultural learning is a very important to understanding the variety of consumer. The variety can be united in a community, that is brand community. Brand community could be a competitive advantage because consumer not just consume the product with a specific brand, but they will get much experiences from many activities in the community

    Toward the best model of strategy implementation in Indonesian Islamic banking from the lens of strategic clarity

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    This papers aims to identify the strategy implementation success in the Indonesia Islamic banking, from the strategic clarity approach namely align with vision, priority of strategy, scope of strategy. Data has collected from middle managers of Indonesian Islamic banks via survey questionnaire developed from related literature. The data collected were then analyzed using structural equation modeling via Smart PLS. Research have found that strategic clarity in term of align with vision, priority of strategy and scope of strategy have positive significant impact on strategy implementation success in Indonesian Islamic banking. The implications of these findings are further elaborated.peer-reviewe


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    The existence of immigrant students causing cultural contact can not be avoided between groups of immigrant students with local students and surrounding communities. This study focuses on the reality of intercultural communication between immigrant students and local students in a campus environment at Communication Studies departement University of Langlangbuana Bandung. This study examines the mechanisms of interaction of immigrant students and local as well as the extent of their knowledge in carrying out social interaction within the community of Sunda, especially in the social environment of the campus, as well as obstacles that constraint. Using qualitative research methods through a phenomenological perspective. Technique data analysis was done descriptively by collecting data through interviews, observation through participation, and documentation. The information obtained from informants not only alone but also of the events and situations that are observed in this study. Interactions mechanism authors have described, divided into two or pattern of intra and inter-ethnic context. Their perception of Bandung and campus UNLA started slowly but surely changes in accordance with the interaction they are doing. Based on the results of the study authors make a typology of immigrant students are Egalitarian, Moderate, and Conservative. Barriers that occur can be derived from internal and external factors students themselves


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    Berdirinya suatu negara tentu memiliki tujuan-tujuan tertentu, diantara tujuan utama dalam pendirian suatu negara adalah memberikan kesejahteraan dan kemakmuran bagi masyarakat. Kesejahteraan dan kemakmuran bukan hanya dapat dicapai dari hal-hal yang bersifat materi saja seperti penghasilan yang tinggi, namun kesejahteraan bagi masyarakat diberikan melalui pemberian lingkungan hidup yang sehat. Keberadaan lingkungan hidup yang sehat dapat diraih dengan menerapkan konsep tata ruang yang baik dan benar sehingga ekosistem alam dapat berjalan secara seimbang. Kerusakan ekosistem alam tidak hanya dapat terjadi dikarenakan adanya ulah-ulah tangan manusia namun dapat juga terjadi dikarenakan kesalahan atau kekeliruan dalam mengambil kebijakan oleh Pemerintag yang berwenang. Salah satu contoh kerusakan ekosistem yang diakibatkan oleh kesalahan pengambilan kebijakan adalah dengan adanya fenomena alih fungsi lahan di kawasan Bandung Utara. Dampak negatif dari alih fungsi lahan tersebut salah satunya adalah bencana kekeringan pada musim kemarau dan bencana banjir di musim hujan. Metode yang penulis gunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif analisis yaitu metode yang menggambarkan atau melukiskan realita yang terjadi ditengah-tengah masyarakat, kemudian dianalisa dengan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Adapun metode pendekatan yang penulis gunakan adalah metode yuridis normatif. Adapun kesimpulan yang penulis temukan dalam penelitian ini adalah bahwa kebijakan alih fungsi lahan di kawasan Bandung Utara telah menimbulkan bencana diantaranya kekeringan di musim kemarau serta bencana banjir pada saat musim hujan


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    Lovastatin is a drug belonging to statins group that is used to decrease the cholesterol levels in blood. The action mechanism of lovastatin is inhibition of the activity of HMG-CoA reductase enzyme, hence reducing cholesterol production in the liver. Some filamentous fungi produce lovastatin, and Aspergillus terreus is known as the highest lovastatin-producing filamentous fungi, therefore it is generally used for production of lovastatin. Commercial production of lovastatin is based on submerged fermentation. But nowadays solid-state fermentation is becoming an alternative for production of lovastatin. Lovastatin is mainly used for antihypercholeterolemia. Other potential uses of lovastatin include therapy of Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, osteoporosis, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and rheumatoid arthritis.Keywords: Statin, lovastatin, Aspergillus terreus, fermentation, antihypercholeterolemia ABSTRAK Lovastatin merupakan obat golongan statin yang digunakan untuk menurunkan kadar kolesterol dalam darah. Mekanisme kerja lovastatin adalah menghambat enzim HMG-CoA reduktase sehingga produksi kolesterol di dalam hati berkurang. Beberapa kapang berfilamen memproduksi lovastatin dan Aspergillus terreus merupakan kapang penghasil lovastatin tertinggi sehingga digunakan dalam produksi lovastatin. Produksi lovastatin secara komersial menggunakan fermentasi cair tetapi sekarang ini fermentasi padat menjadi alternatif lain untuk memproduksi lovastatin. Lovastatin digunakan terutama untuk antihiperkolesterolemia. Lovastatin juga potensial digunakan untuk pengobatan penyakit alzheimer, kanker, osteoporosis, parkinson, multiple sclerosis, dan rheumatoid arthritis.Kata kunci: Statin, lovastatin, Aspergillus terreus, fermentasi, antihypercholeterolemi


