29 research outputs found

    Quand le jardin révèle un imaginaire du paysage méditerranéen : les Colombières de Ferdinand Bac

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    Cet article analyse le rôle de l’imagination, faculté mentale de transformation de la réalité, dans l’œuvre du paysagiste Ferdinand Bac (1859-1952) ainsi que son apport à la constitution de l’imaginaire du paysage méditerranéen au xxe siècle. Dans son œuvre maîtresse, le jardin des Colombières créé à Menton en 1925, Bac appliqua ses principes de rénovation d’un art méditerranéen, rompant avec la tendance au pastiche et à l’exotisme alors en vogue sur la Côte d’Azur. Puisant dans l’art et la littérature et dans ses souvenirs de voyage, il recréa dans son jardin des scènes paysagères évoquant la Grèce antique, l’Empire romain, l’Espagne arabe et catholique et l’Italie de la Renaissance. Ce faisant, il contribua à son tour à enrichir l’imaginaire du paysage méditerranéen. La fortune critique de son jardin, qui rayonna hors des limites de l’Europe, fera de Bac l’instigateur d’un nouveau style d’art des jardins, le jardin méditerranéen.This article studies the role of the imagination, as the mental faculty for transforming reality, in the work of the landscape architect Ferdinand Bac (1859-1952) as well as his contribution to the imaginary Mediterranean landscape in the 20th century. In his major work, the Colombières garden in Menton in 1925, Bac applied his principles for the renewal of a Mediterranean art, by breaking with the trend of the pastiche and of exoticism which was then in vogue on the Côte d’Azur. Drawing inspiration from art, literature, and his travel experiences, he recreated in his garden landscape scenes evoking Ancient Greece, the Roman Empire, Spain under the Arabian and Catholic influences, and Renaissance Italy. By so doing, he contributed to enhancing the imaginary dimension of the Mediterranean landscape. The critical acclaim his garden received throughout Europe and beyond, made Bac the instigator of a new style in the garden arts, the Mediterranean garden

    Le projet de paysage au service de la valorisation d’un jardin historique

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    Cette contribution se propose d’analyser la démarche et les enjeux de l’expertise paysagère dans son rapport aux jardins historiques. Il s’agit de montrer que cette expertise peut être un outil au service de la valorisation du lieu. En prenant pour cas d’étude le jardin des Tuileries à Paris, nous montrerons comment le projet de paysage permet de sauvegarder l’identité historique d’un lieu tout en l’adaptant aux exigences contemporaines. L’important héritage historique, identitaire et symbolique de ce jardin en fait un terrain d’analyse privilégié au moment de juger de la valeur patrimoniale d’un site. De plus, le jardin des Tuileries a fait l’objet d’un ambitieux projet de réhabilitation à la fin du xxe siècle, dirigé par les paysagistes Pascal Cribier et Louis Benech. Nous mènerons une lecture critique de ce projet, tout en mettant en lumière les enjeux économiques et environnementaux auxquels il a répondu.This contribution offers to analyse the reasoning and the stakes of the landscape appraisal in its relationship with historical gardens. It consists in showing that this appraisal can be a tool at the service of the promotion of a place. By taking the Tuileries Garden in Paris as case study, we shall point out how the landscape project permits the historical identity of a given place to be preserved as well as adapting it to the modern-day demands. The important historical, identity, and symbolic heritage of this garden turns it into a privileged analysing field at the moment of judging the heritage value of a site. Moreover, the Tuileries Garden has been the object of an ambitious renovation project at the end of the 20th century, led by landscapers Pascal Cribier and Louis Benech. We will have a critical reading of this project, and we will highlight the economic ans environmental issues which it fulfilled

    Leveraging agriculture for nutrition in South Asia and East Africa: examining the enabling environment through stakeholder perceptions

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    South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa are the two regions of the world with the highest concentration of undernutrition. The majority of the nutritionally vulnerable populations in both regions is dependent in some way upon agriculture as a primary source of livelihood. The agriculture sector and wider agri-food system is considered to be central to sustained progress in reducing undernutrition – and yet not enough is known about how to unleash this potential. Recent scoping assessments have also revealed a paucity of information on wider political, institutional and policy-related challenges relating to the agriculture-nutrition nexus globally. Contextualized research into policy processes and the political economy of agriculture and nutrition is needed to better characterize “enabling environments” for agriculture to benefit nutrition, and how these environments can be shaped and sustained. This study aims to contribute to filling this gap, by drawing upon evidence from a set of case studies in South Asia (India, Bangladesh and Pakistan) and eastern Africa (Ethiopia, Uganda and Kenya). In synthesizing results across countries, while recognizing important nuance and detail, we conclude by highlighting four key issues to be addressed. First, improving knowledge and perception of undernutrition and its links to agriculture, on the part of agricultural policymakers and programme managers. Second, generating system-wide incentives for decisions and actions to become more pro-nutrition. Third, developing transparent systems of accountability for nutrition-relevant action throughout the agriculture sector, through linking timely and actionable data and evidence with incentives. And fourth, cultivating and strengthening leadership and capacities at different levels, underpinned by adequate financing.UK AidDepartment for International Development (DFID

    Agriculture, Food Systems, and Nutrition: Meeting the Challenge

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    Malnutrition is a global challenge with huge social and economic costs; nearly every country faces a public health challenge, whether from undernutrition, overweight/obesity, and/or micronutrient deficiencies. Malnutrition is a multisectoral, multi-level problem that results from the complex interplay between household and individual decision-making, agri-food, health, and environmental systems that determine access to services and resources, and related policy processes. This paper reviews the theory and recent qualitative evidence (particularly from 2010 to 2016) in the public health and nutrition literature, on the role that agriculture plays in improving nutrition, how food systems are changing rapidly due to globalization, trade liberalization, and urbanization, and the implications this has for nutrition globally. The paper ends by summarizing recommendations that emerge from this research related to (i) knowledge, evidence, and communications, (ii) politics, governance, and policy, and (iii) capacity, leadership, and financing

    The French contribution to the Global Climate Observing System

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    France is participating fully in the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS). It incorporates the following four components: meteorological and atmospheric, oceanic, terrestrial, spatial, which will be briefly presented, especially in relation with the monitoring of the climate. The presentation will give an overview of the general principles governing the GCOS system and particularly the concepts used to maintain efficiently this climate observing system for a long period of time ("from research networks to operational networks"). The presentation will cover all the four components of the GCOS system. The whole report has been published in the Fifth National Communication from France to the UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change). The presentation will give an overview of the different networks of these four domains devoted to the monitoring of climate and maintained by France and highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of this climate observing system