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui besarnya peningkatan kecepatan gerak (speed, agility dan quickness) siswa setelah diberikan treatment SAQ Training antara siswa yang memiliki tingkat keberbakatan tinggi dan rendah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode preexsperimental design dengan desain one group pretest-posttest design. Teknik penyampelan yang digunakan adalah menggunakan purposif sampling dengan sampel jenuh yang berjumlah 40 siswa. Sampel dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok sama banyak (20 siswa/kelompok) melalui metode identifikasi bakat secara fisik dan kemampuan motor educability. Pretest dan posttest dalam penelitian ini menggunakan SAQ test, sedangkan treatment yang dipergunakan adalah SAQ Training yang dilaksanakan selama 12 minggu dengan jumlah pertemuan 3 kali/minggu. Data yang diperoleh dari hasil pretest dan posttest diolah dengan menggunakan software MS. Excel 2007 dan IBM SPSS versi 20. Dari hasil pengolahan data terungkap bahwa: 1). Terdapat peningkatan speed, agility, and quickness pada kelompok keberbakatan tinggi dengan t-hitung 17, 121 > 0,05. 2). Terdapat peningkatan kecepatan gerak (speed, agility, and quickness) pada kelompok keberbakatan rendah dengan t-hitung 16,505 > 0,05. 3). Terdapat perbedaan peningkatan antara siswa dengan keberbakatan tinggi dan rendah didapat t-hitung 5,757 0.05. 2) There is an increased speed, agility, and quickness in the low giftedness group by t-test 16.505> 0.05. 3) There is a difference between the increase in students with high and low giftedness obtained t-test 5.757 <0.005 so that we can conclude the increase in students with a high level of giftedness better than students with low giftedness

    Profil Tingkat Kemampuan Daya Tahan (Vo2 Max) Atlet Tenis Meja Junior Putra Klub Malay Sport Pekanbaru

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    Based on the results of observations made by the researchers of the table tennis junior men athletes Malay Sport Club Pekanbaru, researchers found a problem that athletes often rely on during training, athletes are easily breathless during a physical tests, when the game was fierce and long, physical athletes looks decreases, when competing athletes are not optimal in return the hit of opponent when it entered into a last final, less good in the long rally game in returning the hit of opponent when the game goes longer. Because of that the purpose of this study is to determine the ability levels of (VO2Max) Endurance athletes junior men table tennis Malay Sport Club Pekanbaru. This research is a descriptive that aims to describe or depict such things as they are. The population in this study are all junior men table tennis athletes Malay Sport Club Pekanbaru amounting to 8 people. Techniques of taking sample which is used total sampling techniques, where the total population sampled. To obtain data on profile of VO2Max ability level in junior men table tennis athletes in this study used a Bleep Test. Based on the results of data analysis can be concluded that from 8 samples junior men table tennis athletes of 0% have (VO2Max) in Superior category, 25% have (VO2Max) in Excellent category, 12,5% have (VO2Max) in Good category, 25% have (VO2Max) in Fair category, 25% have (VO2Max) in Poor category, and 12,5% have (VO2Max) in category of Very Poor. So It can be concluded that the rate of (VO2Max) Junior Men Table Tennis Athletes Malay Sport Sport Pekanbaru are Fair with average of (VO2Max) ability level in junior men table tennis athletes Malay Sport Club Pekanbaru are 42,3%

    Estimation of Service Levels of Pedestrian Facilities Using Statistical Methods

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    Despite the fact that, strolling is a huge extent of each excursion, Pedestrinas are regarding as most helpless street clients. Pedestrians are presented to an assortment of natural circumstances while they go on various roadways. It is important to know the strolling conditions keeping in mind the end goal to know how diverse transport facilities are serving and how neighborly they are towards Pedestrinas. Numerous analysts have considered a few variables which contributes amount estimation of nature of administration. Clients' supposition which can gather specifically was dismissed in all perspectives. In India, a few works have been done on quantitative methodology which can't speaks to the varieties in human discernment as those works didn't consider the client observations. The center of this study is to assess person on foot administration levels for 3 unique facilities walkways, signalized and un-signalized crossing points at fair sized urban communities of India


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    Radio PRFM is one of the radio news in the city who is also a member of the general daily newspaper Harlan that have programs Citizen Report with the concept of Citizen Journalism broadcast over channel FM 107.5. With the concept of Citizen Journalism is so thick provides the widest space for the participation of the public in delivering an information, the editorial of the special strategy is required to filter the information that goes into the radio news. The research is a qualitative study using descriptive methods. The focus of research is how the editorial policy in reporting on the event program Citizen Report at 107.5 PRFM News Channel. The result showed bahwasannya in editorial policy consists of internal and external policies, internal policies include: policy decision-making in the news, news production policy, as well as journalistic ethics policy. External policy includes criteria that must be met by the residents. Besides influencing editorial policy report form coverage of the citizens in the form of photograph or video, sms, phone, and social media PRFM are also delivered through group Netizen Photo PRFM. Editorial policy also affects the form of citizen journalism that is applied to a radio station, as well as affect the feel of the news in the event, it is due to the filtering process of a team of editors and their agenda setting with an emphasis on certain issues visible on the theme or news broadcast